Becoming Homeless: A Poorfag Experience

Are you anons ready for VR driven social change? Or maybe you just want practice for when you get kicked out of your whore mom's basement for being a huge sack of shit?

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>start sucking on cock to make money Ouya style


Someone should go about doing a literal whore simulator. You'd get slapped around by johns, starve nearly half to death, get every disease on the filthy street corner you make your living at just for your pimp to come by at the end of every day to take your hard earned money. Try making it as degrading and pornographic as possible while still passing it off as SO PROGRESSIVE

I can't really describe why this cracks me up, but it does.


Do they include a part where you can claim a designated shitting street in San Francisco and eventually get rounded up by the police and put on a bus to San Diego?

Dont forget the public sodomy.

One can only hope.

Joke's on you, I'm not in my mom's basement. I'm in a room upstairs in my dad's house you fuck.


Why does it look like someone is wearing Zuck's skin in every pic/video I see of him?

Controlling all of these servos is hard, and synching 4 gyroscopes is not as easy as it sounds on such a limited power supply. Cut the engineers some slack, it's the first Bipedal robot that has a somewhat human appearance and can "walk" somewhat reliably.

This is the irony why this won't work. VR is exclusively a middle and upper class thing, if you're in the poor class you don't have the money for VR let alone a lot of things. It's easy to pretend you're poor when you can flip on your expensive middle class gadget for ten minutes, go "Oh shit, I'm poor! This sucks." and drive off in your brand new overpriced car to your oversized house.
Actually being poor is figuring out if you have enough money for rent/mortgage, food and bills and finding out what to do if you don't and it's not something you can try and emulate for ten minutes.
If you can't even get an accurate portrayal of being poor to the upper class, how can you expect them to even figure out the absolute shitshow that is homelessness?


Is it free?

A hobo simulator game could be nice, a mix of The Sims 3 with GTA.

just like the movies kojimbo does right? god i wish i had expensive binoculars to "play" this "game"

now user, no need to be mean


meant >>>/krotchy/

It truly does not get any more first world than this.

THEN LEAVE THE FUCKING AREA. What is with dumbass liberals and insisting on living in some super dense, overpriced shithole? Every liberal I've met seems to think living in downtown NYC is the height of human achievement. They put this shit on a pedestal and will destroy their lives trying to achieve it without hesitation. Why?

I guess I should just be happy that they're moving themselves into containment zones for us.

Stealing that, see you in a year.

Because they cannot survive outside their suburban shitholes

That might just work, user.

The fucking irony here.

Death to the oligarchs, amirite?

how about you get a social job

Pick one

And what? Shell out for another deposit on an apartment ? Rent a truck and move all your shit? What if you got lease? How about utilities?
You live with your parents right?

People are left because they get to ride off their other people's money and don't realize the unfairness of getting shit taken away from you just because muh justice.


And move away from that trendy city life? Where there's no coffee houses where you can be seen with your newest iGoy?! Where rural shitlords might microagress you but no one will care?! There's no diversity outside of San Francisco! How is anyone supposed to live like that!?

But seriously, cities poison the minds of dumb faggots who think they are living in the pinnacle of human existence by living in overpriced cities where they need 3 roommates and a weekly check from mommy and daddy to afford an apartment to make ends meet, because they're so 'vibrant' and 'active'

tbh i never saw a rich lefty

they all smell bad and only eat at the dollar store

they also live in abandoned houses cuz they refuse to work

they only keep taking out loans cuz there leftists so they can keep buying the new smart phone

You've never seen a democrat politician?

Do you think clinton and all the hollywood pedos are poor?

I don't think leftists fully grasp what fun is supposed to be all about.


What's the point of buying new smart phones on a yearly basis? I can understand every decade or so but what point is a new phone every year?

They don't know any better. (((They))) market the phones by saying "Look! Cool new stuff that you NEED!" and the leftists think "Woah! It's new stuff that isn't in my old phone, and I NEED it!"

In fact, I just got hold of an old and used Samsung Galaxy Y phone.
You could notice the difference in speed, but it's definitely still useful.

I hazard to ask knowing the general idiocy of the average Marxist, but they are aware their phones are made by piss poor factory workers in China under inhuman conditions, right?

There's better stuff out there.

It's basically the same as women's shampoos or gamer gear.
"This bamboo extract / military grade sniper scope infrared laser sensor will make your hair shine and be strong like bamboo / increase your accuracy and kill count tenfold !" They don't really ask themselves why bamboo extract would make their hair stronger, or how a different sensor would increase their accuracy. They just associate bamboo with toughness or lasers with precision.
Except in the case of phones, it's BLAST PROCESSORS that will give you hundreds of new apps or LASER GUIDED CAMERA FOCUSING that will make you look like a real girl in the pictures you take of you and your tranny friends.

When you buy a head of broccoli from the grocery store, do you know what farm it came from?
They don't think beyond the shiny piece of metal in their hands because they don't have to. They don't actually care about the factory workers. They just act like they do so they can get approval from their 'friends'.

What new shit? I upgraded recently because my old phone got fucked and yeah it's much, much faster but it also
I mean it being fast, having servicable games and large screens to read books on, and shit like a steps taken counter and GPS and maps is alright but at the end of the day it's a phone and all I want to do with it is phone someone.

I'm not the guy that can't shut the fuck up about MUH BROWN POORS. I frankly don't give a fuck where the shit comes from, just that I can afford to buy it.

Thankfully the Chinks are fully aware of the cultural poison Western leftists represent. They even have a name for them, the white left. Hell, the chink government is aware what happens to cultures that get too close to the pozz and actively fight Western NGOs from gaining any sort of foothold in China.

whats the first one? and why are they wearing freaking sneakers?

I think the first one is Robo Recall. I haven't played it but an user here mentioned it in his worthwhile games of 2017 list.

Bad analogy.

Ad actively push the same same progressive bullshit in Japan Chinklover.

And ethnically displacing the glorious theocracy of Tibet.

You're right, it is. Thanks. I'm not a VR guy but I know someone who is and anything space or FPS related is worth a look, from a quick check around it appears pretty solid.

All those things you listed are things leftists generally like.

Japan knows what to do with socialists.

Robo Recall. Comes free with Oculus Touch.
It's pretty _fun, but I keep hitting my hand 'cause I don't have enough space to move around in.

Basically you got a scenario not unlike I, Robot and your job is to "recall" rogue bots.
i.e. shoot their ass and/or tear them limb for limb
and aim for the high score

God bless the flying Commie Killer.

The Chinese are living cysts upon the earth user. They need to be drained.

Yeah I just figured out that Epic Games made it a platform exclusive, I'm almost positive the guy I know has the other thing. Vive or whatever, which I believe links things through steam, so if you can't launch the game with steam then it's probably out of his reach.

But why?

I don't disagree, I'm just saying that Western leftists have become so poisonous and corrosive they are seen as a threat to any society they come into contact with.

Because they are stupid idiots that simultaneously call the police pigs yet tell everyone else to give up their own weapons. Leftists are brain damaged.

I wish someone would do the same with every democrat

Because they actually buy the marketing that tells them connecting their personal information to apps will make the apps perform faster and service them better.

Becoming Hitler: A Generation Zyklon Experience
And I'm not even gen z

A man after my own heart.

same and it wouldnt be hard either
just bribe nogs to kill whitey like they always do but at least it would be for a worthwhile cause
then send every single of those nogs to death row for dessert

There's an app called Revive that'll let you hook into the Oculus app with a non-Rift headset.
I dunno if Vive users have this problem, but whenever I'm using SteamVR I'm more prone to seeing framedrops and the positional tracking spazzing out.

What comes after Z? Generation AA? Generation GT?

Generation Reich

you mean generation tide pod.

A bunch of gen z are stupid motherfuckers, the next generation might be even more retarded.

Anyone stupid enough to eat a tide pod isn't going to reproduce. We don't have to worry about them.

Tide pods?

The current dumb trend of the month is kids challenging each other to eat tide pods.

Normalfag meme about tide pods(little thing you put in your laundry that contain detergent) looking like candy and wanting to eat them.

get a load of this weeb.

Again, why? Is it some "awareness" shit that's actually attention whoring in disguise again?

Might as well ask yourself why niggers think throwing boiling water at each other and recording it is a good idea.

Fuck off, our meme game is on fleek.



>Generation Reich
Are you motherfucking serious?
Gen Z are internet addicts ever since the moment they were born. Hell, there are articles of kids getting therapy because they have an addiction to tablets.

Also, this
You fuckers are retarded to think that one generation is going to pop out reading Mein Kampf and gas every jew in sight. It's not going to happen.

And there are also lots of studies that show they are the most right-wing generation in decades. What does one have to do with the other?

Your trips say otherwise.

what did kek mean by this?

I wasn't being serious, but Gen Z is going to be coming up in the world just in time to see the full madness of marxist liberal bullshit at its strongest, and they will reject it. Whether that actually manifests are RWDS NatSoc Conservatism, who knows, but we can only hope it leads to less of this tranny shit we've seen such a sharp rise in.

Jokes aside, everyone likes to forget the Nazis were socialists.
Socialists get the copter too.

really scuffles my truffles

There was a lot of overt expression that NatSoc wasn't MarxSoc. Same term, different meaning in the context they were using it in.

I just want shit to balance out. I'm tired of the constant race-baiting and the unsustainable focus on retarded social issues rather than medical and technological. And this comes from someone who leans left, for fuck's sake.

Commies and NatSocs are two sides of the same coin. Socialism is still socialism, even if it's applied through a lens of nationalism rather than globalism.

They're going to end up somewhere right of Evola all things considered. Being conservative and racially aware is the new counter culture, while thinking trannies are sane and healthy is the mainstream. We live in the bizarro world.

wtf i hate hitler now. alll hail obomgo the savior of humynkind!


Eh, don't see the point in hating the guy at this point.
Also don't see the point in caring about Obama at this point. Why should I care when Trump's a lot more interesting and fun?

you like them too huh?


How do you feel about skintight power armor?

Kill yourself.

eeh it's alright, but doesn't compare to a fully mechaniced waifu

Not bad, not bad. You really have good taste.

Your double dubs have spoken

Alright Holla Forums
I've been around lefties most of my uni days (because I was young and stupid), frequenting them is what made me a nazi. I've never seen a poor one. Never, I was always the poorest with actual second hand clothes and my first mobile and first shitty car payed for with my hard working summer/winter vacation job.
It's same medium/upper class as Holla Forums, instead of shitposting from mom's basement they go on a trip to plan the "revolution" and "be different" which is 70% partying, 28% fucking around, 2% maybe speaking about "people" stuff.
Not ONE of those lefties isn't taking daddy and mommy's money, typically that and when they get older, whatever gibs they can claim (mostly by lying, since money you get from your parents is income, even if not taxed, and gibs are largely income based).
Else they'd be getting a real job pretty quick and stop being lefties.

That's the difference and why chans people hate them so much, people on the boards that do live like that joke about it and are perfectly self-aware of their situation.
You people aren't and act like your shit doesn't stink.

Doesn’t anyone on Holla Forums understand the concept of subtlety?

these dumb motherfuckers are doing it. kiketube is in shoah mode over it, the only video's i can find are news reports on it.

VR will continue to be shit because it actively makes everything less convenient than just using a controller/keyboard+mouse and looking at a monitor.

Why the fuck would you need VR for the "homeless experience". Nigger, just go camping in an urban area and leave all your gear and food and money behind. VR is pretty much the antithesis of being homeless.

It's amazing that anyone this retarded made it this far, but this reminds me of some weirdo that did shit like this all the time, wasn't the guy's channel called 'shoenice' or something like that? the fucker ate spraypaint and soap and all sorts of inedible shit
because it's so much easier to obtain fame in doing stupid shit that can potentially kill you than trying to be even remotely intelligent

No subtitles? Seems like they need an exercise in becoming deaf, to true put themselves in another's shoes. Tune back in next year and buy my "deaf simulator" virtual reality game.


just call it cuckchan .webm which is what it is

I was so hopeful for VR, but now things are looking grim. I'm glad I didn't actually buy a headset. At least not yet.

There's only one game I have in my library that's VR compatible that I'd want to use VR with, but I'm certainly not going to drop 600 bucks just for that. Honestly as far as I'm concerned I'd rather go full autist and get a simpit than buy retarded eyewear just to use the keyboard and mouse anyway.

Any articles on gamedev/programming that are actually good? 99% of the stuff out there is leftist nonsense, entry level garbage, or 3D shader material I have no hope of comphrending

Zucc is a Gen 2.5 Synth, in case you haven't noticed.

I had a GearVR for a week. Ended up returning it 'cause it was making me feel sick.
Haven't had that problem with the Rift, though. I think it might be due to a combination of better specs and positional tracking.
Whatever the case, absolutely avoid mobile VR for now.

I hear Elite Dangerous is good. Haven't tried it out yet, but I'm gonna see if I can later tonight or tomorrow night. Rogue Squadron looks pretty good in Dolphin VR, if you don't mind all the geometry culling, but I haven't tried that for myself either because Dolphin VR is a bitch to setup.
All in all, I'd personally say it's been getting better, albeit gradual.

/agdg/ thread is over there, friendo:

What part of small-souled bugmen do you not understand? They aren't suited to living outside of hives.

Puked all over myself in the first 15 minutes of VR elite dangerous, highly recommend it.

This is exactly what I thought would happen and why I haven't bought VR. You know that experiment, where they hide your arm and stroke it and a fake arm within your field of vision and your mind identifies with it so strongly that you feel it when they hit it with a hammer? There's going to be a bunch of teenagers with phantom vagina syndrome because of this shit, mark my words.

白左 is a great term for them.

The especially ironic part is that space in those cities is so expensive because rent controls backed by those faggots drive the possible profit of building housing through the floor, and since you legally can't replace a rent-controlled housing building without going through the massive expense of building a new one, they all end up being abandoned to rats and crack dealers.

I've thought about this post a lot today. It still makes absolutely no goddamn sense.

future of vr

They're either rich or poor because they spend more money on luxuries they don't need.

the underground is my home now

Why can't someone do something really stupid amazing and make a fucking VR co-op Pacific Rim game?

Even before looking at the spoiler text, the first image to come to my mind was of homeless Ouya-tan, never change Holla Forums.

It literally could not get more perfect than this.

I will never forgive the Chinese for ruining the sequel.

Who the fuck made that top picture and how did they figure you'd use a tablet while using VR?

national socialists weren't conservative, the conservatives cooperated with the marxists to fight against the NSDAP. for example, when the bavarian people's party (marxist) wanted to ban hitler from giving speeches in bavaria, the german national people's party (conservative) supported them in this banning of hitler.
the horst-wessel lied contains explicit rejections of conservatism.
if you had read mein kampf before speaking about hitler you would have known this already. why so many socalled 'natsocs' refuse to read mein kampf and go around spouting false ideas given to them by the jew, such as "natsoc is conservative/capitalist/reactionary" etc is mind-boggling. and the amount of retards believing that "socialism = marxism because the jews told me so" even when hitler and goebbels specifically refuted this on countless occasions is equally mind-boggling.
link is an essay written by goebbels refuting the entire false idea that nationalsocialism is conservative or capitalist.

Because we live in an era that if something doesn't have a touchscreen, it's shit.

My fucking backup plan is to become homeless. Git gud millennials.

You've never watched the evening news?


They believe that being in proximity to important places in the world where many things are happening will give their lives meaning. This is untrue, but it's a desperate hope they have.

I don't condemn them for it, because it's an easy trap for hopeless people to fall into. I pity them. Non-heavy industry (eg, production of consumer goods that used to be previously made by craftsmen, such as shoes, cutlery, furniture, clothing - as opposed to heavy industry such as construction vehicles, freight rail, production of machines used in other factories, power tools, etc, which don't replace a craftsman's job but could be used by craftsmen) has destroyed much of the craftsman's trades that used to give a man's life meaning. Now they have no meaning, because working in a factory that makes plastic spoons doesn't give meaning, neither does manning the counter at McDonalds, and neither does a white collar office job where you fill in some spreadsheets and write some emails and spend most of your day killing time.

In past days these people would have been content with their trades as cobblers and tailors and bakers, taking pride in their work and knowing their legacy was secure as they passed the trade on to their sons. But they can't complete with factories. The only trades that still can are the tough, difficult ones (physically or mentally) that involve construction or direct service. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, telecom, etc.

Your average liberal is neither strong enough to lay bricks nor smart enough to trace a ground fault, but in pre-industrial days he would certainly have been competent enough to inherit his father's small family business and live his life as the town potter or tailor. There was a simple pride and satisfaction in that, which can't be matched working in the giant assembly-line factories that drove those humble trades out of business.

Bereft of meaning and fulfillment in their job or career, they hope that just living in a city will give their life some meaning or relevance by proximity. That they'll matter just for having been there.

Well it also doesn't help there are specific unions designed to funnel people into states

Progression of society means leaving that behind. Those trades will gradually get phased out as automation rolls in. That's why they work office jobs. They're flexible. If suddenly, the company that sells plastic spoons is no longer needed, you can still use your skills for another company that sells desks, instead. If you're an HVAC technician, what happens when HVAC techs are no longer needed?


It's called trash economy.

Otherwise known as Danny Deviconomics


I agree with you, but ffs tone it down.

Let me tell you something important about the modern age, I'll even put it in nice, big red letters:
Leisure is the new trade
Now that people don't need to spend their every waking hour supplying their locale with shoes and similar consumer goods, people's lives are defined by what they do in their free time more than what they do for a living.
Just look at the top boards here on Holla Forums; they're not based on things people do to gain income, but on things people do because they are fun things to do, such as

HVAC, because you can't automate a job that requires human adaptability. You can mechanize it, but that just means giving the HVAC tech better tools to use in the course of his work. EG a sawzall instead of a hacksaw.

You'll see AI lawyers long before you see HVAC or similar jobs get automated.

And most of the people who have nothing in their lives but leisure activities are severely depressed, like mice in Calhoun's utopia. When you don't do anything important or meaningful in your life and just work a shitty job or are NEET, and you spend your free time just consuming media made by other people (and let's face it, the vast majority of people consume media, they don't create it, and this will always be the case no matter how much marxists like you insist otherwise), you'll naturally feel like the useless shit that you are. That is not a success and it is not to be aspired to.

watching the electronic jew is fucking degenerate
If you haven't read the unibomber's manifesto, go do that, he explains that in a very eloquent way (particularly for someone who is famous for mail bombs)

Ultimately it's the death of constructive leisure moreso than leisure itself.

He was a child prodigy and eluded the feds for quarter of a century until his brother recognized him by the writing style of the manifesto.
University and Airport bomber.

Spoken like someone whose parents pay for their shit.

i haven't read all of his manifesto yet, only a small bit, but it's very well-written. he calls it like it is, but one conclusion of his i disagree with is that marxists seek to unify mankind and nature. on the contrary, hitler tried to do that by recognizing that man and nature were connected and man was neither separate from nor above nature. marxists seek to destroy nature by replacing natural law with various manmade bullshitteries. marxists only support environmentalism when it benefits their powergrab; the instant they achieve power, they shit all over nature, ie soviet destruction of peasant land and china's great leap forward.


AI will take over many office jobs before it takes over HVAC.

Marxism is not a format of politics it's a political strategy, you moron. You use it to get elected.

That's a terrible example, we spend most of our time covering up vents, crawling around attics finding leaks, or sleeping on the roof. And a robot can't lie on their certs.


boy I sure do like videogames

And how the fuck do you think they convinced people into allowing or joining said coup?

Nobody said it works.

I mean SHIT nigger, one of the plots of a Kirby game is a literal Marxian plot to destabalize a region over class struggle and take it over in the ensuing chaos attempting to mend it.

We have no way of knowing if it works or not considering real marxism hasn't been tried before.

the premise of this game is beyond ridiculous.

Who are those qts in the first image?

Somebody needs to makes this where you deal with other hobos. Shank fuckers of shig butts. Fights in the hobo arenas. Avoid cops, skinhead, the guys the kidnap the homeless for snuff films. Washing in the lake increases your charisma but increases the chance of cathing a cold. Weather system would be important as you need to find places to sleep.


Wrong, if you sold plastic spoons for 30 years, you cannot sell desks because you have no idea of the social workings of the table market. So they employ you at the lowest level possible.
And if that shit dosn't work they come with bullshit like your too old or overqualified to send you back to square one.
You are still needing guy that can repair whatever technology replaced the HVAC Technician.
The reason robots will never replace humans is that in the end of the day they are just as breakable as humans and for every thing that gets automated or mechanized you need a mechanic/technician to built it and keep it going.
Worse not only that, most machines are defenseless when compared to humans, so you need humans to protect them from nature/animals/other humans.
The Matrix could never work as the machines that build it would slowly die to dust, insects, rodents and the constant wear and tear of the elements.

Violence and mass murder.

By being a reclusive race of outsiders who agitate the undesirables of the society against their stability minded betters. You know, by being a kike.

t. brainlet who never read marx
Real marxist model can be built in a month tops, and there's been plenty of those all over the world, though people usually call them gulags or concentration camps

I am reminded of an old comic about a video game convention for new games.
One panel, a group is showing off some fancy new age tech that nobody gives a shit about
Another panel has a homeless man next to a pile of garbage, and someone is playing in it. It had some tagline about early access painted on the wall.

Am I doing it right?

I didn't need to see that you faggot

I will get a job now so I can buy a VR headset and fulfill my dream of simulating being poor. Fucking genius.

Who were the bunch of numales that we found out had pornhub account and one had liked animated nigger faggot porn?

not very progressive.

Dying from alcohol poisoning is very progressive. My body, my rights and so on and so forth.


How did you get here today, little dude?


Haha did you just say "triggered". Oh wow, you fit in so well, upboated my fellow nonymouse xD

So when do we get a VR Bum Fights experience? Maybe use the motion controls and tracking to give it kind of a Punch Out mechanic and you just go around to different neighborhoods beating the shit out of bums and chasing them off from being a public nuisance. Maybe have some minigames between fights.

It could be fun.

My point was that you are associating my right as an Easter European to die of alcohol poisoning with progressive ideology.

I love it, little dude! Your energy is killer! Have you considered that bad behaviour has existed since the dawn of civilization?

HVACR tech here, you will always need us.
Regards, HVACR tech dude.

Found the comic.
Also discovered we already have a hobo simulator, and it's FREE practically $20 in Early Access on Steam.

Actually I think that (dead) free download I found was either for phishing or piracy. There's some kind of poetry in pirating a game about being homeless and poor.

Was this pos really meant for me?

I'll be honest. The first two sentences were, but I thought it was such a shitty reply I didn't post it. Then I tacked on that end bit for . I forgot how quick replying works, and here we are.

Nah, its really simple

If you're homeless you are an illegal. Illegals are exempt from human rights.

Except the automation process is completely different. One involves mixing plastics and fixing molds, while the other involves milling and lacquering wood, shaping metal and assembling the desk. There's little to nothing comparable between the two.
Does it matter? Chances are good that any HVAC technician would be retired or dead by the time a robot replaces them.

This is bate.

every single time

c06601 here, on my phone
Don't know the exact model of the thicc runners, as I'm not that far in the game yet, but I think they're all RoboReady Tal Series 9s, or Tal-9 for short.

I almost think the user is confusing sales reps with trades in that you can be a sales rep for a company making spoons and transfer your skills to selling desks instead. Even in manufacturing the amount of automation is still dependent on product and it's more of the manufacturing process involved which is still varied.
Even with full automation, you still need engineers to design a product and method, drafters to put it all together in a nice report, technicians to check and test the products to make sure said product is tight, technicians for the automated machines and lastly assemblers on the ground for making things machinery simply cannot make or when a machine goes bad. That also doesn't count the fact you still have to then worry about automating each component and material of each part for each assembly and then the giant clusterfuck that is transportation logistics and try and somehow automate that as well.
I mean engineers could in theory design everything to be automated, but actual assembly robots are too far expensive to replace linemen with for most applications for the time being and then require a highly specialized technician to service the robots in assembly which costs big bucks, and unless you somehow get AI to be able to replace inspectors and testers you'll still need them around as well. Unless there is a way to somehow automate building and maintaining assembly robots on their own without any external input, you still need human workers. This is kind of reminding me of some of the manufacturing contracts I observed this past year for spaceship parts.

Hope he enjoyed it, cause now HE’S the toy. Of a particularly large black man. In prison.

Well at least he's not going to be sucking anybody's dick with jagged rotten teeth like those. Jesus, I've seen healthier chompers on old rural vietnamese men. Guess he'll just have to get it twice as hard in the ass.

I'd play it.

Fun Fact: There's a hobo simulator Not in the meme definition, they actually designed a game and systems around the concept in early access that's probably more worthy of your time than this arthouse trash.

How close is it to ?

lol have you ever been in california ?


More like jew t

You're a special kind of stupid. As long as there are humans living in buildings, there will ALWAYS be a demand for people that can maintain equipment that keep them from dying of heat stroke or freezing to death. Even if the technology changes, there will always be humans monitoring and fixing whatever goes wrong. Your analogy is shit.

that's a tranny, user.

He does eat literal shit. Im surprised his teeth arent worse.

How the fuck do you even get teeth that bad?
Even with the awful tooth care of people in my area, the worst I've seen is an abundance of missing teeth, this looks like he's got a mummy's jawbones in his head.

He goes out of his way to stay unclean to the point where he'll take a "bath" by rolling up his pant legs and standing in ankle-high water. He's fucked in the head beyond belief.

He diddled his baby sister and tried to prove he didn't by beating his meat with a fist full of his shit. His teeth might actually be the least of his problems.

Fockin' wot?
Have fun, faggot.


Fairly close actually


Homeless congregate in big cities because there's more of a chance of a shelter so they can survive the winter months. Also there's a wider pool of potential suckers they can beg to.
The real solution to homelessness is to build giant complexes that function as both hospitals and apartments so they're off the street and have a chance to get their shit unfucked.
We can go back and forth on whose responsibility it is but if you want them off the street, put them somewhere better. Even homeless animals get to go to a shelter.

No thanks I'm not a commie

Marx has been full of that shit too, yet over a hundred years after his death, one still has to go to work. Leftists are living in fucking sci-fi world, acting as though robots will replace all workers any day now, and so they push shit like UBI or justify their lack of any useful skill like this.

nigger, in my country, beinghomeless is a fucking choice. Literally – we are experiencing a major labour shortage and you can always, ALWAYS get a job, even if you are unqualified, stink like a bag of shit, and have no roof over your head. Yet the homeless are still plentiful. Why? Because (and they admit to this), they want to be homeless since they get to hang out with other homeless losers all day, don't have to work, and can live off of welfare and begging. Some journo even investigated some of them up close a few years back and found out many of them actually own a fuckin flat, but do not use it, since being homeless is their "lifestyle"

Then enjoy being dominated by people who did develop those techniques lol. But hey, at least you have the moral highground =^]


Alright, just did the few couple tutorials for Elite Dangerous. Game was a bitch to setup; kicked me out to the desktop until I had an account registered.

Judging by what I saw in the cockpit, I'm guessing it's supposed to be played with a joystick. Feels awkward using the mouse and keyboard to turn - just don't have enough precision.

Other than that, it's pretty interesting, but it looks like it's best played without VR, if only because of the controls. A little disappointed because the view from the cockpit is pretty good otherwise.

Guide to cheap VR:
There. You can now play anything Steam tosses in the VR bin + turn old games into VR using Re:Shade injection.
You can also grab ReVive and turn your PSVR/Vive into an Occulus.
None. Shit works great and Re:Shade is amazing (no really, look it up, 10x better than ENB)
You can also toss in the PS4 Move controllers and Turn them into Vive controllers.
It's 265$ for VR and I'm running this shit on a 5 year old GPU with smooth 60FPS.

Generation GT isn't cannon anymore, only Generation Super is since it fits the current climate of utter retardation.

Oh wow, when did Buckley start working on Dragonball?

tbf that kind of screengrab can be had of most any anime, tween frames on motion look bad. golden age stuff was rife with it, but still looked amazing in motion.
that krog goku tho

Is there an explanation for configuring a PSVR into a Vive using TrinusVR? I had TrinusVR a while back for my phone and it didn't work so well with trying to pretend it's a Vive. In fact the only reason I didn't buy a PSVR is because of the compatibility issues.

It isn't difficult at all and it does com with instructions.

HVAC or some advanced future version of an HVAC tech will always be needed unless 100% of people are living inside of F U T U R E 3D printed prefab homes and even then what happens when they have HVAC related issues when the houses get old? assuming this isin't some post-scarcity space-engineers shit where they can just zap a new heating and air system in and even then someone who designs the prefabs will have to know how the fuck HVAC works in the least.

Not really defending the other user's point. Not even paying attention to the conversation, actually. But

user, don't pretend you don't know the answer to this. The answer to this is already obvious in literally every current trend in technology. What happens is it gets destroyed and you buy a new one. This the future, whether you like it (you shouldn't) or not. It started with smart phones. Small, integrated, disposable devices. They are made specifically to be thrown away and replaced when something goes wrong, not repaired. Of course, people found work arounds to repair their smart phones, but the companies sure as hell continue to try their best at preventing you from being able to repair things. It has since moved to laptops, where you now have laptops where the CPU, RAM, and even SSD are all soldered into the board. You even need a fucking knife and a heat gun to literally cut apart the case to get inside a Microsoft Surface laptop. They are slowly trying to turn even desktop computers into the same thing. It's not just computers and phones, either. Same shit has been happening with cars for decades now. They started by just having some pieces of plastic on top of the engine, and now there are plenty of cars where you can't see anything except plastic when you open the hood. Cars are starting to get all these bullshit electronics integrated in them that are also made to be expensive to repair.

The future is having everything be disposable, contained objects that you are not allowed to tinker with or modify in any way.


Can't automate THAT.


What are some games where I can be a dude in a tunic that looks like a miniskirt?
I've already played Titan Quest

Finally, I can put on my $500 VR headset, attached my by $1500 gaming PC and experience what it's like to be homeless.

It's CY+3

This. I fucking hate people who insist, "wah living in this big expensive city is expensive" I live in a small town with absurdly affordable rent with plenty of cool shit to do if you drive a bit, you just need to stop being a stupid fuck and stop being a lib-autist and be versatile in the job market.

Fuck big cities.

da fuck happened with this show, the odd switch between good animation and bad is really jaring, did they farm it out to some chinese firm?


Opposed to how great small towns are? I fucking grew up in one and it was hell. Literally everyone knew one another, there was this strong sense of community at times but then there's the fact that everyone was up each other noses, anything that happened would quickly spread like wildfire, no interesting places, fucking miles of nothing all around, and high school life was trash, boring and "idyllic" to the point of suicide.

Small conservative towns are great unless you're a degenerate getting into untoward shit. Big cities are fucking awful, you have next to no chance of controlling your environment. Best is rural living with quite neighbors outside of a small city for service and shopping purposes.

A self sustaining rural lifestyle is the dream, but few can pursue it nowadays.

How so?

Cities are more boring, anyway. There aren't any fun driving roads, and to shoot a gun you either have to drive for hours or pay some ridiculous amount so you can have the privilege of not being able to shoot more than once per second and not be allowed to shoot .50.

I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it was fucking awful for me. The people, the expectations, everything.

Nigga school's like that fucking everywhere, it's worse in big cities.


You're either from the city where driving is miserable because of all the straight lines and dumbshits jamming themselves on the roads, or you're a fucking lowtest faggot.

I bet you're some faggot who unironically drives an auto shitbox. That's usually the case whenever I meet some cuck who says they don't enjoy driving; they don't even know how to drive a manual.

Driving is miserable because it's a waste of fucking time. I have better things to do than sit in a plastic box waiting to go somewhere.


Why would I need to pay thousands of dollars for "an experience" of being homeless when I could do the same by simply not coming home at the end of the day? Fuck if you're the sort of person who cares about homeless bums then donate money to some scam charity of your choice instead.



A majority of gays love cars nigger


That was an interesting way to derail a thread.

You calling it a plastic box was all I needed to know.

Oh, let me shell out extra cash for a 40 year old clunker I need to invest time into functioning properly and then start giving my shekels to the insurance jew.
Driving is a scam for fat, lardassed burgers. Just walk, faggot.

Fucking faggots everywhere I go, pussy ass bitches probably don't even modify your shit let alone build it from scratch.

No they really fucking don't. I've never seen a gay driving anything worth a damn in real life, in the media, at car shows, ever. It's always an econobox or a prius or some shit. They see cars the same way women do, as an appliance.

You're a fucking embarrassment. Get out of our biological sex. The fact that you said "sitting in a plastic box WAITING to go somewhere" means I was right when I accused you of being a butthurt cityfag who hates driving because you're always stuck in traffic. If you were actually driving, you'd be actively going somewhere. Not waiting.
God, cities really are the worst thing to happen to humanity.

Nice argument
>If you were actually driving, you'd be actively going somewhere.
Nah you're retarded

There are plenty of fun performance cars you can get for less than $5,000, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Pretty sure you're just a fag.

going sanic on tight curvy roads > slowly going over rocks

I wish I was rich enough to get into rally.

Do you actively go somewhere every day? No, you fucking idiot, you go to work, so you put your brain on autopilot because you've done this a thousand times. It's the epitome of braindead. Once again, go outside and walk somewhere, faggot. If you live in the middle of nowhere and there's no place to walk to, that's your problem.

Maybe if your rig is shit, only time you should be slowing down is when a rollover means falling off a cliff.

I regularly go out driving if I'm bored or stressed.

But taking walks is only nice when you're in the middle of nowhere.

Nailed it.

That's funny, when I'm bored or stressed I play video games

What about when you're bored of video games?

HVAC and similar jobs need not be phased out. What will happen, is that as more and more jobs in other sectors start getting automated, you'll have massive waves of unemployment by people who are unemployable - all of which who still want to work, will be vying for the same diminishing pool of jobs that humans are still required to do. Extra competition in the workforce is going to lead to lowered wages - and the increasing march of technology means that the skills needed to actually do the job will be diminished as the tools get more efficient and smarter.

Imagine when any schlub with a smart phone assistant and a pair of AR goggles can follow basic instructions and do what would otherwise take years of training for a certified technician to do now.

Jobs like HVAC won't save you.

I would read this, it's about the same thing.
The first half of this story is really good but I wouldn't bother reading the second half, it's just obnoxious "what if everything was free" post-scarcity bullshit. Two sides of the kike coin describes the full story more accurately.
In the first half of the story the main character works for the robots, in the second half the robots work for him but in neither does the man work for himself.

Yeah this is awful I really should have stopped.


Come again?


That's just planning to kill someone with specific intent or action. If you're specifically thinking of per-meditated murder, then maybe the person specifically made plans to avoid being caught. Either way, that person is not going to be thinking by general moral terms or societal contracts at that point.
In addition, first degree murder is far less common then second degree murder, and nothing in this system takes into account when Tommy gets so angry in a domestic dispute he grabs a knife and stabs his wife to death.

But duuuuuuuuuuuuude, the robots make like everything and stuff! All you have to do is relax!
What's funny is how investing in that company saved the main character from dying as human cattle, and the cattle ranchers just let him go. Just because he owned some stock in a FOSS software developer's company. The dumbass author thinks the dystopia will be created by pure economic necessity and not kike evil using economic necessity (through manipulation) as a tool.

If it's not free or 100% of sales shekels don't go to homeless charity I swear to fucking christ.


It's free user. Except for the whole "need a $600 headset" thing that is.



Thanks for making me throw up remembering this Kraut shithead.


What if they made this movie into a game?
In case you're unfamiliar, some groid rapper plays a homeless guy recruited by a buisnessman as a hunting guide in the wilderness (but boss I don't know sheeeeeet about the forest) and it turns out that all the whiteys are just sport killers and hunt Ice T through miles of pristine Alaskan wilderness
I rate it B-movie/10

Sounds like a shitty Battle Royale, the true hobo experience is Hobo with a Shotgun

I had a teacher in highschool who was 30k in debt, and yet he still took the trash pay that NYCDOE hands out on top of living in NY, ensuring that he would never be able to pay any of that off. I can bet that his debt was increasing or at a standstill from the way he was living. And, that is hardly an uncommon story.

I don't live there anymore, between niggers kikes and everything in between I had to get away, but NY has some seriously retarded poorfags. You can tell that these people had middle class parents who helped them go to college, and now they are diving into financial ruin. Seriously you have to be very lucky or a jew to live there and not be in one of the "lower classes"

t. nyc user

Well it has Rutger Hauer, but where's Gary Busey, the guy who played Salieri in Amadeus and John C McGinley?
Also it's not Battle Royale at all, only one person is being hunted.

That's not the same jacket. One on the fatty is a cheap replica.

Do you think "Automation" includes fully functional AI or are you just stupid?

Cause let me tell you, the day we get fully automated blue collar work is the day you'll have AI surgeons and AI politicians

Why would I want to simulate my own life in a game?

should of said qo

Communism folks, you should work in an office because automating physical work in extremely varied environments is easier to automate than data entry and answering phones. It's OK, I'm sure automated phone systems and ordering/billing will never catch on.

Jew body with a personal trainer/chef

Almost nobody owns that shit except limp-wristed rich california hipsters. That's why everything produced for VR is some artsy-fartsy shit, or teleport-to-move garbage.
Two games are worth playing in VR, (but not worth the price of VR): alien isolation and subnautica. Flawed games themselves, but they're the best examples to date of how to integrate VR into vidya.
Devs need to realize that building games for VR is retarded. It's like building a game for a specific brand of headphones - that shit is a peripheral. Build a decent game first and then slap VR into it afterwards for the best results.
Maybe when/if a significant number of people own HMDs, capitalism will start to shape the market and push the useless devs out. Because nice things can happen, right?

GT was so dark and brown that it's a wonder I've ever been able to get through the first few episodes without feeling depressed and turning it off. It also follows terrible characters like Trunks and Pantsu, and has the most idiotic villains I've ever laid eyes on. Super 17, really? Someone named fucking BABY of all things? Oh no EVIL WISHING DRAGON (but it's just shenron the shittiest of the eternal dragons so Porunga could just snap his shit in half but nevermind.)
Super is really really very not good, but it's watchable and it still manages to be fun at times. I put it in the category of DBZA - it's a stupid guilty pleasure. Its writing has more in common with DB than DBZ, focusing on being a parody of action anime first and foremost, and I'm convinced that the entire show was created specifically to troll DBZ fans. Those little midget Zen King dudes are the embodiment of the fanbase - mewling fickle adult children who just want to watch things explode. I kind of love it.
Also, exactly like DBZ before it, the best episodes of DBS are the filler episodes. The characters fucking around and being silly on their days off has always produced the highest quality episodes across the franchise.

I tried looking, can't find shit about PSVR being $250. All I can find it at is $300, same as Windows Mixed Reality.

They're currently trying to pass a law in Virginia to make it illegal for citizens to repair their own things: cars, technology, you name it. You have to send it back to the manufacturer or buy a new one BY LAW if this shit passes.
I can't even begin to see how that shit is remotely constitutional, but we live in Hell, not on Earth so anything can happen.

I know I'll never afford VR in its current state but I still wish for that sort of game.

I'm desperate for a game that allows me to do this, but with friends. It'd be the perfect middle ground between LARP faggotry and D&D.

Nigger, everything doesn't have to be the extremes, I'm not saying some podunk one-horse town without so much as one lightbulb and a can of Dapper Dan is preferable to live in, there is a middle ground. Live outside cities, commute, don't be such a pussy about having to travel to get to places. I'm not asking you to live in Chicken Farm Federalsburg but if you don't want to pay 3k in rent to live in a big city, move to the next town over or two. Easy.

You want to fuck off to the degeneration night-life where you can't walk 20 feet without being asked for spare change, that's your choice, but fuck you have a choice and a home not being fucked to death by rats and jewish landlords to retreat to.

Whos that artist, I love that

Call me optimistic, but I feel like this idea is to much of a "sure thing" to be entirely overlooked for the total lifetime of VR. At the very least, someone's going to try making this. It could very well end up shitty, but it's going to happen. Could you be the one to make it happen?

Wow. You’re upset at being exposed to how human society is supposed to be. You’re screaming in rage at the thought of actually having to take responsibility for your actions. You reject off-hand the only lifestyle that every scientific study ever done has found to be healthy for human societies.
Kill yourself.

Everytime I suggest that, VR-fags give me a look like I just farted. They sit there and bitch and moan and lament about how VR isn't catching on in the wider market - but the moment anybody suggests that maybe developers should just make games that people want to play and integrate VR into that - rather than focus on these niche artsy VR "experiences" - you're just painting a target on your back.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I think most people are interested in VR because they just want to be more immersed into the kinds of games they already love - not being flooded with experimental shovelware which requires a full room-scale setup and tons of expensive equipment trying to replicate actually being in the game when the technology for full-sensory immersion just isn't there and won't be there for generations to come. VR is only now just BARELY becoming basement level functional.. and even then, not really affordable. If you want people to jump on the VR bandwagon and invest the money needed to kickstart the industry - then you have to give them software that's actually worth using. Nobody's saying they can't have their faggoty artsy experimental titles with expensive addons - but that shit doesn't excite the average consumer, it looks boring as fuck from the outside - regardless of how fun it may or may not be when you're in VR. It looks like quirky demos to everyone else. And the vast majority of the software is just quirky artsy demo shit that barely lasts two hours, which is why most people hang their VR helmets up and forget about them beyond porn after a few sessions. Nobody wants the inconveniences of dealing with VR for garbage demos.

That… and most people will experience VR sickness of some sort. Something like 15% never have a problem. 70% will have a few initial problems - but will find their VR legs and never have a problem after that. Maybe 15% will get VR Sick and will always get VR sick unless you add in a bunch of hacks like snap-turning, FOV limiting, etc. Yet these faggots are so scared of making a bad first impression on that 70% who will get used to it - that they hamstring game design and, again, just end up making a bland boring game/sandbox that's only good for few "huh, that's pretty cool" moments which will never impress again.

Video related. A full "game" that's not really a game, but a singular experience you will never return to ever again once you finish it, that lasts a whole of 40 fucking minutes. Literally all it is just standing around while cartoon characters yell "Fuck you, get the fuck out of here" at you repeatedly for just over half an hour.

Games? No. This is the kind of garbage that VR fags want more of.

You're not wrong about any of that, and it fucking sucks.

VRfag here. You're only half-right.

Games that aren't built for VR have a shitload of issues. Just look at all the Fallout 4 bugs. You really do need to build from the ground up for a VR experience to make a good VR game.

You're dead right though about how most of it is shitty demos. Devs aren't failing to put good gameplay in because they're building for VR, though. They're neglecting gameplay because they're bad at making games. It's all terrible Unity shit churned out by (((indie))) studios. There are some notable exceptions like Onward, and they're really well received because they put simple but well-executed gameplay in. What would be a very standard tactical FPS becomes an entirely different experience in VR - having to actually throw grenades by hand, grabbing a radio to communicate to teammates that aren't nearby, physical gestures for operating a firearm instead of pointing and clicking and pressing R to reload. The devs pretty much told people with severe VR sickness to fuck off, that it isn't the game for them (but were fairly clever about implementing movement regardless, to minimize sickness).

There are cases where games that were already good had VR tacked on and came out beautifully. House of the Dying Sun is a good example. But cockpit games are already prime VR material because of the fixed viewpoint. Going beyond spaceships, mechs, tanks, and cars is a lot more difficult, and that's where you should be building for VR first.

That garbage isn't what VRfags want, save the indie cucks. I want exactly what wants. And the key is that you don't *have* to make a game particularly unique for it to be outstanding - like I said, Onward is generic and would have been a failure if it wasn't for VR. Give me a solid, generic fantasy RPG where I can actually wave my sword around, trace runes in the air to cast spells, open doors by hand, jiggle picks in a lock to open it, smash the chest with my hammer when I break my lockpicks, chop up a couple goblins, then take a healing potion from my belt and bring it to my face to drink it. It'd be completely generic if it wasn't VR, but inside of VR it'd be amazing. Basic functions become wonderfully deep. Just look at the combat in webm related, remove some of the goofiness, and then imagine a full-featured game instead of a shitty demo that has you standing around in an arena. Toss in a small open-world map with a dozen dungeons and a little town hub, and it'd be a must-play.

Even from a business perspective there's tons of potential - you could release a $3 alchemy expansion/DLC/whatever where you can collect herbs and toss them into a pot to make potions, then scoop the liquid into vials. It'd be ultimate jewery to charge for potion-making in a normal game, but perfectly acceptable in VR because it's an entirely new mechanic you get to fuck around with.

Make the thing multiplayer and you've got the dream game of every neckbeard who watched Log Horizon/Overlord/SAO/whatever flavor of the month MMO anime.

We'd be seeing games like that already if not for the fact that the vast majority of VR devs are indie soyboys with no vision or talent.

It's sad that this is the only good use we have for VR. Modded GameCube games. Although it looks fun as fuck.



I work at a cell phone company, When older folks ask me why someone would pay 800 bucks for a smartphone I tell them that it's akin to owning a BMW in the 80's
It's all about style. nothing more


Nigger, I have been homeless. Why would I want to pay money to experience it again?

Because you owe it to your former hobo comrades, you privileged shitlord.

Maybe so you can do some of the things in-game you didn't dare to do IRL as homeless, like killing cops for lulz?

Both of you hit the nail on the head. As it stands VR will be a niche peripheral until prices come to the point where there's used headsets on the market compatible with steamVR along with new ones around the 150-300 dollar range. I say this as the owner of a vive.
Games you should check out if you make a ghetto set or if you purchase one are. Robo-Recall, Onward, Pavlov, Superhot, Audiosheild and ProjectCars2 but make sure you pirate all there dlc jewry to get the cars you want

I still don't see the appeal of VR games, they're basically all shitty wii games with the added benefit of giving some people migraines

I wanna play that

Maybe I'm very conservative, but I prefer my games safely on a screen in front of me, not all around me.

Anyone got a vid yet of what it looks like?

And that's exactly the issue! Devs need to get on top of it and start making games with actual, fun gameplay. Like I said, it doesn't even need to be complex - even a simple RPG or FPS turns into something completely different, as long as you don't completely botch it with bullshit like teleportation hacked in for the sake of 10% of the userbase.

It's not an issue inherent to VR, not in the least. It's an issue with the people making VR titles.

Webm related, also check the webm I posted above. The sense of presence works really well, it's just that you need something to do besides stare at the scenery.

I'm completely not adverse to just sitting on my ass with a controller and just using the HMD for aiming and having a greater sense of presence in the game environment. I'm not trying to create a "holodeck" experience - because it's not fucking possible at this point, and just trying to get 10% there is going to break your finances. And you'll STILL be completely taken out of the experience once you run into a software or peripheral limitation where 1:1 translation of player input doesn't match what's happening in-game. And I can only speculate, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's even more immersion breaking when you run into those limitations with the more impressive and expensive multi-peripheral setups because you're setting your expectations and feedback even higher. Like an uncanny valley phenomena.

I just went the cheap nigger route and got a PSVR for $200 over the holidays. Wasn't prepared to drop any more on it, and what few shit I've played that requires the fag waggle rave sticks I've been able to do so by borrowing a friend's old PS3 move controllers. I think I made the right decision passing on them, since everything that requires the Move controllers has been indie "VR Experiences". Anything actually approaching decent either already has basic tracking via the DS4 or a traditional control scheme on a controller.

As usual, the only "VR Experiences" that are any fucking good are JP exclusive which you can only get from the JP store. Even then, they're shit, but at least they've got cute girls in them.

Bloodborne, Kat box, Yakuza. I regret nothing. Though I did just get the cheap PS Slim because I already have a decent PC, so that makes my VR experience on the thing pretty horrible. Well, a bit more horrible. I hear the PS4Pro doesn't really help matters much since it's still a glorified potato. Keep meaning to hook up the PSVR to the PC, but honestly I can't really be bothered.

VR is only good for playing games that are already good. That is what VR was going to be before Valve ruined it with wagglen. Playing Vampire The Masquerade with VR is great.

Sure if you're not a melee class. I imagine third person would fuck you up pretty good.


AI and automation should be banned. People involved in it should be jailed and their works censored.

I live with OPs mom myself

Joke's on you, my mom's dead faggot.