Whenever I read on the revolutions of the past, they always seem to have been started when the pressure that had increasingly built up from tensions between the ruling class and the lower classes were released by events that would unleash the anger of the lower classes. This usually took the form of lethal military actions by the state against peaceful protests, probably having the masses realize this form of protests impotence to a government that is willing to kill innocents to prevent reform, as well as mobilizing revolutionary militias. The Trump administration only needs to make a mistake like this, and we could very well have a revolution in America.
Accelerationism WORKS
Yes America will have a revolution. It will be the liberal revolution.
stop posting porn
keep posting porn
especially nig porn
[spoiler]>tfw no thicc black gf to sit on your face
why even live[/spoiler]
Trump is kinda a revolution in itself. He wants to overthrow what was set. It's just the question if it will be good or not.
start posting porn
Yeah, the question is really whether you should vote/act in such a way that makes shit worse, or just accept that contradictions will become increasingly more pronounced regardless of what porky sits on top the ruling class.
>tfw spoilers dont work on multiple lines
It's not a revolution if the same class remains dominant, dumdum.
The only thing that can spur on revolutionary action are big black titties.
How do you explain the Russian and Chinese revolutions then?
They revolted for the economic freedom to pursue big booty Nubian bitches.
I really hate the debate "does accelerationism work?"
Of course it can work but it's not always going to work.
Trump is accelerationism working because how obvious it is that this is insane but just randomly lowering peoples living standard is not going to go anywhere.
An acquaintance of mine's argument is that the Weimar Republic is an example of accelerationism gone wrong, the media will just distort events to suppress or frame the situation, and that the south has been fucked over for years by republicans but doesn't show signs of accelerating or turning into socialists. How do you deal with these arguments, Holla Forums? Help pls.
Isn't that why we supported Trump, to hasten the collapse?
bump I need help with this
They are right
I heard the KPD had a slogan of 'first Hitler, then our turn', although my understanding of their policy is really vague.
Yeah, all that state capitalism we've gotten has treated the working class real good
Vulgar Accelerationism, of the type OP is advocating, absolutely does NOT work.
Yes, revolutions are the result of contradictions becoming unsustainable, but those contradictions must be pushed FROM BELOW. That is to say, once reforms have failed to correct the problem, then the proletariat will turn to revolution. For example, Russia was in the midst of massive liberalizing reforms in the early 20th century (serfdom was going down, the dumas was established, etc).
Trump is proof of how Vulgar Accelerationism doesn't work. Yes, many people are now energized, but their energy is 100% Anti-Trump, we've even got folks reminiscing favorably about Bush now, not to mention that it makes Clinton/Obama look favorable.
because reformists were in charge for too long
But didn't the communists (or "communists" rather) eventually win after Hitler?
We're not in the middle of WW3, so Trump is proof that it actually does work.
Porn objectifies women. Please do not post it.
Welcome to Holla Forums, newfriend!
Remember not to respond to bait Holla Forums threads, to shit on tankies, and to ignore tripfags such as Hoochie Minh or Rebel.
Get the fuck out of this fucking place you fucking faggot
I ask nicely that the OP not post bourgeoisie-backed discrimination of our female comrades and you want to insult me and tell me to leave? No, I will not.
ty for proving my point, honey
Accelerationism ignores the need to prepare a vanguard party to lead out of the conflict. What you're promoting is letting things go to shit and then be confused when the result is fascism.
stop taking such obvious bait seriously you fucking imbecile
Shit, you're right!
yes, please