I am an /r/socialism mod.
I am an /r/socialism mod.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is tranny porn more popular on r/socialism or on Holla Forums?
How many cock do you take in a weekend?
Are you white? When are you going to wake up and stop working against your own ethnic interests?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Why do you hate socialism?
We keep degenerates like /u/WearyTunes off the sub.
I never once even think about my race.
Check your muh privilege.
What's it like being a mod and are you on our side?
How are your ethnic interests working out Tyrone?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Are catgrills sexist?
are you Hoochie?
Time consuming and probably not as on your side as you'd like.
prove it ftg
When you're chugging black dicks, do you fondle the balls, or just gently cup them?
Maybe they like cute feminine dicks like us.
Why did you murder Rosa?
all I know is true comrades get banned in 1 month of less.
if you're not banned, or even worse a mod, you're hardly a comrade
Speak for yourself fag, I don't like trannies.
ok, maybe there's one I like
how about Hoochie? She's cool right?
How many times a day is a good ledditor supposed to check their muh privilege?
Decide for yourself.
Fat positivists are disgusting.
I would
Op hasn't answered a single question
Hoochie is an actual female though. No trap on our board could possibly be as insufferable as she is.
On a scale of 1-10, how fucking worthless are you?
I bet you think strippers really like you.
So what is it like to be a traitorous trot? I mean the entire subreddit is filled with cry baby trots how the hell do you deal with that shit all day?
Also are traps gay?
Will you let me facefuck the shit out of you?
Let's lay low for now user. The fun begins in a month or so.
Post proof or GTFO
Whoever said he was "autistic" unironically would've been from Holla Forums. No doubt.
if she's as obnoxious irl as she's online, then no.
I'm just trying to be respectful, but yeah, what an ugly thing.
Godspeed user.
pls b real
this is how you know you were meant to be a girl
I simply can't wait.
Kys you fascist piece of shit
Uh oh /r/socialism is spying on le thread already
Allow Gamergate discussion there.
I find it funny that this is the best you people can come up with. All you always do is come to a thread where you're mentioned in some negative light, post some shitty insult and move on, thinking you've done something productive.
Its honestly pathetic.
wasnt exactly hard to figure out who OP is
That won't be possible. I think I'll actually start by enforcing the rules even stricter than normal. I'll test and see how far I can go banning popular or longtime posters. They have such a poor sense of perspective that they won't know where to draw the line. I think I could probably start another shitstorm like the catgirls/RDW mess.
does hoochie like girls?
BO once again proving to be the vanguard of the Revolution
Yeah hoochie is a hardcore lesbian. For whatever reason she has really stupid and presumptuous opinions about sex if I remember correctly.
Remember to go into post history and find the smallest (ableist/racist/sexist) infraction to back up your claims. The people of reddit mistake tedium for honest research so a long, tedious, "investigative" post will always be backed up.
Mods = Gods
Burn that shit down to the ground.
its actually the opposite. sjws from reddit stole BO's password or something and are now running this place into the ground. I used to be a mod. BO wasnt like this. This isnt BO.
pls say it aint so
dude isnt it obvious? The fuck has been sagelocking anything anti-sjw for a while now, and completely bans anyone that dares to talk about things that trigger him like pedophilia, antifa, tfw no gf, and basically anything anti-tankie.
For proof of him being tankie reddit sjw scum just look in this thread:>>1425317
his "brilliant plan" consists of just doubling down on the sjw agenda on reddit.
rare zizek. how young is he in that
Idk catalog looks about as Holla Forums infested as ever to me fam
no idea sorry m8. 30s or 40s i'd assume
go home Holla Forums
really makes me think
kys tankie, leftypol belongs to socialists not fascists
you can't blend in Holla Forums.
top kek
thats nazbols dumbass. tankies are statist state capitalist trash. get your leftist slurs right Holla Forums
fuck dammit true
tankies are or may as well be fascists
kys m'dude. Ive been on leftypol since it was made. MLs are red fascists.
but tankies aren't fascists. fascism is a specific ideology. tankies, libs and narcos seem to think that fascism means "thing i don't like".
fascism is a rightist, nationalist, voluntarist ideology that holds that the state is embodyment of the will of the nation. it rejects marxism and liberalism for a return to imaginary traditional values.
read a fucking book retard
All modern MLs and MLMs are fashies with red aesthetics
They're revisionists at very best - otherwise just insecure virgins who got attracted to a different reason for why they are than Holla Forums
lmao are you retarded
so do MLs and MLMs
so do MLs and MLMs
==marxism==-leninism and ==marxism==-leninism-maoism. hmmm really makes you think.
damn you redtext
lurk more newfaggot
here's some definitive proof that tankies are Holla Forumsacks:
they cant be reasoned with.
wait lmao
read a fucking book
at what point did i say im a tankie?
how isn't Marxism-Leninism marxist?
I will sing songs in your honour, user. Gods speed.
It has nothing to do with workers seizing the mop. Thats how its not marxist.
tanks claim that the workers control mop through the state. which is pretty marxist. wether or not thats the case doesn't matter in the tanks are/are not fascist fight because fascism explicitly reject the workers having control over the means of production in any way.
Serving the state is not serving the people - Stalinists/MLs are not seizing the means of production, but centralizing their control.
wether or not thats the case in practice*
No, Marxists would claim that the state fades
There is nothing Marxists about a capitalist government controlling the MoP
How do you feel about being a bourgeois piece of shit? How do you feel about being a criminal psychopath?
you've been on here for three fucking years and in the whole time you haven't read a single book
Fascism believes now and always in sanctity and heroism, that is to say in acts in which no economic motive - remote or immediate - is at work. Having denied historic materialism, which sees in men mere puppets on the surface of history, appearing and disappearing on the crest of the waves while in the depths the real directing forces move and work, Fascism also denies the immutable and irreparable character of the class struggle which is the natural outcome of this economic conception of history; above all it denies that the class struggle is the preponderating agent in social transformations. mussolini
yep that sounds like tankies to me
Read The Ego & It's Own. Come back when you have finished it.
is there any way to provide proof without revealing your identity?
You are an affront to vision, knowledge and existence. Genuinely kill yourself my good sir.
As a demi-pansexual post-sex omni-gender 1/64th native american trans-nigger butch other-wolfkin self-diagnosed autism/PTSD pronouns: xir/xim…
How do you feel about the rampant ableism on r/socialism?
You're a spastic.
don't cut yourself on that edge
You know how goons have those gay-ass "write a X word essay on why Womyn of Weight are erased to be unbanned"? Do something like that but for reading Stirner, Bordiga, Posada etc.