The Red Pills Challenge

This is the Red Pills Challenge. It triggers folks both right and left. It will probably trigger you, but might lead you in some very new directions, too.
Full video is:

"The challenge is to watch all eighteen red pills without getting triggered by cognitive dissonance or offended indoctrination, considering the evidence without taking the blue pill back to the simplistic perspective most people live in daily."

Some of these red pills everyone here already knows about, but some of them are very unusual. Totally worth a watch/listen.

webm excerpt coming up…

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Holla Forumsyp psyops to demoralize Holla Forums from leftism and embrace the center-right Clintonist line of the DNC

Wait, does this video imply that U.N. is not corrupted in any way, all leaders of U.N. don't do crimes behind everyone's back and capitalists won't start slicing each other throats? Because democracy will kill itself, eat itself like ouroboros, and revolutions will rise over its dead corpse. And it already started eating itself with chaos caused by alt-right, immigration and crony capitalism (which is just capitalism showing its true face).

how about taking the stop being a fucking faggot challenge?

??? If you actually watch the video, you'd know how silly what you're saying is. There is nothing further from the Trump/Perez status quo than this.

That's exactly what it predicts.

I can't trust a person who's youtube channel is named "sun wheel", which is also known as Sonnenrad, which is black sun. No point to watch obvious shit if you are so "right".

The sun wheel is an ancient symbol of agricultural society. It's a symbol of the nature-connected civilization that existed prior to Christianity and its ilk. Why are you so afraid of even considering ideas?

I have a few.

Thanks for confirming that you are Holla Forums

Meh, I'll watch it later on, it's 2 hours long.

Maybe it's time to realize that pol and leftypol are divided along unimportant issues and we will ALL be fucked by the royals.

How's this for a red pill? The NWO is white supremacism.

why do you deny us user? dont you believe in free thought? except my feels… I MEAN… red pills and think like me. OBEY OBEY OBEY

no thought just red pills

So your a libertarian/Jonesite?

Either way, we have pretty much known that fascism is the preferred alternative to any kind of socialism for the ruling class. Any kind of leftist organization being subverted reaffirms this, and Soro's actions prove this, and the fact that they are parasites who do more then just extract wealth from the working class.

I also recommend watching this series for getting the jist of why we are critical of capitalism, other than the obvious reasons above.

You have a far more open mind than most.

No, I'm none of the above. I'm personally pretty much a nihilist.

I know the author of the video is a…

…wait for it…


No joke.

Stopped watching there. If you're going to spread disinformation you might as well kill yourself.

Is it disinformation?
You don't think the communists did anything excessive or wrong?
Stalin and Mao are above reproach?
Come on.
What is this, 1971?

What is wrong with the audio in the middle of this one?

I'm halfway through the intro and am already triggered.


dawn of the dead is a good flick though

Stopped reading there.
Anybody who uses "triggered" should be banned from the internet and shot in their homes.


I personally know people involved with the SDGs. You really don't understand what's going on if you don't think it's a huge deal.

Where were you in the time of the WTO protests? Were you at the Battle of Seattle? This is 100x bigger.

It's Night of the Living Dead. Good guess though.

I have to agree with you there.

It's always been like that. It's actually better than the YT version believe it or not.

It's pretty much the wording. It was a type of socialism/state capitalism basically. Either way we've found out those earlier attempts were riddled with mistakes and thus we have changed out strategy. At least most of us, I would like to think. Co-ops are breddy gud, basically. There's also pic related :^)

It's a pretty decent critique of neoliberal utopism TBH.

No doubt that Stalin was set up as the fall guy while Trotsky was redeemed and reincarnated later as Neoconservatism. But Stalin was not a nice guy.

Mao was at least well intended in the millions he killed.

You don't think Stalin and Mao were bourgeois-romantic revolutionaries and vulgar humanists rather than communists?

What is this, 1925?

It's already common internet lingo, synonym for "trolled"

"Cultural Marxism" on the other hand is an instaNOPE;

You're right, I got them mixed up because I was talking about Dead Rising earlier. I did watch them both.

Also, I personally know that all fascists are liars, but okay, give me your best piece of demonstrable evidence that these goals that are never going to be reached anyway are evil. I won't accept a long rambling video as evidence.

Using the "red pill" name already triggers me af.

Neither of them were bourgeois at all. They were, however, quite nationalistic, unlike the internationalist Jews. Mao genuinely cared about the Chinese and tried to provide the antidote to the Capitalist oppression that had developed which the KMT could not really unshackle itself from. But the Marx kool-aid really screwed him up.

I'm not a fascist, nor is Arthur.

The evidence is in the excerpt.

A simple example: stop world hunger. What happens then? What happens to the environment? To over population? To other resources? Why is it a goal, anyway? This examines all of this stuff.

Why are you explaining this to me like I got on the internet yesterday? I know it's common. I don't fucking care.

Yeah, I know. It's totally silly.

These images make me profoundly uncomfortable.


Replacing capitalism is not going to fix those problems

As stupid as always I see, pol

Oh my fucking god. This is not evidence. Let me give you an example.

Timmy says he wants a sports car when he grows up. But how would he get this? Will he steal it from someone? Will he turn into an assassin and murder people for money to buy it? What if he gets one and crashes it and dies? What if he never gets one and kills himself because of it?

Do you see how I can make anything sound sinister (to stupid people) by asking ridiculous questions about it?


The biggest redpill is that the redpill wasn't the redpill at all by definition of script writers. How neo was able to use his powers outside the matrix, if the reality he was in wasn't a continuation of matrix, and just an illusion of escape for people who resist?
Same with nationalism. People think they escape corporate capitalist exploitation and constant mindfucking, because it was jewish, but no they don't. Its just jews are replaced by white porkie, who continues doing same shit, but blinds everyone with wonders of homogeneous society which are instantly forgotten as soon as people get used to it and that's all your difference.

You can either have the details and watch 18 minutes or you can have my watered down summary, but you can't have both.

You can't "cure" world hunger.
Attempting to do so creates a hell of a lot more problems than people starving.
If people starved when there was no more food, viola, population and resources would come into balance.
You can't FIX nature.

I have better things to do with my time, sorry.

Just a note from your "fascist", as I also posted this on Holla Forums and this is what happened. I guess they need a "safe space".

Hey, Holla Forums, this faggot is just shilling his goytube channel.

Whatever happens to humans is nature in action. Whether we all die or get to luxury communism. Since nature is the ultimate good why do you even care what happens?

The only way to balance people and resources is planned economics. Even if we killed off 90% of the population we would still run out under capitalism, unless we went back to primitivism… and then civilisation would just re-emerge and it would happen. Furthermore, if you don't care if people starve now, why do you care if people die in the future under the current system?

The world produces more than enough food to feed the entire population the only reason it does not is because it is not profitable.

Well no shit, I'm not actually watching the video.

Yeah, they're going to be the next Pewdiepie, obviously. All those shekels.

lel, get fucked

You're wild, user.

Oh come on. Planned economics? This is the problem with our world. The idea that the choice is just between capitalism and communism. In both cases it's all about a very, very small set of people controlling ALL the resources for everyone else. How is that good?

It's not that I don't care if people stare. I just realize that feeding the ducks causes more problems for the ducks than it solves.

The problem is not whether the world can produce plenty of food, it's how it is distributed. When you are looking at things coming into balance, you have recognize the locality of things. Rain in Vietnam doesn't do much good in Ethiopia.

No user. It's time for the really scary redpill now. The true nightmare that should keep you up. The world is so messed up because there is nobody in charge. A loose alliance of the hyper rich attempt mostly unsuccessfully to manipulate a world based on a market which is beyond human control, even their control. The money is running the show now, there's nobody at the steering wheel.

Ducks aren't humans. Ducks can't develop a system of permanent abundance, we can.

I want op to read Stirner instead and stop being so spookefied. And then Lenin to stop being spooked of all mighty NWO government and understand the theory of revolution.

Your fucking point? The problem of how it is distributed is a problem of the profit motive because it is not profitable to spend so much money on either sending food or cultivating the technology for ethiopia to feed its people.

Absolutely fucking wild, user.

youre a moron, theres barely any good margins in actual food porduction, the only way people make any money is either through government levies and extremely preferential tax and lending policies for actually making food or putting a label that says organic on it and charging 4 times the price

half the united states agricultural output are farmers with giant over levied mortgages growing soy and corn on essentially government consignment

You're sounding awfully patriarchal now. What would Engels think? ;)

The world already has permanent abundance. It's our unwillingness to work WITHIN nature and instead to insist on imposing our own will upon it that screws it up. Theoretically having the right person or persons in charge would allow that, but only by letting nature lead.

I've read plenty of Lenin and I'm well aware of the evolutionary theory of civilization.
The NWO is crap and has always been.
Why would you sell out to capitalists and then defend their institution?

Are you talking about a Council of Druids or something?

That is why the profit motive, capitalism itself, is the problem you fucking dipshit there will never be profit in feeding poor destitute people in abject poverty halfway across the globe.

No. The distribution problem is called REALITY. It's called things exist here and not there. There is a cost to solving that problem and that can be extraordinarily high (fresh cream).

The fact that Communist and Capitalists both point constantly to technology as a magic wand to cure the world's ills show how little they've really learned from history.

Hahahah… that's hilarious. Sure. Better than the bankers and utopians we have now.

And that person is you and your buddies, right? What a shocker.

What does this even mean?

The world is not permanently abundant for 7 billion people living in industrial capitalism. I find it unacceptable to destroy the Earth or to destroy the majority of human beings, so the solution is to destroy capitalism. Humans are defined by our ability to impose our will on the world, if we didn't have that, we might as well be cattle or insects.

Are you an anprim or something? We have cars and planes and shit now. Moving goods is easy.

you're absolutely right.
You know what's really popular among the super rich right now?
Foundations to help the poor and hungry.
Why do you think that is?
Maybe capitalists just grow really big hearts on all that foie gras and cristal (sp?).

So you are telling me the technology to load up a plane full of food and fly it to ethiopia does not exist cause im pretty sure it does and when I say cultivate the technology for agriculture in ethiopia I mean take the technology that already exists in other places on earth and build it up in ethiopia so they can fuckin feed themselves

No, I'm not going to lead anything and I don't know anyone who is capable of leading the world. I don't even know if such a thing is possible. How about we try leading a fucking neighborhood to self-sufficiency and independence first!

I'm saying a strong leader to direct things towards a good outcome is a very patriarchal concept, which Engels, in particular, at least pretended to hate.

Of course, the whole fucking Communism thing was a scam to concentrate power. The right and left both share an amazing ability to be in denial about the intentions of those they've given their agency over to.

You know what those foundations are right? They are NON-PROFIT foundations and even worse they are non-profit foundations used for tax writeoffs and to get good boy points to be traded with other insanely rich people

Are you sure you're not an anarchist?

7 billion people are nothing if they grew to that population by being sustainable localvores. The world could sustain a trillion people, in theory.

You're idea of human's place in the world is the totally wrong, in my opinion.

theres no profit in feeding rich people moron, Food is not expensive in the 21st century, governments have to give people money to actually participate in food production, food is worthless until it reaches a grocery store or a restaurant

Add the real cost of creating and maintaining a car and you'll see what an illusion the "savings" they allow are.

Sure, some technology has been helpful, but what we are doing now is incredibly wasteful.

Why not just be local??

Yep, that's part of it. There are other parts, but that's definitely one part.
But many of these folks are so rich they don't need to make another freaking dollar in their lives.
They have motivations too, and it's not because they love little African children.

Of course he aint anarchist still work toward a form of communism

I am, somewhat.

That's only the case because of subsidization and "pay it later" agricultural practices.

That's incorrect. See the CNT, etc.

And you plan to do that by destroying your technology and living in accordance with nature? How does that work?

I'm not a tankie or a fascist, I believe in democracy, just not bourgeois democracy. The economy should be planned by the people for the people.

I don't intend to give my agency over to anyone. I want to fight for my right to exist in a world run by mankind, not calculators and accountants.

Yes, the world can hold 7 billion people if we used technology correctly and planned our economy correctly, I agree. As for a trillion, that I doubt, failing magical supertechnology.

And your point again is? Look at my damn flag, Im a marxist I understand that there are inherent contradictions in the capitalistic mode of production and those contradictions are what will ultimately cause it to collapse either to socialism or barbarism as the saying goes.

You almost made me actually calculate this shit to explain it to you. I can't believe you tricked me like that, go fuck yourself user.

You've got more figured out than most. I disagree on some points, but close enough.

Let me make it an easy one.
How many cars do I need to carry tomatoes from my garden to my kitchen?

Dont the CNT work toward a moneyless, classless, and stateless society?

food has never been worth any good money in industrialized nations, you make more money producing fertilizer than food people have to have in order to live

Ha ha, very funny. I'm not falling for it again, asshole.
Why doesn't everyone in the world just grow all their own food? Then nature will solve itself.

[classical] Anarchism doesn't believe hierarchy can really be eliminated, it just believes that artificial imposition of hierarchy is harmful and unnecessary. The circle-a means "order from anarchy," that order (i.e. hierarchy) naturally will result from true anarchy.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Please review history.

No but it is a start. Some are also more important/solvable then others. We're not utopians fam.


Speak for yourself, depending on what you mean by that

You see the retardation in all idpol. There is hope for you yet.

you dipshit, industrial nations dont have starving people from lack of food outside ecological disasters, they have anorexics

Citation heavily needed motherfucker

Oh, yes. I've known Holla Forums and the "alt-right" has been controlled opposition for a long time. Not everyone there, of course, just like not everyone on the far left. But the leaders… obviously.

The nice thing about that statement is that, if we keep on the path we're going of "fixing the world", we'll make sure the entire population experiences an ecological disaster.

give me a citation of people starving in the united states

we wouldnt have one if shitskins knew how to use condoms

Hey, point me to a UN program that advocates sterilization in the third world and I'll be a convert.

Fuck is this shit?
Was expecting seem real woke shit from the name but wtf is this?


You're a dumbfuck, Westerners are doing far more damage than people in the third world

Sure. What, you don't like your processed evolved plant, drug-infused McBooger?
It sure fits well into capitalism though.

Primarily from using third world countries for slave labor. (Pollution is obviously another huge problem.)
The sooner we got off the global train, the better.

Yes because as long as there is 1 obese person in the US there can never be anyone starving just ignore that homeless person dieing on the street over there

So how is that the fault of Africans. Fucking hell.

The US has a masked starvation problem. Either you accept welfare or you starve. You can be a slave and get your masta's rations, or you starve. Ain't freedom great?

It's not!
Nor is it their fault if they accept free food, free medical care, and so on.
As the video says, we live in an era of white supremacy – brought to you by the very people who want to hang someone for being "racist". It's a fucking mind game.

Even with the welfare starvation is still a significant risk and mostly to children at that

you dont need sterilization, First worlders barely keep up with their replacement rates and are actually dwindling, shitskin immigrants account for all western population growth for the past 10 years, third worlders and catholics need to get with the program and close their fucking legs

First worlders dont participate in slash and burn and thus are actually able to feed themselves and not turn where they live into deserts

Yep. Malnutrition is the real boogeyman there, but some do indeed starve.
Anyone who thinks the US is some amazing example of capitalist abundance needs to go visit a reservation.


Paid sterilization is a humane program for correcting the problem we created. I would much prefer it than letting them starve because they need our welfare and we could e.g. get into a war. Starvation is the more natural solution, but sterilization seems like a reasonable compromise.

First worlders buy the products that people are slashing and burning in the third world to provide.
Slavery is happening right now and everyone who owns cheap Chinese junk (i.e. EVERYONE) has slave-made stuff.

Yeah because they pay third worlders to do it, are you stupid? White people had their population boom from 1700s to the mid 20th century, the third world is just behind, they aren't doing anything we didn't do.

A lot of the obesity is because the food they eat is toxic.
The cheap, processed, stale food is harmful to people.
Fresh, local, sustainable. That's the way.

Sure they are. We didn't have Uncle Sam and the EU paying us to fill our factories with wage slaves. We didn't have frankenfood sold to us by McDonalds. We didn't have expensive medicines and procedures to stop natural weeding out.

Paid sterilization? What so they can sterilize themselves and still starve to death but only at a marginally later point because they were given a 1 time payment for sterilization? Yea that sounds like shit and not worth it.

I appreciate that you have had a much more open mind than Holla Forums, Holla Forums.

I hope you watch the video.
I'm sure it'll trigger you, but it also will probably confirm a lot of things you already know or have suspected.


Everything OP has said is a shit idea.

Clearly, it would have to be coupled with a reasonable social care system. It would limit the problem to a few generations and remove the exponential issue.

Otherwise it's like handing a person $10,000 and then pretending you've just solved poverty for them for their life.

What do you want me to do with this information you propose?

Check out pill #18.

yea sure but that is not what was proposed, what was proposed was the simple "$10,000" and nothing more and furthermore it has been shone that with industrialization and modernization that birthrates naturally fall like what has been seen all over the the richer parts of the US, Europe as a whole just about and most glaringly Japan.

Haven't watched all of it but I don't understand what you are trying to convey.
So what if eurasians are different or if women are more important etc

youre thinking of somewhere else
chinks actually get paid and can leave at any time

youre walking around the fact that it takes months for the average american to actually starve themselves to death vs 2 weeks for a european, latin, asian, or african

Reality is far different from popular conception. The the supposed "alternative" perspectives are largely mistaken. The true reality is very old and completely natural. Real happiness in life exists in being at one with the natural truth. There is an overall point made with the eighteen red pills and that's the synthesis.

"You are your parents"
is bullshit.
Do my parents have the same consciousness as me? No.
Thus they aren't me. Genetic similarity is obvious and not a red pill.

Has this entire thread been you shilling for some earthlove lets all go back to primitive lifestyle cult shit?

Is this worth watching? Skipping through it seems very hard to follow since it's just a guy talking over piano music

De-spook yourself.
Fucking ey, this is the level of capitalist ideology we have to deal with - people who think its more feasible to literally starve everyone than to plan the economy based on sustainability and use-value.

At least starving doesn't kill 100 million people like communism

thats how a good majority dies in communism dipshit

I watched until 15. There was some interesting historical knowledge I didn't know before. But towards to end it gets a little heavy on the NWO and the assumptions made to affirm these claims become loose. Connections between Marx, Adorno, Lenin and an NWO agenda is more a hypothesis than fact, especially since no proof is delivered. The thoughts of philosophers are built on those who came before them and by the ideas that permeate during their age. That Marx commented on the bourgeoise family model in the 1800's, has nothing to do with the family being destroyed in our age. That Adorno commented on Nazis or German behavior, has nothing to do with the propaganda created. Most of these occurrences can be explained the conditions and events at the time, and how the people reacted to these conditions. I won't deny that conspiracies exist, however, be careful at linking unrelated events to the conspiracy, as a claim to its validity. Your claim that every conspiracy since the early 1900's was formed by the same group of people is absurd. Just look at how little power the UN has. Just look at how disobedient the different factions are, this so-called world government is very fragmented. They are fighting amongst each other for control.

it was the corporations' fault! it was the politicians' fault! they just didn't work hard enough!
this is clear evidence that planned economy cannot work under any circumstances

I see you are mentally deficient. Are you really that desperate for human interaction?

Planned economy can work. I think people are just grasping at straws, trying to dismiss a planned economy. People died due to starvation. We understand why it happened, so it doesn't have to happen again. But for some reason, certain people think that the past is bound to happen again.

You don't understand what "triggering" or "cognitive dissonance" is. Disagreeing with what you're saying is neither of those things.

Why should I listen to some moron who can't even tell what those things are in the first place?



You were banned becuase you refused to provide any cliff notes and responded to criticism with "LOL R U TRIGGERED XD".