I don't get this shit you all seem horribly confused
Communists want to dismantle the nuclear family and consider cultural and religious bonds irrelevant
what's wrong with strong parcipatory communal bonds?
alienation is inherent to capitalism and nuclear families can't do anything for /r9k/ people, only communism can
Go away Holla Forums this is a board for intellectuals
Why bother? Your big daddies are already killing it, sucker.
The nuclear family should be abolishing in favour of more communal forms.
Such as multi-generational households. You know, like how humans have lived for their entire history up until the start of capitalism. Where the grandparents helped raise the children and the parents could take care of the grandparents.
You know, like a family ought to function and still does in lots of places in the world.
As for cultural and religious bonds, culture can and will change over time, and as time goes on there won't be a need for "cultural bonds" as they blend together more. Compare any city dweller in india, japan, europe, america or south africa, and they will look and act similar (apart from skin colour), have similar hobbies and listen to similar music. And religion will get less relevant as material conditions and education improve, as we see happening in most of the world. (Or the opposite in the middle east, where everybody becomes a muslim nut when they got poorer and couldnt go to school)
For people all about traditions, you're quite eager to defend the recent fad that is the strict nuclear family.
As for religion, horizontal secular relationships within community NOT vertical relationship and submission to God and the Priesthood OK? Praise materialism.
Nuclear family is fascism and capitalism, the kids have no real power and are completely controlled by the shitty parents as if they are their property
Down with this shit, kids should be raised together, no family bs
The nuclear family was a ploy by capitalism to make workers more vulnerable. After all if you have four generations under one roof you probably don't have to take the first job that comes along just to not starve because there are other people working in the household. You can actually pick and choose.
as someone gets a dakimakura to simulate a gf, people venerate the nuclear family, god and nation in order to simulate social bonds. These mask the problem rather than solving it.
Vertical transmission leads to symbiosis, horizontal transmission causes catastrophic plagues. This must be bait because there's no way you would use that wording unless you've read about vertical and horizontal transmission of disease.
Nuclear family is your immediate family separated from your extended. Capitalism breaks families apart because of property, job opportunities, etc.
When I was younger pretty much every one in my extended family lived in one city. Now we're all over the country. I hardly know them.
The definition of marriage has changed 3 times in western countries over the last 1500 years.
It will change again in the future.
You're being awfully generous
Try 5 times in the last 200
The nuclear family was created by capitalists and capitalists are finally killing it.
Don't pin this one on us, mate.
That's really sad, dude. I am sorry. My mom and grandparents are 60 miles north, my little brothers gave a bit more. I never have the money to visit them.
Trying to dismantle the nuclear family is just a meme
Nuclear family is porky cancer. Extended family is the the only family that makes sense. Anyways what the fuck is this shitty propaganda? I swear you dumbasses will believe anything as long as it's in meme form.
Well to be fare there is some small amount of truth to the claim that early socialists, were anti-family (not nuclear) post- The French revolution a lot of people adopted Platonic ideas that would abolish your direct knowledge of who you descended from and mix this with state government functioning with some rudimentary socialist ideas about workers emancipation. Some a little bit after that would make vague statements about the commune becoming your new family and within that your regular family would still exist so it wasn't exclusionary. Kind of like this user but less elaborated:
90.00% of socialists don't think these things though. Changes in the family sure but mostly positive ones brought about by the end of capitalism and reactionary policies. I'm in favor of strong communal bonding but I don't think family needs to die in order to achieve that.
Also here in America anti-family somehow became another term for anti-gay marriage. I'm not exactly sure how this weird coded perception came to be but 80% of the time when a conservative is talking about "anti-family" things happening he means two gays kissed in public and he didn't like it.
pic related.
this thread made me a fascist
This post made me an Anarchist
Man the Porkies must get a laugh when dumbass parents kick their kids out on the street with nowhere to go in some half hearted attempt at making them nut up.
Does anybody think Porky kicks his kids out on the street and forcing them to *grow* up. Kick the kids out and when the parents get fucked up then the kids return the favor and tell their parents to nut up and take care of themselves.
In my moms house(I was stupid enough to move out) my sisters and brothers all have jobs and work full time while staying at home and paying bills with mom while enjoying life because they don't have to work two jobs to get by barely like I do.
The unfunniest part of your picture is that its truth. Capitalism DOES make steps towards reducing child birth rates.
No they don't, You don't understand Communism.
Just do it like Lenin, where whole family is a family of workers who fight for communism, and not divisive unit. Communism is not a sect, there's no point in changing how people spare their personal lives, you won't be able to control them fully anyway. The only thing you need to ensure is their will to work and increase their productivity, so they all be fighters of the communist party.
This post made me want to have sex
Nuclear family is not communal. It is actually very alienating, based on separating the nuclear family from the rest of the community. Extended families are more traditional than this latest piece of fiction called the nuclear family and even before that entire clans/tribes that are related to each other. Doesn't even matter what we do at this point, tbh, as capitalism is already doing the dismantling for us