What's the punishment for reactionaries, fascists, and other counter-revolutionaries going to be post-revolution?
What's the punishment for reactionaries, fascists, and other counter-revolutionaries going to be post-revolution?
Working on McDonald's everyday from 10h per day.
Then giving them the regular sallary McDonald's workers get.
Rinse and repeat until they have genuinely learned.
Gulag, same as last time you asked.
For how long?
Until they're not reactionary, fascist, or counter-revolutionary anymore.
Secret police positions.
How will forced physical labor cause them to change their viewpoint?
Depends. If they took up arms, deport them, otherwise let them live like everyone else unless they cause trouble. If they do, punishment will be the same as everyone else.
Is that a euphemism for reading Bordiga?
That would cause them have to sit on an armchair which there are none in a gulag.
Did you think "we're coming, bucko!" was an idle threat?!
It makes no difference to me whether they labor inside or outside. They can change their perspective, or not. To my mind, the objective is containment, not religious redemption dramas.
Careful, lad, the UN sent a strongly worded letter about stress positions already.
I don't wanna be gulag'd
Walk the plank
Don't listen to the MLs then. Come join the light.
tfw hoping that the Syrian civil war ends soon and Rojava is granted the right to govern itself so that I can eventually move there and live in libsoc paradise
Don't be a pussy, if you want it then fight for it.
It will be Israel 2.0. Read Gilles Dauve.
Exile probably - their attempts to re-establish exploitative structures will not bear fruit as we will have changed the conditions by which our labour is shared
Why bother with them?
Really using the post-class intuition there famrade
I have no business there, they wouldn't even take me (history of depression, no combat experience and so on)
At most, sentence them to re-education or co-living with the people they're racist against. They'll probably get despooked, and if they're still racist after that, it doesn't matter. It's not like they have power or anything.
Kill all porkies to start with, and if anyone starts trying to promote reaction/fascism, kill them too.
what about acting wrongly?
isn't it full of illiterate nationalists?
I'm scared.
Exile where? I thought you were for international revolution. You nazbol?
We'll eat them.
If you don't actively participate in reactionary bullshit I suppose you can just work in a factory by day, recieve payment in the form of labor vouchers or something after, and chill out at night. The internet will still exist, books and movies will still exist. Rebuilding after war and sustaining socialism will no doubt give people lots to do in the community.
top kek
Forced Feminization through hormone therapy and drugging until they love to cum from anal stimulation only. They will be held captive and raped by well paid black bulls.
Basically just give them what they're all longing for.
Most criminally underrated post
Why did the worst fetishes have to be the ones that came into vogue? Interracial cuckolding is so fucking lame and vanilla I'm not surprised, but c'mon guys.
How will you do that without every pro domme in the country, let alone no sex work at all?
Zizek explains that in depth sniff at
i'm amazed you don't think i'd kill you
Nothing unless they cause trouble. In which case gulag, firing squad, hanging, etc.
you're a larping bitch, I'm not worried about you.
Ever watched "A Clockwork Orange"? remember that scene when Alex is put in the Ludovico therapy? kinda like that, Holla Forumslyps and reactionaries will be forced to watch cuckold porn while listening to their favorite songs or something like that.
that's just the average day for a Holla Forumsyp
High raking positions in the ruling class and military whereby they can comfortably use claims of "reactionaries, fascists, and other counter-revolutionaries" to eliminate their political opponents
idk where you read "state". All I see is "we".
idk where you read "where's my daddy". All I see is "we".
And you call yourself anti-hierarchy.
Have you considered switching out the red in your flag for yellow? :^)
Nice false dilemma. I believe in reforming all criminals. One type of criminal is someone who uses violence when it's not necessary; I prefer not to be that type and then think I'm somehow the good guy. To be anti-hierarchy requires you to also be anti-violence; it's just that sometimes violence is ended to end itself. Ending itself does not include murdering those who engaged in it previously.
Have you considered to stop being an edgy teenager without any ideological consistency or principles? :^)
The membership function is continuous, non-linear, and can vary fractionally between 0 and 1 fucks given. Fucks given makes right. :)
yes it actually does, there are numerous studies showing that outreach and interaction with people of other races will make people less racist. the key thing is to actually appoint families and communities who are trained in outreach.
Only ancaps believe that active pedophiles should be allowed to continue without retribution. If someone admits to pedophilic tendencies and seeks help, they should obviously be offered help by their community, per Kropotkin's suggestion for all criminals.
For them to actually cross the line and take out their desires on an innocent kid, though, is an unacceptable act. I have to agree with the user.
Having a personal problem isn't ever an excuse for causing someone else harm, no matter how real and serious it is to you. I say that as a high-functioning autist who's also a kissless virgin and not very happy about it.
We can only hope that post-revolution society will offer people the help they need before bad things happen.
Retribution is moralistic nonsense that's just a way for the populace to express their own violent and sadistic desires on an allowed target. Saying someone "deserves" to be harmed is literal bronze-age ideology. A mentally ill or dysfunctional person doesn't stop being mentally ill or dysfunctional because they crossed some boundary, it only proves severity of their illness or dysfunction. If it's humane or necessary to treat lesser cases, it's absurd to not to the same for worse just because they finally acted upon their illness or dysfunction.
The 'le kill these freaks' kneejerk response to pedophilia is a modernist invention and not a terribly ethical one.
Playing utilitarian with something so emotionally charged is something only autists do, so libertarians are big on that, but they're not really wrong. The punishment fits the crime, except nobody bothers to gauge 'the crime' because children are sacred because paternalist emotions generalize further outside of 'extended family cultures with weak rule of law'.
The problem though is that when there is no effort taken at all the reckon harm and virtue in moral decision making, you end up being a posturing fag playing retribution treadmill bragging about with hunting pedos n' sheeit, while no one actually cares that much because pedophilia isn't actually a huge social hazard. I mean, compared to murder, terrorism, etc among all other serious problems
The important part isn't so much that they act on it as it is that acting on it hurts someone immensely.
Yeah, maybe it is barbaric, but how do you think the families of those victims of Elliot Rodgers's shootings felt? How do you think their friends felt?
I don't think that anything is inevitable due to mental sickness, and that for most crimes (even including some owing to mental sickness) a compensatory, negotiation-based process such as the Xeer is a good way to resolve things.
There is, however, a certain line for me. Maybe it's just a spook talking, but some things, like raping a child or committing mass murder, require something drastic.
See above. Maybe it's because I'm a self-hating autist, but I have a strong aversion to the idea of crimes committed out of mental sickness in a theoretical society where help is available. It applies as much to pedophiles as it does to terrorists, reactionaries, and other such misfits.
It doesn't really apply to existing society because it forces people to bottle up their issues and work harder at all costs. Arguing to kill pedos for being pedos is just disheartening and not all what I said.
Second "it" being modern society.
Probably horribly and it would've been best if it never happened. That's why I advocate for rehabilitation.
Not necessarily inevitable, but foreseeable.
It is a spook talking. Something like that is obviously horrible, it has the same root cause as all other crimes. Satisfying your bloodlust on the criminal doesn't unfuck the criminal or the circumstances that made him and others like him, and it certainly doesn't unrape the child.
If crimes are not done out of some dysfunction with the individual or with the society, then what is their cause? Simple non-malicious career criminals usually are that way because that's how they've learned to survive in their life: it's a problem with society. Malicious criminals are usually mentally ill in some way: it's a problem with their mind. Neither explanation allows ethical room for punishment or retribution, and factually they aren't helpful to begin with.
No one's arguing to go full lynch-mob on them because of their flaws. It's more about those who were hurt by their actions, those who can't be compensated. I know that vengeance is a useless response, but is there anything else which will make things right in the mind of those wronged?
Well, it gives us a roadmap on how to best construct a new society to deal with the mentally ill in a constructive way. For example:
I fully agree with you. This is why we need dedicated institutions organized on a voluntary, decentralized basis within each locality to attend to the malicious and the general solution of communism for the nonmalicious. If this fails, what else is there? Exile? To where? Who might suffer? Would it be better to simply put them out of their misery? While I'm not a defender of strict consequentialism, deontological ethics have even bigger problems.
Gulag or wall, depending on the specific nature of their crimes
Capture and rehabilitation. If all else fails, a gulag or execution.
That's implying that vengeance does to begin with. They could be shown why their victimizer did what they did, what lead them up to this point, so that hate or angry turns into pity or sympathy, and that now things are being done to prevent their victimizer from hurting anyone again. But in general, therapy would probably help a victim a lot more than anything to do specifically with the criminal.
They could simply be excluded from the community with a "shoot on sight" order. Local communities could be alerted to the crime of the criminal. But the thing is, exile was such an extreme and rare punishment when it was used, and societies then didn't care about rehabilitation. If the criminal simply cannot be cured, they'd probably be given the option to either stay in prison and continue treatment or be exiled.
This isn't strictly deontological. It's simply figuring out the most useful and ethical option to deal with criminals. I think ultimately in a communistic society criminals wouldn't even exist. The circumstances leading to need for a criminal lifestyle or the alienation and mental illness needed for malicious crimes just wouldn't be there.