Spread your wings and fly away

spread your wings and fly away
fly away, far away

spread your little wings and fly away
fly away, far away

pull yourself together, 'cause you know you should do better.
that's because you're a free man.

Other urls found in this thread:



Some people shouldn't be free.


that was fast

The blacks?

you should

i'm actually serious though. i don't know if its legal or not

Maybe a chinchilla >////<

Any of you guys ever have any pet rodents?

when in doubt do nothing

Just pick any sub here.

hey spoilers. how's it going?

hi there luka

I had a ferret named bruce for a little while. he was freakin' awesome. and my parents have a sugar glider.

yeah... uh

just kinda drowning in.... media right now tbh

i can barely think... less and less each time some new thing pops up.



I'm gonna look to see if it is right now. If it isn't than it should be.


Ferrets are the absolute cutest things ever
what was that llike? I hear they are super energetic

*snuggles my freind*

it's going, how about you adorable?

its one of those lines we probably shouldnt cross just because like

a lot of people here do it

so if we were a cult full of serial killers that'd be okay? obviously thats an exaggeration but you should get what i mean with it

I wouldn't want to enslave myself.

How do you know I'm not a serial killer?

oh he was. he went all over the place and loved to climb on things. I trained him to use a litter box and after he had it down I just left his cage open so he could roam my room all he wanted. he stunk though so I had to give him baths every few days. he liked it though.

that's wonderful.

still going for now. tomorrow is the final day. we drove for like 6 hours again today and stopped to rest and see a play. now I'm just lying in bed, very tired. gonna probably drop off pretty soon.

see above. trip has been pretty nice over all but I'm glad I'll be home by tomorrow evening.

Didn't you tell me we couldn't ban Sci because then we would have to ban Soto and Desu or something?

This seems applicable.

Can I enslave you?

That isn't Shinobu.

inb4 godwin's law

I'm actually the long island serial killer

I've been looking into certain laws a lot more lately for reasons and honestly feel like slapping the few people who do shit like that to make them realize how stupid they are
"omg illegal it could get board taken down!!" >continues to post illegal content
Even my bullshit reasons to get around the law wouldn't fly, "for research/security/intelligence purposes" or whatever the fuck.

that's always good news, it's nice to see things going well for you in any way

tbh fam all I've come to realize is we're not allowed to ban people cause people will bitch and moan tricks of the trade

So what happened that is illegal now?

I'm going to bitch and moan anyway.
Ban me, suckah.

that doesn't suprise me

Don't actually ban me.
I'm too lazy to dodge.

Ban all furfags.

yeah yeah. it was definitely nice to have a change of pace, but it's draining as fuck for someone like me to be away from home for this many days.

links to things such as torrents idk

also don't be a cunt like this. you shouldn't give a fuck if they bitch or moan, it's in your 'job description'

Been killin people since I was a year old.

i dont even know how to dodge anymore, shit
my vpn isnt free anymore ;~;

adorable pic!

what about it, you a fucking nazi or something?

No? What gave you that idea wtf

Depends on the content.
Torrents aren't illegal.
It's the content of some of them.

thats not very uwu of you umu

they arent harming anyone

it is nighttime, luka.

Can I enslave you instead?

Clean my room.

can't, that was the other handcuffing can't ban people that are liked by anyone else, might start a riot can't have them black folk overthrowing the government yo

I bet buuuut you did it, it's quite the feat if it's so draining to you in anyway

I'm not the one that cared/cares, that was always on you/chii/sebs really like telling me not to ban sci again cause of majority vote and how everyone would be mad

woah, cool starwars symbol man
this one is way cooler tho

Are you a furfag?
I thought you were just Guero's new gay lover.

Fish and Sci.
All I ask.

I love how everyone calls Oobles a dude.

I know that but the ones being linked are illegal. I honestly feel like one of the few who torrents things that aren't illegal

"omg illegal it could get board taken down!!"
It's not so much meant to be a permanent thing honestly, just more of a slap in the face to get them to shut up and be free

Ah well okay then

I don't know why but looking into that right now hurts my eyes and is making me remember that soldiers face who was all fucked up from shrapnel from the IED he stepped on. Had his leg blown off too.

i mean, good porn is good porn
i ain't about to stick a tail buttplug in my bumbum

it meant a lot to my mother that I came along. and my dad was glad to have company while my mom was off rubbing elbows at the dinner. all in all I'm glad I came but yeah, just super super glad tomorrow I'll be home.

I have no idea who they are.

I personally don't think it's an issue if it's just like, a movie or some shit.
If it's illegal porn then yeah. Shit ain't guccie, fam.

rt if u agree

if i grew an inch for every time i was called a guy, i'd actually have a dick. a big one.


My gay lover.

d-don't be naughty.... ;///;

whatever you say boss

So good

why did she tie a ribbon around her sock

Then we would have to be lovers.

also it's not illegal so it's whatever

oh wait i bet you're talking about cp. i was thinking porn you have to pay for or something lol

how is the gaaaaaaaaame

Who the fuck says bumbum?

this actually happened to me

CP and bestiality.
Those should a no no.

Again, it's more about the content.

different. needed to get used to it. but worth it

from what bebop is telling me, I might be free to do so if only

I mean if you're letting me use my discretion and ignore whatever social constructs surround what punishment is handed out threatening to crumble around the place, I'd be glad to just deal with it all the asshole way though to be fair like I told sebs it might be too long of playing the passive moderation card on all levels to manage much with the change

aw that's unimaginably adorable, cups

rt if you agree
smash that mf like button

o-oh.... I love you anyways bubby uwu

Don't bully me, daddy. >///<

I don't see no proof umu

im glad we got our boo replacement

beleive me I sure do

Up to you guys.

Make love to me.



I'm not a very good servant though...

sounds spooky


umu... i'm waiting uuuu...

r-right here, right now?

i meant like when you wake up




An user?


goat poster

hmm. alright
also define porn. the cp bit is obvious but the other bit means certain people should be banned for it rn

i might get it if this week is good to me

should i turn off logs or make another account for you guys to anonymously ban people? also the group i'm used to working with has their own good judgement and none of us really question it much.

hello friends

You're gayer than Boo.

oooh. well thanks. you too.

that's a lot of fucking (You)'s

soundtrack is also really good and evolves over time


Long as it ain't Boo.

You'll learn, don't worry.

Like illegal porn?
Because if we're banning porn in general that's kind of eh.


god i know right

i like boo

Listen here, fucker.
Y-you better stop bullying me RIGHT now or i'm calling ALL my daddies on you!
Also, it's really fucking hard to be gay when you're the only fucking vagina in this godforsaken sausage fest of a degen thread.

A mistake.

just a quick q though, what's the problem over swede? not disagreeing, just curious

do..... do you make as adorable a pet as you do just in general?

no no, I have always been up front about being the one to lay on a ban the few times it's been allowed I don't need to hide shit lol

thread's getting super spooky
all these people saying boo and shit


don't worry he's a good master

In all seriousness, there are a lot of house chores I need to learn...

Alright there, Blood-chan.

Rolled 2 (1d4)twitter

i'll just roll and see what i get. also this is p good

porn in general. seeing as how that is part of bestiality laws

i don't see the problem then

you'll have to find out, won't you?

this made me laugh thank u user



Make me laugh, Tristan



Vanilla porn and bestiality are vastly different in terms of legality.

See this is already working out for you.

if you need a cheap laugh u can always just look in the mirror fam


mines the best

daddies i'm being bullied help


i lold too


I ain't yo daddy

I'm not gay.



You could be my servant and teach me how to be a servant and then we could be each other's servants

I'm sure you're really a 15 year old girl and surgeon/serial killer.

neko neko chan


what the FUCK

you're the best bardy

tsuchi is harmless just call him daddy like i do and he'll shuffle off back to the bog from whence he came

im sorry i love u

nigga please i'm trying to fucking shitpost here???

i'll probably buy it later tonight or tomorrow.

why even introduce the word vanilla
actually nah i'm not even gonna talk about this because the thoughts alone are disturbing to me.

still annoyed that you didn't take the bait yesterday about crazy russian animal abuser girl who i was saying is hot af
i hope you at least see the pattern

gonna go play h1z1

I'm a weird older brother at best.


i mean to be fair kyle your ooble friend is like a ditzy grating character

Nothing would ever get done if I was told to do everything.

get rekt.

Because it feels like you are asking me to define standard porn to CP or beast.

They have an actual vagina so they are like, top 5 posters by default.


well if I have the go ahead, then I will uphold the rules from now on without holding back this should be very entertaining

you just really want me to come down there and make you hail to the king, baby

fair reasoning, I'vee yet to have the misfortune of dealing with this however I have seen their shit here at times soo I'll hit them a bit less hard than sci but the point will be made and cemented if afterward they return and resume seems a fair for all parties since we know they'll do it again anyway lol



We could split the chores

how did they bully you? -hugs-

I have no idea what you're talking about and don't particularly care either.

I want to be mod so I can ban Sci too.

nice dude

I'm her daddy.
Don't bully my little angel.

They're all just neovags.

t-they touched my nono places umu

wow what an honor
now if only that got me a new i5

i dont care

That sounds like the best choice.

Darwin d-d-darwin
darwin d-d-darwin

You get nothing.

jee, good to see assumptions are being made already
nice to get to know you buddy, whatever, i guess

it'll happen... one day.

You'd have to teach me how to do stuff though since I suck at life

good boy, this is more than alright, especially given the fun things we could do like hailing, ye :^) just that

in the perfect world we could all ban him individually from our lives and memory


hail is bad. hurts when it hits you.

i also assume you are normal and tolerable elsewhere

watch it watch it watch it



Exactly how much do you "suck" at life?

oh that's fine then

so, will you eat me out, or no?

I'm not even able to stream video on this shitty hotel internet. soon.

fuck off kyle



I can kinda hear it


that isn't an answer

No, Luka.

so will the hand and belt buuut I imagine you'd be less bothered by that pain?

I don't know how much that is.


do you want me to contact the police since you've been raped/molested

??? Poor Luka, way too pure to be me.
Keep guessing, I guess. Also, that sucks, I could really use a tongue in both of my holes.

depends on where the pain is administered.


yes ples

i winced

I'm good enough that I know I suck, but I suck so much I don't know how to get better.


i eat ass

i lold

oh well thats good
meet me behind this dumpster in 5 minutes

in other words night cunts
i love some of you

mostly the butt really cause it is nice

what happened to this


You simply close your mouth.

idk if im included in this but ni night

that's the good area, yesyes

okay, sleep time for me too. goodnight all.

no survival skills
damn kids


night bae, sleep sweet



If you keep it shut you'll have a zero percent chance of accidentally sucking something.

Don't wake up.

Dont wake up inside

You are very wise

tsuchi post your meth pipe collection

Slide me some skin soul brother

Yeah I make all the best choices.

Except for those few times that I didn't.



What a coincidence me too

I'm going to bed.


nighty night squash

Wow we have soooo much in common.

gute Nacht

hey hows it going?

night the deed was done

I have a cold and it's really annoying

Does meth have pipes?
I thought it was injected like crack.

I thought it was LSD that had pipes, and it was smoked liked heroin.

that was an unfair ban

got nothing for it? otherwise I'd say relax as much as you can, maybe a hot bath to steam it out some or tank it like an absolute mad man

it's true

Who was it?


I'm pretty sure people only inject heroin and crack and meth is pretty much either snorted or smoked


acting creepy is a bannable offense? my days surely are numbered

yeah okay

For some reason I thought crack was like melted with spoons and injected.

I have a call so I'm leaving.

let's you and me inject some crack some time

how the hell did i post I just wanted to check if my appeal had been looked at yet

oh, guess I'm unbanned

it had been looked at

People get banned way more than they should.

I see bebop went back on that fast

wew I'm sorry, neko

Creating a safe place triggers me.

ok sushi

is k

oh no it was you, go figure

What a pussy

look if we started banning sweed we'd have to start banning erin every fucking day for posting repeatedly about shit nobody cares about. the only reason its even brought up is because public opinion of sweed is low but that and acting 'creepy' is not reason enough

now kyle has talked to me about this and ive said no for this reason and instead of accepting that he goes to you. so im somewhat angry about that

but those are my reasons


I have a 7 headed penis.

i really need to hire a gardener....they just keep sprouting...

if repeatedly posting shit nobody cares about was bannable three of the three mods would be banned
we're all guilty of it one time or another

elma LITERALLY gave me permission, or responded positively to everything I posted

If you cut one off two grow back.

is it like a hydra? if I cut off one head will two grow in it's place? would it hurt if I took off that mask?


hope you get better soon

that's nice but exactly when did bebop put your choice above all anyway?

Such is the fun of image boards.
Never know when you're gonna get the axe.

you can go bitch to him if you think he'll agree with you

no wonder you're so hard to satisfy....***sighs*

The only people that should be banned are spammers and pedophiles


what are you doing?

and you


And people who /discussion their own posts

All I want is for you to try your best.

nope like I said before I don't care either way, I just know what he expressed earlier and how you're on the opposite end of it

watching some youtuber randomly take apart sjw videos as cartoon bear


You lose

so go bitch to him about it


Spoliers shouldn't even be a mod in the first place.

you're always such an inspiration
Thank you.....

everyone should be mod

Thats what i'm here for.

Everyone would be banned.

no I'll just let you admin your "baby" how you see fit

who even is spoilers
i dont recall seeing him until like a month ago

Goooo-iinnng dooooooooowwwwnnnn

oh but how you seemed to agree at the time

Chii made him a mod before she quit.

choosing the lesser of two problems is a reliable option

she made me mod long before then and it wasn't just her behind it

i'd prefer we not get vindictive when we have disagreements




guess i just didnt notice him until tsuchi kept blowing him the fuck out and then watching him cry for 2 straight days

He doesn't do anything else except for talk about how hes gonna fuck Cupcake.


this is both hilarious and sad at the same time

cupcake needs fuckbuddies so at least he serves a purpose

you're being unreasonable



Everyone has a calling.

I voted no :^) I'm such a rebel

that's nice

I closed my eyes and picked a random result

do you even want to resolve this

moogs you defied the one tiny bit of authority he has ever had in life now he's gonna post basically harmless passive aggressive things at you forever and feel like he has won

You've made a grave mistake.

don't forget the :^)

I did?!


wait so which poster is the one that banned me?

right, right
thanks bardo

there's nothing to resolve

it's true tho


hope so

please do not decipher this as me defending you
you are fucking horrible

Don't you fucking :^) me you cock nigger i'll whallop you ill give a a hwhipppin

One time me and Jackson had to tell fish to go to the bathroom because he was gonna piss himself and didn't know what to do.

wait really? what kinda name is captaindeadpool?

I know I'm curious

i think im getting sick

Desu probably told him not to go to the bathroom
so he could watch him pee himself >W

please end me

i remember this
and they threw up on mic
it's interesting how the few people who miraculously manage to disgust me more than myself all appear in this community

his admin login is captaindeadpool because he's an autistic thirteen year old and deadpool is LE EPIC XD!!!111

Hes only just pretending to be retarded in thread.

also kyouko is still the best in that show


go lay down or something then

how are you tonight dear

How much do I disgust you?

Wait so spoilers literally banned me based on a post by fucking squash?

spoilers holy shit you suck at your job

yeah i rather like desu tbh



I hope you're considering my proposition.

literally based entirely on one post


with no proofs

squash could have said I posted CP and squash probably would have tried to permaban me

kill yourself spoilers

Much less than Jackson but slightly more than Test.

Do you like him just because I like him?

Can I try and disgust you more?



I'm fine

You can try but it would take a truly herculean effort to bring you within even twenty levels of jackson

hm same

literally I literally can't literally right now literally


Yeah i don't feel like saying it anymore.

did you find the episode of westworld yet? I didn't follow the conversation earlier entirely

i forgot it doesnt come out till like hours from now

maybe....I' not reallyy sure...
I added him on the facey space a while ago :3


Do you post about weed on facebook?

gonna go ahead and hit the sack
night fam

ah yeah I didn't know which episode we were on so I didn't think to say anything, I lose track of the numbers too easily when I get into a show

night goat

im waiting on the 4th episode

have you seen it?

night goat

kind of but not really
I just have alot of MEMES
what about you what do you like to post?

I double checked to be sure but no, that's out tonight in like.... 18ish hours? at least near the time it plays here

I don't post anything on facebook.

she is
i love her ^^

What's the matter? a re you shy? I can understand that...It's okay master you don't have to worry about being judged

yeah something like that

i meant like the show. have you seen the show

I have no interest in having or using a facebook.

are they ever going to animate that side story manga thing about her and the little girl?

oh yeah, love it despite initial fears of another cowboys vs aliens level of movie

you probably use myspace huh.....
old timer

i loved the whole teddy backstory thing

No if I need to show someone my dick I can do it with my phone or skype.

Damn......got to have one of these!!!!! !!

A dick?


You don't have one?

come on guys don't gang up on me in front of everybody...it's embarassing.....

So you want us to gang up on you when people can't see you?


mhm, gotta say though not sure giving them the idea of nightmares was a great idea just seems like a massive flaw

they said it was a fail safe in case they forgot to wipe memory

dolores is lying about how smart she is

I know why it just seems like a problem waiting to happen still though and yuh

silly boys

I identify as female.






you are very vegetalike

Don't be a bigot.
He can have a 6 headed penis and be a girl.

In what way?

You are very confident in yourself :3

it's not a bad thing
I'm quite Vegetable myself

i dont want to live on this planet anymore

why'd you touch my peepee tsuchi

I don't see how having confidence could be a bad thing.

I'm up at midnight I'm
dippin off in my Nizzikes
a gun and a metal pizzipe
a knizzife is to my rizzight


why'd you touch my peepee


you fuck


you know what you did

i actually have video evidence of Tsuchi fondling a phallic member

I feel like this is quoting some specific video or show and I'm far too gone to realize what that is.



Rouge is just furry bait with bouncing tits.

Show me ya panties

The point is not Rouge

cute pic

it make me smile~

Well, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


I hope someone carbombs your office building over screwing them over a claim.

seven swans
seven swans
seven swans


moar of ur adorableness pls

I hope
kyouko needs her own show



Only if you share yours

Did someone order the spicy meatball?


That would be ridiculous, we immediately transfer any claim that gets that high

Screw me daddy

Actually my coworker got confronted by someone when he was coming into the office, one of the idiot custodians said "he works for the insurance company!"

He just blew him off lol

I'm a lawyer

nigga tries to stop me from going into work I'll put a nigga on the ground

Can I get some free kfc from you tho?


I'm like a lawyer, with the way im trying to get you off.

Nah i cant do that
but if you come into my resturunat while I'm working and I see you waiting at the front counte rI might sneak a few cookies into your bag for you

hows your day going meme machine

I'll just buy my own chicken jeez

srry company policy
try our new taco bell chicken rolled tacos here for al mited time


I'm just gonna go to KFC tomorrow

Speaking of which, bed




you guys ever get like
so full you're sick but then like
you still feel the need to eat



Woah yourself!




Usually if I feel that way I just have a glass or two of water

Good mornin darlin
I am talkin with scanner on the facebox
listening 2 muzik
I am super hungry but not hungry at all

That's a pretty good idea I am thinking
say though I don't think I ever really met you
where do you come from ?

I zzz now

As in the real world?

naah thats a little deep for me
before here I came from Holla Forums on 4chan
what brought ya to these parts?


I just lurk. I've browsed Holla Forums since the first exodus from 4chan, but I mostly lurked on /a/, /jp/, and /d/. I just thought it'd be interesting to namefag on here. Although depending on how far we're talking about I guess I did originally come from 4chan Holla Forums but that was a long time ago

The human species will be extinct - if not, at least human civilization will never be able to rebound to pre-medieval levels if there's ever going to be an all-out nuclear exchange.


Enjoying your time here so far?

You seem alright from what I've seen of ya
what sort of things are you interested in?

No this place is terrible :^)

I think I've told you this before, but in my free time I mostly just play video games, hike, and study Japanese. I'm pretty tired though so I need to sleep now, we can chat more later! I'll probably be around more or less.

shes cute

thanks you too

now that you bing it up it's becoming clear sorry about that
hope you enjoy your rest

All good, you just keep being you~


