Losing control?
Whats your favorite game set in the wild west?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game set in the wild west?
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You already asked this. The laptop still isn't fixed.
Red Dead Redemption, come on get a better question.
I hate you faggots. Have fun
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
State of the union was comfy. Seeing the left be such babies about it is even more fun.
this place will never be as comfy as it once was tbh
Did you at least save some doujins to your phone?
Also, the majority of the independents like the speech so the libs were assblasted by that too.
Last time I asked about cowboys actually.
How goes fam
Get a better answer
There wasn't anything really offensive about it so I don't even see why they are so mad.
There is no better answer. Also, libs are sore losers for the past year.
You've asked this before. If you're trying to summon me in particular for whatever reason, I'm here most weeknights anyhow.
What do I play now that I'm done sapphire minus postgame shit?
We're you debating on Colosseum?
The SOTU was good and all but when is Trump going to make anime real?
I was, but I'm starting to feel burned out on pokemon again. I never got burned out over vidya as a kid tbh.
How goes user
What all you got on ps2?
Your quads will make anime real
How goes user
How many have you played on your binge thus far? Plus, I'd say Colosseum has a different enough focus from the main series to stay somewhat fresh.
I have Tekken Tag 1, VF4:EVO and AC5.
Play a game from another series.
Why'd you say this?
The thing about Colosseum is that replaying it is a slog, and the lack of pokemon diversity is one thing stopping me from replaying it.
I last control got drunk and fucked a guy for the first time. I didn't expect any of that night to happen. I don't recommend gay sex, pretty boring, no tits to grab.
Been chatting all night with a bunch of old men about politics and world events and slowly redpilling them. All in all a good night.
I'll say Fallout New Vegas cause I can't think of any.
that's why you bad a chubby guy tbh
Damn fam you need to pick up some stuff. Figured you'd have more by now. Hurry up and get fun stuff like nocturne and MGS series.
How the hell did you end up in this situation? Get an aids test
How goes not user
Not bad. Light in my shower's still broken. Not sure when/if I'm going to be able to get it fixed well. watercloset is pretty small and the toilet and shower rod are likely to get in the way of a ladder, and there's a covering over the actual bulb, so I can't just use one of those suction-cup light changer rods. Fuck, I don't even know what the actual bulb that's been in there is like, be it shape or wattage. Could be one of those stupid screw shaped ones.
Because people have summoned me to various threads in years past. And sometimes I feel like shitsu picks a question directly aimed at me since I'm a regular.
Fair enough. What else is on your backlog?
It's SRWK, actually.
I'm glad my bathroom has like 5 bulbs in it. Even if one blows it doesn't really matter.
MGS I plan to play through at some point. I just have to beat MGS1 first.
How does any straight man fuck a guy even if they're drunk?
How can you tell when someone summons you?
Get some MGS, SMT, FFXII.
Are you stuck?
Ah, right. I forget some of those naming conventions. I just know it was a DS one. Nice DS audio remixes of some of the series music too.
Isn't the only good part of that game the goth chick? Also, nice digits.
I don't know man. Gay community I guess.
Better and better. Slowly regaining my life, or what's left of it at least.
At least give me a name.
Like seriously, explain how it happened?
No, I was gonna emulate it on my laptop.
Rikku a cute
Plus all girl main cast and dress up being a main part of combat. Come on
I don't know the name of that girl tbh
Oh well hope you get it back soon then. MGS1 is pretty fun. MGS3 the best though
Isn't it coming to PC soon? Also how is the PS2 version?
I know the guy, so it's not a stranger. Anyways we leave the bar drunk and have to walk home because he lives 5 minutes away. Promised to put on some kung fu movies and next thing I know he's sucking my dick. I feel pretty betrayed because he missed out on good choreography and fight scenes in this one.
I sure do hope no gay posters happen
Thing is my bathroom's split in two, with a door between the toilet/shower and the sinks. The sink area has a standard three bulbs in changeable reach, but this one in the shower's a good 12 feet or so up on the ceiling. Not sure why this house has such a high ceiling.
Question occasionally, as if they anticipate me responding/made with my answer in mind. Not one for tripfag bullshit, so it's not that sort of summoning. Threads I used to frequent don't happen much anymore though, aside from the ever present 4AM.
It's Mamimi my neophyte friend.
Nice view.
But you already posted
Who the hell builds a bathroom like that
I haven't watched that in like 10 years so
Neither have I
Oh I forgot about the hd remaster. Get that if you want.
Nigger you're gay.
I'm glad I'm not that popular.
Why not rewatch it
I bet it would have been really popular if it were released at a later date. Weebs would have ate it up.
tundra is nice like that tbh. want a new lake? just wait a month for it to burst open
What PS2 games don't have definitive releases on other consoles/PC?
Not nearly as many as there are now that eat up fatlus garbage like persona
What were the old threads like? Still full of normalfags making fun of mental illness?
Just bigger with a few more avatarfags really
I have no clue. My dad used to have a skinny two story apartment I'd visit, and the upstairs bathroom was like that there too. I don't recall if his had a similar light issue, and I don't think the ceiling at that part was all that high either.
Again, the threads people used to be able to find me in don't happen these days. Notice a lot more focus on newer games and industry shit, even than in the past few years, and I'm not one to make threads myself.
Name your genre. Also, do you count PS3/PS4 digital rereleases/ports?
In the late 00s there were a lot.
well there was actual decent posters who made more conversation then the idle chit-chat risu has turned these threads into and quite honestly it. people had fun back then
Yeah so anyways I'm trying to clean the gay off of me.
Okay that made me laugh.
Because It wouldn't be the same the second time, the show's charm is ephemeral like that.
Besides, the manga brought enough closure to me.
I love tundra. Would like to visit one sometime. Where is that by the way?
I feel ya, I just mostly lurk and post in response to inform or to call someone a fag.
Just accept it you nigger.
yeah his asking "sup" to everyone and then writing a single sentence response is pretty fucking anti-intellectual.
I could see like sectioning off just the shower so you could enjoy the steam but not the toilet too
FFX-2 came out in 2003 not the "late 00s"
Theres a manga? Didn't they make another anime?
I'll count ports as other versions. I like fighting games and RPGs. How's Disgaea 1 on PS2 anyway?
Tundra, rainforest, and coastal environments are actually some of the few biomes my state doesn't have. You wouldn't think a place known for a desert would have occasional moose in the northern areas.
I'm ready to explode. I was talking to my mom about how there's no flat surface in the house other than the floor I can use because I want to learn to play my keyboard and draw and that I wanted to try change my room or build a desk to use, she mentioned it to my dad and the only response he had was "he should be getting out of the fucking thing." Being a NEET isn't fun when you've got an alcoholic retard father that wont even look at a bill or how much him and my mom spend on booze a week, but has shitfits because he can't afford anything and is also out of pot and now jealous that my just turned 21 year old younger brother has started a job making $50k/year after tax while not having to spend a cent.
Only wild west game I've played is RDR.
Well, it was during the latter part of the great animu boom.
lol unni plz
How long have you been NEET?
At least you have booze and weed to drink from your folks. Mine don't even have beer in the house.
das ruff monica
Is there anyone that isn't fucked in your fam?
They let you out on bail already?
There's a 2 volumed manga and the anime the anime that's in the works is made by funimation so it doesn't count.
naw monica i got anudda monf n i'ma be breakin oafs till da dey i go aweigh monica balee dat
here two nights in a row that's not a good sign
I should get an email back from the job I applied today. My friend's friend is the manager. Meanwhile I host D&D tonight, and I can't get too sleep because I must catch up on all the vidya I missed these past two months.
I've heard it's alright, and has Fatlus as the localizer rather than NISA (NISA not having been founded yet). I would assume the extended PSP port mostly borrows the extending English script, but I can't say for sure, and I know NISA has bugged up the DLC on at least one PSP port.
Anyhow, if you want some recommendations, the Shadow Hearts games have never been given HD remasters, let alone even rereleases (contrary to what wikipedia once said). They're not the easiest games to find though, and while not .hack-tier pricy, you can expect to pay a bit even on a good day. Wild Arms series is also a favorite of mine, though depending on who you ask the quality after 3 is debatable.
Are you gonna watch it
Didn't know niggers watched ballet tbh
Whats the job?
Whats the setting for D&D
In April I will have been NEET for 5 years.
They drink pure pisswater and I don't smoke much pot because I only smoke it before going to bed and after doing that three days in a row I won't be able to sleep without it for a couple of nights and it kills off my dreams.
Immediate? My brother. Extended? Don't know them, but apparently most are normal people.
I've no idea what so ever, I just got it off of google tbh. but I think it's in russia Mongolian russia that is
how goes user XEE DEE
it's more of a geological thing tundra and rain forests tbh
Why not hang with him? He could help you get a job.
shit b poppin tbh
I think it's because they only wanted three doors in the room: one to the rest of the house, one for the closet, and one for the toiler/shower. The area with the sink is open of the rest of the room.
I'll occasionally post something in another thread if I feel I can contribute, but most of the time I'm just lurking and refreshing the catalog. Gotten more than a bit of a jaded oldfag that the era of imageboards I loved and long for is gone and has been for a long while now.
Still its better than nothing. I have to scrape together money to be able to buy cheap beer once every couple months.
Do they pressure you to get a job often
Can't tell if thats a statue or a person
No. FLCL is a self-contained story and the manga gave a nice alternative ending to it and further developed some minor characters. There was no need for a continuation, so I'll make believe as if it didn't exist.
I'd like to visit central Asia sometime during my lifetime.
das da goddamn point monica
Yeah, I'll just join in threads that just shit on something current or reminisce about some good old games.
I don't even bother with this. I'd rather be playing games and watching stuff
I didn't even know flcl had a plot tbh
A comfy looking restaurant called The Works. It's just part time while I look for something more permanent.
A generic fantasy setting for now, but I'm about to turn the "go kill orc encampment" quest into a "holy shit kill the rampaging savages in the town" quest into a "why the fuck is there a male lich and female WtW snickering in the background" quest which will lead to a "why won't anyone believe we're stopping an undead revolution" campaign. If they take the bait, that is. Slight problem is, I didn't write down notes on my setting before I left on my two month trip so I more or less forgot important names. Oh well, that just means I get to make new names and see if any of my players were astute enough to remember correctly.
bring bottled water if you do
If it went over your head it doesn't mean it isn't there.
Oh god the worst. Good luck
Sounds pretty fun. Hope they have a good paladin in the party
Was it about sex?
Nigger do you know who you're talking to?
I'd rather bring a canteen to be quite honest.
Sex, coming of age and a bunch of references to NGE and other anime.
Of course, dropping stuff like "The Dark Souls of Their Genres" into appropriate threads (I'm not much of one for generic shitposting) makes for good (You) bait if one wants actual replies for once.
Want to fix my shower light before I get busy playing anything again. Have to keep the door cracked to even see in there, so I don't want to risk turning on a steamed up PS2 or anything until it clears out. Either that, or I need to look into a lantern or something if I can't get that light replaced.**
Really liked FLCL myself (not enough to drop $16 on six episodes at a local store though; hoping it might end up in the bargain bin for under $10 soon). I know it's a divisive series, but at the same time it surprises me to see how strongly some anons utterly loathe it.
A few treads ago I asked about the differences between JP voice acting and English voice acting. Are there any examples of bad JP voice acting out there?
Do you get to see her nude?
Is your bathroom connected to your room? If so max jelly, that would be so comfy.
That bait is too obvious now. They need to find something new.
Problem there is that what I tend to play, whilst good, doesn't warrant discussion at this point. Was happy to just see Kamiya's shitposting spawn a Ghost Trick thread for once, for instance. If there's a downside to mostly playing older games (or watching anime in regards to that as well), there's not much drive for discussing them. And /vr/ here's dead as well, and the BO there seems to not even be removing porn shitposts from the catalog anymore.
And yet people still take it because "Dragon's Dogma is the Dark Souls of Action RPGs" and "SMTIV is he Dark Souls of Persona Games", both of which have an assload wrong with such a claim.
Yep. Master bedroom here.
Anyone remember the 4am thread the day rule 8 kicked in? Good times.
Connect the dots, rits.
Yeah, that's generals here tend to die a couple weeks after the game comes out.
Nah, he can't.
I literally can't drink the beer they drink without having something else to wash the taste out of my mouth while drinking, so it's not worth it. Why don't you get gibs?
I'm already applying to 20 jobs a month to keep my gibs, they can't pressure me anymore unless my dad wants to stop driving my car so I can get my license which wont happen because he doesn't have the money to fix his car or get a new one.
And South Park. Was kind of odd to see that cut in a Japanese show.
Anyone remember the day the avatarfags killed Stu's VA?
Umiko's VA in second season of New game is driving me crazy. Sounds awful
Shiiiiiet how'd you manage that
It's the lul so randumb stigma that's become a meme at his point. It's not as if the story is complicated at all and most of it is just plain symbolism, I guess some people just don't get it.
Nope but you get a couple of pantsu shots.
Yeah that took me by surprise as well.
but you need your estrogen goyim
ah yes the measure in which the vols deployed to try and remove ritsu but succeeded in only making the thread and the board on the whole just that much worse.
Because I'm not a nigger
Are you in the UK where you can get gibs easy or something?
For being stuck there.
The signs were all there. It was very near to the day rule 8 kicked in.
Australia. It's just applying to 20 jobs a month, but after 3 months there's a chance that they'll put you into working 15 (I think, possibly more) hours a week to keep getting your $1k/month, which is what's about to happen to me.
o-oh, thanks I guess.
Saw this recently. Kind of hilarious to see such venom towards it.
I'd also attribute some of it to the large base of people that prefer PC for where they play their games. Not calling PC users bad, just that I do think having so many can kind of put a limit on discussion to what's on PC and what they can emulate.
You all claimed banning you fucks would kill the threads, only you somehow monkeypawed Stu to death instead. oh well, we live in the age of chaos right now.
Speaking of which, saw a cheap boxed set recently of a show called Age of Chaos. Wonder if it's good or not.
What kind of job do they force you into? How much does 1k aussie dollarydoos buy you?
The thread is pretty dead compared to back then you have to admit
Whats age of chaos about?
Never played a wild west game, also I'm drunk as fuck.
On what?
Needed a big bedroom for my stuff. Friend's a bit jealous since his own room at his place is so cramped. But I've told him part of it has to do with how much shit he doesn't use or need being around.
The answers are obvious but he never does them.
Canadian ltd.
Only testosterone for my gentile self.
Ain't got them on me. Besides, she's my waifu so you needn't see them.
Wew lad, that's cringe central right there.
Conlaturations to you too.
What fun stuff you going to do while drunk
My room is just stacks of shit I own. Its tiny and I can't ever get rid of any of it, its all precious to me
How long you been with her?
Play games too shameful to play sober, like the 3ds miku game.
Redpill me on Sam Hyde, also recommend me some of his good stuff
yes that
Apparently it's an adaptation of the first three arcs of a manga called Shura no Mon. Kind of not interested anymore as I highly doubt it's a remotely complete adaptation. And honestly, most adaptations have, if not massive filler problems, a pacing/ending problem. Was actually surprised to discover that the Planetes anime started being made close to the manga's end, rather than an attempt to capitalize on popularity more towards its start. And though I'm not sure how closely it follows the original work, that one ended really well. Seen far worse conclusions to an adaptation of a work (Claymore, for example).
look at this bad goyim now
he's really not funny tbh
Miku music is pretty dang comfy. My best friend's waifu is miku so I end up listening to it a lot
His TED talk was pretty funny. Don't care for most of his stuff though
I think they just put you into whatever they can find that's willing to accept literally free labour, so it could be fucking anything. $1k AUD is $800 USD.
Suicide soon.
She's a cute. Your best friend has good taste.
Best friend or best uncle? Tell him I say "ay"
Just gonna read the manga instead?
That sucks. Hope you saved up your gibs.
You could have went to nippon if you saved it for 5 months you know.
I'm more of a teto guy tbh
Seriously, I have to wonder if he considers the likes of Musashi Gundoh above FLCL.
I'd be able to better utilize this room myself if the fan was set to blow downward counterclock wise than clockwise.
they basically don't really give a shit about you what so fucking ever and just hand out the most basic of scripts to deal with you with.
T. Bonglander who was on the dole for abit
Maybe. I honestly don't read much manga. Still grateful to the user in the share threads that dumped a decent multiplatform manga grabber.
Only good ol' clonazepam for me though.
Since I watched it on Adult swim more than a decade ago. Then years later watched the sub and preferred it by a mile over the dub.
My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo…
Musashi Gundoh is a masterpiece of QUALITY though.
Teto a cute too, but bread a shit. At least supermarket bread sucks.
So just pull the sting
Same here. Though I'm going to read YRYRs soonish
I fucking hate that my parents buy awful supermarket wheat bread shit. Drives me crazy
Stuff is nasty, restaurant and homemade bread is the only good bread.
Some good sourdough, now thats the shit
Only in QUALITY, it's not a quality show. Honestly, if a work is only known for one thing and one thing only, it's probably not as good as it could be. Like how Demon Chaos only seems known for having the highest enemy count spawned at once of any video game ever. Though I'll admit I've not played it (JP/PAL only) and I never see discussion of it beyond that fact.
I don't think mine has a string, and if I do reverse the direction, then it'll just pull air up and disperse it down the walls. I'd want it to more push the air out the bedroom door, but the way the blades are angled, I can't do that. It has to take the long way.
FLCL is a show with an actually good dub. One of a handful even /a/nons have seemed prone to enjoy over the years. Though, I suppose whether it's better than the Jap dub or not, is another question.
Not a cent.
Yeah, I was expecting more before I signed up but the second I walked through the door I could see it was nothing more than a glorified call centre. Then I learned that a majority of the agencies that play middle man for the government department that pays you aren't even Australian owned and that's when all hope went out the window.
Gonna see if they'll let me study while still paying me, but even then I'm fucked because all I want to do is some form of art but my state is literally the only one without any art courses.
Sourdough with eggs cooked the Gordon Ramsey way is delicious.
If you've got a Winco around, their sourdough is fucking great. Put a bit of salted butter and garlic on it and slap it in the toaster oven for a few. Good snack.
Check for a little switch behind the fans then
Did you at least buy cool stuff?
Whats the gordon ramsey way? Just lots of whipping?
Too fucking high up to reach if there is one, and I've looked for a switch before and not seen one. I get the feeling whoever owned the place before wasn't anticipating ever reversing it. Or changing that light bulb in the shower for that matter.
It snowed a lot again today. Also A pice of my windshield wipers came loose, so now I need to get that looked at.
Got a PS4 and 7 games for it, some PC games managed to break the steamgoy spell now, other than that it either went to my parents or went on alcohol, cigarettes or food for myself.
I didn't live in Japan in 2000/2001 though. You get what you get.
True that.
It's the attitude stupid. It's what's inside your brain. It's the attitude stupid Ain't you ever gonna change…
Never heard of winco tbh
And at that point I'd just put some good deli meats on it and go full sandwich
Are you really tiny or something
Such a waste honestly. What ps4 games you got? I'm looking for ones to get.
Kill me tbh
well I had mine get me a maths course as well as an english one which were both trash tbh
no u tbh
Tomatoes are delicious.
They are the worst fruit
Here's what I meant about Demon Chaos.
Winco's a chain of supermarkets with the shtick that the employees that work there actually own the company via stock, rather than some higher ups owning the bulk. They're nice because they're open 24/7; I can go there to restock my fridge when everywhere else is closed.
I don't understand how you can hold that opinion. That honor goes to durian.
Sounds like commie shit
Have you ever smelled a durian? I've heard they are bad but never been near one
What do I fap to tonight?
They smell like poop.
Just fap to Mitsuru until you get your laptop back.
What ever the case is, they've got good food there, and I like not having to feel rushed to buy stuff before a closing time. Only issue is that they only take cash.
MonHun, Gravity Rush 1/2, Bloodborne, Crash remake, Kingdom Hearts, and FFXII because I got it before the PC announcement.
Did those courses help you get a job?
So you ate poop is what you are saying
FFX-2 girls
I only ever use cash anyway.
lol no
why you gotta make people unknowingly gay?
I suppose in a sense.
Look at this guy! He eats poop!
Where did my life go?
They're trying to start trouble, by mixing up the races. They feel a whole lot better off by staying in their places…
Yeah I'd heard of it but I see what you mean. That's insane.
Gays not welcome
Does X-2 have decent girls?
the white man marches on
At least I'm not huey.
Hope you didn't have to pay much for GR1R. Not calling it a bad game, just that it's a pricy fucker if you want it physical.
Terrain on that mode has to be completely flat or something to facilitate that many enemies loaded with no slowdown. That number on the bottom right was the highest amount of enemies the engine could load without crashing the game, so they through it in as a bonus mode or something.
Down the drain staring at glowing screens
They not bad. Spunky pirate girl, edgy goth girl, former uptight priestess turned lesbian
Words to live by
$18 for a new copy with free shipping
Nice job on realizing the trap.
Damn, where do you live? It was a limited only print here in NA, and I kind of doubt Sony's given it a reprint, what with their treatment of the games since the Vita.
Ever ask yourself what the fuck he was thinking shitting in the shower like that? I've pondered it a bit and come up with no satisfactory justifications.
I'm going to bed.
Cya next time fam
He was just shitposting for attention, like he always does
I hate you all. Hope I die in my sleep.
He claimed in a thread a while back he just made it up, but who knows.
Australia, bought it on Amazon which only opened here recently so maybe NA just got screwed with the limited release.
Cya next time girl I don't know name of
I know PAL copies have seemed more reasonably priced, but as exports on US Amazon/Ebay were still $35 or so last I'd looked.
Are you ok user?
why does he wear the mask?
to keep rats from crawling into his orifaces
why are you replying to you're self?
(((new japanese)))
user pls
how're you feeling?
well when you're ready to talk
no u
stop tbh
tfw wake up after 5 hours sleep, fully awake