Games that adapt portions of mythology or folklore into core parts of it's story, gameplay, etc, going beyond references. i.e. refrain from names, spells, summons, etc if it isn't clearly tied to or purely focused around mythology.
Bonus points to faithful interpretations with little to none cuh-ray-zee elements.
Other urls found in this thread:
Cosmology of Kyoto
King of Dragon's Pass
i'm still waiting for a game that lets me play as thor-sama dressed as a trap.
as a runner up i'll be satisfied with playing as cuchulainn when he gets to bang hundreds of hot naked young maidens to calm down his warp spasm.
Oh, I've not played it but there's also Aztez, IIRC you fight creatures from the Aztec underworld among other things.
I can think of tons of games that Irish mythological creatures/figures have appeared in, ranging from stuff like Smite to Nioh to DMC3, but Folklore's the only one I can think of where the plot focuses on it. The Celtic Otherworld also appears in Welsh/Brittonic mythology, but Folklore's set in Ireland, so yeah.
God of War's an obvious one. The mythology behind Kiryu and Nishiki's tattoos in Yakuza 1/Kiwami is brought up once, but outside of Ryuji and Shibusawa also having dragons on their backs in 2 & 0 respectively, I can't remember any other examples of tattoos being plot points in that series.
Onimusha too I suppose.
Basically everyone's tats have some level of symbolic meaning to their characters and situation, but yeah, it's not that important to the actual overarching plot. Though Aizawa in 5 also has a koi.
Okami isn't based on mythology. Amaterasu is one of if not the main Japanese Goddess.
Good Doggo still has many millions or worshippers.
Forgot about Aizawa's koi, that's right. I just remembered that the bat tattoo in 0 was a big deal for a good chunk of its plot as well but I don't know enough about Japanese myth to know if it's symbolic of something.
Games like God of War come close, but it makes me disappointed they opted for an original character™ instead of Hercules or other folk heroes. There's little to no pure mythology games in general, hence the reason for this thread and I hoped it would've sparked discussion about what sort of myths or stories would make excellent games.
If a Thor game did happen I feel normalfags would associate it more with "muh Mahvel" sadly.
Smite doesn't count because there's no single-player experience in that and it rarely features other mythological elements besides the characters. It's just another "look at how many characters you can play as" MOBA ASSFAGGOTS game.
Creatures/Figures don't really have any meaning to me if the game doesn't feature a mythological setting or story/quest. Beelzebub is a boss in Symphony of the Night, but doesn't feature other high class demons and doesn't have a general focus on Judeo-Christian myth.
The Witcher.
i agree, there's a tremendous amount of amazing plot in various mythologies that would make good games.
when i first read cuchulainn's story and he killed his best friend who had been duped into agreeing to kill cuchulainn, i wept manly tears.
also offtopic but related to thread so pls no delete mods, but beelzebub was never an independent being by himself, the term was an insult yahweh came up with for satan. it means 'lord of the flies' or 'lord of the shit (as in feces)', depending on how it was spelled. the one commonly called satan's original name when he was an angel was azazel, and he was the angel of music, but when he lead (or, according to some, didn't lead but contributed the most to) the fallen angels in rebellion and in mating with human women, he individually and the fallen angels and their mixed angel/human offspring collectively were called 'satan', which just means 'adversary' or 'enemy'. yahweh uses the term 'satan' to refer to many individuals and collective entities thruout history, for example he calls the fallen angel samael 'satan', he calls the various races descended from the fallen angels mixture with humans satan, he called the apostle peter satan when peter tried to convince christ to not die, etc.
the whole idea that beelzebub, satan, etc are different beings came from milton's 'paradise lost', which while being an interesting read isn't really based on what actually happens in the ancient texts beyond a basic outline.
in the ancient texts, such as genesis, enoch, some of the letters of paul, the letters of james, etc, azazel and other angels taught humans secrets which yahweh kept from them, such as the use of fire, mining, smithing, writing, mathematics, astrology/navigation by the stars, magic, divination, and enchanting/hypnosis, painting and cosmetology, and alchemy. additionally they mated with human women to produce 'giants', not stereotypical 60feet tall giants, but usually described as being a couple heads taller than men.
Castlevania, particularly SOTN, has a lot of pretty cool shit.
I think he's being pedantic
Shit, also, Dante's Inferno if you consider the Divine Comedy sort of mythological.
The Dominions series ot TBS is an obvious one. Most of the nations or god chassis in the game are clearly inspired by real world cultures. For example, the nations inspiried by slavic history can summon creatures like rusalkas and zmey. There is one nation that consists entirely of creatures from greek mythology, from satyrs to centaurs to minotaurs. Vanir and dwarves from norse myth also have a nation to themselves, and you can play with the Allfather chassis if you want to do an Odin roleplay or whatever..
Fantastic post. But what I meant was that it was odd to have Beelzebub out of nowhere by himself in Dracula's castle for some reason without including other high class demons like the other 7 Princes of Hell. Judeo-Christian mythology has a lot of interesting elements that people seem to shy away from (for obvious reasons). Shin Megami Tensei is one that has an interesting approach. And from my understanding, historically a lot of names for demons were actually the names of other deities in the Canaanite pantheon, demonized for obvious reasons when the people switched to monotheism with Yahweh.
I recently finished playing it actually, and in a way, I was inspired to make this post because of it seeing all the inspiration it took from multiple sources. It made me wish all the bosses were inspired after demons, actually. Or at least that it could've been more closely tied to Judeo-Christian mythology.
I'm disappointed the bosses for each circle aren't the demons specifically representative of that sin, but the inspirations it does take are still decent choices.
Year Walk is based on Swedish myths, such as year-walking and various monsters and what they do. Old Sweden was fucking badass/terrifying.
Also, last image is a .gif, so you've been warned.
Almost every Vanillaware game is strongly rooted in mythology.
Odin Sphere borrows heavily from Norse mythology, while not a direct use of its figures and events, a lot of what's there mirrors it very closely, noticeably Ragnarok.
Oboro Muramasa has a ton of mythological and historical figures from feudal Japan.
Dragon's Crown has a whole bestiary of mythological beings, mostly Greek and medieval Europe.
nuSweden is just terrifying. Albeit for other reasons.
Crusader Kings 2 has a good bit mixed in and then there are also plenty of themed mods
Those are some cute girls
Cause you dress like a whore.
I know Greek men dressed like sluts but come on?
Do you think in each respective culture,there was people who fantasized about fucking their gods/idols/whatever?
considering the weird seemingly fetishy things ancient cultures wrote about, yes.
Oh? they had kinky writing even back then?
See pic
Also, the Aztecs had a goddess of sexual degeneracy and scat, basically:
Remember that post about the graffiti on the walls of pompai, and how we realized that the scenery may change but people don't?
There is you answer.
Let's not remember such a thing,and burn all references to it,if possible.
And many more.
Hmm,i guess,but i mainly talking about normal people,not the gods being raunchy.
Not a lot of that is preserved I imagine, but there was a greek poet Sappho who wrote poetry about love and included some very detailed descriptions about what she/he would like to do with their lover IIRC.
Yeah alright,it's not a guy wanting to fuck medusa but it's better then nothing.
There are tons of legends about gods fucking the mortals though, but I thought you wanted normal people?
I did,unless you're saying you can bring me examples of female gods lusting after some normal human dick,that's pretty hot,especially if they're a god made of up snakes or some shit.
Aphrodite fell in love with Adonis, and fell so in love with him she and Persophone started fighting over him until Zeus intervened and made him stay a third of the year with each, and a third wherever he liked.
Spanish beat you to it buddy: They burned all native mesoameriican books and religious manuscripts they could find, including royal libraries. We have less then 10 remaining pre-contact books left.
What a lucky guy.
wow water is wet
I'm honestly surprised that he just didn't fuck Adonis himself to put a stop to their fighting.
Quite a shame actually. Despite being utter degeneracy, it's still part of human history and a piece of the culture it belonged to. If it rots away, is lost, left forgotten, so be it, that's fine. But outright destroying seems counter productive in a way. It could've been used to provide examples of Aztec degeneracy, reversing it to prove why this sort of thing is wrong, etc, using the information to prove your point rather than destroy it altogether, i.e. you're getting rid of a basis you could use to argue with. Not to mention, it's interesting to read about different cultures/societies in general, even if they are primitive or reprehensible.
Let's not forget there are non-degenerate stories that we'll never get to read or experience because they were forcibly destroyed for all sorts of debatable reasons. Not only that, but some cultures might've had easy to go to traditions or stories that could've made it easier to point to their degeneracy but instead those stories destroyed and only made it's culture more fondly remembered.
fedora at me all you want but that is one of my major gripes with religion. Many ancient libraries and foreign cultures have gone the way of the dodo due to it.
Thank you, I appreciate the polite sage, but please refrain from derailing any further and I'll be happy discussing this in a relevant thread, board, etc.
Don't worry, I agree with you, as long as you know that religion is also part of culture
I can see it, but you know it would never be allowed to see the light of day because muh poor Latinx and how dare you white man.
The Spanish were all racemixing faggots anyways so it's the kind of thing you'd expect.
That's why the destruction of their religion is so bad, it's destroying culture.
Why do you think Communists attempt to destroy Religion first?
So your devotion is to the state and not a higher power?
They also sold their own religion as a scene thing.
Destruction of any religion, stories, art, etc, is bad. Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat and whatnot. Humanity needs to ability to reflect on itself and look back on all sorts of things we've thought. Including the things we've thought to destroy, it's important that those things happened in the first place
And to get a bit more back on track topic-wise, would a mythology inspired fighting game be a good idea? Smite's shown it's easy to represent a deity's powers in 3D ASSFAGGOTS style gameplay, but could it work for a 2D maybe 3D fighter? Or does that constrain the idea of mythology a bit? What other genres would be interesting for a mythological setting/theme?
Fight of Gods is alright.
I found that while looking around to see if such a concept actually existed. I'm disappointed to say the least. It doesn't look that good considering you could do better with 2D sprites in Mugen. The actual fighting looks shoddy and choppy. I'm somewhat confused by the character choices too. Zeus not Hercules? Odin not Thor? Anubis not Horus? They could've added characters that actually would've made sense in a fighting game. Not to mention Jesus and Moses seem like they were added as meme characters when they could've used angels or demons for Judeo-Christian myths and they would've made sense in a fighting game. Also why is Jesus not using a whip and short sword? So much wasted potential, it's not even funny
Most games featuring deities always spring for the most boring or cliched ones for some reason. I really hate that.
That doesn't seem like a problem to me, you should have your core or well-known deities first or as priority, it makes sense, they're supposed to be powerful right? My problem is when they don't do anything with it or it comes out half-assed. But for a fighting game that specifically features deities it'd make sense you'd include ones that seem like actual fighters and not high range "I'm going to stand on a cloud and throw lightning bolts" Zeus or shit like that. That being said, why the hell is actually a close-range fighter in Fight of Gods?
It's not that, it's just that usually with greek mythology they give you the pussy version where every god(except hades because he's a meanie poopoo head) is this shining benevolent hero. The one game I can remember that didn't have this was Apotheon.Which is ten times the game God of War has and will ever be
Bats are a symbol of good fortune and luck in China, which Japan adopted.
I remember seeing that on Steam sale and thought about buying it, but it had tons of mixed reviews. You should've included an image, it's artstyle is amazing.
There's this filipino game Anito which incorporates filipino folklore.
Plays like Diablo
Now there’s an asshole I might fuck, if you know what I mean.
The funny thing is that compared to Zeus and Poseidon, Hades was the least douchey out of all of them. Still a bit of an ass, but far less so than the other two. It should be the other way around but thanks to Disney that won't change anytime soon.
I agree, and it's a shame. As a mesoamerieabo I can sort of actually sympathize with the outrage in the sense that there's so few fictional depictions of them that show all the cool shit they did in terms of art, architecture, urban planning, etc and instead it's all DUDE HUMAN SACFRIFICE LMAO, but at the same time playing up the wierd ass religious shit and the human sacrifice stuff can be cool too, as my example showed.
SJW's and people need to learn that while encouraging "postive represenation" is fine, that trying to harrass people for negative ones is counterproductive
Imagine how cool it would be if something like Asura's Wrath was done with the the bible.
Anythiing done like Asura's Wrath would be cool.
Itt's the only game i've seen to do QTE and cinematic shit right, it just makes it so balls to the walls insane with stuff that you couldn't ever directly control so that you can't help but to enjoy it.
Apotheon is a great game but it is unfortunately incredibly easy and at times the combat gets repetitive due to it's lack of depth.
So, Bayonetta?
The games ENDING was DLC, you could not finish the game without paying for DLC
Kill me.
Why do the Greeks get all of the attention?
Rune is the only remotely good Norse themed game.
There should be a game where the godesses have huge breasts. What mythology has those?
That's not accurate: The game had an ending, but said ending teased at further story elements that weren't resolved untiill the DLC.
In etther case it was still scummy, but the ending in the DLC is also some of the hypest, raddest shit i've ever seen.
Norse is literally the most normie pleb mythology choice after greco-roman though, and it's probably the second or third most common mythology influence in games too.
Aztec/Nahua/Central Mesoamerican
Maya/Western Mesoamerican
Germanic/Medieval European Folkore
Native North American
Pretty sure that's all of them, user
It'd be more interesting if they didn't fucking destroy everything. Temples, books, statues, etc. What's your reasoning with most of those anyway?
Where does Baltic lie?
t. /balt/
Bayo kinda takes too many liberties with it to be considered Christian.
SMT is one of the most obvious examples though the cuh-ray-zee elements can vary from game to game, with Persona tending to be the least interested in accuracy
There are two pussy versions. The one where the gods are heroic, and the one where the gods are decadent ultra-humans. The truth is, there were two sets of "gods" in Greek religion: the higher gods who embodied universal truths, and the lower ones, which are the ones all the myths are written about. The higher ones have no human-features, the lower ones were human features brought to astounding excess. Aphrodite is the best example of this existence of two separate deities: Urania and Pandemos, two separate goddesses of love, one who embodied spiritual love, and one who embodied carnal lust.
Just my own personal interest level and how cool I think they are\