Windows 10 Exclusives

So how long till Microsoft wakes up and realizes that their attempt at forcing GFWL 2.0 making shit Windows 10 exclusive isn't going to work and port them to Windows 7?
So shit like:
Age of Empires I-III Definitively Fucked Editions
Age of Empires IV
Crackdown 3
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Motorsport 7
Halo Wars 2
and frankly any other title the retards come up with thinking Windows 10 will sell.

There's already been a few cases where they've realized that making these games Windows 10 only was retarded and have ported games like Quantum Break and Dead Rising 4 over to Windows 7. How braindead do they have to be to not understand nobody wants their shitty store?

Other urls found in this thread:

I was going to say why you would want to play any of their games but then I realized I would actually play the Age of Empires remaster and Forza Horizon 3 if it was on Windows 7 even though history has taught me that any game that gets remastered is beyond shit

You're not missing anything with forza horizon 3, and I haven't touched the AOE remake to tell.
Most of the faggots I have seen with windows 10 got a prebuilt with it or have integrated intel graphics. Intel completely dropped support for all versions of windows that aren't windows 10 in the beginning of 2017.

You what?

For what purpose?

the only people who most likely will be using integrated graphics is people who literally don't know that GPU's exist or are using laptops that aren't running an amd cpu.

Yeah, most of the "people" with intel hd graphics are 12 year olds who never touched anything other than league of legends, but they're a sizeable market.

So as always it's a massive misread of the market

inb4 that gossip about MS planning to acquire EA, Valve and PUBG

I can't even imagine the levels of cancer that would bring about.

They know nobody wants their shitty store. It doesn't matter, you're going to get the store whether you like it or not. They're going to shove it down your throat until you like it.

Any game on the xbone can be played on a win10 device anyways. The console is nothing more than a budget win10 gamebox with drm. They should just go the full step and make Xbox live a platform that works on pc and market the xb1 as a budget game pc. Letting people use m+kb and becoming a part of the pc community would be the best bet for their company at this point to turn a profit.

Why would they do that? They're cutting Windows 7 support in less than 2 years anyway.

i would rather buy a console than put windows 10 on my machine.
im drawing a line. windows 7 will be my last windows operating system.

Why do retards say this?
Ever since consoles started having proper operating systems they got way worse than windows 10.

i dont care if sony installs a shitty operating system on sonys shitty console but i absolutely care if you put a shitty operating system on my computer.

Actually MS is doing quite well. The majority of gamers are normalfags who are into online GaaS shit and unironically interested in gamer culture.

I hate everything Xbox stands for but its more in tune with the mainstream zeitgeist than my lolicon weebshit.

Why do you dumb faggots stick with 7. If you care about >muh privacy then install GNU/Linux, and if you want to play games with Microsoft dick in your ass then just use 10 LTSB. It's the same piece of shit 7 is but with more modern support.

The only thing I want in life is a windows pdf reader that isn't bottom of the barrel garbage and lets you make the text white and the background black, that way I can pretend I'm working while I'm actually reading a japanese writing about an 11 year old losing his virginity to his 8 year old step sister.

what do you think you do on consoles? You know they aren't a replacement for PCs.

That still doesn't explain what you said

explain how the other is an even bigger piece of shit

They're not. They are failing at every endeavor and have been for years.

are you some kind of retard that buys a computer from dell with a preinstalled OS? how is this complicated?
the ps4/nintendo software may suck, but atleast its not ON MY PC.

I can't even process how such a stupid statement can be justified but I'm sitting here waiting for him to explain himself

he probably has windows 10 and uses internet explorer or google chrome and cant comprehend other options. he probably has steam, uplay, origin, and whatever the fuck else is out there now. he probably has weatherbug and bonzibuddy too.
i wonder if he has a faceberg or twitter.
it amazes me how retards like that find their way to this site.

you think he has winrar professional? fuck, he probably has winzip, symantec, and paid for office. i wonder if he has subscriptions to porn, or paid for a bittorrent client.

user, that's enough, you'll kill the guy.

Reminds me of how my parents made me buy a bunch of office copies in the name of their company so they could have it on their computers.
Instead I banked the money and installed libreoffice, then I told them it was the patriotic american version of office that prizes freedom. They didn't question it, or "libre" being spanish.

Wait, that exists?

I didn't even know you could become someone this amazing in just a couple of posts. Please make a thread on Holla Forums right now, I want to see this.

But Spanish will be the official language of the US in the next 10 to 20 years.


Even the Jews draw the line there.

Guys, Windows 10 really isn't bad. Its a solid OS and just werkz for what I need it to do. As far as usability is concerned you sacrifice absolutely nothing by going Windows 10

Tell me why I should care about your autism, show me de wey. And don't post anything made by 4/g/ and Holla Forums by doing it because those retards think literally everything is a botnet unless its a computer running Linux from Scratch on an ancient MIPS machine unplugged from the internet

this is too mean of a post

Since you're a nigger there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be using W10.

Linux is literally a dedicated Nigger OS

Now that's just straight out wrong. I'm fairly certain that first editions of N-Gage had no botnets included, probably.

that's those retards logic basically

you need more ARM architecture in your life

Fuck off, CIA-Nigger.

I can do this all day. Those cringelords find a reason to call anything botnet

You literally said
so clearly the consoles sucking would affect you, and then in addition, whatever your OS of choice is, that one sucking would affect you as well. And they all suck, W7 sucks, XP sucks, Linux sucks too. W10 sucks more than W7 for sure, but then again it's not an astronomical change once you spend like 1-2 days removing the bloat and restoring W7 settings.


Is that a rat?

10 is considerably slower then 7 for one thing, I just got a laptop from best buy with better hardware then my toaster, and I click on things and have to wait for them to appear which dosnt happen in win7

I don't believe your anecdotes, my assertions are just as correct as yours unless you provide evidence otherwise is just baseless claim
Did you bother defragging?

The biggest problems are the cancereous UI and GUI, which can't be changed easily, the fact that it requires a base 2 gigabytes of ram to run, as opposed to win7's 512ram, the GODDAMN SPYWARE that keeps attempting to circumvent any attempt at removal through updates that void any kind of blocks outside of cutting off the system entirely from accesing the Internet and the fact that it's deliberately doing this in the first place.
It runs slower, too, even at the barest minimum where you remove 90% of the "new features", than base win7 on classic mode with Aero disabled.

You're fucking retarded if you think XP sucks when even the FBI still uses it because it's safer than anything after it with user patches that remove windows shitty backdoors and the unofficial SP4.
If you can't bother to learn something new or if you happened to fall for the Arch meme, sure it would suck, but then you'd have bigger problems once micro$hit stars buttfucking you in the ass with Cortana and telemetry sending all your data to islamists and israelite hitmen or outright starts blackmailing you into paying them.

Piracy and hackers. No.

You can already own normalfags with XIM. If everyone could use m+kb who would you be owning then?


Something Microsoft already deals with and those factors don't hurt PC gaming as much as publishers want you to think

Any linux distros that clone Win XP or 95's UI?
Preferably while also not being from that time period

Why you want to deal with piracy and hacking at all when xbone already puts full stop on them?

Or I suppose some form of linux file? that clones the UI over some distro? The only linux I ever fucked around with was Lubuntu so I could Get a digital penguimp for Team fortress 2

Say that to my xb1 with 1 tb of 360 and Xbox original games and my customized cortana

Pray tell, what is wrong with arch?
Do you have something against rolling release distros, or is it because it doesn't come feature complete out of the box?

I refuse to use Windows 10. No matter what, 7 is my last Windows. I can live without new games. Hell, if I really want to play them, I would rather get a used console. That way I can play the games and still have a functional computer. And if piracy isn't available, I can get physical copies of games, that I can resell later if I want to.

Honestly, I don't care for PC gaming that much nowadays. Recent games are all made for console anyway, so I kinda regret buying this expensive PC when I could just use an old machine (running some light distro and probably XP as well) for emulators and old PC games. A used (even if it isn't all that cheap, because fuck Sony) PS4 might have been a better deal (and I could play the exclusives).

That's some brutal shit.


What game is that?


Just answer already


Everything IS a botnet user. The trick is accepting that and understanding how it impacts you. Removing the botnets and spying from any modern tech is impossible. It's designed that way now. You can mitigate it, but you cannot stop it.

It's a gay eroge with a focus on fart fetish shit. Everyone knows about it, you're just new.

Nintendo is shit and Mark is a faggot with a cardboard fetish. Call the fucking press. Is it even possible to be in moderation without being a massive fucking faggot?

ASSFAGGOTS stands for "anons stacking supremely fresh anal gore gone on the sides", it's a very obscure weebshit fetish.

you could do this relatively easy with anything, there's a bunch of window managers with themes that mimic 95
windows xp is a different story, just searching "linux desktop manager xp theme" and the first result I got on startpage was a thorough set of steps for almost a 1:1 replication of xp's theme in ubuntu

as someone who actually uses Arch, it has become a severe pain in the ass
I actually just had trouble with a full update because for some reason I had ffmpeg0.10 installed, from AUR I guess but why I have no idea, which prevented updating because of a dependency conflict between libx264 versions, so I had to uninstall ffmpeg0.10 to update and now I'll have to reinstall it for whatever it might have been a dependency for
and practically every update now it pesters the user about replacing package X with package Y
aside from that I've rarely had things break on me

implying he didn't save them from the microjew

The sad thing is that M$ is fully willing to go into red numbers with this, hoping to gain enough normalfags on their shitty OS and teach them to use their store for everything. They're trying to learn some jewish tricks from Apple, but do not have trendy gadgets to gouge hipsters on, so they're instead trying to build a walled garden. It won't work, Microsoft will likely double down on it repeatedly anyway, until it goes bankrupt, and then we'll be in a hellish reality where there is no microsoft… and everyone uses and develops games for a fucking mac


I want to stick my penis inside windows 10

They dislike the fact that you don't buy an OS too often, and that many are fully content to run an XP machine rather than line up to buy their newest abortion. They might have a dominant position on the market, but they are failing to monetise it – they aren't charging monthly subscriptions and they don't have users buying other MS products. Compare it with Apple where they release a shitty phone and retards line up to buy it along with a gorillion overpriced accessories

Dont worry, Windows will assimilate them in due time

With enough time and pressure even shit turns into diamond hard cancer.

Fuck it, I'm seriously thinking of going back to Windows 7, because 10 is a bug-ridden piece of shit.

You should go back.

I used 10 to evaluate how works for the end user and you should definitely go back to 7. Everything simply has better compatibility and it's a full desktop environment. 10 feels likely such a hackneyed attempt to capture both the tablet and desktop user without really giving either of them the option to choose between full tablet or desktop interface; too much of it is arbitrarily either tablet kid buttons or desktop explorer.




Your waifu is a pig disgusting proprietary botnet

Oh man classes have been hilarious since people switched to win10

inb4 Libbie

Why the fuck would Microsoft support a platform that they're trying to drive obsolete? They're not gonna port these games to Windows 7 just because a couple of fat autists want them

I moved to windows 10 because I wanted FH3 that bad. I'm also smart enough to disable all the telemetry and tracking bullshit. I gotta hand it to them it's pretty fucking quick, but I'll never like the new start menu that was obviously designed for tablets.

Because MS is run by a stupid currynigger.

Thank you for advertising for our company, Raj.
May our lord and savior Bill Gates grace you with one extra working our in which windows 10 won't forcibly shut down your computer to update.

Ultimately I think the biggest problem with W10 is Microsoft's complete inability to support their own product - if you go check their official support most answers people get about problems they have with W10 is somewhere in-between 'have you tried doing a clean re-install' and 'we're sorry'. Simply put, it's fucking abyssmal when they can't even help you with the product they themselves made.


Consoles are meant for playing fucking games, if you want the uses and programs of a computer you get a fucking computer. Who the fuck actually cares about a video game console OS "being shittier" than a computer's, they have different fucking purposes, unironically kill yourself no wonder why this place went to shit with peanut brains like you.



I'm using win10 because my motherboard doesn't support anything lower without me having to jump through hoops. You can just use tools like pic related to disable all the spyware and other shit

Geeh I wonder why

Haha, that's cute that you think Microsoft would be capable of doing that even if they wanted to. You don't seem to understand how much of a clusterfuck Windows is and how much difficulty Microsoft itself has in controlling it.

It's mostly because no one has any fucking idea what all the spaghetti code they have does, and any and all fixes require ungodly amounts of rewriting of code, which then inevitably fucks up something else.

It just installs more botnet lmao.

Exclusives for Windows are going to non-existant unless Microsoft themselves make it. Nu-Doom sealed this fate by demostrating vulkan can meet and possibly outdo Dx12 - the only shakles microsoft has. The OS is becomming irrelevant for gaming.

>Don't worry mods tools will fix it.

Then get a new motherboard you fucking homo.

get a less shitty motherboard, you double nigger faggot.

>not using penguin os for shitposting and Madobe Nanami for playing vidya

The reason why Microsoft is making them Windows 10 exclusive is to get more people to use Windows 10, not to sell games.

Third party devs will probably take some Microsoft money and make it (possibly temporary) Windows 10 exclusive.

Both the AoM and AoE2 remakes were poor. The only thing it has going for it is a more alive online.

Are ubuntu forks still acceptable or are they no longer Holla Forums approved?

Install Slackware, Arch, or Gentoo.

You don't have to be an asshole about it.

I'd just go with Xubuntu and ignore the autism if you're new to Linux.
Ubuntu is the normalfag distro, but this also means that it is the easiest one to find answers for all the little issues you might run into. There is more than enough time to turn into a botnet-screeching sperg once you've gotten a bit more familiar with the whole thing.

Thanks. I actually used to use Mint but I think I used the wrong "flavor" for it because the UI was an eyesore.

Makes one want to scrub the world.

The Win 10 anime girl should be a strung out, bloated wreck with flies around her head, a gammy leg and ideally sporting 6 cameras around her neck like a jap tourist from the 80s to symbolise all the spying she does.

Checking my own double trips


as if
they will be developed for iOS

It's like we're in the 90s again!

>not TempleOS

Bumping for an answer

so how do i do that there graphics passthrough stuff? is that good enough that i can ditch windows? honestly the user friendly linux distros run and feel better than windows at this point

Neckbeard magic. Ask Holla Forums

If you try it i hope you are ready to spend the next week making your computer shit itself at boot, and then when it finally boots, you will realize you can't do shit without making a lot of scripts that basically act as antirejection drugs to keep windows running on its zombie state.

Oh and you will also need to have a separate network card, usb hub, and related perhiperals to donate to the guest OS unless you want to constantly edit said scripts

It's actually pretty simple. You don't even need a second GPU and can ssh into your host machine if you have to. Running windows in a VM is how it should be, it's so simple to manage it this way.
You should youtube pcie passthrough.

depends on your shitty cpu and motherboard

First they'd have to make games that are actually worth playing.

I think the worst thing is it will probably mean more shitty remasters because of how broken backward compatibility is on 10.

Wew this whole thread
Anyone with a little knowlege and selfrespect wont use W10

Because is bad in many many ways

M$ will push W10 as far as they can, but when W7 is no longer an option im sure an alternative will be already in existence

If by that team linux actually supports most of the games i want to play and or applications,i'll definitely switch
deciding on distro will be a cunt though

I just want a linux distro that's ubuntu but without judaism and poetteringware.
Essentially something for non-autists who don't want to spend more time using their distro than using it, and something that's not a windows-tier nonworking gaping security hole.


What's wrong with ubuntu? i don't know much about the distros

The big problem with Win10 is its store. I have Gears 4 on xbone and I've never managed to download the PC version, it always stops or restart the dl from the beginning. Given how the game is now more than 100 gigs I'll keep the one version, I'll never be able to play the campaign at a better framerate.

git gud

How is it different from Microsoft pushing their market platform when faggots willingly install origin and steam to play the platform exclusive games?

It ultimately depends on your hardware, but if you have a CPU and motherboard that supports it it's fairly simple assuming you know your way around Linux and KVM
But honesty wine works pretty well, and dual booting is simple


Doesn't every distro have the option to make a persistent memory live usb?


windows 10 is awful, performance improvements from windows 7 are non existant. So what you're left with is an objectively worse UI, it's harder to use and get used to than windows 7. On top of that you had the whole debate about windows 10 being spyware since it would send data. I don't know much about it since I never considered upgrading and my windows 7 is pirated and never updates anything anyway.

Well shit,none of those sound appealing,guess a decent linux distro with no downsounds has yet to come.

why do you keep bringing in the amazon shit when it has been disabled by default or not even included for many years now?

They don't, actually.

Because anonymous never forgets.

Anyone using LTSB (Long Term Stable Branch) here? It's the corporate version of Windows 10, which receives no "feature" updates or bloatware, only security updates. Apparently it's easy to pirate and disable telemetry as well. It's the only thing making me consider moving off of Windows 7.

puppylinux is the only one I know of that is a fully functional system packed into an iso and lightweight enough to run on practically anything, I keep at least one flash drive with it for long nights are work when I'm bored
there's DamnSmallLinux but that's a lot less useful out of the box

I have no concept of time, I can't differentiate many years from last month.

I use both arch linux and gentoo regularly, and if you honestly want to use linux, try xubuntu. It's requires a bare minimum of involvement from you to keep it working while giving you the most option.
There are always going to be downsides to every distro, just as the downside to using windows is getting fucked in the ass by microsoft and subscription anti-virus.

Remember how shills were boasting the faster boot times of win10?
Yeah I knew they were using some fuckery with that, when I realized the F8 boot menu was no longer accessible during startup I immediately knew they were full of shit, the system once started never completely shuts down, it might terminate running programs but it always goes into a standy-by/hibernate sleep instead of shutting down, that's why you can never boot into safe mode without enabling the option before shutting down, so it adds the safe boot flag to the hibernation image.

It's literally the same thing just stripped down. If you're gonna use windows like a faggot Win 10 LTSB is the way to go

Where's the dedicated Holla Forums picture for installing the recommended distros.

I meant in comparison to 7, obviously LTSB is better than vanilla 10.

you mean this one?

Something like that but listed from good to bad with their pros and cons.

Win 10 Education also includes all GPOs as well so you can disable even more shit.
I just block MS domains on my pfsense router instead


Removing Windows 10 can be a pain in the ass because of all these new "safety features". People brought me quite a few shitty computers to fix since this piece of shit OS came out. One of them couldn't be fixed because the retard that gave it to me dropped the damn thing and the screen doesn't work anymore, and the only way to disassemble it seems to be bashing it with a hammer. Never failed to do this before (probably because I haven't done this in a long time, and it used to be easy as shit), but that computer is just a solid piece of plastic, with a few screws here and there that only exist so that you're tricked into believing that you can take it apart. Anyway, the point is that I can't remove Windows 10 from the machine because none of the shit that worked before is working now. It's a goddamn HP laptop (I am still astounded that someone could still be stupid enough to buy one of these), and they seem to have added another layer of "safety" that I haven't figured out yet because I just didn't bother trying for more than 10 minutes (every attempt results in a reboot, and it's slower than fuck, and every window takes forever to load), since I don't even have to return this computer, because it's just that unbelievably fucked up.

Basically, fuck computers. They are ruined forever, and I blame kikes, women and niggers. I get pissed just thinking about current year technology. Now I need another drink so I can die faster.

I heard the AoM remake has shit netcode which craps itself in ways the original never did. Verdict seems to be that the online community is worse than it was for the classics. There is a very strong impression that the AoM remake was done by con artists who feel smug about deliberately shitting out low quality work and making money off of it. The comments the developers made sounded like they were intentionally introducing bugs into the game because they looked at it as an opportunity to advertise "major improvements" in the game later on or shit. They are seriously terrible hacks and the game is generally unstable now, from what I've heard. Also the remake's AoM expansion is complete fucking absolute dogshit major-league cancer trash.

Avoid like the plague and play the original. It runs much better and doesn't have any of the gameplay "improvements" these idiots implemented.

believe me I know your pain, after just getting a few computers to un-botnet after win10 spread like fucking AIDS, I was pretty much sick of doing computer repair. Between UEFI & safeboot bullshit making it so complicated to boot ANYTHING other than "LICENSED MS OPERATING SYSTEMS", clients who couldn't even remember their own login password, to clients that had their login tied to a fucking hotmail account so you literally cannot bypass their password (imagine not being able to use your fucking operating system because it has ALWAYS ONLINE DRM, IT'S A FUCKING REALITY), and even clients who have accidentally locked themselves out of a system permanently by ACCIDENTALLY setting a boot, bios, AND HDD password.
I honestly believe that the advent of graphical user interfaces marked the downfall of computing. The bar to entry was set so fucking low that any attempt to make it more accommodating actually takes away convenience.
I figured out that most shit I want to get done can be done without graphical interfaces, but like with web browsing so many websites are building everything on scripts that you cannot view the site without fucking javascript.
The only fucking thing a graphical user interface should be needed for is graphic design and video games.

feels good

But that's wrong Satan. I'm on win7 with intel 7th gen right now.

thats sinful, user-kun.


Isn't that that psycho who shot a bunch of innocent people?

i call bullshit, but i believe it.

no that's the kid from the movie Chronicle where 3 best buds all get telekinesis and do whacky shit until that little turd turns to the dark side because he listens to marilyn manson

The joys of a pirate win7.

Your friend would appear to be clinically retarded.

Again more clinical retardation.
If your shit is crashing in Win10 you've fucked up.

Your mention of Hotmail reminds me that I lost all of my old emails because I refuse to give Microsoft my cellphone number (that I don't even have, because I don't fucking own one), or some bullshit like that.

I hate the internet as well. Holy shit, everything is so bad, it's fucking unbelievable when you go back to some older websites (or the really uncommon recent but competently made ones) that are still up (do that if you haven't, because it will make you even angrier, in fact, do the same thing with OSs). They have pages with enormous amounts of information and everything loads instantly, including the images, because future internet is faster, somehow.

Efficiency isn't even considered a factor when making anything today. Everything seems to be developed with the intent of using the entirely of your hardware's capabilities. Those retards seem to think that the higher the hardware requirements are for something to work, the better it is. Consumerism taken to its most extreme. And of course, other than the fact that they are slower than fuck and that the layouts are trash, I even despise the way that current year websites look, or anything else, really.

Even decently competent people like me were screwed over by that, because they would probably be more skilled if things didn't go in that direction. Fuck nigger technology.


So retarded that he doesn't even know that every Windows is always free.

Oh, my bad. Thought it was that roof kid.

Yeah, not only did it fuck up computers for hobbyists, but jobs too. Really fucked over everyone competent enough to read a fucking manual and spend time becoming proficient at using software by making the software do most of the work, all anybody needs to do is type away and the thinking is all done for them. Don't even have to worry about SAVING now, programs take periodic backups of everything so nobody gets fucked over by a system crash, because it was easier for microsoft to make the software save periodically instead of fixing the fucking system crashes.
Nobody gives a shit if you can use a command line interface now, and ignorant fucks all go "WHOA DUDE ARE U A HACKER? WHERE CAN I DOWNLOAD THE NEW STAR WARS MOVIE Xddddd"
god fucking damn it, and computer clubs are just as fucking bad, except the clubs are full of white haired boomers who ask you how to fix their email, last time I talked to anyone remotely competent about computers was at a linux user group that's way too much of a trek to be worth the drive




I work with a lot of boomers that have to use AS400 it is interesting because the developers decided to shove options literally fucking everywhere. Never before have I seen such bloat in a text fucking interface.


is this the designated fuck W10 thread?
because i want to rant about what happened when i built my new computer:

Help me guys I'm totally getting Jewed my computer is always slow and is always crashing and there's an NSA van parked across the street from my house guys!

lmao, faggots

I bet you're mining buttcoins for shlomo right now

But user, how else is the government supposed to make money?

man why even bother?

how's the 90s treating you user?

Only on Windows™

end yourself

you're a stupid one huh?

This the average Linux supporter itt

for real. slackware, debian, and fedora/redhat have been around for a long time and have tons of support, of those three i've only actually used slackware but it worked fine out of the box, videocard drivers installed easily, had very few issues.
ubuntu is normalfag-friendly fork of debian
arch originally a fork of slackware
can't make this shit up.

gb2 reddit


Now that I think about it, processors never come with a performance measurement in the box, right? It's always



Guess why kike companies like Redhat have been trying to corner the market and why Microkike wanted to start investing in linux.



I only want year of the Linux desktop if it can also be year of the beige CRT

It's like you all hate vidya.

user please don't kid yourself.

I never equated clockspeed to performance.

Maybe you should be explaining yourself here, how are YOU measuring processor speed, in miles per hour?

Honestly I haven't heard of slackware, fedora or redhat in so long I forget they existed. If a noob is going to try linux that may as well ignore debian and go straight for ubuntu, they'll end up with systemd and pusleaudio anyway by the time they're done installing debian so they may as well skip the extra steps entirely.

Yes, they throw a few benchmarks in your face but benchmarks are ultimately useless if you don't have an equivalent system built, you never know what bottlenecks you will have compared to the system that ran those benchmarks. At any rate the only metric I look at now is how many serious exploits were found months later, and intel is really dropping their spaghetti with this.

Yeah I phrased that wrong, but you get the point. Clockspeed is not a direct indicative of a processor's performance.

What happens when MS stops supporting W7? They don't seem intent on giving up on W10.

Community patches, also you will basically scavenge compatible hardware until the performance gap is so big you will pretty much be forced to upgrade.

Where's the lie you retard

Upgrade to Linux you mean?
The year of the Linux desktop will only happen once it's virtually impossible to use Windows 7.

this fam is shit

Daily reminder that win 7 was shit on just as much as 10 back in the day. XP 4 lyfe

what's green hill zone got to do with this

no it wasn't

It was, but when people realized it wasn't that bad once you stuck the classic theme on it and ditched all of the other new shit the stigma just disappeared.

The cycle will continue and you know it

Except w10 doesn't let you disable a lot of it's "features".
Also with every update they reinstall all the bloatware that you might have erased.
Like how they have integrated Cortana with the search engine, so you can't fully uninstall her.

windows 7 end of life is jan 2020. after that have fun getting all of your passwords stolen by running the some javascrpit on a randrom site

Except for the part where you can.

It won't work from that but W7 will eventually have support dropped by most large publishers and major releases. Anyone who is still sticking to W7 now will eventually fold and 'upgrade' to W10 or be like me and boycott any future microsoft products and go full linux. Right now I'm dual booting between W7 & linux. It's worth getting to know it now since I'll be using it for the rest of my life it seems. W7 is still useful for me but perhaps VM-type technologies &/or wine will become good enough so I can drop even that.

Isnt this Holla Forums?

Embrace, extend, extinguish.

Never, they aren't interested in the game failing or even series dying. Microsoft Studios is part of their advertisement campaign for Win10.

Because it would mean they are profiting off them. Microsoft Studios are only developer skipping DX11, everyone else tries to sell their game on Windows 7. Windows 7/8 is still relevant and Microsoft is failing to change it.

They have a long way to go.

It failed with Win95
It failed with Windows Vista
It's failing with Windows 10
Why do they keep doing it

To avoid a long reply, this picture is reatarded because it pretty much wants the PC to turn into a console, bar the exception of a few points, almost all would need the direct intervention of a regulating entity therefore no real freedom.

You fell for the b8, user

they were cheap and i needed a laptop to move from my house to work.

God i am stupid

eh? didnt that CPU was the last gen that accepted win7? just switch to the penguin os user-kun, dont let jews cuck you or buy a cpu that actually works.

you can skip that shit, if i remember correctly

It's possible to do both. It's a very careful balance.


Windows 10 is easily the majority of actual end users now, particularly gamers.

The reason Windows 10 "Exclusives" aren't working isn't because everyone is using Windows 7, they aren't working because they are actually exclusive to Windows store and DX12 - both of those suck ass.
I refuse to play any games that are on the Windows store, and I use Windows 10.

Oh and all those games suck dick or cash on nostalgia anyway. That probably isn't helping their case.

Last Windows 10 Update took half a day,
but you CAN disable being forced to do them easily.
Gonna switch to openSUSE when DX11 stuff is solid enough.

AoE 3 and 2 are some of the last good rts games tho. I wish they had followed through with their original plan for the AoE series before they got killed and then revived. I played the shit out of 2 and 3 and I still have my collectors edition of 3.


There's these two, but you are probably better off reading this article: