Why aren't you an anti-national (AKA anti-German)?
The anti-national tendency is a broad antifa (anti-fascist) tendency characterised by its rejection of nationalism (i.e. national chauvinism or national antagonism), and its rejection of nationalism's foundation, "the nation" and the nation-state as such.
The anti-national tendency has its roots in the struggles against resurgent nationalism during "German reunification." The first campaign that gave birth to the anti-national tendency was this mobilisation against "German reunification" in 1989/1990, under the slogan "Never Again Germany!" (Nie Wieder Deutschland!)
The core aspect of the anti-national critique, is that it does not seek to "solve" the problem of nationalism through pluralism. It does not advance concepts such as multiculturalism, a multiethnic Germany, or a pan-European or post-national identity. It does not try to expand the category of the nation to be more inclusive. Instead it seeks to overthrow it completely or to break it open. The project does not flee into an "abstract" universalism, but directly counters the concrete forms of nationalism existent in their social context. It does not affirm pluralism as a political strategy, but harnesses the "power of negativity" to overthrow the concrete social forms of capitalist society and nation-states.[Robert Ogman]
The quicker the Germans are put out of their misery the better.
Noah Price
Anti-nationals tend to negate nationalism, while the anti-imperialist and post-colonialism-influenced tendencies merely invert it.
"All nationalism – including Zionism – has to be overcome. But the reason Zionism came into existence in the first place, the only reason Israel exists is because Jews from the 19th century on were massively threatened by European nationalism. Israel is at the same time a nationalist as well as anti-nationalist state. Jewish nationalism, Zionism is nothing more than self-defense. The existence of Israel is self-defense against nationalism that has targeted Jews for centuries, nationalism which continuously provides and generates the antisemitism which I have explained at great lengths." - bunkermag.org/a-defense-why-we-are-pro-israel/
Noah Martinez
They've been a very pushing force for idpol and such in Germany. I agree with but Antideutsche are generally retarded.
Isaiah Nelson
Evan Moore
Never forgive, never forget.
Jaxon Moore
Lösch dich
Landon Jones
Bourgeois-liberals at best, fascist zionists at worst, masquerading as leftists. Your actions give the whole German political left a bad name, alienating us from our own demographic. Doesn't matter whether you are spoiled bourgeois kids with mental issues or actual right wing shills under false flag on a mission. We need to do away with you guys. Fuck off!
Austin Martinez
That's a pretty uncharitable description of the tendency. Most Communalists are anti-national.
Aiden Gray
Kayden Russell
Antigermans are great despite being retarded most of the time. They managed to create a big movement against antiimperialism and are great at triggering liberals and rightwingers. Ny sheer polemicism they have managed to become a household name.
Benjamin Lewis
Holla Forums This is weak bait…
Oliver Collins
this tbh, the German annihilation instinct proves too strong to suppress, it's not the Jews who are responsible for the woes of Europe or the world, it's Germans. we've given them opportunity after opportunity to make amends and rewire themselves but time is up.
Germany must be deleted.
Logan Hernandez
OP isn't Holla Forums. OP is /bookchin/.
Charles Peterson
ZioWhabbiMercs on my /leftypol?
Jack Price
I wonder who could be behind this post
Gavin Martin
It's the truth. Either Germany is deleted or they must return to the previous status of a large amount of small countries and city-states. Bavaria already wants this.
Jordan Collins
Owen Harris
Small countries and city states would be great. Holla Forums is heavily in favor of pan-nationalist, swiss canton style government.
Morlock rape babies presided over by jewish EU bureacrats, not so much.
Leo Allen
Because you guys are genuinely batshit insane.
Josiah Gonzalez
Why do we keep ignoring him?
Aaron Bailey
Batshit insane in what way?
Nathan Myers
So basically they affirm nothing and stand for nothing except negation, a constant tearing down of structures without thinking of what comes afterwards. Also, if you've google image searched pictures of German antifa they're a bunch of pudgy tattooed potatohead looking faggots.
As gay as internationalist world communism sounds I'd take it over this.
Logan Thompson
The negation of the nation-state is of course only a strategy vis-a-via antifa that is a part of a broader revolution, which could be applicable to any ideology that is itself explicitly opposed to nationalism in all its forms (Communalism, anarchism, some marxism, etc.).
Jonathan Morales
I really suggest "Against The Nation" by Robert Ogman as a good starting point, it explains in simple language the history and origins of the "anti-national" and "anti-german" movements and why we think the way we do.
OP, if I can offer a suggestion, Bookchin's stance on nationalism is pretty relevant too, they're very similar although independently developed. There's a chapter in "The Next Revolution" ("Nationalism and the “National Question”) that is perhaps the best English-language description of why supporting shitty third world fascists (and supporting internationalism instead) is probably not the best way to go:
"The modern Left, such as it is today, all too often uncritically embraces the slogan “national liberation”—a slogan that has echoed through its ranks without regard for the basic ideal voiced in the Internationale. Calls for tribal “identity” shrilly accentuate a group’s particular characteristics to garner constituencies, an effort that negates the spirit of the Internationale and the traditional internationalism of the Left. The very meaning of nationalism and the nature of its relationship to statism raises issues for which the Left is bereft of ideas, apart from appeals for “national liberation."
…Thus, despite the populist and often even anarchistic tendencies that gave rise to the European and American New Left, its essentially international focus was directed increasingly toward an uncritical support for national liberation struggles outside the Euro-American sphere, without regard for where these struggles were leading and the authoritarian nature of their leadership. As the 1960s progressed, this incredibly confused movement in fact steadily shed the anarchistic and universalistic ambience with which it had begun.
Put bluntly, nationalisms are regressive atavisms that the Enlightenment tried to overcome long ago. They introject the worst features of the very empires from which oppressed peoples have tried to shake loose. Not only do they typically reproduce state machines that are as oppressive as the ones that colonial powers imposed on them, but they reinforce those machines with cultural, religious, ethnic, and xenophobic traits that are often used to foster regional and even domestic hatreds and subimperialisms."
Why is Nationalism for the goyim inherently worse than Zionism? Whats with the double standard? This is a terrible argument because many forms of nationalism could be seen as a self defense mechanism.
Ryan Clark
There shouldn't be a double standard. All forms of ethno-nationalism must be purged. No excpetion.
Benjamin Murphy
SocDems always argue in bad faith.
Bentley Brown
My theory is that the double-standard emerged mostly because the extreme opposition of the "anti-imperialist" and tankie left to people pushing an internationalist, anti-nationalist agenda sortof made people more and more sympathetic to the targets of those "anti-imperialists" over time. As the nucleus of people behind what became the anti-german movement took a neutral stance on Israel (seeing all states as unnatural constructs not deserving of support), the hardline anti-semites and anti-zionists on the left threw tantrums at these people for not supporting shitty third world dictatorships, which pushed people into being pro-Israel as a reaction. All nationalism, including zionism, has to eventually be done away with: all anti-germans believe this. But overcoming one nationalism and replacing it with something worse is not acceptable. Basically, anti-germans support Israel because the alternate program is "let's set up another tin-pot Islamist or Baathist dictatorship across the entire region" which is not a viable option.
The hope for universal, international emancipatation through socialism has at least for now failed, so the idea is to look for what can allow Jews to survive until that actually can happen. Support for Israel is rationalised, at least temporarily, because it is considered as a form of Jewish emancipation and self-defence against other nationalisms. Many anticapitalist and anti-Zionist narratives are based on antisemitic memes: the Jew is an "outsider" who is hungry for the blood of the gentile, the Jew is the 1 percent exploiting the 99 percent, the Jew is the warmonger that is stirring up trouble and strife. To put it simply, the primary contradiction in many societies isn't considered to be class, but one of the "people" against the "foreigner" who is often considered to be Jewish, or at least based on Jewish stereotypes. The ruling class of many countries in the Middle East undermine class consciousness by promoting the primary contradiction as one of being the Ummah against the Jew, just as happened through much of medieval Europe and in Hitler's Germany with the Jew being seen as the disloyal foreigner to the local honorable Christians, and so Israel existing is probably better than it not existing, because at least they have the ability to fight back when people try to slaughter them or exile them now: they actually have a place to go, and they can defend themselves, and this arrangement should probably continue until we're not going to see them forced out of their homes and exiled or even genocided because of their race.
I mean, it's fairly obvious there's a huge double standard on the left around the middle east: the syrian civil war has killed more than 20 times the amount of people than the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict has in the past 50 years, but in my city when there's rallies for Rojava or for other subjugated minorities in the region you might get like a dozen people… but against Israel, there's eight, nine hundred, a thousand. You never hear a peep out of much of the left for Jordan's role in occupying the West Bank, or Egypt occupying Gaza, or the role the Arab states have had in refusing to integrate Palestinians (as Israel did to the 800k Jews forced out of their homes in those states). Anti-germans think it's important to support Israel until the removal of Zionism can still result in self-determination of Jews: it's not support for Zionism just because, and it's not uncritical support (there's a lot of internal debates about how shitty some of the Israeli right is, for instance), it's a temporary arrangement until some kind of confederation of self-governing communities, perhaps under a socialist economic situation, can emerge instead.
Brandon King
Go away, Soros.
Henry Moore
All nationalism is shit. Still, nonetheless the only antifa tendency as opposed to nationalism as I am is the anti-national tendency. Thus, I support this, and not the rest of the anti-imp influenced antifa.
Anthony Collins
Because of the matriarchy.
Joseph Allen
Isn't antifa overwhelmingly ancom though? M-Ls haven't really been into it since the WW2 and the interwar period.
Christian Wilson
There are leftcom antigermans… In general the mode of critical theory is based around criticising what is. So they atleast wont care the least about not doing much more than negating everything thats has to be negated.
Brody Russell
I wouldn't say it is "overwhelmingly" ancom. There is certainly a significant proportion of it that is ancom, however there's also quite a large segment of it that more-or-less agrees with Marxism, and especially Leninism, of some form or another.
But irrespective of the ideology that an individual claims to subscribe to, national liberation and anti-imperialism have infected the left like a virus, whatever ideology one subscribes to, be it Communalism, anarchism of some form or another, marxism, etc.
Adrian Morgan
The antinational/german - antiimp devide seems to go across all sectarian lines.
Elijah Richardson
well if you're going to be pro-israeli Why aren't you a Zionist National Bolshevist?
Because nazbols, and turd positionism generally, are shit. Google Murray Bookchin.
Ryder Young
Does whoever made that image even understand how flags work?
Zachary Lewis
I did and it looks like boring hippie leftcom crap about equality and rationalism
Google George Sorel.
Dominic Bell
Hell yeah it's about rationalism, you degenerate irrational. "Equality" needs some elucidation:
"Fourth, we must totally reconceptualize our ideas of justice and freedom. No one is “equal” to everyone else in any society, whether it be in terms of our personal diminishing powers in the life-cycle or the different capacities, experiences, and knowledge that distinguish one person from another (such as physical strength, certain abilities, and the like). A new society will want to be guided by an ethics of complementarity, as I have called it, that tries to equalize the differences within and between people—in short, that will be guided by an “equality of unequals”—rather than retain the pretensions of justice that regard “all people” as equal, notably as an “inequality of equals.” Unlike justice, which works from the pretensions that all are equal in theory, despite their many differences in fact, freedom makes no pretense that all are equal but tries to compensate for the inequalities that occur with age, physical infirmity, and different abilities." - new-compass.net/articles/alternatives-antihumanism
Brody Wright
Amazing article, Zionist Holla Forums flag when?
If your nationalism is built on irrational anti-elitist sentiment it's bad, if it's built on the preservation of order, peace and stability it's legitimate. If your nationalism consists of lumpen krauts revolting against muh debt slavery or low Autism Level Africans and Arabs revolting against their betters it's bad, if your nationalism is Jews fleeing from spooked german farmers, or Europeans physically removing muslim invaders, it's still bad, but justified.
David Taylor
Basically this. At least in Germany, I am not sure how it is everywhere else. The antiimps are maybe 1/5th of the far left, the antigermans are about 1/3rd, and people who have a position between the two make up the majority. This is actually a more important split than what ideology one subscribes to- every ideology seems split in different proportions between the two camps, and I feel that in Germany at least it's far more likely to see MLs, anarchists, trots, leftcoms, bookchinites etc working together united by opposition/support for the antideutsch or antiimps than it is in other countries who are far more likely to split along ideological lines and stick to their own groups, MLs with MLs, anarchists with anarchists, etc.
Are you sure this is the case, at least with communalism? I mean apart from one or two weird tankies I've run into on various Bookchin-dedicated pages who have a hateboner for Israel, communalism is pretty distinctly anti-nationalist in outlook. As I said above it was arrived at independently compared to the anti-germans, but both share a distinct distaste for replacing one state with another, and a focus on building local communities focused on workers as opposed to supporting reactionary forces arrayed against the west.
This isn't quite right, but you're close. It's that often revolts against "betters" are focused on replacing one statist ruling force with another, that is often more reactionary. It does not advance communism or anything like that at all, and often has the opposite effect- moments of severe crisis in capitalism can lead to fascism just as often as it leads to class consciousness. Anti-germans don't really support nationalism for anyone, even Israelis, as an end goal: they see zionism as a mandatory _short-term_ solution to Jews being holocausted or purged or pogromed again. The vast majority of Jews (about two thirds) in Israel are those, and their descendents, that were purged from former Ottoman territories in the 40s- until we have a situation that they're not going to get purged again from those countries if they ever return, then supporting Israel's existence as a stop-gap measure is required.
Nolan Lewis
What aspects of the modern german nation state do you criticize or reject specifically?
Ayden Lewis
I hate Germans, but I like their girls. What do?
Jason Thomas
I am anti-national. I specifically despise and am metaphysically opposed to any and all manifestations of State power and estabslishment of borders. I'm not even anti-fa in the smashie retard black bloc sense, though I do oppose fascism, I just see nationalism and nation-states as tools for Warrior/Merchant/Political/Religious classes to dominate the proles and stymie creativity/evolution. Nationalism always leads to either civil war or imperialism without fail. It may only be economic imperialism but it is inevitable regardless if it is all out colonization or merely financial feudalism a la the EU and the Southern Euro states or the IMF and the Global South. i oppose the State of Israel because I'm anti-national, not because i care about Arab nationalism or """""""""""Palestinians"""""""""" but because any form of nation-state is a threat to people's self sovereignty. I agree that this has nothing to do with mulitculturalism or humanist notions of equality. Its purely a position of OPPOSITION to tyrannical and arbitrary authority that manifests as a military-religious-economic monopoly on truth, violence and legitimacy. Society can survive without legislators, judges, police, executioners and prisons. I know, because me and my friends have never organized hierarchically and I have no formal system of justice and yet we get on like our own community. I do however advocate deindustrialization and association in small tribal units. These tribes will share territory with other like minded tribes and be separated by geography rather than borders. Migration is inevitable, but a flexible and holistic minded culture will adjust to this naturally. It also can't be helped that sometimes war will happen, if we have small tribes warfare will be far less damaging to the species and environment.
Liam Davis
can the israeli right wing apartheidist scum posting with the YPG flag who just happened to be born jewish so he shills for israel please get banned?
Dylan Mitchell
Marx was german. there is nothing wrong with germans.
fuck you fake "PRO ISRAEL" leftists, you are a joke and stand for every single thing leftism is against.
Jonathan Wright
I'm drunk, excuse me. I don't know why I included Communalism on that list, being as it is actually quite anti-nationalist.
Robert Cook
t. sameposter.
It's cute you're just making one sentence rants about how I need to be banned instead of trying to tie yourself in knots arguing how "real leftists" should support reactionaries, fascists, and theocrats over liberal democracies like you usually do. Do you even listen to yourself?
I actually own a copy of his book, was quite surprised to see it and read it, I didn't know there were any English language resources until I stumbled across it randomly at a book store one day. I am not actually German myself, but agree that communalism and anti-nationalist ideas are very compatible. That said I do know a couple of people who consider themselves MLs who are antideutsch, they just reject Lenin's reinterpretation of imperialism to only include "capitalist" countries.
Matthew Cooper
Hudson Ward
arab nationalism and islamic nationalism along with ethno-nationalism are in direct conflict with core Left wing values. Palestine is a fictional mythical state that Arab theocrats invented, the Ottoman's adopted, the British legislated into existence and now the UN has uplifted to nation-state status. None of this is a legitimate reason for arabs to colonize land that they have vacated. The jews and arabs who live there RIGHT NOW are the rightful inhabitants and they should do well to dissolve their borders and being mixing their culture with the Jordanians and Sinai Egyptians. The idea of Jewish-Arab separation is laughable. Most Israeli jews are dating or married to Israeli Arabs. Palestinians are literally ancient middle eastern Jews who converted to Islam. A dark Mizrahim and Israeli Arab look almost identical. Jewish and Arab women look extremely similar and tend to mate with similar ethnic groups from the greater Mediterranean racial family. This idea that one violent ethno-state should be supplanted by another is preposterous. If Palestine became a unified state today and Hamas put in charge, mass deportations, seizure of resources, arrests and killings would take place against Jews and Christians just as when the Zionists took over and brutalized the local Muslims and Christians. Just because you recognize the invalidity of the right wing ethno-nationalist Zionist state does not make your offered solution at all sensible, rational, moral or even viable.
Leo Morales
Justin Powell
They're nothing but globalist lapdogs.
Yeah. Being obnoxious idiots sure is the way to grow the movement.
This is why Holla Forums exists.
Ayden Ramirez
Tyler Murphy
Does this mean that pol was right? The sentiments of anti-deutsche seem to be common among the more ID-pol addled parts of the left, r/scocialism and such. Though opposition to it would probably be mostly caused by the support Israel has from the right in the US, ironically
Elijah Hill
This shit is so fucking retarded.
Fuck Germans, even when they try and be against fascism they end up supporting it.
The whole things sounds like a bait for national consciousness to rise up, are you really expecting people to stand and listen how their country is being poured shit on? Antifa is indeed fucking retarded group that exists only to create fascism from reverse psychology. One thing is when you unite everyone under socialist union, the other when you want to completely erase one country's identity and watch people get angry over it. But now after all liberal shit europe gone through, i don't think normalfags will approve communism because they will hate it as fuck on the basis that they will think its the same as social democracy they live through right now. Its almost impossible to woke them up from future rise of nationalism, maybe only if they will regret it later.
Brody Cook
Fuck off, American scum.
Zachary Cruz
Henry Moore
Fuck off fritz, you Germans completely lack the ability to shed yourself of fascism.
What else do you expect of Germans?
Jason Sanders
Its exactly the other way around. Antigermans are anti idpol in Germany and in general anti nationalists are the same. If you look at r/socialism you will discover the weirdest mixture; the tankier the more idpol. Maoists are the worst for some reason.
In general tankies and antiimps seem to be incapable of arguing. Just screeching without arguments in this thread. Reminds me of when that Bunkermag article was written.
Isaiah Gonzalez
You are just a fat American who probably couldn't find planet Earth on a globe. Go back to driving your scooter through WalMart and stop pretending to be a socialist you degenerate yank.
Isaac Richardson
Workers of the world unite, except for Americans. Fuck Americans.
William Cox
well at the very least American socialists did not embezzle funds for the poor in order to spend on BDSM sluts, which is more than one can say about the German "Socialists"
Also why did you kill Rosa?
Lucas Morales
Idiot American confirmed.
Sebastian Morris
Brody King
Unless its Zionism, of course.
Cameron Flores
anti-germans are cia warmonger shill
Gabriel Gonzalez
if you dont get antigerman positions do not critisize them in such stupid ways
(disclaimer: im not an anti-german)
James Hill
Says the person who comes from a country where 90% of the population think that free healthcare is communism, lol.
Julian Scott
What the difference when on Holla Forums D&C happens between countries, and on Holla Forums? I think its the same divisive shit over nothing, its not even ideology, you care about your national identities too much to be proud of them, you all live in capitalist countries, so you all live in shit.
Oliver Rogers
Because I am sick of constantly being associated with fascism just because I happen to be German.
James Mitchell
You live in capitalist shithole and care too much about your nation. Try to think of yourself as a human first, as a worker, because nation, race, gender are all just spooks and mean nothing. An individual can do much more when he drops chains of his identities. What the point to being proud of your country that exploits you and your other citizen anyway? On Holla Forums one user is not better than the other. Being concerned too much about your race and nation is a way of actually becoming fascist.
Jaxon Hernandez
I understand, you can't help it due to your German blood and culture. I think you need a pat on the back because fighting against your natural German instincts must be hard.
Truly I do feel bad for you, having the blood of fascism running in your veins must be simply horrible
Easton Sanders
Antideutsche were always a fringe movement within the German left and are probably just COINTELPRO.
Find a rope to hang yourself
Jaxson Parker
I think your pic answers your question very well.
Jonathan Peterson
Well, there really isnt Both are liberals, "communist" parties are just more leftist and the CDU/CSU is a bit more to the right No true leftist party over there Germans should honestly just vote NPD to give liberals a heart attack
Hardcore antigermans are fringe, but general antinational sentiments are atleast as strong as antiimperialist sentiments. And especially tankies like you shouldnt call others fringe man. I take the most autistic antigermans over retards like you everyday.
That song is shit tbh, although its pretty funny how Antilopen Gang has blown up.
Also still waiting for a somewhat reasoned response by the triggered nationalists here, its really not hard to criticise antigermans but seems like you guys cant even manage that.
Isaac Edwards
What else do you expect from middle-upper class German kids who want to be seen as edgy?
Those kinds of people are more concerned with being lifestylists than achieving socialism.
Gabriel Evans
I wonder who could be behind this post!
I've seen enough of kasama project to know where all maoism goes
Weiner *childish sniggering*
you should probably just embrace us user, we have the best bitches anyway. Except for that Tila thing, I have no idea who let that in.
Angel Ramirez
Again, it's not antinationalist when it's supporting US-imperialism and Israel's ethno-nationalism.
Explain to me how you will get the support of the German working class by literally telling them so genocide themselves and destroy every remnant of their identity. Not my comrade.
The joke is you are a YPG fag which is pretty much based on Kurdish nationalism. Nochmal: Lösch dich
Henry Sullivan
Shouldn't you guys support Der Dritte Weg as they are literal Asserists?
Robert Hernandez
Because Rosa wrote cool stuff while he was just her sidekick.
Ayden Morales
Yeah, it's pretty damned surprising how popular they've gotten. I really liked the more rock versions of their songs that were bundled with their newest album more than their hip-hop stuff tho.
What do you think the easiest criticisms are, though? Honestly I have rarely run into someone who doesn't just go "BUT JOOS ISRAEL IS SATAN MUH ANTI-IMPERIALISM DEATH TO THE LEFT" it's pretty predictable.
Just one more proof that Antideutsche are just hijacked opposition.
Well as long as you refuse to answer for Israel's crimes and defend them just because they are Jews you are a highly spooked individual and your opponents have every right to rub that into your face.
You don't have to like anti-imperialist tankie Maoists like Jason Unruhe to be against imperialism. You seem to conflate an anti-interventionist stance which is as old the left itself with anti-imperialism/Third Worldism as an autonomous ideology. There is nothing wrong with being against Western imperialism but then again, you are carrying the YPG flag.
Nimm deine Medikamente du Kasper.
Michael Ramirez
Nicholas Young
There's nothing wrong with Zionism
Jordan Martinez
This. Israel is the only beacon of democracy in the middle east.
Jayden Long
shitposting level: infinite
Mason Russell
there's something wrong with nationalism hiding imperialism, which is what all nationalist movements seek to do. Trojan Horse'ing expansionist designs as "muh self-determination" isn't acceptable in this era
Gabriel Johnson
This is exactly the tragedy that the left has to combat, when people take refuge in national identity then it means that their local community and culture has been eroded to death by capitalism
Its way more complex than that but I dont expect you vulgar commie to understand
Seems like you have never actuallly read a bit of antigerman publications
The way antigermans lead their discourse is downright horrible and is to blame for a lot of misunderstandings, the support for "western values" gets taken to straight up neocon levels at times. There are quite a lot of leftcom sentiments among antigermans that lead to fruitless useless critques of problems they dont understand in extremely generalized terms. I miss an expansion of the analysis of the issue of antisemitism and capitalism into more general terms. That the mechanisms that reeinforce antisemitism under capitalism allways get explained solely in relation to jews is imo a mistake. I think once you put the theory into more general terms the critique of zionism would gain depth as the jewish situation would be seen less as a one out. And you would have to argue why other minorities dont deserve a safe nation when the jews do, which is imo possible but is necessary to add depth. The defense of liberalism against reactionary "communists" is clearly necessary but focuses to little on the things that make liberalism the basis for the transformation to communism and thus contributes to the general lack of strategy among the german left.
I am not to deep into the general german far left discussion sphere so I my impression might be pretty superficial.
David Gutierrez
Expansionism is the goal. A global Jewish state is ideal
Michael Long
The jews are whats wrong with zionism
Juan Thompson
Jewish National Bolshevism will win
Anthony Richardson
sounds like a great future
Carson Smith
That doesn't mean you have to take on a nationalist stance to subvert proles to support socialism but Internationalism is still not the same as the decided anti-nationalism of the vulgar anti-Germans that literally tells German proles that they being bombed and fucked in the arse by the US is a good thing. That's just reverse IdPol.
You'll never ever get to have a hold of the German proletariat with such a stance, no matter how much you shitpost Stirner on imageboards. All it needs is a right-winger calling you self-hating cucks and they will rather flock to him. Marxist-Leninist standpoint:
Israel exists. That's already a problem. They have a religious symbol on their flag and are pretty much an Apartheid state. They must transform into a secular state with the same rights for Arabs or perish in the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.
Plus, Antideutsche are most known to harass journalists who are critical of Israel. By accusing everybody of Antisemitism they pretty much condone Israel's actions.
Now look, suddenly national struggle for self-determination has to be viewed differentiated and detailed. Don't you dare to generalize the Kurds like that you tankie! But this only applies to the ethnicities I like. Your ideology is incoherent and, first and foremost, a massive faggotery.
Juan Mitchell
Suck my dick nigger
David Hughes
This is some high level of baiting right there. Nazbol advocating for israel is almost not ironic.
Landon Gray
the mystery of why they don't just call themselves nazis is resolved
Luke Jones
NazBol is the edgiest of the edge, it's ideological appeal is defined by its internal contradictions.
A perfect expression of the post-ideological age in which we live.
David Davis
The global zionist state is the clear derivative of Nationalism Bolshevism. Read a book.
Jackson Turner
Thats why tankies are retarded
Have fun with your tribalism and reactionary societies that will never advance towards communism
Did you read the rest of my post?
I will gladly stand on the side of porky to stop people like you, there is no need to take the step into the abyss in the name of progress.
Parker Green
That would, by definition, be regress not progress
Easton Reed
I don't consider the industrialization and the development of the Russian feudal state into a world power a short term gain. Also didn't sacrifice my ideology. Read Marx. Did you know he supported the 1848 nationalist revolution?
Capitalism is. Liberalism is just a variation of capitalism. Lenins NEP was capitalist to bridge this gap you are going on about, but clearly not liberal.
And that's why you are not my comrade and the left is dead.
Gavin Walker
If you think that the left should be that then I am glad that its dead
Bentley Johnson
Stop posting anytime
Wyatt Anderson
Oh no, I'd completely agree with that. Everyone is so used to arguing with retarded tankies that often there's just an immediate position taken that is hostile to anyone questioning any antideutsch position: talk, debate, discourse are so often irrelevant that many people just have a knee-jerk reaction towards anyone questioning a support for enlightenment values.
Yes, I think the antigerman stance on nationalism is basically identical to that expressed by left communists. The same criticisms of left communists can usually be levelled against antigermans.
This I also agree with. But most antigermans are well read on critical theory: we believe that politics follows culture. It is no use to put the cart before the horse, or we might end up with fascism instead, and because everyone is too paranoid of this we settle for just helping refugees, fighting the far-right fringe, setting up social centres, none of which really challenge the status quo our outline a progression towards communism. I guess my viewpoint is different: my country is a lot more conservative than Germany and our left is even weaker still, and I see the German situation as being far better than our own, because while directionless at least there's some outline of a potentiality there. In my country, or places like America, a working class revolution looks like Trump or worse, and this is a step backward.
There is a strong defence about needing to defend enlightenment values. Secularism, respect for difference, social equality, universal rights and other "enlightenment values" are mandatory conditions for socialism to develop, but in reality the support for Israel is primarily instigated out of opposing the anti-imperialist left's hatred of these things: Israel represents everything they despise, and not only because they are anti-semites. So the framework for supporting Israel is not something that can be easily supported by itself without referring to the anti-semitism of the "anti-imperialists" in the first place, so it is difficult to expand this into a more general support for nation states.
William Clark
Not everyone who argues against your retarded tendency is a tankie.
I'm not surprised.
Wrong, political culture follows general culture, political content is pretty much the result of material conditions. You won't get fascism unless the bourgeoisie resorts to it as their last option, which is the story of every fascist "revolution". Hitler never gained a majority in the Reichstag.
By trying to achieve Socialism through cultural change you are confirming Holla Forumss Cultural Marxism bullshit besides being decidedly anti-materialist as you engage in identity politics. Besides, what's your aim anyway? German mainstream, media and politicians are all anti-nationalist and unconditionally support Israel. Germany has been guilt-tripped for 70 years. Really dude, we are fine. We are not evil anymore.
Trumps election has made more American proles class conscious then ever before. You can not have a progression towards socialism as long as the """left""" is just neoliberals - you need to denounce them first and don't fall for the "lesser evil" bullshit.
You are supporting a state which was founded on a biblical prophecy and has their religious/ethnic symbol as their flag.
Spook. You can not have a revolution as long as you defend the universal rights of the bourgeoisie.
Absolute horseshit and a baseless accusation. Antisemitism is based in racism retard.
Again, to be against Maoists you don't have to be pro-Imperialism, Jesus Christ
It's pretty fucking easy once you give up the stupid narrative of Jews being the most persecuted group on the planet, even though when they are the most muh privileged group since 1945 in reality. What's your argument for the Roma and Sinti not having their own state? They even got genocided in muh Holocaust as well
Christopher Gonzalez
Anyone who is pro-Palestinian is a fascist.
Caleb Brooks
Julian Brooks
Reminder that Yahweh demands that the cumskin goyim be put to death, andle happy merchant meemdammit we BASED leftlypol will do it.
Cumskin genocide when?
Aaron Long
Xavier Perry
Benjamin Brooks
Insignificant moralfags that just want to restore the Reich
Parker Jones
"Dialectical naturalism is thus integrally wedded to the objective world–a world in which Being is Becoming. Let me emphasize that dialectical naturalism not only grasps reality as an existentially unfolding continuum, but it also forms an objective framework for making ethical judgments. The "what-should-be" becomes an ethical criterion for judging the truth or validity of an objective "what-is." Thus ethics is not merely a matter of personal taste and values; it is factually anchored in the world itself as an objective standard of self-realization. Whether a society is "good" or "bad," moral or immoral, for example, can be objectively determined by whether it has fulfilled its potentialities for rationality and morality. Potentialities that are themselves actualizations of a dialectical continuum present the challenge of ethical self-fulfillment–not simply in the privacy of the mind but in the reality of the processual world. Herein lies the only meaningful basis for a truly ethical socialism or anarchism, one that is more than a body of subjective "preferences" that rest on opinion and taste."
With the rejection of cultural relativism, and an embrace of an ethics which sets moral standards based on rationality and morality, particularly with due respect to Enlightenment, this is an easier subject to touch on.
Isaiah Gomez
Jonathan Cooper
I really hope we can start to develop an anti nationalist, anti statist, pro enlightment values, anti idpol leftist current that doesnt fall into the trap of anti organisation anarchism or marxist authoritanism.
Sebastian Ward
I agree completely, comr8.
Landon Long
Elijah Clark
They might pretend to be, but they are just Nazis wanting a fascist Reich Pic related is where they belong
Jackson Carter
What did he mean by this?
Hunter Gutierrez
You dont have to be pro-Palistine to be anti-Israel.
Easton Allen
stop posting my waifu… She has such a beautiful dick
Cameron Jackson
Look, all i'm saying is that pushing all the blame YET AGAIN on a single nation and a single group of people seems pretty spooked to me.
Do i think they got it pretty easy after WW2? Sure. Do i think most of germany for the past years has just been putting on a mask to seem socially acceptable to the rest of the world? Sure. Do i want to gulag every single german? I don't see what it's going to accomplish. If anything, i think right now there'a way more nazis in the US than in germany itself.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Don't bother. There's nothing left of German nationalism to destroy. It's a little bit sad, in a way…
Ryan Evans
ahahahahaAHAHAHAH what. my parents were kicked out of their homes where they've lived for thousands of years so some european colonialist british backed zionist fascist could have a house there based on his religion. fuck your retarded mental gymnastics. you are not a leftist, just an asshole "secular jew" who is shilling for an apartheid state and exploited population
Evan Price
lol you know absolutely nothing
Matthew Bennett
kill yourself zionist shit
Connor Murphy
>Regressive PC anarcho-COMMUNIST calling anyone a fascist :^)
Jackson Butler
You're going to have to explain this one to me, Shlomo.