Am I missing something in this transition, guys?
What if I told you
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What if I told you the Matrix sucks balls and the only good thing to come out of it was the Animatrix?
I don't care about cinematic opinions on the Matrix movies. I'm trying to figure out how the origins of the term "redpilled" make any political sense whatsoever.
No, Holla Forums are massive faggots obsessed with popculture. They are unable to think in terms outside of it, like a mirror image of liberals who can only discuss politics with Harry Potter or Game of Thrones analogies.
I'd call you a contrarian pseud who always longs to be different just because.
Oh, that makes sense. No wonder they think DA JOOS collaborate together like Illuminati Bond villains plotting the downfall of humanity. Holla Forums's so fucking childish, amirite?
I'd say you're a weeb with shit opinions
Yeah I know, I just want to disillusion people who are objectively (nah I kid) wrong
Of course Holla Forums likes a series of meaningful-sounding but actually vapid truisms.
The Animatrix actually criticises capitalism, unlike the Matrix, which has the view on mankind of a 14 year old edgelord.
The movie's somewhat allegorical about seeing beyond establishment liberal-conservative ideology, but it also works in the frame of right-wing conspiracy theories (except that the Matrix isn't being corrupted by the machines, it's a direct product of the machines and wouldn't exist without them, but I don't think right-wingers ever get that far)
Basically, if you don't agree with me, watch from here
to 8m30
The robots got attacked because the human nations' leaders couldn't allow FALC to exist.
I bet my backbone that the red pill meme started in some other context and later was apropiated by Holla Forums
The Animatrix isn't all that interesting on its own, it just fleshes out the world of the Matrix a little more
Maybe that's all you got out of it, but there are some interesting takes on the Matrix out there.
MGTOW and Men's Rights Activist definition of red pill (don't marry, don't reproduce) is more popular culturally than Holla Forums's one.
ok Holla Forums is 100% infested to death with jews.
the "wachowskis" do not even exist they are jewish characters just like trump.
look at these pictures
you are a fucking retard for thinking that reptilian somehow magically changed shape like that
i would disagree
Incels pretending to be volcels
The Matrix was inspired by the far superior Ghost in the Shell movie that came out in 1995.
This and also this film as well:
Both of you are wrong. It was inspired directly by Dark City.
I have seen some people posting on Holla Forums that redpill had some kind leftist origins despite its current usage. I don't know if those people are actual oldfags from cuckchan or they were just talking out of their asses. Does anyone know anything about this?
no that sounds about right
Why yes, you are. You are missing the dialectical movement and its next conclusion. We must seize the memes of production, why else would you call it a "red" pill? This is where the dual nature of the red pill comes into play: it's both a metaphor for truth, whichever it may be, and the hint to what this truth is lies in its very color.
Take the red pill, comrade.
no unlike liberals, traps have reason to exist
Matrix was based on Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation ( which is seen in the opening seen in the movie, Neo stores some leet hacker floppies in a hollowed out copy)
If you want to know why 'Red Pill' became and aut-right phenomenon then you can also use Baudrillard's procession of Simulacrum from said book.
and proofs from YouTube
Watch from 1:50 onwards to catch the reference.
I'm certain this needed to exist for some reason.
Believe me, comrade, I already have. You could say I was redpilled when I first started curiously peeking at the Communist Manifesto back in high school. My time on Holla Forums is simply going further down the rabbit hole.
That's some pretty insightful shit, user. Color me impressed.
Libertarian radicals. They are the missing link.
The Matrix (the first one, anyways) works pretty damn well as Communist allegory
Morpheus is Marx, Neo is Lenin, the Matrix is PURE IDEOLOGY, Agent Smith is the Tsar and the other agents are the bourgeoise, and I have no idea what Trinity is
Baudrillard was right about so many things and that's a pretty terrifying prospect.
Beautiful visual, user. Thanks a ton. :) They both had badass black coats to match, too!
Serial Experiments Lain was better
Wrong, they are Marxist trannies. The Matrix trilogy literally drips with Marxist allegories and parallels.
Here's a pretty interesting analysis written by an american patriotard whining how the Matrix films are promoting a message of communist nihilist anti-Western terrorism (which they certainly are).
You should check out Cloud Atlas by them.
It's sci-fi Phenomenology of Spirit
Cloud Atlas is my #1 favorite movie. It is LITERALLY as kino as humanly possible.
Yes! Cloud Atlas is the best movie ever! Gulag for everyone who disagrees
Cloud Atlas is great, both the book and the film.
I like that movie, wish Rufus Sewell wasn't a liberal. Wachowskis plagiarized from more than one source, but the similarities with Dark City are undeniable.
This. They see themselves as very special people woker than normies, but their imaginary remains that of mainstream pop culture. You'll notice that most Holla Forums-produced memes designed for wider distribution (like propaganda videos) rely heavily on production techniques inspired by blockbuster films and mass advertising.
Adorno was right about the kulturindustrie.
The right is always trying to undermine the success of the left by hijacking their shit. It's one of those "circle of life" kinda things.
FDR uses Christian morality for the New Deal, out comes right wingers preaching Dominionism.
Same shit, different day.