Where did it go so wrong?
When did they decide to actually value respecting freaks wearing a wig over actually having fun and getting money to help people out?
Was it always a fucking scam and i was just too dumb to notice?
Where did it go so wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're almost a month too late.
Holy shart, the "D" is the right on the dpad, mind blown
Fookin' sweet
PCF was always a scam.
Was it though? surely it had to have been changed to fit this bullshit narrative sometime along the way.
2014 was the year fun died.
It went to shit when ideologues invaded the event and turned it from a speedrunning-focused charity event into an "inclusive and safe" speedrunning-themed scam.
I guess i should ask why the fuck people wearing wigs is accepted as normal now as well but i suppose that's a bit too political
You're about 300 years too late
It went downhill a long long time ago.
Sorry,let me rephrase myself,why are men wearing colorful wigs that look like they belong on a clown,accepted now?
Right here, she then was appointed as a staff member.
How is hair like that even possible? He doesn't look any older than 27, either.
He looks like the fucking caretaker from rocky horror picture show.
His mom fucked a Deep One.
I think his mom already was a deep one
because some tranny put out for someone high enough up on the totem pole, and since it was the first time they had ever been with another human being their brain immediately warped to the ideals of the tranny
You can't speedrun away from your problems.
I hope that second tweet got the proper shit flinging it deserves
I doubt it, Twatter banned most of the sane people.
That reminds of the time i commented on a tweet of a game about mental illnesses,and said "is transgenderism in there?"
My tweet was hidden and my account was "restricted"
Prove these two images are different.
What's the correlation between speedrunning and being trans? There's gotta be some link here.
A desire for attention?
Depressed autists misunderstanding the self-hatred they have for themselves as self-hatred over their gender because transgenderism is "in" and it puts all of the blame for their woes and shortcomings onto something they were born with and have no control over?
…Fuck I think I just answered my own question.
to my knowledge she isnt dead yet, and to this day hoping she dies. no one interrupts runnerguy during zelda.
yeah its basically the breeding grounds for policed speech and trans rights, no reason to ever support it.
sad thing is not all the trans speedrunners are SJW cancer. If I recall 3 of them got banned from GDQ for supporting their male friends with a prank 2 years ago.
You are almost there,user. The thing with trannies is that they are really fucking stupid, they lack awareness and are self deluded so when you put one in some powerful position doesn`t matter what you tell them to do, they are too busy being intoxicated on their own ego to reflect on the repercussions of their actions. So if you make them subvert and event so you can increase your profit at the expense of the original core audience they will do that with a smile on their face drunk on their delusions, they are the useful idiots to the fucking teeth.
Do we really need fun in gdq? After all we are kicking cancer in the butt™
The turning point was when they moved from Doctors Without Borders to Meme Cancer Kike Jewyama wants his fucking kickbacks bullshit. Everything was downhill from then on.
That's my guess. Both trannies and speedrunners demand attention for something no one but a few social outcasts in society give a shit about. Let's face it, if they were actually worth anything to society they'd be literally anything but trans and/or speedrunners. So I guess it's the one place someone will give them a pat on the back instead of a blank stare.
Speedrunners used to be the most introverted types of gamers because the speedrunning community was composed entirely of people who were interested in the hobby. AGDQ was meant to break that mold: Give the speedrunners a chance to show themselves to the world and open up this small community to the world.
Unfortunately, it backfired spectacularly. What happened was a cultural exchange of the worst possible kind. Trannies and the mentally ill saw this now-open group of people who could only be generalized by their enjoyment of a hobby and saw an easy way in for them to infect and overtake it, thus monopolizing the attention that the hobbyists could have had. On the other side, some speedrunners saw the trannies as a chance to bring more attention to themselves, and either became trannies or became accessories to the trannies in an attempt to leech off of their perceived positive attention.
tl;dr Lots of speedrunners were attention starved but ultimately kept to themselves out of a love for the hobby. AGDQ opened the gates wide enough that the speedrunning community as a whole was infected beyond recognition within just a handful of years.
You know what's funny?
if you presented this as an arguement to why GDQ has been run down and lacking in quality,people would immediately see "tranny" dismiss the entire post,goes to show how far people are in their hugboxes that they'll ignore logic.
When they started dressing is drag and cutting off their penises.
Is that fucking Bizarro Devin Townsend?
I wonder if people had these same abomination like looks,but they weren't trasngendered,would people call them out on it? would the very same people to hop to defend them lambast them?
When it started.
See, what happened was a bunch of nerds fell ass-first into cultural influence as well as a pile of money.
Clueless hyper-autists + power = ___
Can you fill in the blank? The answer is "corruption." The twist is that some of the autists got in on it.
Fingers crossed that metoo-ism catches up with one of these "trans women" real soon.
Yes, none of the money goes towards cancer research or prevention.
Wanna post info graphics or something? I could always use more facts.
Most charities gobble up 90% of the money as "management costs". PCF is one of such charities. If you didn't know this then it's time you stop being naive.
Also the little money that they do use to "fight" cancer is all spent on cancer awareness because people don't know about cancer in 2018 yet. They don't do research or help cancer patients. It's a worthless foundation except for the people making mney.
Those fuckers can speedrun straight to the bottom like they're already doing with their lives.
It's a universal rule that anything that becomes popular will get consumed by the jews and turn to shit.
It happened to books, movies, TV, anime, videogames, 4chan and the internet as a whole.
Call me a hipster, but if you love something you should fight with fangs and claws and autistic screeching so that it never becomes popular
that's impossible and you know it
That doesn't mean that you should give up without putting up a fight
well you're doing more harm then good by fighting it like that and quite honestly the only people who can fight are those who are balls deep on the social side of shit and tbh those are the people who want to bring it mainstream anyways
Just keep extroverts out of you hobbies then.
what're you going to do? test'um before allowing them to buy the things and learn the things?
It basically got taken over and turned corporate. The new owner hates fun, loves trannies, likes the money he gets from the organization retards donate to. The event has barely been about speedrunning in the last four years. Remember that bootlicking tweet they made towards some airline company because a runner told the stream to cancel their flights as a joke?
A group of dedicated autists, normally male, set something up with a fuckton of hard work. Once it's up and running normalfags look at it and think 'this shit is easy, I want it now' and take it over. After that women infiltrate it through the normalfags and ruin it with SJW politics.
No. Extroverts are by nature and by definition hypersocial. Just make things a part of you hobbies that run against that hypersocial nature. Basically make you hobby something that the extroverts have to keep on the downlow. Then the hobby becomes useless to them.
that doesn't work well because you'd just be switching what kind of extrovert you're getting rather then preventing them utterly
Any community that does not proactively purge leftists and liberals from their midst will get subverted by them eventually.
and yet gamergate was made up of leftists who were sick of the far-left and it almost got co-opted by the far right
What's with this far left/far right meme? Nobody on the internet has gone as far as condoning terrorist attacks and false flagging like how it was during the left vs right war in Italian Anni di Piombo era. Sure, it can be blamed on our soya generation, but still.
american tribalism pushed to the extreme by their scapegoating media masters tbh
I've seen other GG compas collabs from the early days point mostly right/libertarian
Not saying my assertion is better than yours but you're going to have to try a hell of a lot better than that. Didn't most left-wing GG'ers fuck off to Acid Mans spinoff board that failed?
GG history is rife with conflicts, infighting and attempts to co-opt. Such is the nature of trying to organize anons to a single cause.
All prompted by leftists trying to take over and neuter it, which they succeeded in doing eventually.
that's the only compas I've seen and I've been with it from the start all be it as an observer though
that and the people we were up against are somewhat masters at shitting up movements
Its kind if charming in a way to think about, but the only time GG was ever ideologically homogeneous was during the exodus itself when we all agreed in unison that censorship and trying to force an agenda into a media was wrong and we all shared a unified hatred for 4chans hotpockets
After that it went all downhill.
Thats because they have to make it inclusive for everybody once it gets popular to avoid offending anyone and so it goes to shit and becomes a no fun zone filled with trannies.
So basically you have no idea what you're talking about
Blow it out your ass.
well we did have a minority of Holla Forums-friends who were trying to tell the tards trying to fight the media narrative directly that they're tards but I think they all went off well before the airplay shit came up
it seems like neither of us could support our points I posted so I really can't defend my self beyond that image I posted which I got from know your meme because of course I didn't save it at the time.
I see
Sorry for ever taking you seriously then. I think I'm more in the position to provide actual insight considering I actually had some level of involvement
I would genuinely rather be Anthony Burch than him.
see I never said I got my info, just that image, don't purposelessly misconstrue my words for your benefit like that but in any case it's still alot more proof then some user saying otherwise without any kinda backing to it
I have little reason to put weight to any of your words if this is how you argue. Good day. And please do not get involved in matters you clearly have had little actual experience in. Its just as easy to chose to simply not say anything. Especially since it was clearly not for the sake of discussion but rather as a means to project your personal creed
if you'd like to back away from the argument without coming off as a loser I did give you the opportunity to but I can't help you if you're not willing to take it. maybe if you had some sort of evidence to back up your claim I could submit to it but all you've done so far is just want me to take you at your word it seems which I'd be happy to trust but I'm unsure how to actually verify given the fact that I really haven't seen anything of a compass which showed GG as right wing, unless this was done on one of the skype groups or Holla Forums-friends slip off which I will admit I don't really know much of the workings other then mark doing his usual boogyman banning abouts.
You never cared for any kind of argument. Just a means to justify you're assertion when you said "and yet gamergate was made up of leftists who were sick of the far-left and it almost got co-opted by the far right"
You're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself. We're done
that's an assumption on your part, which I can tell you that it's false hood. please do make a compelling argument and I'll consider a rebuttal for it if I am able to
You're a backpedaling sack of shit who made an argument by assertion backed with incomplete evidence. Fuck off retard
He openly admitted he wasn't there for any of it. Just an "observer". Funny how you can be an observer and make blatant assertions though like a backpedaling cuck
where did I backpedal and how is my evidence incomplete?
I didn't want to derail the thread with Holla Forums-baiting like that tbh
you realize the thing I was observing was the threads right? what else was there to observe? the many gg-celeb streams where king of pol fucked up all the time or akkad of sargon getting caught out by that "neutral" slut? what about the time when Internet aristocrat was right?
Nobody took the e-celeb faggots seriously except for the cocksuckers over on Acid Mans board. Its clear your grasp on the movement is superficial at best and I advice you to stop posting
GG was totally about ethics in vidya too, amirite?
Blow it out your ass
did I say they were? no infact the wording would suggest a sense of mocking though tbh I'm not one to get the tune right in my sentences. what is easy to get is your need to make me out as someone who doesn't know much but has yet to actually address my points with an argument with evidence to support it.
obviously it was about getting dunold dumpf elected to gas all the tans gendered tbh
I'm not the one pretending to know what they're talking about while redirecting everyone to a picture you found on Know Your Meme and making blatant assertions on a movement you were never actually involved in. Go away. Its troubling you fail to see the irony in "calling out" who was and wasn't co-opting the movement
Can the mods gas this redditor faggot? This is why i don't come to Holla Forums anymore.
Found the shill. Don't talk shit about Acid or /ourguys/
Where the fuck is Acid now even? Does he still lurk the GG threads?
Hey isn't that Ebola-tan wearing an SS uniform I remember when we posted that during the days of GG when it was clearly all left-wing posters rebelling against the far-left
that image wasn't made on know your meme, it went there via a twitter post which more then likely came from the gg thread here. the fact that you're just stating what you think rather then posting anything to actually prove this point really suggests to me that you really don't have anything to back your self up with, which is fine tbh I don't have anything hard hitting for proving that I observed the threads either, it's fine to leave it at that tbh
no wait it's about giving all our money to feminists groups so that we can get a waifus to jerk off to
don't go to redchanit tomorrow…
Yeppers, he's still organizing digs and OPs on Twitter.
Anime isn't popular. Stop hanging out on anitwitter like a retard and you won't see all the cancerous fans.
Please do not make baseless assertions and then backpedal by staring you weren't REALLY part of the movement but here's some image I downloaded from Know Your Meme
You are cancer. You're the same spawn of tumors that tore GG apart. We worked at our best when there was a level of intellectual diversity where it counted. And sacks of shit like yourself who only wanted to market their ideology ruined it
Just be as autistic and elitist as possible, to make things unappealing for normies
popular enough to be completly jewed. It's been a long time since anime was a work of passion. Now it's just a business with the goal of milking otakus dry and keeping them under control with their cheap to produce waifu shows
I'm getting rather sick of your circling argument that's unassumingly based on emotional word processing. if you want me to back down then again please post actual counter evidence tbh
that just means they'll make their own club houses and invite their friends over you tbh
Holy shit you're such a massive fucking faggot its cringey reading your posts you're the biggesr queer on this board right now
I really really really like this image.
get this hothead out of here
do you feel in charge?
Also, I fully expect GDC to fucking die in the next few years. Nobody will want to see an event ran by awkward trannies. Especially not if the number of trannies overtake the number of humans
No I'm not trying to come across like a condescending faggot like you tbh
if you don't wish to get spoken down to then maybe you should strive to be on my level, if that's possible for you
This is everything that went wrong with gamergoyim. Cucks trying to be 2d4u and when they got actual advice from Holla Forums on how to handle media and not to PRcuck themselves, they never listened and became even more faggy. Disgusting.
If I'm not in your level it must me I'm doing something right tbh
Or the ones that did listen realized that GG was part of a bigger problem and just moved onto Holla Forums full-time
I suppose something is subjective enough to allow anyone to be "right" mean while I'll be over here in grown up land
I hope one year they let Pannenkoek put in a run that is constantly displayed in the corner and then the chat drowns in a sea of memes when the QPU starts occuring
all these new IDs coming out of the woodworks and none of the prior IDs replying anymore, really makes me think tbh
In retrospect I wish I had the agency to start a kikestarter back then, pretend to be some special snowflake and get them to fund some arbitrary load of cash for a low quality RPG maker game or something. They already funded feminist games, so I bet I'd have a chance to become rich too.
yeah,pretty useful if you want to (((singal boost))) and maybe get those ebin upboats on reddit,but useless in every other aspect
To be fair to them that specific political compass was developed just to shit on New Labour in Britain (it intentionally puts people further left than they really are).
If ESA knew how to market and shill effectively it could dethrone LGBTDQ in a year or two.
If they "marketed" they'd become TGDQ2.0
Maybe. Euros are definitely just as susceptible if not moreso to SocJus bullshit, but I'd like to test the hypothesis if for nothing more than to kill the living transition meme and go back to pure distilled autism at these events.
If ESA got bigger mike "the kike" uyama would just rebrand GDQ to ASA.
that image and variants of it have been posted around, is that the new unhappy meme face?
and yet that's basically what? 1/3 of peeps were do, mostly on the down time though
by how much we talking here?
Short version: Some sad sack speedrunner with no ability to judge character brought his whore girlfriend over and she fucked like a dozen dudes, no exaggeration. Then the social justice police intervened to prevent anything like it from happening again. Women ruin everything, once again.
What a strange world where the black guy in a suit is the most well adjusted one.
Nothing happened that we didn't know would happen.
Same shit happened to the indie scene. Used to just be insane Nips who'd make their own games and share them on the internet, but once a few small games got mainstream recognition, a bunch of faggot hipsters, blue-hairs, and trannies moved in and now it's all about them and their genital drama.
How does someone repost an OC image before someone posts it for the first time?
Most of the trannies on there are "veterans" who transitions/wore a wig and a drag.
I thought that was just that goblin Cosmo?
It's like a fucking horror movie. Cosmo images should be spoilered for they are even spookier than skeletons
post moar speedrun tranny and soyboys
Anime is safe because it keeps normalfags like you bitter and disenfranchised. Working as intended.
Uncertain but the questions and answers are worded and weighted in such a way that people are left and down of where they should be if they answer at all reasonably.
this bitch is so hot the smoke alarm is red af
the joke writes itself
it's a shoop user
Mentally ill people who refuse to get better and instead ask to be accepted.
and I've seen quite a few shoops in my time
should have seen the pixels
You don't. Feel free to after all jews are dead.
The wheels aren't picking up enough speed for my liking. I'm tired of playing the long game. Sorry for the blackpill
I see badly dressed people in each picture.
I think,there will be enough idiots who want to let people know about the event soley because of "i donated,look at me,i'm a good person" to keep it running for a while.
That's a pretty fuckin' old image. Have some from 2013.
Anyone have any expectations for Oceanside?
Speedrunning requires autistic levels of focus and I've heard some saying there's a link between autism and transgenderism. Even if that's true though, it doesn't explain the sheer saturation of these abominations at GDQ in the last few years. After all, there are tons of speedrunners who don't attend or attend but don't do runs at GDQ, the overwhelming majority of which aren't eunuchs.
Transgenderism is a narcissistic mental disorder. illustrates it well.
They're a fucking joke, both at speed running and in life in general, but these people are so fucking self absorbed that they actually believe shit like that or like ProtoMonstrosity's comments about being "super hot." It's fed into by the unthinking and unquestioning support progressives give them. GDQ ties into it by 1) Being the largest two speedrunning events, and 2) Having a low barrier for entry relative to the amount of exposure it gives. The second point is especially true given the tendency for the organizers to bend over backwards for the eunuchs - Almost none of them are any good at the games they play (Miles is probably the only exception. I didn't watch his drag queen run, but he was at least skilled before he went insane), but GDQ will gladly give them time in the schedule to show just how accepting and tolerant they are. They keep giving ProtoFaggot announcer blocks despite him being absolutely fucking terrible at it. Just compare him to someone like SpikeVegeta. Whether you like or hate Spike, the guy has been around since the early days, is involved in the greater community, and is knowledgeable about the games he's doing announcements for. ProtoFaggot came out of nowhere, has a voice like sandpaper on a chalkboard, is unsettling to look at when he appears on camera, and his actual commentary is empty, inane garbage. They do it for the attention, GDQ is cucked enough to give it to them despite there being far better people to have on stream, and the faggots know it so they come out in droves.
The trans omen is not a good omen.
Some just asked how many trans are WR holders and all they mentioned they only knew about 2 and one was for Superman 64 i believe which only 2 people has ever bothered to run
transmiles run was sht he literally got stuck trying to do a skip in Metroid prime 2 for 10 minutes oh and to add more to protogoblins faggotry is that fucking obnoxious forced giggling movement the faggot does on purpose thinking it's cute, oh and last year's SGDQ, that faggot was "man spreading" with a miniskirt on.
is a "narcissistic" mental disorder born out of self loathing. This self loathing may be in part due to body dysmorphic disorder. The narcissistic characteristics manifest as a desperate attempt to be accepted. It is their attempt at reconciling their guilty conscience which paradoxically transmorphers their shame into the act of behaving shamelessly in public.
Proof? Only asking for something to cite here.
It's like pottery, it chimes.
I also know a tranny that named himself something that sounds like a reflection of the mental state he is in. It's really fucking sad watching these people spiral down the drain, and reject real help from people that could give it.
Something shady is going behind the scenes at GDQ and it's probably much worse than what's going on in Hollywood.
the post I saw it is gone but it was in but it was in
not that image
And yet every year they make more money than the last, so that's just wrong. Plenty of people are having fun; if you're not anymore because you're salty over them being a "safe space" for trannies or whatever bullshit, that's completely your fucking problem.
Don't get me wrong; I strongly dislike trannies (and unlike you, I have an actual good fucking reason) but I'm not going to sit there and cry and bitch about tumblr existing, and allow that to impede my enjoyment of something.
You mean not wanting to normalize people inflicting self harm on their body isn't reason enough?
Tell me yours then
Also haven't they been losing money these past few years?
I don't think you know what fun looks like then. Watch older AGDQ's.
the issue is not trannies but more the no fun allowed lack of comfiness the show just flaunts around nowerdays
They banned a man for a trigger warning joke. Granted it was corny as hell, but still.
A man was playing Devil May Cry, was about to activate Devil trigger and made the obvious “trigger warning, everybody.” Joke and they kicked him out for it.
Do you have an argument with actual facts or are you just gonna spout Holla Forums memes with pictures from random anime you didn't like?
ACD is a shitty show slammed together by Crunchyroll with the shekels they harvested from retards. I had to fucking look it up. It isn't anime and has nothing to do with the industry itself, nor does it indicate some kind of mainstream popularity. It also seems to have a fanfare that is lukewarm at best and mediocre ratings.
ADGQ being worse every year impedes my enjoyment of it, and I don't see how the money raised is in anyway a proof of it's quality.
Well, assuming the amount they donate to themselves is negligible, and that the statistics can be believed in the first place, they are still 'technically' making more money than the year before, but growth is slowing down significantly.
First of all, very few trannies actually get surgery. It's damn near impossible to get a doctor in the West to sign off on it because they're paranoid of lawsuits if something goes wrong or they change their mind, which is why most of them go do it in India or whatever. Even HRT isn't a cake walk, and contrary to popular belief majority of insurance won't cover that shit. Most of them just crossdress and ask that you respect their pronouns. Nobody's "normalizing" anything.
If you want to talk about inflicting harm, why don't we pivot from a tiny handful of grown adults deciding to mutilate their own genitals, and discuss why 50% of helpless babies have part of their dicks cut off in this country? I'll wait for you to come up with a reason to why you feel the need to ignore that but fight against trannies so hard, but I'd imagine you don't have one.
And if you're going to claim that kids are getting surgery, too, stop right there. It doesn't happen in this country. EVER. Oh sure, they put them hormone blockers if they can really convince a shrink and have the money, but that's not the same as HRT. All it does is prevent them from starting puberty, so they don't have to make a permanent decision about their bodies at the age of 10. Then, when they are older, if they change their mind they go off the drugs, and they start puberty as normal.
In any case, my "reason" is that trannies shoehorned themselves into LGB, which not only muddled the politics and started a fucking tidal wave of "lets throw everyone not normal in there!", but changed the entire shape of the stereotype. Now everyone thinks that being gay means you want to be a woman. Lots of people say I must be lying, because I don't crossdress or speak with a high-pitched voice. Or, in other words, someone can't be gay if it's not completely obvious just by looking at them.
And now here's the part where everyone calls me a faggot and think that means they've won the argument.
I don't agree with that decision, but I'm not about to give a fuck, either. Being invited to a speedrunning convention isn't a right; it's a privilege freely granted or taken away by whoever runs it. If you want to be there, you have to play by their rules. Just like being in school or the military. Don't like it? Leave. It's that simple.
How the fuck do you find current year GDQs to be enjoyable? Golf has more lively commentary and crowds.
That's why the price drops before the last day more every year and the price somehow makes up for it on the last day in the past few hours.
The guy has a point. Most of yall actually don't know anything about transgenders, so you resort to strawmen.
It's a charity event, and it's not your right to be there, guys. It's a privilege. Their event, their rules.
I don't watch the whole thing; I have better uses for my time and my life doesn't revolve around video games. I pick and choose a few that I know I'll enjoy. This year LtTP randomizer was incredible. You must have missed that one and only tuned in on the awful block or some shit.
If you want lively crowds, go watch NASCAR or some other normalfag shit.
Maybe you should read the things you type out every once in a while lol.
What is this non-sequitur, and why would you think anyone on this site would be pro-circumcision? Are you stupid?
This smells like bullshit, no way you can hold back puberty that long without any permanent side-effects. Do you have a source at least?
"Boo hoo, people will call me names". Grow up you faggot.
You act like this means they don't have a mental problem.
Isn't that the most evasive excuse ever? so fucking what? This somehow excuses the retarded rules they've been enforcing that weren't needed?
No they got rid of personal rights back in 2015. Now it's listen and believe or your ass is off their grounds.
It wasn't originally their event you fucking tard. It was co-opted by faggots and the original people who enjoyed the event were told to fuck off. This post is the most defeatist bullshit I've seen in a while. The fact that ESA and NASA are the only other alternatives for this shit is just sad.
Because like 40% of Americans are, and I find it hilariously unlikely that this board bucks any sociological trends that hard. For the most part, all it takes for a man to be pro- is for him to be circumcised, because he doesn't want to believe that his own cock is inferior.
You're the one that needs to grow up. The real world doesn't work like an anonymous imageboard. You pull this shit with a cop, with your boss, with an in-law, your ass is grass.
Why does random people having or not having a mental problem bother you so much? You seem irrationally upset merely at the fact that they exist. It's not healthy for you to fixate on something that doesn't affect you and that you cannot change. Might as well drive to the ocean and try to stop the tide from coming in while you're at it.
You're a retard. Do you walk into a store and demand they lower the prices just for you? You don't DESERVE anything. What you get is what you get; either accept it or bitch and cry like a toddler whose favorite toy got taken away.
Killyourself mentally ill piece of shit
>It wasn't originally their event you fucking tard.
Typical, resorting to name-calling. Anyway, it's their event now, so follow their rules, okay? It's not that hard.
alot of straight fuckers who don't really understand fags think that it's just trying to be a woman because of how portrayed that aspect of it is
alot of the trannies people complain about were apart of it before it became this unfun zone
Not everybody here's American, and it's still a non-sequitur.
You're just talking out your ass again.
Where do you think you're posting, you retard?
Also don't think I didn't notice you just ignored the points you didn't have an argument for.
Lurk more retard. There's been a lot of threads derailed by pointing out how retarded circumcision is.
Because it's being addressed on a "family stream". Which appropriates it.
They shouldn't in a healthy society.
It does actually. These are the same people making riots for equal work for quota's and are tying to influence the game industry in a negative way.
Nice defeatism faggot. While we're at it why don't you post some of the "entertaining" tranny runners this years. Go ahead I'll hold my ears open.
Jesus fuck you're such a deflecting faggot.
kek no
Yea not even an enjoyable stream apparently.
People had what they wanted and then people with less common sense and more hurt feelings intruded.
this is some resetera shilling tier shit. Laughing at your life faggot.
Did see that. And they were the start of where it went wrong. See the Zelda stream with the bitch who made the entire room uncomfortable and then went on to become a part of the staff and inflict rule changes in support of this shit.
The Ultima VI run was very informative and entertaining, as a matter of fact.
Just fuck off to Reddit or wherever you're from you fucking nigger faggot.
Did I ask for your opinion?
That was in response to you saying this:
You wrote all that shit out for nothing over your poor reading comprehension you dumbfuck.
I had to look it up to remember that you were making a joke.
Nice argument retard.
Don't want opinions, then stop posting.
You don't belong here you tranny
Shit like AGDQ promoting these trannies is no different than if they were to promote people with Body integrity identity disorder to cut off limbs they don't like. Checkmate Faggot
You need to fuck off back to whatever shithole you climbed out of mentally ill faggot.
Fuck missed a word: *you mentally ill faggot.
So are we getting raided? Or are a few cuckchan posters currently finding out that this site isn't what they envisioned it to be.
trannies and faggots always resort to consensus cracking whenever they are rejected for being the obnoxious cunts that they are.
It might also just be bait now that I think of it. After all has to be a joke.
right, cancer was there early days and sadly the person who could have prevented this stepped down tbh
nah it's the vocal minority tbh
you can apply that to any group of peoples, fags aren't exclusive to it and tbh also play into it as well because it's a general human thing all be it a emotional reason bit but nonetheless.
we've had more bloody cross posting cuckchan tards posting way more in the last five months or so? I want to say then any other time
They were definitely in the minority however. And in the 2013 days I don't remember more than a few. Either way you can argue the increase in trannies also brought in the increase of no fun allowed shit.
Am I having a stroke? The fuck are you trying to say?
Why bother when the picture in question is more than enough proof of the jewish influence? Have you become so used to coporate manipulation that you can't even recognize it anymore when it's as blatant as the whole Kancolle franchise?
Oh, you're a soy faggot. I was wondering what the fuck happened here but it was just Holla Forums dropping by to virtue signal about how they like to take it up the ass. Why is it that anytime faggots and trannies are discussed you cucks show up everywhere?
the trannies are the side-effect of the founder stepping down and the dude who replaced him going more kikish with the event tbh
why didn't you notice this earlier
Getting paranoid because you do not and never had a consensus on your side and accusing people of ID-hopping is pathetic.
Seriously, is the TRIDF out in full force or something? /cow/ thread got deleted, and absolutely nothing on here about it.
Why do you even bother with this shit? For fucks sakes you rely on a political graph from a quiz that will only move you to the right side of the graph if you deliberately answer the most extreme and retarded answers possible. Practically everyone who is moderate or only mildly conservative is by default set tot eh left of center on those graphs.
that was a claim by that one user indeed and he presented him self in a way in which I could trust it but if you think I'm going to give the same courtesy to some user who is literally just scapegoating and buzzwording without making an actual argument then you I don't think you really understand just how to talk with someone you disagree with like an adult tbh
You've already been utterly BTFO in the thread by others. I don't need to do the same as they did, I'm just here to laugh at you.
If that's true then most of the GG fags were NatSoc or ancaps because of how far right they were placed. Makes the current remnants of that god awful mess look pathetic.
That doesn't explain the retarded rules around accepting trannies more openly.
I'm just getting to the bottom of this. We had some torposter spamming multiple threads a while ago around the same time.
He's right dipshit. Provide an argument or fuck off.
the torposter isn't to the degree of cucchan posters
if you had followed the conversation prior you would see that I posted evidence to support my claim to which was discredited by the person who I was arguing but when I asked him to back his argument up with some sort of evidence as he had claimed there was another of those politic compass but showing everyone as right wing, he failed to do so and merely repeated him self. so no he's not right what so ever tbh
Between the tryhard Holla Forums facade and the meme spacing I see what I'm dealing with.
Have one last (you) for the road.
Except trannies make up a small minority of just about any communities.
Jesus fuck dude stop posting any day now.
that's why he's trying to make it accessible to EVERY community
I said that GG was majority left leaning, not "nothing but leftists" please actually read those posts when you're skimming back there, it's not a race you know.
yes something is more valid then nothing what so ever yeah I'd think most people would agree on that point.
Give up. He's convinced of his own bullshit an dhe's too busy shifting the goalposts and sitting on the fence to know fuck all, but he's also too stupid to admit he knows fuck all and shut the fuck up.
T. someone who needs to go back tbh
Except when you consider that there's a larger amount of people who are put off by trannies.
The fact that Holla Forums existed when GG was around is why I'm pointing out your bullshit faggot.
Considering I fucking posted here at the time I would say that no, your post is not valid at all. And considering many of the people who were the ushers of the movement were ALSO not leftist retards I, again have to disagree.
Keep at it. Don't let faggots think they have a point or they just keep posting. Remember ignoring shit just gives it room to breed.
You don't need to go to Holla Forums to see coporate manipulation at work, you just need half a brain and some actual knowledge on whatever topic you are talking about. But you've shown that you are lacking either of these.
Go on and keep defending shit like this so you can fit in with your wannabe otaku friends, meanwhile everyone else looks down on you in pity for being controlled so easily
normalfags? no they're really not put off by trannies
that's not really much of a point considering GG had alot of reddit posters in it due to the whole shadow banning on there.
I could trust that although neither of us could realistically provide evidence that it's truth so that's kinda a moot point which isn't helpful in this argument tbh
Your newness is too obvious, you're either baiting or legitimately retarded. Due to the influence of retards it's hard to tell the difference.
Yeah, that's true, although since they're all retards anyways it'd be better if Mark stopped sucking cock and started removing the cancer.
Sorry eunuch, but normalfags are fucking disgusted by people like you. They might be too polite or afraid of social consequences to say so, but they feel the same primal revulsion any sane person does.
Speak for yourself tranny lover
And if you recall people weren't happy about it either. For you to say the movement was even largely leftist is pretty fucking retarded.
It's not hard when you know what the fuck you're talking about.
Mark can't remove shit if it's on topic and technically obeys the rules and it's (arguably) better that way since faggots would just whine censorship. All you have to do is tell people who are factually incorrect to fuck off and not allow them to spew bullshit. It's simple.
guy on the right is naegleria on the bottom. He's not a tranny.
He's probably some faggot from Holla Forums put here to create consensus
well if they were then why would gdq have them at all?
GG wasn't a movement it wasand still is a consumer revolt
how would you go about proving it then?
I like 3b0461.
Why aren't you posting in the GG thread? After all they're all leftists just like you, you said it yourself
Oh wait you were just an "observer" and everyone here can see right through you, fucking faggot
Are you really so out of arguments that you're moving to semantics? It was a movement in that people moved to take action about something,
You've already disproven your own arguments. Reddit was tolerated here to an extent, but Holla Forums largely was kept as the primary political strength. If it wasn't it wouldn't be what it is now. The fact is that unless you were around at the time you would have no reason to disagree.
They always whine. Mark is quick enough to shut down anyone shitting on his cardboard bullshit or who calls him out for banning people who post doujins or other shit, but he'll sit around and twiddle his thumbs whenever cuckchan shows up at the door and shits everywhere. The cake kike should really just be removed as a whole, honestly.
majority of them are leftist lean =/= they are all leftists
it's not semantics when the sjw were trying to push GG as some kinda culture war "alt-right" movement when all we wanted was to just have that bloody indie cliche of fuckers trying to gate keep our video games tbh
Holla Forums mostly backed off after GG decided that trying to play ball with the media was a logical thing to do instead of actually getting something done
When has speed runners been an example of a normalfag community?
How are they not a fringe community within the gaming community?
The king of backpedaling strikes again
Just stop replying to him and he'll go away.
Because GDQ is run by cock gobbling faggots like you who love nothing more than to put on the freak show to let the world know how tolerant and accepting they are.
If normalfags actually liked the trannies, why would GDQ have to put the chat into subscriber only mode to stop them from shitting it up every time one of those abominations appeared on screen?
You yourself said they were made up of leftists, you dumb motherfucker.
There is no we. You were never a part of GG. You never will be a part of GG, and you never had any stake in it since you don't give a shit about vidya games either. All you seem to care about is talking about how we wuz geegee n sheit and how trannies are totally not mentally ill degenerates that are abhorred by any sane person who comes into contact with them.
Thing is I would be fine with the latter statement if he got rid of the first. on that same note, a lot of the threads were duplicate which stretched the interpretation on how many threads were rightly banned but he's obviously been doing it to undeserving threads Remember when hotwheels said the best moderation was less moderation? I miss those days
That's where you fucked up big. Holla Forums is incapable of backing off. To the annoyance of many I'm sure.
Only to show up on another thread.
So what? He's only posting because he has people to reply to. You are all just as complicit in this as he is and you all deserve a ban.
Posting accurate information is much less exhausting than making up inaccurate excuses. Besides that, to ignore this shit invites people to think he's right. Cancer breeds more cancer. Just look at the more cancerous generals that had to be purged for this exact reason if you need to be reminded of this.
He's so cancerous it actually kind of hurts though. Where did this faggot come from? Is he from the GDQ community itself?
I miss them too, user, but ultimately that philosophy failed because it got us where we are. Mark and the Jew Crew need to tighten their frilly little stockings and crack down hard on the cancer for a few days. All the retards would get bored because they didn't get banned for just 1 or 2 hours and fuck off back to where they came from, and we could go back to the old way.
See the above. If Mark wasn't such a cuck and didn't suddenly become a total pacifist when it came to cuckchan cancer this shit would never happen. Mind you, I'd agree with you if this wasn't obviously someone trying to test the waters for their consensus shilling.
well when places like vinesauce or 4chan for that matter openingly discusses the event in earnest then I'd say that's two of the major normalfag sites now isn't it
buzz dem words at me big boy
and you can confirm that it's the normalfags doing that and not some loud minority then?
go back and read my post >(7) and maybe you'll have some idea of what I said rather then what you're emotionally remembering.
well if you were actually apart of GG back when you'd see this point come up alot and you'd also find that most of the people in the thread shit-talk the fuckers trying to make GG into more then what it actually was
so that's why we had like two or three splinter groups fuck off to do their own thing pretty much after jim moved on from GG because he was right? right
You're damn right it does and you're cancer too for prolonging this shit for 244 replies. You're a huge fucking faggot and so is everyone who fed him attention.
Nigger you're a faggot and nobody likes you
You're becoming painfully transparent
vinesauce is normalfaggy as fuck and there's videos of vin talking about gdq, so it's good proof of normalfaggotry tbh
All of which has nothing to do with the terminology of calling it a movement. See how good you are and moving goalposts from earlier questions by thinking you're making a fuss over something you were wrong about four posts ago?
fucking kek
Better to do it here than have it consist for several other threads.
Then fuck off.
Vinny said GDQ was trash though
I quoted your post, faggot, don't get so pissy just because I pointed out your obvious contradictions. Or do get pissy, eitherway I'm gonna keep laughing at you.
Everyone discussing it hated the fucking trannies and thought they were disgusting. You only make yourself look more retarded.
This is why you faggots never manage to get anywhere. Screaming about loud minorities doesn't mean shit because you can't prove such a thing even exists; If anything the loud minority are the mentally ill degenerates since they make up a small portion of the population to begin with.
Good thing we all were and you weren't dipshit.
Holla Forums stayed as Holla Forums and kept getting shit done while GG was dead and managed to do absolutely nothing after they went full prcuck.
Nobody likes you nigger take a hint
actually it does but "if you say so then I'm sure it's true"
where did I anything about Holla Forums?
no he said he liked to enjoy it in his own time rather then watch the stream, mostly because he doesn't have the time to watch other peoples streams anymore
you misquoted it deliberately inorder to attempt to somehow gain some grounds to stand on here.
like getting side tracked by the digra shit and the elections? good work Holla Forums!
my mom says your mom is dumb lol
Go back
Nigger everyone here thinks you're cancer I'm not going to argue with you you're a fucking faggot
Fucking kek
amazing argument
Where do you think GG was discussed dipshit?
The other user is correct. You're a retarded nigger who should fuck off.
He literally said 'GDQ is trash'
No not really, you just got asshurt and interpreted that way. You're desperately trying to ignore what I posted because it tore your shitty facade apart.
Surprise surprise, the cuck can't admit that his shitty leftist clique never did a fucking thing other than sit around and huff their own farts while the ebil right wingers were out getting their opposition demonetized and utterly shut down and destroyed on a financial and cultural level.
of course not because you're not smart enough to win this arguement :^)
jim was and is still, right
in the GG threads mostly seperate from the rest of Holla Forums
well if you can provide the mag of him saying that then I could maybe retract that point but considering you failed to post any evidence of your earlier claims I'm not worried in the least tbh
did you just admit that GG was majority made up of left-leaners? was this so hard to accept.
Considering you were the original person who made the claim I believe the burden of proof is on you to prove me wrong, retard
This is why you guys always lose your arguments, you don't argue honestly, and everyone ends up hating you because of your dishonesty.
Ok fucking kek. Stay mad you autist. I'm off to bed, you can process why what you just said was one of the most retarded fucking things I've ever heard in a whil.
Hey, gonna make some screencaps of this thread to post in the GG thread as proof of shills. Which posts should I cap? Thx in advance.
nice projection mate
the board had only ONE GG thread at a time with certain topic threads pop up, how hard is that to understand?
give me abit then
only (you)'re own tbh
Just archive the thread and pull out bits a pieces later
Again, dishonesty and goalpost shifting. The reason GG lost all of its coherency and ended up in a rut and unable to do anything is because the few cunts still hanging onto it were all like you, worthless brainlets who, in an amazing display of incompetency, are not only unable to do things, but are also unable to talk about doing things as well.
actually it's because retards thought trying to fight the media by playing right into the media was a smart thing to do. aka airplay
You weren't a part of it, so quit acting like you were. You were a leech who hanged onto the movement and never knew a fucking thing about it, content to sit around and do nothing but bitch and moan. When Holla Forums and everyone else who actually wanted to get shit done got tired of the faggotry and went back to their own boards, all that was left were some bitter oldfags, some dramaqueens and namefags, and coat tail riders like you, still just trying to uphold the status quo.
Like all SJW shit it stopped being about the event and the people attending and the games and instead they made it all about the charities which the event was being done for and "Inclusiveness" where they forced out everything they disliked like fun/banter/swearing and brought in their PC approved shit and LGBTQKLLJEKLJATOTHEPOWEROFTHREE+ support by giving trannies all power over anything involved in the event
And it's now shit where if anything fun happens it's always during the off hour blocks when all the trannies are asleep because they ate 90LBS of pocky dreaming they really are womin and grinning ear to ear as they sleep as they fantasize about everyone who misgenders them being shot
That's what happened to GDQ
gee it's almost as if I was saying that at some point huh
Backpedal moar faggot. Everytime you try to shift your goalposts and pretend that you were actually right all along, your dishonesty just becomes more and more clear.
it's almost like you know how to argue, like you've seen others argue and figured you can do it to but these terms you're using, just aren't used correctly my shitposting friend
(48) posts of the same self-satisfied reddit tier "arguing"
Just filter and move on.
No, faggot, your dishonesty is obvious and no matter how much you try to pretend that everyone was secretly IP hopping, the fact is nobody here agrees with you whatsoever. You and your ilk will never have consensus here.
always with this consensus and having people agree with me. is that your actual goal?
It never fails to creep me out, not that the other ones are any better though.
You're not gonna shift away from it faggot, we called you out on it from the get-go. You and the rest of the cucks on Holla Forums will never be a thing here, and your opinions, no matter how much you pilpul and try to rationalize to yourself that everyone who disagrees with you is a vocal minority, will never be the consensus.
nice scapegoating my friend. I'm still waiting for you to have an actual point to argue though, one day I'm sure.
It's not a scapegoat, it's a simple fact, nice to know that you're still trying to pretend you weren't found out though. Too bad for you that everyone knew where you came from, and why, from the very start.
I'm sure everything is fact if you just say so tbh
Why hasn't Mark banned this faggot yet? I would honestly rather be Anthony Burch than you. Also
Yes user, that's exactly right; Because everyone in the thread has outed you for the faggot you are and gotten you to admit that you're a leftist cuckold, it's fact.
How about the fact that a lot of the runs in 2018's agdq were bullshit lies? Bosses blindfolded was bullshit, Bloodborne all bosses was bullshit, Arabian Nights had premade saves, TASBOT wasn't even a run, etc.
I don't even know what you faggots are talking about, but I'll cut to the chase
If you think GDQ was destroyed by PC SJW tranny freaks who won't admit they're faggots like everyone else and don pink hair and demand to be called "Super Hot" and they've sucked literally all fun out of the events as a whole then you're right and won this argument
If you both agree then why the fuck are you sperging out?
Also RWhiteGoose is an autistic fucktard who has drifted into extreme depression after it found out he faked all his world record runs and is a giant fucking fraud and had his records banned from the speedrunning community and technically has nothing to do with speed runners unless you're bringing up cheaters
actually you'll find that it's only (you) and maybe two others saying such nonsense, it's pretty sad needing to label everything under the same group you don't like without much thought or reason other then "well he sounds like one so he must be" it's also something that tends to mostly happen from someone who's rather young
I'd said that it's not the trannies fault but more so the fucker in charge of the event but yes that's the gist of that argument
It so fucking is the trannies fault
Once you let the SJW's in the shit up the fucking place at warp 10, demand endless concessions, get away with endless rule breaking, I mean fuck what Proto broke 8 rules last year, 5 this year and yet shockingly not banned
But make some Owen Wilson Jokes and OH MY GOD PROBLEMATIC BAN HIM FOR FUNNIES
If you think the trannies are not running the speeding trainwreck you are delusional, yet the fucktards who let them in are also to blame but they're the ones that have fucked with the event the most
can you really blame the wolves for eating the farmers sheep when it was the farmer who let them in in the first place knowing full well?
Watch the video next time before you comment faggot
Like I said, you retards will go through every mental gymnastic possible to pretend you are facing a vocal minority and that you aren't universally reviled.
Next you'll start crying about how sad it is that people poked holes in your pathetic worldview and pointed out your contradictions.
Here's a TL;DR
keep on saying words that you've heard and don't know the meaning of little boy
you try and call me out being dishonest and yet there you are doing just that
RWhiteGoose is a cheating faggot and whenever I see video clips of him it's fucking mad at the speedrunning community because they hate him now
-GG was not leftists, it was centrists
-Nobody likes trannies, SJW's did like trannies until they couldn't use them anymore because almost all trannies are white and since 2017 it's been "FUCK YOU WHITE PEOPLE" so now they hate all trannies, but they hated all trannies to begin with unless they towed the party line which is why SJW's hate Blaire White etc
-That person is a faggot, only retards use the "SAMEFAG" excuse to losing conversations today
-Again, a faggot
-Thrice a faggot if he's talking about GG when never even being part of it
are you on about this video?
He's faked quite a few of his runs
You're either assmad at being found out or they're projecting.
Yeah the other dozen posters who called your bullshit out for exactly that are all wrong and the truly dishonest people, not you who is assmad that someone else is now aware of your faggotry.
I think it states somewhere in there that he did.
also please read the thread rather then take the word of some user who's clearly being bias thanks
who are they user?
It gets funny when you act so desperate to try and make sure other people agree with you, but you know you can't actually refer to anything specifically to back you up since you're absolutely full of shit so you just call others biased and try to pretend that everyone in the thread hasn't called you a faggot in one way or another.
at 49:20 he talks about agdq because ya'know a speed runner from the chat ran in it
and yet I have but no one else but I think there's a mix up here and you're refering to your self and that other user because I've yet to see anything other then "lol ur a leftypol XEE DEE" out of (you)
Except you haven't, but you'll keep pretending you have and going on pretending that the entire thread totes wasn't you getting blown the fuck out because you were defending trannies and talking about how Gamergate was leftism central when you had no fucking clue about what you were talking about. This all, of course, followed by desperately begging other anons to not judge you and, god forbid, disagree with you.
I already stated my opinion
If somebody thinks that SJW's and Trannies have not ruined GDQ with their double standards and PC policing of the events and making it the most unfun thing to watch on twitch for a week twice a year they are heavily in denial faggots and they probably take flacid tranny dick up the ass while calling themselves good allies while their 300LBS+ Tranny "Girlfriend" beats them once a week because they didn't constantly reassure them of how great and pretty and wonderful they are
And if he gets mad at that I really don't give a shit
I've done so twice now, backed up my points, see here >>14245264
now that daddy has shown you how to into arguing like an adult maybe you can stop trying to bury the thread in shitposting so that you can control the narrative via what you tried to do here
I'm just saying that focusing the trannies isn't helpful in the least if you want to actually fix gdq you need to yell at the bloody managers who say what the rules are and make the bans happen tbh, the reason why I say this is because those fuckers will use trannies as a shield for their shitty practice like ALL sjw do, did you learn nothing from GG?
this post
Also let me fucking add before you go "Not all trannies" etc
They're all fucking unstable, I've had three friends who after years of being spergs online and nobody wanting to put up with their shit turned trans, constantly avoided any and all advice that was to their well being (One even self medicated with alcohol because it was cheaper than depression pills) who constantly fished for praise 24/7 about how great they were and had screaming emotional breakdowns whenever somebody didn't agree with them, misgendered them etc, one of which flushed a $70,000+ a year career down the toilet because he showed up for work one day in a dress and his dick taped down going "THIS IS WHO I AM THIS IS ME!" etc and for the next two weeks did nothing but show up in my mentions daily about how he was yelling at everyone if they even slighted him in the smallest way and was finally fired when HR got involved at his constant screaming and threats at the other staff and then he ended up screaming at HR because they used his "Deadname" and they had to get armed security to escort him out
And that's just ONE of them, you want to hear what the other two did?
Trannies are unstable trainwrecks and they poison everything they're involved in, because they're mentally unstable people that society spent years coddling and have such a superiority complex it's like if a vegetarian and a athiest somehow had an anti-christ child
have I posted anything in regards to defending trannies?
So you've more or less proven that you not only didn't back up any of what you said, but that you're incapable of accepting being wrong and only capable of shifting the goalposts and ignoring the fact that nobody in this thread agrees with or likes you.
are you mentally retarded?
You're saying "Don't focus on Trannies focus on the managers"
Except the managers have no fucking power because they're trannies, and trannies when you try to force them out of their undeserved positions instantly start screaming sexism and biggotry and other fucking nonsense in an attempt to not give up their seat of power
No, you focus the fucking trannies.
Quite a bit, faggot.
Well I would. Call it schadenfreude or morbid curiosity depending on how the story goes.
these people are trannies?
that's nothing, we've seen >(300) or so before, that was some fun shit
One of them got in constant fights so much they got into a brawl with their family to the point they ended up in jail briefly, and last I heard is now living in a multi-house with 6 other trannies and last I heard all they do is bitch about how how unfair all the other trannies are for not thinking they're the best trannie
The other one was like the first, screamed at their work to the point of getting fired, did a short stint where they filmed "Everyone who did hate speech" against them in public when it was just people calling them by their real sex, and last I heard of them they've been wandering around LA screaming at people for looking at them wrong and "Raping them"
Fantastic individuals
I'm not you, no.
Have you ever considered of, say, suicide or going back to your shithole rather than continuing to pilpul and shift the goalposts? You tranny faggots aren't going to be accepted here, or anywhere.
Mentally ill. No wonder you keep trying to pretend nobody actually disagreed with you except 1 or 2 posters when it's really been everyone.
well you can't see evidence which has been posted infront of your face so no actually you are of the retard mental tbh
literally lmao at (you)'re face matiepie
Sure thing retard.
It's painfully obvious that you're a tranny faggot. Only one of you would be sitting here desperately trying to pretend the mentally ill retards running the show and pushing the poz dindu nuffin
No, user, nobody agrees with you. Not a single person in this thread has agreed with you. And it pisses you off so bad that nobody agrees with your bullshit and that everyone can see through your pathetic attempts at deception that you can barely make a coherent post anymore.
If you don't think the trannies are the most major problem of GDQ and are the ones responsible for the most damage to the events as a whole you are either a tranny or you with to/are getting fucked by one nightly and are deflecting the heat away from the fact they destroy everything they deal with
literally wo tbh
this video sums up nicely what the actual issue with gdq is tbh, also it's not nice that you skipped past
Sorry lad but childishly saying 'NO U' doesn't work. You got btfo and disproven, and no matter how much you try to plug your ears and pretend it never happened, it did, and that was the end of it. GG was not Leftist.
No, you're what I'm saying you are because you are a tranny faggot. It's not that hard to deduce, and that pisses you off.
Nobody's gonna disagree with me lad, just you, and only you. And that hurts you, doesn't it?
Listen you fucking dipshit, because you keep sticking your fucking head in the sand every time somebody brings up facts, and in fact that post was connected to me making the very point which you're ignoring
"Except the managers have no fucking power because they're trannies, and trannies when you try to force them out of their undeserved positions instantly start screaming sexism and biggotry and other fucking nonsense in an attempt to not give up their seat of power
No, you focus the fucking trannieS."
Now try to stop being a fucking retard for five seconds and pay attention to what people are saying instead of ignoring what people are saying
And yes, I mad, because I'm talking to a fucking wall who keeps ignoring what people are telling him
I wonder when you'll realize that I've been throwing your own method at you, it's annoying isn't it and sounds really retarded doesn't it? well maybe you should consider the other person you try and "argue" with next time. here's a hint, learn how to provide proof of your claims and maybe you wont look like an idiot.
mate I asked you where are the trannies in power in this post
it's not my fault you're refusing to actually tell me who these trannies in power are
Listen you utter fucking FAGGOT, and I'm using all caps because you can't take those tranny dicks out of your ears
Going "No, you have to PROVE my random conjecture wrong!" is not throwing anything at me, it's you being too retarded to understand what fallacious logic is and responding to your contradictions and hypocrisy being exposed repeatedly by plugging your ears and screaming, just like the child you keep trying to pretend everyone else is.
Not only is the irony stunning, but you've still ignored everything you disagree with in favor of pilpul and bullshit. was 100% accurate in calling you a wall who ignores anything he disagrees with.
But oh, go on and tell yourself how nobody ever disagreed with you as yet another user stumbles upon your faggotry and is revolted by how dishonest and retarded you are.
He'll just ignore my statement again like the god damn fucking faggot retard he is
"B-b-b-b-but they're not on this page!" while sucking down his cum mixed soy drink thinking about how great an ally they are
yeah they let them in as well as keep them in, what about this do you not understand? the committee only looks over submissions which I get what you're saying there but that's literally just cutting off your foot to fight brain cancer tbh
it's funny how you move onto other peoples argues points. do you lack your own? yes I'd say. although I am getting sick of this "no u no u no u" reasoning you've presented in every post you should consider stopping and thinking about what I've said already tbh
And on,and on, and on, and on, and on
You are so obtuse it's fucking amazing, take more of your hormone replacements and empty your head with a blunderbuss after it dawns on you eventually you'll never be a woman
Your hypocrisy shows once again, first you complain that people aren't making the same arguments, and then you complain that they are. Are you so assmad you can't remember your older posts, or is that sort of contradiction just natural to you?
I'd imagine you'd get sick of having your failures and stupidity pointed out over and fucking over again, but keep crying soyboy.
You should consider stopping and thinking about what I've said already. Of course, you won't, your a retard who can't do with himself what he wants of others. If you thought about the shit you said you'd either go commit suicide out of shame or you'd fuck off back to your shithole board and never come back.
oh you mean this? where twitter.com
who's not a tranny?
wew lad tbh ran out of stream already haven't you?
God why am I even bothering with you? You already proved your a disingenuous fucking retard after you started with the "N-b-n-n-no people don't disagree with me, it's a same fag ID swapping!"
I'm out of here, can't wait for your obit in 3 years after that wound between your legs where your dick once was closes up for good
it's funny you bring that up now. did you read what I actually said on the matter?
Go tongue a car battery you retard
you're right they screamed at him but it's the parents fault if they give into their kids demands and your analogy is backwards
oh wait nm about your analogy, I forgot that bill was president, sorry on that
No, you're just assmad that you've been exposed over and over again. And it's not gonna stop either, your ilk always sticks out.
This faggot was born of soy.
I didn't even mention /leftycuck/ in that post you butthurt faggot, but now it's even more obvious as to where you came from.
you're clearly backpedaling though trying to gain the consensus like the leftypol you are, obviously I win and everyone hates you cos I say :^)
I promise you its a norm now, in an Army base and there are tons of em that watch it. Granted, alot of it is basic bitch ones like Naruto, One Piece, or dragon ball (nigs love these animes especially), but there are decent amount of em Ive met who watch things like Overlord, Re-Zero, or Boku no Hero Academia
No, trannyfaggot, you see, that doesn't work because when I do it, I'm literally just parroting what you say. When you do it, you have to make shit up because you're wrong.
you keep on using that word, I do not think you know what it means
Ah yes I forgot that I lack the skill to pilpul as well as you, as well as deny reality and make shit up to try and prove me point, such as claiming nobody ever disagreed with me or that my graph from know your maymay was never shown to be a load of horseshit
really thinking on this one
So you've more or less admitted that you were completely wrong and never had any hope of defending your shitty and objectively false viewpoints?
so you more or less admitted that I'm basically right right?
No shit? What do you think you're proving here?
that the manager wasn't a trannie which "trannis in a position of power" there's trannies on the committee which handles submissions but tbh I think this was a case of nepotism tbh
what an easy arguement to make "clearly I was on about his spelling rather then the meaning of the word he was using, what's context?"
That is one motley collection of ugly cunts right there.
Surely the only way one could see this lot and think 'Yes, these are my people' is if they're a grotesquely mutated freak themselves.
The problem is these fucking retards have an outlet for their noise and lies that we can all hear/see. Destroy Twitter, break their tranny fingers and the world will make a little more sense again.
See CWC for the prime example
Good job, hotpockets!
It also had no duplicate thread rule at the time retard.
Oh threads past bump limit. k
I think they're both to be filed under: 'Wilfully being a fucking spaz' and they need to be school bullied, yesterday.
Trannies are almost always histrionic shit-talkers behind a keyboard and muted little mouse men with purple hair IRL. There are outliers of course, the Bastshit Yelling Tranny™ they'll rally behind and the martyrs on social media (Johnny Wu-lad) but for the most part they're still aware they're generally disliked and still shunned by anyone with a functioning brain. They wear their mental dysfunction on their sleeves and expect to be taken seriously? Trusted to be honest? While presenting blatant untruth as fact in our faces? This cannot compute in a rational mind.
There are mirrors in autismal behaviour where you have a legion of shit talkers who lack presence like Akarin but there are the odd genuinely fucking batshit ones who'll ruin their whole life with some mad obsession (be it utterly futile shit or otherwise) who the quieter ones will chime with and naturally social media/internets again provides us with many a ragged on autist to deride or semi admire whichever is appropriate.
They're different flavours of social retardation, though I'd much rather have an autist around provided they weren't gross or destructive because trannies are *intensely* boring, they're either just HUGE FAGGOTS who do like every other fag and make mousey unfucked girls giggle with endless chatter about dick/ass but with the added bonus that the girls can treat him like he's the fugly girl of the group who they can sharpen their catty condescending knives on. OR they're as socially retarded as the autists but without a manifested obsession so there's nothing to them but their inevitably dull and self indulgent sob story.
Nigger what, he faked a couple runs all at once over a decade ago, and he admitted to them the next day, literally nobody in the goldeneye community gives a shit anymore. As far as I can tell the only speedrunners who hate him are people mad that he's antiGDQ and politically incorrect.
The video of him bitching about speedrunners is more obviously self-hatred than anything else.
This. Fucker did it because he was losing a lot of PB's and WR's and he apologies, admitted he was a faggot, and then fucked off for a few months.
yeah it did here
And? 1 GG thread means Holla Forums didn't discuss the movement? I find it funny that the only reason nobodies currently calling you retarded is because the thread is dead.
not what I was saying but you're free to misinterpret how you like, I'm sure it helps your argument somewhere
You're somehow implying Holla Forums was separate from the gg threads and they weren't.
Coming from somebody without an argument that's not saying much.
yeah GG isn't the main focus of Holla Forums. do you not understand this? that it's also a place for video games
The topic was back when the movement was in full force. Which in that case yes it was the main focus. Keep posting retard.
the site wasn't made for GG nor was this board, it came here when cuckchan and reddit banned it on there site. while I'll agree that it was a predominant topic, no it wasn't the main focus of the board
Nor would it be anywhere near as popular without it.
It became the focus dipshit. Stop trying to move goalposts here. Your initial statement was that Holla Forums was separate from GG which is factually wasn't because it was the primary reason for the largest migration to the site.
being "popular" doesn't matter and infact no one here wants Holla Forums to be mainstream trash like cuckchan is.
no if it did then why did we have threads about other shit like video games then?
That has nothing to do with the argument at hand retard. The fact is that you stated that GG and Holla Forums were separate which they factually were not when the movement was at its peak.
It's like you completely ignore the word "primary" in primary focus. Again, keep posting retard.
Bailey is so gross. Have you ever heard him open his mouth? Total boner killer. He talks like a ghetto nigger.