You read that right.
Whether Hoochie Minh was one of the cyber-leather bitches involved is unconfirmed.
You read that right.
Whether Hoochie Minh was one of the cyber-leather bitches involved is unconfirmed.
Other urls found in this thread:
haven't seen her for a while so it definitely strikes me as one charming possibility.
Oh I forgot that I filtered all the tripfarts.
Shit sounds like a CSI episode
Not surprising tbh
checks out
Really, the particulars of the kink are mostly irrelevant. That cock stole from the people. He deserves a stern talking-to in a dark alley. I hear socdems love conversation, however less appealing the prospect may be when one's leather-clad conferees aren't so feminine.
Tbf the blackmailing bdsm bitches may have been poor
degenerate autists everyone of them
Here is a photo of Hendrik Karczewski found on:
WTF I love succdems now!!
This guy never had sex without paying beforehand
Why is this news? It's a socdem. Socdem's can't go without stealing other people's money to pay for their lavish lifestyles.
You may not like it, but this is what a social democratic body at peak performance looks like.
Who cares.
Honest question: How do people become this fat?
Is it depression? Anxiety? Both of those are why I used to be kinda chubby back in the day.
Or having access to only low quality food.
He embezzled more than just the money.
He's eating the donated food.
Your image is more interesting than your shitty story.
Diet. Primarily carbohydrates and sugars.
got to take out the kraut in WWIII before we can have communism
unfortuantely theirs still historical denbts that need to be repaid
To be precise, he is saying that they blackmailed him into buying these things. It isn't clear whether the cyber leather bitches actually did that. At any rate, he was blackmailed by his penis.
German for social democrats:
There is no alternative. - Das ist alternativlos.
That's not a bribe, that's a donation. - Das ist keine Bestechung, das ist eine Spende.
Karl Liebknecht was a terrorist. - Karl Liebknecht war (ein) Terrorist.
Rosa Luxemburg was a terrorist. - Rosa Luxemburg war (eine) Terroristin.
The voters are terrorists. - Die Wähler sind Terroristen.
The NATO stands for peace. - Die Nato steht für den Frieden.
How dare the Slav?! - Was erlaubt sich der Slawe?!
How dare the slave?! - Was erlaubt sich der Sklave?!
I'm gay and that's a good thing. - Ich bin schwul und das ist auch gut so.
That should be left to the free market. - Das sollte dem freien Markt überlassen werden.
That's slavery and that's a good thing. - Das ist Sklaverei und das ist auch gut so.
I was blackmailed by leather-sluts from the internet. - Ich wurde erpresst von Lederschlampen aus dem Internet.
I really feel sorry for this guy.By looking at his face he probably has some major hormonal imbalances.And It's all due to shitty nutrition.
Feels bad man…I'm probably going to end a a gyneod out faggot just like that guy if I don't do something about my lifestyle.