How did Capcom and Marvel fuck it up so bad? Whats the lore on this?
MvCi : Lawbreakers edition
Budget less than SFV's DLC budget, Marvel side only has Disney movie characters, no X-Men or Doom because "you only like their functions not the characters lmao just play character that is similar you don't even know who those not-our characters are"
The poor balance, 2v2 instead of 3v3, and shitty power stones or whatever they're called also helped kill it.
Wonder why it failed
more fuel for the fire :^)
shitty, hamstrung, cheap design
worse graphics than the preceding title. not strictly worse technically, but there's no overall visual theme like MvC2 or 3 and because of that I can tell that the game's appearance is going to age terribly
less fucking characters than the preceding title
huge hype buildup to a pissweak release
slower gameplay in a game that's always been about huge exciting fights and shit happening
most of all, overshadowed by a superior release 3v3 team fighter soon after lol
Request dragon ball z Raping Disney memes edits.
Everyone's playing Dragonball instead, although I heard MVC:I is a lot more lively on console since they apparently bungled the PC launch.
What really killed this game was the story mode. Imagine if instead of pissing away time and money on cutscenes and voice acting for some hackneyed fanfiction that people might play once, they actually used those resources to actually give the animation and models some polish, or even added some new characters.
I honestly think Disney is to blame for the generic, boring artstyle and music, as well as their side of the roster being so underwhelming. Of course, Capcom could have at least fucking tried adding more than two non-recycled characters to their side. At least Capcom fans would be on board if they scrapped Firebrand and Nemesis and put in Gene and Asura instead. Of cousre, there's the obvious DLC jewry, but Dragonball can clearly get away with it, so it wouldn't be a point of contention if Capcom had played their cards right and didn't start pimping out DLC before they even unveiled a third of the base roster.
The sad thing is that this could have been a decent game. I tried it, and the Active Switch is pretty fun to mess around with, and the netcode is excellent. But they managed to blow everything about the presentation and the way it was marketed, and Mahvel is probably dead forever now. RIP.
Post the esports business plan webm
What a damn shame. I'm still playing 3 though.
Reminder that they want to convert Monster Hunter into an Esport
And they are already shooting the first film of the planned cinematic universe. Its being done by the same queer who made the western Resident Evil movies, yuck.
But, how? They'll gauge fastest kills of a specific monster, or what? That's basically speedrunning without the autism.
Nah. You know damn well that the esport fags will play with all the training wheels on, because that's the "definitive monster hunter experience", or "The best Monster Hunter game to date".
So they'll star his wife, then?
By making a mobile game for consoles and removing all the interesting characters all together or making them DLC.
SFV was more of a mobile game when it released with only survival mode and online versus, mvci did look like an iphone game though.
I'm really bad at telling G👀D GRAPHICS from bad graphics, but what's so bad about MvCI's?
do you have an archive of that?
Do you not have eyes or are you just shitposting?
this could lead you in the right direction
That is just fucking cringe. Who the fuck is the bald aids victim that bobs his head up and down like a fucking mongoloid chicken? Get him off this planet.
I already told you I'm blind. I've barely played any games that came out in the PS3 generation and beyond.
flat colors, shitty triangles, characters almost look like untextured unreal assets. They tried to get the style of the old 2D games and failed miserably at it.
This is the main thing. None of the suits gave a single shit. The devs would say the models were bad, but the suits literally though no one would care. The only reason Dante and Chun Li's faces were touched up was because those were the biggest out cries, yet Chris and Morgan still look like shit. the devs weren't given the resources to make the game better because the suits thought it was unnecessary. Black Panther and Montster Hunter were going to be in the base game, but the Suit thought it was a good idea to cut them to make the season pass look better.
MvCi is corporate meddling at it's finest
well just look pic 3 on the left is what Dante looked like at first. pic 4 is what Dante looks like after they touched him up. pic 5 is what the characters looked like at first being compared to MvC3.
Both MvC I Dantes are still less visually appealing then not only DMC4 and MVC3 Dante, but DMC 3 Dante as well, when you can't make your game look better then a PS2 game then that's a problem.
Why are Capcucks the worst shills?
Because they don't believe it.
sexiest motherfucker in vidya. no homo.
A mixture of corporate meddling from Disney and Crapcom's continuing downward spiral.
Never noticed they flipped E & I, huh.
Why are western "games" bloating their size so much?
Fuck, why is this happening? I never would have imagined in a million years that Monhun would get this kind of fate. How many of my beloved games and IPs do I have to watch get destroyed by jews and retards in suits before they realize casualization and movie tie-ins are bad ideas?
That can't be real
Chris jaw is patheticHAHAHAH
They just lack the Brendan Fraser crown
They used a mirrored image there to match the DMC3 pose better,
But in game they did get it right that Dante always has Ebony in his right hand, it's but the way he's does the pose is the wrong way around since ivory is the ones that's meant to be behind his head.
Shit. Sorry reverse those in my post.
>Game made by Nips
Didn't know Capcom USA and Marvel Games existed in Japan.
I thought that the meme was tha the MH team was in complete control of the series and was keeping the retards suits at bay?
That'd be like calling Dead Rising 4 a Japanese game
I for one am glad its dying. Now if only SFV could die so capcom can go bankrupt already.
I guarantee over half of the legwork was outsourced to pahjeets.
This argument was full retard. If that were the case, it wouldn't be a game featuring 2 iconic companies full of iconic characters. It would be its own IP.
Fighting games aren't fun. Those who find it fun aren't enough to make all fighting games profitable.
Sounds like whoever wrote that got bodied by a better player. I only main Dan because I wish I was playing AoF or KoF instead.
Well Disney just bought Fox so you may get your filthy muties as DLC in the future if not a totally 180 version if Marvels new weeb head and Capcom need of funds decide to give working together another and far better try.
I'm not so bothered by that from the fact if they hadn't stepped in; we'd be dealing with Marvels picks and the movie abominations are far better than SJW comic characters.
Now not even famry and save you spoiled bastards now!
You'd think they'd back away after they started blowing hard enough people stopped watching them.
It's this bad? Holy fuck…
Also, most people play this game on consoles, but it still looks terrible.
Why the fuck is Old Nier in this game?
One thing the PC version has over the console version.
Funny thing is Dante's Donte outfit looks better than the fucking default; like they planned to put Donte in the game instead of Dante until they realized that would really piss everyone off.
Reminder Filipino Champ and his SoCal buddies had access to an already completed game while everyone else had to wait for the disc-locked characters like Sigma.
Even if Capcom didn't get caught red-handed with this, the SoCal scene killed this game's EEEESPORZ life thanks to all of the major tourneys being rigged so Wong, Marn, and Filipino Champ look good. Every tourney was a shit show.
Too bad NuMonster Hunter is selling like hotcakes, and normal fags are liking it.
My brother got so mad once that he kicked the SNES. Good thing those are super durable.
If I were ever coerced into buying this piece of shit, Donte would be my ironic main.
There's already some pretty good Dante costume mods. kind of a shame the guy went though the effort for a game that died so fast.
You guys didn't forget about the universal turnaround unblockables, did you? No more "b-but muh gameplay!" apologism now.
GG Rev2, a game with an online community so dead you literally cannot find players anywhere in the world outside some very specific times, has a more thriving community than a mainstream Crapcom game
Monhun world is the best monhun to date tho.
But you keep crying bois.
Neogaf was a mistake
I think it's possible to dislike world without being a nintendrone
What's there to dislike?
That it's only released on consoles that can't properly run it at 60 fps? I have no qualms with consoleplebs beta testing shit for me really.
What is even sadder is that the 3ds and WiiU sales of Mon Hun 3 saved Capcoms ass
these people are the problem in america
you forgot disney
that filename is a spoiler you cunt.
Delet this
They didn't have MAG-FUCKING-NETO
oh gee you know all those things that made the previous MVC games successful? yeah scrap all that.
Three Doombots have been sent to your current residence to correct your mistake.
I think it's far worse they didn't have Wolverine since he's the only character that has been in every single Marvel/Capcom collaboration.
Beating out Magneato and even Ryu.
Dante had a hard life. He doesn't deserve this shit.
The dawn is coming my brother.
Mainly is that it looks really bad compared to the old games.
All the MVC games up to MVCI were really bright and colorful and did their best to make the characters look as nice as possible.
MVC3 took it a step further and tried a cel-shaded look based heavily on American comic books. It pulled it off extremely well and the game looks really nice.
MVCI however looks extremely ugly in comparison. They tried to give it a more realistic style to base it on the visuals of the MCU, but the problem they didn't seem to realize is that "real world" style graphics are ugly as shit. All the colors are flat, the characters are off model and the Capcom characters in particular look like they got their faces bashed in with a shovel. Spencer has dog poop hair, Chun-Li looks like a battered housewife and Dante looks like a crack addict.
And this is only scratching the surface of MVCI's problems.
So there is justice in the world after all
MH "tourney" have been a thing since forever, how come you never heard of it?
one can hope
i know i do
in the meantime, witch time
I'm Steam friends with one of the only people playing MvC:I
Why's he playing it?
What, you don't want to see a bunch of fat nerds getting bullied by weightlifters or getting used as speedbags?
He just really really likes playing as Dante, regardless of the game.
I bet that this dude is going to buy the HD Collection day 1.
Dante's in TF2?
Unfriend him, and then kill yourself for using steam.
Demoknight is just back Dante.
Why'd Kim have to miss?
user, you know what you have to do.
He's really not that bad he's just one of those people who does combos 24/7
Who wouldn't