How and why did you become a leftist?

How and why did you become a leftist?

Was a Holla Forumsyp and started actually reading from the horse's mouth and everything made sense. I was misled by stormfags and my school.

After leaving my upper class American Protestant household for college, I realized that poor and stupid people deserve the same standard of living as smart and rich people.

I was an anarchist around when I graduated high school but meeting Jim Profit a few years later got me interested in Marxism and renewed my interest in leftism.

To piss of Nazis

Hard to say exactly. I kinda just ended up discovering that what socialism/communism billed it self as fit and expanded upon my current views at the time, about 3 years ago. Said ideas began formulating about 7-8 years ago.

Went to college and tried to out-leftist everybody by being Stalinist. Then Occupy and all this gaymergate sjw culture war stuff happened and I started browsing Holla Forums for the lulz because I fucking hate these people and want them to die, and now in my old age, I seek a happy medium between the two.

my parents are MLs

I was a neo-reactionary for a while before reading left literature and realized I was chest-deep in bullshit.

So the nazi/stalinist fusion transformation meme is real.

Studied sociology. Almost every single social issue is rooted in socioeconomic status which can roughly be translated to material conditions, and thereby class. Opened my eyes.

I was raised Christian and always wanted to help people and I was kinda born a communist. I remember watching old so let marching parades where they would put modern music over it and I loved that shit as a 11-12 year old.

I started out pretty ducking hankie but now I have settled on a bookchinite communalost ideology that focuses on municipalism and cucks both anarkiddies and socialists.

Just stick with what works, comrade

I pretty much always held the ideas that private land and intellectual property was bullshit. When I started to read more into socialist theory it just seemed to make sense.

Canada's social democrat party ran to the right of the liberals and pissed away the possiblity to form government for the first time in its history. after that i started to move left because fuck that noise

Was always a progressive able to see wealth as the most important factor in people's lives. When people took that obviously-propagandistic term "cultural Marxism" too far during GG I finally decided to look up what Marxism actually is.

My mom was a Riot Grrrl in the 90's and I grew up with her and her girlfriend in one apartment. Let's say I had the opportunity to have good teachers at my disposal.

Rich kid with a greedy dad and a broken home

I figured out on my own that all this shit was because of the profit motive and that our economy was structured so that the most ruthless people would control the enterprises and maximize profits. I got as far as concluding the solution was to have the economy run democratically with employees owning the business and work for themselves and their communities. I had no idea that I was already pretty much a commie whe I read some Marx at 23. Before then I avoided learning about communism mostly because I knew a tankie edgelord in high school and thought of him whenever I considered it. What pushed me over the edge was hearing Zizek, who I thought was both entertaining and insightful, refer to himself as a Marxist. It ended up being one of those things where you realize "oh shit, I'm not the only one who noticed," and also one of those things where you realize "oh shit, this is completely different from what I was led to believe it was."

i saw what the fascist ideology zionism did to my palestinian family

I started out just pretty much defending everything the government did, even if it was evil because of le ideological superstructures, eventually started disagreeing with the state's evils under the guise of "oh I'm a libertarian"-ism. Started reading Foucault and discovered that the state has the means to do evil to its population, and I started looking at laws and public policy differently. Discovered Chomsky and found out that the state uses its tools for evil pretty much whenever it gets a chance and dove headfirst into anarchism.

Parents were left-libs, pops got laid off in the aftermath of 2008, read Marx and never turned back :^)

I realized that neither right wing nor centrist politics were actually helping my working class family, so I said "fuckit" and figured I didnt have much to lose and now I defend Stalin to liberals and organize with the IWW.

I'm not a bug person and I still have a soul

Failed to go to college after school, had some shitty jobs for some time, had an existential crisis or something, was trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in the world and why everything is so shit.
Accidentaly found out about Zizek in that one video of him with Assange. It's not like I've never heard about leftist stuff before, but he really got me hooked by that time.
And it all goes from here.

I am also Holla Forums-convert. I even was active nationalist irl. Holla Forums started to degrade a lot from theory of capitalist exploitation based on the belief that jews are fault to this, in before they actually discussed theory and mostly focused on politics, not on "esoteric hitlerism" or emotional based threads, and violent approach to things was condemned as being controlled opposition. Holla Forums before had different view on communism, and didn't associate communism with liberalism and all left ideas immediately, like liberals associate alt-right with neo-nazis and Holla Forums (which are three completely different ideologies by the way, influencing one another).
But now they've gone from that, to glorifying that said capitalism with shitty frog memes, completely blinding themselves from the fact that nothing is changing and Trump, with HWNDU, with esoteric kekism and all the new posters showed the actual result of nationalist shitposting. They scream in their lungs that Trump is nationalist, they not differ from emotional liberal cunts, they see any socialist idea as jewish and completely lost their minds in obeyness to Trump and capitalism. Its like entire population of board became whiny teenagers.

And then i start reading Marx and Engels, around the time just before Trump got elected, and i taken a like of their standpoint, ideas on communist economy and their traditional approach towards social issues in their other writing, that modern left has lost in sexual depravity. I realized Marx is nothing Cultural Marxism describe him, and actually a sane smart economist everyone could take a like on, if they didn't judge book by its cover. People hate left for what modern left has done. But left is the only option of truly fixing corrupt capitalist system.
Today i take a favor of Lenin, Marx, Richard D. Wolff and Zizek, but still cautious about Stalin and his view on marxism-leninism. I'l read him later, to point out differences in ideologies, if i have time after completing all works of Marx and Lenin, and judge personally.
Anyway, my racial judging of people disappeared in thin air because i understood it was all just an emotional expression over already existing social constructs inside of capitalist system. Some rich jews do control it, but that's just their organization trying to become supremacist rulers, just like their religion where they believe they are chosen people by god. As soon as jew drops his own spooks he stops being a jew. Just like a black man if he stops buying all the capitalist "gangster" and "rap" goods he can stop acting like a retarded "gangsta", since capitalism and corporations are interested in creating artificial protests, they sucked away intellectual capabilities of african americans to create things like BLM.
Capitalism is at fault for all inequality, and it this inequality will grow even bigger soon, and i hope - exploding europe with revolutions for the worker's cause.

I decided to go to r/communism one day to see how stupid they were then they turned me into an idpol tankie. I'm despooked for real now thanks to leftypol though (found you guys though the Wolff event you sponsored).

I wish I had a better story.

I was born one tbh fam

That's the cutest thing I've read all day

the 08 financial crash along with my dad's right-wing populist leanings led me to identify with working class people, which led me to realize right-wing politics in general just use the people as tools, so left i went.

Also I had a marxist professor my first semester of college, sadly cliche

Because I realised I'd benifit much more not having my surplus value extracted by the bourgeoisie and it would be better to work in my class interest.

I also have a basic level of empathy for people and self-respect for myself.

Because you're all college students which are infested with communist professors.

raised by social democrats but never really thought that "muh human nature" was valid criticism. Was a left liberal but radicalised after actually learning about socialsim/communism/anarchism.

I was taught in school to demonize communism. I only really learned about it after reading leftist literature.

>They were poor, factory owners owned everything, exploited workers with monopolies
>But the unions fixed that and everything is handy dandy now!

And that was how I became a marxist.
Was an "anarchist" during my teen years and read into marxism at 17, at which point I became a full marxist.

From a very right wing family. I always hated how much they forced their views on me, and the only people I ever met in my life that wanted to hear my point of view were leftists. From liberals to full on communists. I always liked the "live and let live" mindset and leftists just seem to accept that better than the right.

Also leftists are just nice people all around.

