Sadly EA will never learn and will continue to try to shekel consumers
Battlefront II fails to meet expectations
Other urls found in this thread:
big surprise
It means they failed, but not a total flop though considering EA anticipates selling around 5 million per game.
1/5 of projected sales is a flop man
We could always use a little moral boost. Laughing at the misfortune of our enemies is good.
Holy shit, that loot box fiasco wasn't just hot air, people are FUCKING FINALLY starting to wake up and push back after a decade of this kind of bullshit. It's glorious. The fact that they didn't give exact numbers must mean that it sold on the low end of "less than a million".
No, this is a good thing
This will force people to wake up, and EA might collapse which would be a boon for the industry as a whole
Less then 1 million Under there expectations user. I don't think it's nearly as bad as OP is tried to make it look.
Hell are you talking about?
That's fucking horrible for an AAA game. Its possible Hollow Knight, a game with almost no promotion whatsoever (and pretty much none of it paid), sold more than Battlefront 2, a game with a 10-15 billion dollar company behind it, and it will sell even more on the Switch. Cuphead guaranteed sold more than Battlefront 2 as well.
What's with the rumors that Microsoft is looking to buy out EA? I know they're looking to expand their first party catalog, but people are getting fucking crazy with these ideas. I can't imagine MS having the cash to buy EA, and the other rumor I heard is that they were going to buy Valve - which isn't even fucking possible, since Valve is a private company.
If MS did buy EA… would that be a good thing, or a bad thing? I'd love to see them get snatched up - then shitcanned and dissolved for assets a few years later. Karma being a bitch and all.
Post your face when Battlefront 2 sold less than Metroid Another M.
Surprised they still have the Star Wars license. Disney has to be at their limit with all the bad news
Yeah but nuBattlefront is still a full priced 60 dollar game with whales while cuphead and hollow knight were 20-15 dollars each respectively
If you factor in that they expected to make at least 60 Million from those sales (accounting for all of the different edition prices and whatever they expected from microtransactions), that is a pretty big deal. Especially if they have creditors to pay, and this will definitely go into their forward budgets for games, realizing what won't pay anymore.
Unlikely, EA's main money makers are multi-platform games. They'd be kissing a lot of dosh goodbye.
Well they're only human after all.
So disgusting looking
Battlefield Juan sold well though
I think I just miss read
I thought it was saying under 1 million of what they wanted. not that it sold under 1 million.
That's true, but don't forget that it went on sale as well, and I'm assuming this is across all platforms
Cuphead pulled in about 40M+ of revenue, and Hollow Knight will probably pull in about 15M after most of the initial Switch sales for it
Battlefront 2 also went on sale quickly after launch and still failed to deliver, and the marketing budget for that game was likely through the roof as well, further increasing the loss
Well user, if they sold 1 million short of what they wanted and I'm assuming they wanted to break even or make a profit, they at least were around 35-55M dollars short of their goal, which is huge either way
Literally fake news. Reported.
You didn't read wrong, but sales goals are for determining a desired outcome above operating costs. If you miss that goal by a million, you now have a multiplier of a loss of x * $1,000,000. Even if they break even, they're still accounting for the profit, and have stockholders to appease. Breaking even for a massive company would only be a good thing in economic downturn, as it means the doors stay open. This is going to bring an ill wind through their offices. Just kick back and laugh at their failure, even if it isn't a fatal one.
Your tight asshole is fake news
What a fuck up, indie games don't even have that problem because it's so fucking simple to fix.
fuck you
If they had the cash, they'd just have to buy out a majority of the stockholders. EA is publically traded, so as long as MS can get 51% control - then EA has really no say in what MS does with them. And it's not like MS would make those EA games Xbox exclusives. Just like they own Mojang, but still have Minecraft on multiple platforms. They'd just make sure the high profile stuff goes to Xbox first/best with timed exclusive content and maybe a handful of actual exclusives outside of EA's workhorse franchises.
I REALLY can't see MS buying EA, but I kind of hope they do. Just to see EA get the EA treatment they've been dishing out all these years.
I'm not surprised by the reading comprehension on this board. They said it's less than a million under expectations. If their expectations were 5 million, that means they sold over 4 million.
I cannot believe I had to explain this.
Blame the Clover app. We've been getting an influx of newfriends lately.
nigga you don't understand,i was saying if their sales were 5 mil expected,then 1 mil is 1/5th that and a flop,that's just math.
That's what I was saying in the first place.
Wanting 5 million but getting a little over 4 million isn't nearly as bad as getting under 1 million.
It's delicious.
You expect fajeets to know basic game development?
I hope it's true. Keep the cancer in one body. Then when Xbox inevitably fails it can take EA with it.
I keep forgetting to save it
it's not as bad, you're right, but it's still fucking bad. if we assume that each sale averages out even just to thirty bucks, that's thirty million dollars this game fell short of projections, and companies like EA spend nearly that on marketing much less all development. this is a pretty big loss
Either way, we win
Still would Audrey after dressing her up as Isabelle, but goddamn
i'll kill you
It's not less than one million dollars under expectations, it's less than one million copies under expectations, and with how quickly they started discounting bf2, as well as the cancellation of the microtransaction scheme, the actual profit from bf2 is much less, possibly even bad enough that they don't want to report that number and thus resort to copy number reporting instead.
she's a ho.
Why is she so perfect?
You're right, I just didn't mean to put that dollar sign there.
Fuck it, I feel like being smug. Have some eels.
How did EA screw this up?
She's not though. She needs Theresa's face on top of those titties.
If these are all censored i will gut you
Well one game is a near-authentic throwback to classic 30's cartoons that happens to have an actually pretty good game behind it, and the other's a bastardization of a well-beloved franchise that went completely overboard with the lootbox shit, with flimsy damage control trying to defend it, becoming bad enough that governments are trying to get that shit banned completely
Here's the full image. Also have some more fanart from Japan.
S'good,i could always do with more lewd sea women
Quality, post more
best fetish
I don't know how to feel about this.
I'll laugh when EA/Disney buys cuphead.
The faggot developers will sell out instantaneously at the first offer.
Then you can see it turned into a casual game "as it was always intended to be" and made into a 40 part DLC fest, preferably in 3d, with a netflix cartoon series following shortly afterwards.
I see no barnacles though.
Last batch for now. Polite sage for offtopic.
just post "Fugman", that one makes me laugh
funny enough she's probably the coolest person in treehouse.
I can give you two reasons, If you know what I mean.
I expected a multi-million dollar game to know how to load textures, I'm glad I don't guy 3rd person shooters.
will never happen
What did he meme by this?
But user, it's a multi-million dollar game made by faggots and pajeets, or fajeets as I like to call them.
No way in hell you're getting any quality from that.
I mean a lot by it
Disney is such a kiked company that they'd rather farm out their IPs to ideological buttbuddies who fail than successful people with different opinions.
Holy shit so many people in this thread thinking they sold less than a million copies.
It's what happens when 4cucks starts infiltrating
Second link also mentions that "live services" exceeded their expectations. Probably means they got plenty of good goyim to shell out cash for lootboxes. I guess if you were dumb enough to buy the second game you're dumb enough to support these kinds of practices without giving it any thought.
God damnit you couldn't be bothered to look just
And keep the good work.
Normalfags ARE awakening, and ARE being influenced by anons here.
We made possible for Star Wars, in movie and game formats, to be boycotted by normalfags.
We can ruin the big companies, that aren't by no means immune to subversion of marketing.
Always kill the hype.
Always subvert the marketing.
Always make normalfags hate and avoid all products from greedy deformed kikes and their companies.
Side note: spread that they sold LESS THAN 1 MILLION, even if it is false. The goal is to make normalfags think that it is a total failure. Filter and report the shills that are already crying here.
SEE? Corporate shills are already panicking right here!
Keep up, guys. They are losing.
We already have the original, and we can always pirate it. Nothing will be lost.
Read the OP, it wasn't under a million total sales.
Spread it like if it were true.
Making normalfags avoid it is what matters.
Or, if you are a corporate shill: suck it. We will spread it as "sold less than 1 million" and there is nothing that you can do about it.
Why are we suggesting we use jewish tactics? If we lie it will only make people think that EA's detractors are retarded and can't read. Like you.
The fact is, they did not sell as much as they expected. Stick with that, don't be a dirty liar.
Ebin thread OP
Kill yourself
Holla Forums is not your personal army you cunt. Go back to reddit, they might follow your retardation.
1 million copies under expectations still ain't good for EA, because the overhead on the project was approved with the idea that it would meet sales expectations, preferably without needing to cut down on the profit per copy.
I told you to stop posting these, ya cunt
Nobody is saying otherwise, it's still not as impactful as OP is making it seem and he's lying and well aware of it.
Laughs were had by all when they fucked up so bad even Governmments butted in, but the normalfags are many and the power of marketing is big.
Wrong person user, I think your confusing her with Alison and her former husband Jake.
Proof reading and clickbait being shat upon were the staples of this board man, now we get shit like this.
Battlefront 2 is a pretty good game, but it's good they're getting taught a lesson about this loot crate shit.
Please spoiler your pedophile shit
Yes it fucking is. Star Wars was expecting 10 times more sales. The average AAA game needs 5 million copies sold to break even and 10 million to be satisfied.
That is pretty good bait
Nah dog that's that chick from inspector gadget, she's 18 in this image
Enjoy your ban
what if he's talking about the real one?
Please kindly fuck off of this board. Spreading false shit is CNN tier, not to mention idiotic. When it's verified to be a lie, people will see that as a unfounded smear and give them support. Fuck off.
This is some major falseflagging, you got those pics from Google?
Play it, ripping shit with a lightsaber is always good unless you like penis
When the fuck did that start constituting as "underage"?
Kill yourself pedo.
Kill yourself delusional child that can't seperate reality form fiction
What about that image makes you think she's not 18 twat?
Whatever helps you fall asleep at night. ;)
It's nude, so should be spoilered. Whether or not it's loli isn't relevant.
He's probably Aussie, they think flat women are abominations.
They were also projecting all kinds of sales from micro transactions. There's no telling how much of those sales they lost and much that cut into their overall projected profit.
No it fucking isn't user.
Is it still a failure? Yes, but 4 million is a greater number then 1 million. 4 million is still a fuck ton of people buying a shit game.
You're right but I'm still gonna call you a faggot
I think it depends on how much money was spent on the game itself+advertising,if the 4 million copies didn't exceed that,then it's a failure
i know that sounds like a no shit type of thing,but if they projected for 5 million,maybe that was just to break even?
Never claimed that, I was merely debunking the post claiming that the fictional age of the character is 18
BF2 is a well programmed game.
Ignore the video's title, it's just a shitpost.
She should cosplay as that onesie/hoodie fuck doll
But she could be 18 in that picture.
Unfortunately the game isn't on Steam and EA didn't release the sales figures (as far as I'm aware) so we don't know how much it sold.
What the fuck is this thread even about anymore, I fucking hate all of you.
What have they been thinking? That is this the year 2008 and you can re-sell your game over and over? Battlefront I was only in the 2015 ffs. If you have success with title you milk it with DLCs and microjewing, Not try to sell them game 2.0 and 3.0, erasing all previous progress of fanbase and destroying sunk cost fallacy that holds them in the title. Now you will only piss fans off by reboot and give them excuse to jump from ship.
Shipped not sold.
They tried to make another francise to have alternating yearly releases along with battlefield.
It's hard to do that when you release all the DLC before the game is out.
Seeing the media's reaction to the film's mixed reviews is baffling.
nigga who cares it's a movie, calm down
archive that shit
Archive or Fuck off.
Can't be arsed so bye
I can't wait to see Solo bomb massively. Double budget in re-shoots and they haven't released a frame from the movie yet.
I never said it was less then a million though?
I'm saying a million less from a projected target is still a costly loss
If that fails as well they'll say
Journalists and people in general are fucking retarded.
They Claimed to have Shipped 9 Million copies to Retailers.
So based on OP's info, the game still sold (((8 million))) copies, fucking normalfags ay.
However, something positive. Nu-Battlefront 1 sold 15 million copies, so this game was a complete failure and a did irreparable damage to EA and the Communist Mouse's Soy Wars brand.
I got banned on metacritic for giving this game a bad review once, It Wasn't even offensive and was even spoilered as i went step by step explaining why this game was shit and also why the developers didn't give a shit about the original audience**
always remember that metacritic is a shit site
lol fuck off.
They're tattooed on, so is the lipstick.
Reposting ;)
And keep the good work.
Normalfags ARE awakening, and ARE being influenced by anons here.
We made possible for Star Wars, in movie and game formats, to be boycotted by normalfags.
We can ruin the big companies, that aren't by no means immune to subversion of marketing.
Always kill the hype.
Always subvert the marketing.
Always make normalfags hate and avoid all products from greedy deformed kikes and their companies.
Side note: spread that they sold LESS THAN 1 MILLION, even if it is false. The goal is to make normalfags think that it is a total failure. Filter and report the shills that are already crying here.
Lie and misinform normalfags and shareholders, so EA waste more time and money trying to damage control it all.
Spread pic related, even if it is false.
It will harm EA, so it is ok to lie.
The word is already spreading
But be sure to make as many normalfags believe that it sold less than 1 million copies as you can.
Less than 1 million under expectations. Meaning, for example, that they expected 10 million but sold 9.1 million. You're delusional if you think the avarage pleb gave a shit about the lootboxes, there's no way in hell that it sold less than a million
are you really posting the wikipedia image for lolicon?
Why lie? The truth is almost as bad. They still undersold by a shitton and it is a colossal failure. The only difference is people won't feel let down when they find out they sold just a little more.
not really, they care more about what is trending in social media or among their casual friends, both mediums are majorly influenced by the journo websites
Which is why indie darlings which are loved by journos sell so little right?
How many units would this game sell if it had a modest marketing budget of say 20 million ? and if it released on all consoles? 3D graphics? brand name?
You are trying to compare apples and oranges there user
Nice moving of goalposts.
The game isn't a PC exclusive. It was given 10 out of 10 by every blogger and failed to even sell the average amount of 22k copies on Steam.
So what? A chess game can recive a 100 metacritic score it still won't sell shit. People just aren't interested in that kind of game, it doesn't matter how good it's rated
It probably sold more then, and remember it has been out for only a week
see my picture, if it can sell more than double what another indie title's that has way better gameplay and can match the sales of a game by a AA studio, i'd say it was a financial success.
Was it a good game? Hell if i know but it sold largely based on 10/10 journo reviews
Idk who this is, but I had to do it
she is my waifu and you leave it alone, you hear me?
* it
aheerrrmmmm, *her*
no you were correct the first time
Gee, I wonder who is behind this?
who could it be?
what a world we live in, nice trips
Any photos where she shows right side of her face?
Keijo!!!!! was actually kinda fun.
t. faggot
let me rephrase it for you
"missing 1/5 of projected sales is a flop man"
there, better? grab your fedora when you get out
Celeste is on all consoles, even the Switch.
Ah, the joy of seeing Disnwey and EA's attempts at somehow profiting off Star War's corpse after they immediately shot it ending in shambles. I'm gonna be sleeping good tonight.
Until EA catches wind of this and uses it to play the victim card like they always do.
Yes. Why not? ;)
Normalfags are cattle. They check for what is "popular" or what is most played, or even what is not bad mouthed. They take shame in playing something that is not "what everyone praises". By giving the impression that the game sold poorly/is being bad mouthed, most, if not all of them, will avoid it and look for something else.
Misinformation can lead to even more money spent by EA to try to damage control it. Shareholders are lead by rumors (true or false) every time. And as i said above, normalfags are lead by the same rumors, without checking for facts.
Every single time that "they sold less than 1 million" is mentioned in the mainstrem, EA wastes time (and possibly money) trying to clarify things. And that is good for all of us. Don't have principles when dealing with a company that lies to it's consumers on a daily basis. Lie to harm them. Fight fire with fire.
And nobody will give a shit about them. EA is never the victim, and even normalfags are aware of this now. It is ok to lie in order to harm a greedy company that also lie to their customers.
When dealing with EA, ANYTHING GOES to ruin their profit and revenue.
Quote the article. Break it into two lines to give the impression those are two separate statements
Electronic Arts would be forced to correct people by telling them it sold under their expectations, which is also a negative.
Why not this one? Oy vey muh shekels goy.
Also, it should be FEWER not LESS, as it is a quantifiable amount.
This is the first Star Wars movie that is going to end up as a full balls-to-the-wall box office bomb.
Not until the gubmit legislates that lootboxes are gambling. If that goes through 50% of EA's total revenue goes up in smoke.
Episode VIII bombed badly as well. They stopped showcasing it in theaters in China not two weeks after the premiere because the chinks didn't want to watch and were savaging it online, and this after underperforming in the West as well.
I didn't think it was possible to be so incompetent to actually lose money on Star Wars, but I guess women and Jews just had to prove me wrong.
Honestly given how fucking shady Hollywood accounting is (read up on it, New Line tried to shaft investors and claimed the LotR films made no profit at all in court) there's a good chance they at least broken even on TLJ and made some profit on TFA/RO.
But this? This looks terrible.
I don't think they've yet made the money back they spent on buying the SW license, and considering the damage VIII did to the franchise as a whole Disney is in deep shit. People really have nothing to look forward to in IX considering they killed all the popular characters, with the focal point being the two ugly goblins they have as main characters, and no one gives a shit about them.
Can't wait to see how their new WE WUZ movie does. I bet it's going to be a huge hit in countries that haven't been conditioned to think niggers are human.
The new star wars movies are hot garbage. I hate the lead actress with her one expression, heavy breathing and mary sue character. The only character I liked was the imperial droid, K-2SO only because he reminds me of hk-47, who was a better character than anything the new movies have given
Seen the Chinese film posters for Black Panther? They obscure his face with the mask of his costume.
They're really trying to bait the ant hive for a desperation shekel even if 95% of chink audiences walk out of the theater when they realize the movie is filled with nigs.
Also yeah, Disney is fucked on Star Wars. They already pay interest for the Star Wars-themed expansions of their park system and now Kathleen Kennedy and her Katlady Komitee are running the franchise into the ground at light spped.
I'm dying here.
I hope it ends costing them even more money. Fuck the Jews in charge of Disney, hopefully they'll never be able to get rid of Kennedy without her crying rape.
niggers hyping this movie as some sort of black revolution while forgettin that Blade was a much cooler Marvel character with movies so popular that they made a trilogy out of them
The best part of all of this is that Black Panther was made by a caucacian looking Jew
meanwhile real nigger made nigger heroes like Icon and Static Shock get nothing but crossover with the JLA cartoon
nogs will always be slaves to the jews
Fuck niggers and fuck nigger characters. They're all disgusting and we'd be better off without any of them.
3rd pic isn't bad, imo. The rest seem to be way overcompensating the nose by making it enormous (among other obvious problems).
Sometimes I question the doctrine:
Know your enemy.
I hope you keep your sanity, user.
And it's like they totally didn't have access to 30 years of other SW media like comics, books, video games, or a script from Lucas himself set after the OT that they could have ripped off drawn inspiration from either!
When I first watched TFA, I just felt annoyed at the laziness after all the prequel complaints that all we got for a new SW movie was basically a poor ANH retelling with added diversity. All I could imagine was epVIII was gonna be the "make or break it" for the franchise and try to redeem TFA unanswered questions. From the sounds of it, it broke it and it gonna be interesting to see how the fuck ep9 is gonna try to fix it.
jesus christ Holla Forums has taken a turn for the worst.
OP framed the headline incorrectly and clearly has either an agenda or a serious inability to properly read.
Star Wars Battlefront II (EA) sold 9 million copies, that's not a bust by any standard but does demonstrate that EA is losing touch with it's customers. It did not sell under 1 million copies. Anyone who thinks this is a fucking retard who doesn't know their numbers or the industry well.
With that being said, it's a sign that EA is pissing off consumers and overestimating it's sales. The reason micro-transactions are coming back is because they made less than expected and want to get any last dollar out of the game, which will likely be very little money. EA will look at this game, realize how they fucked up, and attempt to salvage their reputation. Will it work? No.
That first one wouldn't be so bad if the noses weren't fuckhuge and if they retained more feminine features in their eyes.
Second one looks like fucking Kaiji lmao
The picture is probably what means "“less than one million copies” under Electronic Arts’ expectations"
This thread is the perfect example of why this board is so shit.
From retards misinterperting data to falseflagging shitters trying to spread said misinfo.
I wouldn't even be surprised if 75% of the board is nothing but cuckchan crossposters nowadays.
I should be laughing at EAs failure, not seeing this type of absolute god awful behaviour.
This thread is cuckchan tier.
People that grew up with complete full releases now are raising kids. Sales > Whales.
As long as it punches Disney in the rat cock at the same time licensing it/them, even better.
Bleed these cocksuckers dry
VR FIFA, and maybe a Gears of War Bloodbowl meets NFL Blitz ripoff
> sold (((8 million))) copies
Including the ones they had to buy back from retailers, left unsold, kek
KANGZ: The Film will be the The Room for China. There will be bosses taking their corporate team cohesion sessions in to view it honestly – for the Marvel Hamilton minstrel show it is - with drinking games, and gut-splitting laughter at the baizuo Yankees that would blow a few hundred million to create it. Guaranteed, the Chinese dub will become a cult classic.
It'll have to become the Old Republic/WH40k hybrid it always needed to be (and maybe lean harder on the actual Lucas cannon, get metaphysical, stick to retro-futurist space samurai film genre conventions that heighten that.)
Like 186 gorillion bugmen cried out, and were silenced
Nigs can't even do smug right.
There, all better now.
There's no coming back from VIII. It was such a concentrated amount of stupid it killed Star Wars. You can't retcon it, you can't salvage it, there's no big bad around anymore, there's no central character, there is no driving conflict. It's a hollow movie that killed the franchise.
Did they say what was the number that they expected?
It's not even been 3 years since TFA and things are this bad. The salt has been wonderful. EA will no doubt attempt to milk off the nostolgia for the unfinished Battlefront 3 if or when they decide to make their own.
Western what? Western wall?
Fuck yeah. That piece of shit could only manage to limp on by recycling Clone Wars and EU characters. Otherwise it was a garbage Firefly clone written by some stupid bitch that didn't get told to stay in the kitchen in her formative years.
Jews sure know how to fuck up, I'll give them that.
I bet they will, but I don't think they have it in them to let the devs make a good game even if they tried. I'll be ready to see it crash & burn.
Reminder that EA shat the bed so hard with this garbage game that the government are now pushing for proper regulation of the "totally not gambling" lootboxes which will apply not only to them but to the entire industry. I have this image in my head where every publisher's CEO is calling EA offices just to yell at them for fucking it up for everybody else.
I tried it too. It's everything but a Star Wars campaign. The story is awful (it was written by a former Game Journo guy), the main character is a mary sue. Can't pick up weapons, everything is scripted to death so it's riddled with bugs, NPC appear right in front of you, some don't even see you. There's a level that looked like it was a reskin of a mission from the BF4 campaign.
There's a new Battlefield coming out this year, I can't wait to see how they're going to fuck it up more than Battleshieeet 1.
I see people online say that if Microsoft buys EA then Dice is fucked…. have they seen what Dice has been doing since Bad Company 2?
Sounds more like an advertisement tbh
For a AAA company like EA it's a fucking disaster. I wonder if any of their investors are n suicide watch due to this.
Those are depictions of nogs being lazy, or incredulous at being told they might try working instead of complaining to get gibs.
That's a really hot dog there..
A weapon to surpass metal gear.
Didn't she get hired because Jew Jew thought her fearful face was good? I don't think Jews fuck her as much as they enjoy beating her, likely trying to smack the ugly out of her.
Also because she knows how to handle a gun :^)
God damn, she's just so fucking ugly.
obligary >vlc post
Instead of getting mad you could try to stop tying like a retard, user. It's nobody's fault but your own that people can't understand you.
something something strong womyn, you misogynist bigot
There's plenty of right handed people who're left-eye dominant, it's perfectly acceptable to align the sights on a pistol with your left eye Big Boss and Venom Snake both do that. Closing an eye while aiming however is retarded, even if you're using a high powered optic you shouldn't close one eye. I'm right handed and left eye dominant, but I try not to use my left eye when shooting. It takes a lot of practice to use your non-dominant eye with both eyes open, although it's much harder with a rifle.
That's EA trying to save face. The previous game sold 15 million copies, no way EA expected to sell anything less than that.
They should have made Black Panther a gook just to annoy people.
And yet EA ''still' won't draw any sensible conclusions from this failure.
The reading comprehension ITT is garbage. Less than 1 million less than what they wanted, meaning they were at most 999,999 copies short of their goal.
I think the real number is around 7 million copies sold.
Yes it's a failure. It's a Star Wars game, they should've sold a ton of copies, not barely 7 million.
Which is the fucking weasel word they always use when actual sales are below expectations you fucking nonce.
EP9 won't fix anything. They will finish gutting the pseudo-Zoroastrian/Manichean mythology Lucas built in favour of something inspired by Hermetic Kabbalah (aka the real religion of Hollyweird). The film will be a weird mix of esotericism and po-mo/po-structuralist nonsense, mark my words.
Rian Johnson wrote only one draft of the script and that was before they even finished the production of TFA. He didn't even bother to include a funeral scene for Han in Ep VIII.
There is nothing to fix. There is no story to tell, Kathleen Kennedy has a Story Group that can't shit out scripts for a trilogy, not even for a single movie. They've killed every iconic characters from the OT, killed the ebil CGI guy, the main character can't developp because she was never written as he hero starting her journey, she was already at the final stage in TFA. JJ will add some cheap Mystery Box shit in Ep IX, maybe a weapon that creates black holes and Poe will save the day thanks to the tiny default in the design of the weapon. Kylo will miss a step, fall and land right on Rey's lightsaber that she activated a few moments before.
user, they are women, what do you expect?
Finn will once again remind us how his extensive experience in cleaning toilets made him privy to the secret plans of the FO and point the Resistance towards the single flaw in the superweapon that whole teams of handpicked engineers failed to detect. The Vietnamese goblin will do something, preferably taze the nigger a few more times.
I don't even know what there is to tell anymore. The big bad is dead, the manchild doesn't seem to have any clear goal in mind besides cry at Vader's mask, not that Vader had any concrete plans beyond shoahing the Jedi either (and the Jedi are dead with Luke). So what exactly is the plot of IX supposed to be now that everything has been reset back to square one? An introduction for the next trilogy?
A better question would be: What is the point of this trilogy? What is the story? The lesson?
You forgot one crucial plot element
“It’s our universe now.”
“Woman takes over man’s world.”
“Niggers and women are better than white men.”
You joke but I could easily see that becoming a thing.
They plan on milking it as far as it will go, so that is the entire point.
Jews and women, united, can achieve the impossible. And by the impossible I mean prove to everyone you can take a license to print money that has been making shekels for close to 50 years and fuck it up in under 5 years.
A new trilogy was in the works as early as TFA. They're going to make it, or thought they were before VIII and the Solo movie. Now, God knows what they'll cook up.
That's not even sales that's SHIPPED meaning they sent less than one million copies to stores. So they probably actually sold less than that even.
if it's false it won't harm EA,all they have to do is show the numbers and any further criticism leveled at them is dismissed rom that point on as being "haterz",but maybe you'll find some idiots willing enough to do so on >>>/reddit/ or >>>/4chan/
How do you fags survive with such bad reading comprehension?
Yeah when they use the SHIPPED number you still cant be sure what the sales number actually is.
But they had planned on selling 10 mil, and they had planned on it being 15 mil units sold over the course of next year. And their projections relied on the fact they would be taking in LOOT BOX MONEY. SO investors were not pleased at all.
That poster is a more interesting alien design than Disney has come up with.
they projected 10 million (this was for the investors)
But only shipped 9 million (actual orders from retail)
Only sold about 7 million (actual sales including digital and retail. There is a reason you see so many SWBF2 on the shelves yet other games only have like 1 or 2 copies on hand.
They expected 15 million on the high end. (Physical and Retail combined.)
For reference the first game sold 13 million in the same time frame.
Note the 7 million number includes all the BUNDLES that included the game. A lot of people bought the PS4 bundle cause the system looked cool etc.
You have to remember Half the sales were prob from Digital. So of that 9 mil shipped as physical, most are still on the shelves.
Shipped 9 mil physical copies.
Expected to sell a majority of them because the first SWBF sold a lot physically.
Only 7 mil units are sold, that included the digital sales numbers. So like half the sales were digital.
So that means they sold like 4 million to 4.5 million physical units, including the bundle units.
The reason you see a GLUT of SWBF2 on store shelves compared to other games is because they have a very large almost 4 million units large UNSOLD INVENTORY backlog at retail. And thats with LOTS of places cutting the price in half and putting the game on sale left and right. No one is buying even when the game had 20 or 30 bucks chopped off the top.
It can’t bomb. By definition this cannot ever happen. All reviewers will fellate it harder than Black Panther. All reviews which don’t will be deleted from the Internet. Websites that ✡Disney✡ doesn’t control will be served with DMCA notices and the reviews hosted there will be taken down. Bad reviews will be delisted from Google and deleted from YouTube. Facebook and Twitter will shadowban them. They’ll even lie about revenues.
EA took a hit when the loot box furor was going on, which you can see clearly in the 6 month graph, but they've rebounded and then some to a record high. It's almost like Holla Forums doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
This has more to do with trump then anything.
If they had had a SOLID launch of BF2 it should be twice as high.
Tax reform and a projected GDP growth of 4% are driving up the stock markt brainlet.
I actually agree with you though pic attached is factual and still hilarious
Quick glance i thought that was the acid rain mask from svu gamergate
Its amazing how battlefront 2. They literally could have just resold the original and everyone would have bought it.
This is EA. Your voices have been heard. As a result, internally we are making certain adjustments to ensure your future interactions with our products are as seamless and comfortable as possible.
We will ensure our next Star Wars release has even more micro transactions.
I'd cuddle with her.
I can't argue with that logic.
… not exactly.
Their job was so easy, All they had to was copy original battlefront games and slap some shiny new graphics on, but they decided to fucked up everything instead.
user, did you ever hear about the Christmas special star-wars ?
I guarantee you will enjoy something at least below what your worst expectations could be.
Wait until the gubmit starts the process of declaring lootboxes gambling for the stocks to plummet. 50% of all EA income is from lootboxes.
They didn't need to give the yiffing midgets classes in how to act and walk. I guarantee you that Solo will make the Christmas special look like a piece of art.
Ehh, this whole lootbox/gambling thing is more of an empty threat than anything, it's basically just a way of prodding the vidja industry and reminding them they've been late on their bribe money *ahem* campaign contributions.
That was a TV special, dipshit.
Does that mean not even an entire million less than they expected for that quarter, or does that mean less than a million total, which was below their expectations?
If they sold this, there wouldn't be firings, there'd be live executions.
My guess is that they "expected" to sell +1 million by now, not that I believe anything they say. The game undersold well below expectations, and they're talking about units shipped, which will soon be sent back to them by retailers. They even pushed Anthem back to 2019 so they clearly are in full panic mode.
shit man, I wish I could come close to achieving EA's failure in my lifetime with the content I make.
That's really is fucked, it used to be when a game sold a million copies they'ed get a greatest hit /players choice/platinum reprint. It used to mean "this is a game the people have decided is worth giving a shit about."
Now they waste so much money making games that they need a ridiculous amount of sales just to break even.
It certainly met my expectations.
7 or 9 million, either way that's way more than decent indie games could hope to grab in sales and many of them consider "success" selling 5k+ copies. I know I've spent a lot more time and had a lot more fun with "indie" games than I have with modern AAA titles in the past few years
Or B titles
I won't even touch Free to play games that I've dumpped all kinds of hours into. Pick your favorite non AAA gameus and I'm sure you'll find many "sucessful" titles that sold nowhere near a million units let alone 7 to 9 million. This is because EA isn't out to simply make money. They're a corporate entity. They have investors and stakeholders. They have multi-million dollar marketing teams to advertise their games. They buy ads during the Superbowl for fuck sake.
The coperations pushing out these multi-million dollar turds are effectively the dinosaurs of the videogame industry. Real legacy media tier.
I sold less than a million of expectations
it didn't sell less than a million
expectations were 10million it sold just over 9million
9million assholes still bought this fucking game
How fucking greedy is EA if they think 7 million sold is a failure?
How much did the game cost to make?
The point is that AAA games cost a fortune to make. From marketing, to middleware to keeping a dev team numbering in the three digits on almost constant overtime the costs pile up quickly. Publishers are stuck with a business model that is very inconvenient because it forces them to put most of their eggs in just a few baskets, and if they fuck up they get burned badly.
But like you said, you don't need these massive budgets to make fun games, let alone games that sell (relatively) well, but when you've been making the same garbage for 10+ years it's difficult to restructure your company to do something else.
Shipped does not mean sold. 9 million is not even remotely close to expectations when the previous game sold 13 to 14 million copies. EA is in full panic mode.
Don't ask questions that you know there isn't an answer to. There is no limit to greed.
Prob $500 million wasted on making the POC main character like look the ugliest nigger/rag head crossbreed possible.
7 mil isn't that great for a Present Day heh, Present Time hahaha! Star Wars game.
What I find most amusing is games like Windward and 7 days to die are basically autism outlets for me to dump hours into without any real cogent reason. There was no overarching story or set tasks for me to complete. I was either sailing around fighting pirates or exploring and killing zombies. There are bits of nuance to the gameplay and mechanics that draw me into the open worlds respectively but if I had to tell you why I liked playing the game I honestly couldn't. I just know that when I was playing them I was having fun.
No need to try all that hard. She some mystery meat mongrel fresh from the Hollywood ass pounding factory, her looking like a prepubescent boy is only to be expected.
That's what the publisher expects from the magic IP but the harsh reality is that star wars games have never sold that well, all things considered. 7 million is actually pretty good for an SW game, but I guess if you take the expectations and marketing into the account it might still be considered a failure.
Battlefront 1 sold 13 - 14 million total
EA was expecting BF2 the sell 10million just in it's release quarter
Fucking Crowbcat.
You're grinning at Trash Effect all that vid then the ending hits you and you're suddenly not smiling anymore…
It's not about greed or a small indie game, it's a Star Wars game. That brand should move a ton of copies. EA Battlefront II sold less than the previous one, so yes it's a failure.
Indeed, the marketing cost should be taken into consideration.
As for the brand, Star Wars took a severe hit in terms of creativity since Disney bought LucasFilms. The SW books are given to fanfiction-tier authors like Chuck Wendig and his "wibbly wobbly" tie fighter or some fart fetishist. Giving the video game rights to EA was also a mistake since none of its studios have been capable of delievering something good for quite some time now.
Likely 50 Mil if that, and around 300Mil for shilling alone.
It kinda is. It's Star Wars and normalfags are generally pretty voracious when it comes to eating up any old shit that companies like EA craps out.
No it crashed because of EA fing up. But the trump tax cuts BOOSTED all companies including EA.
Yeah TRUMP helped EA recover by accident of the circumstance.
not much, just 7 million fucking copies. jesus fucking christ how can act smug when this company is at nearly a billion dollars a year profit from microtransactions
Where did it all go so wrong?
I blame Jim, he influenced a lot of people following the exodus and was a regular cross poster, not to mention the mega cuckening that followed halfchan a month ago has given us more cuckchan refugees
What happened? I usually stick to /christian/ almost exclusively, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Major drama hardly ever has an impact there or is even discussed at all.
Does no one read the article? It said 1 million BELOW expectations. The total sales across all platforms are at about 2.5m. Other M sold only 1.36m. Battlefront still managed to sell about double that.
Battlefront sales:
Other M sales:
from what I've understood, half Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and a few other boards were getting the ban hammer harder than before and a lot of their cross posters decided to shill for migrating here, the way you can tell is the new forced memes. You might have noticed that the brainlet wojak/56% american forced memes are often posted and met with hostility here for being D&C cuckchan memes, you usually see these secluded as a result but in /newsplus/ and Holla Forums they're very rampant for a reason
sage for offtopic
I was doing some research and apparently EA makes 500$m net profit per year because they have massively high operating expenses.
Also they had to pay 176 million dollars thanks to the tax reform
Thank you Trump
*They make 500 million per quarter
Thanks. This gives context for why I've been seeing a lot of the Amerimutt thing in the past week or two out of nowhere. Damn "refugees."
This is the kind of shills that makes shekels paid for his shota niggers.
Its like this board is comprised of children who do not understand a thing.
Expected Sales figures is a goal to meet that would make you a profit over total expenses.
Its why despite Bioshock infinite selling like hotcakes it still spent 300 million on developing and pr.
Battlefront 2 had to have an ENORMOUS marketing budget seeing as the amount of marketing occurring over the game.
Also EA massively bloats dev teams with unskilled workers vs skilled ones which increases overhead as well.
If you spent 1 million on a game and it netted you 60 million when it sold 1 million copies that's a huge success.
If you spent 300 million and sold 5 million copies you broke even.
Even if you sold 6 million it may not be enough to justify the time to your share holders.
I completely understand that user, i'm just disgusted by the fact that they waste so much money now, that the number of sales that used to be considered a great success might not even be enough for them to break even.
They pump millions of dollars and get teams of hundreds but because the process of making a AAA game is so cynical now they can't even make it as good as a game from 2005 by a team of less people with less money on dated hardware.
Wow watch out with that edge user. People could get hurt
user could you shut the fuck up? I don't want to let jew remember they already have a good black character to cash on and ruin….blade, spawn, static shock should be left alone in the small nice they are
They sold 9m out of the project 10m. They didn't do badly.
It's fine I guess?
What point are you even trying to make you cuckchan filename posting nigger?
How did any of you pass 4th grade?
Someone should shop Mark's face in "Death" since that's when he started browsing chans.
No they didn't.
Wait are you saying you keep both your eyes open with a rifle?
What excuse do you have to be nogunz?
None becasue when I use mine I keep the right dominant open to aim and close the left to not get distracted
From what I understand they sold ~9m copies, but conservative estimates where 11m+lootbox sales. Nice to see Disney completely shitting the bed with SW.
That's bad practice.
Meh, your brain can work both ways and not close the dominant eye as well as keep the lazy one open. And since I shoot at target and almost reached olimpics there isn't really any reason to do so. obviusly was still shooting and not skeet shooting which I guess makes sense need attention on the area around
You say that like the fact DC just put out a series for Black Lightening doesn't mean they're fully aware of all the others they actually use.
SW has gone beyond stupid
How badly do you think Star Wars Land at Disneyland will fail? They're spending a shit ton of money on it.