Demons Souls

Does this still hold up? The servers go down in 30 days.

imagine dark souls but hard

It's a rougher version of Dark Souls, but it's still better than 2 and 3. It's a shame nobody will be able to see how Old Monk should actually work once they're down.

What level range do you need for old monk? Can you put an blue sign down in any part of that world, or does it have to be the stairs right before the boss fight?

It's been a while since I've played so I can't tell you the SL range without looking it up, but I got summoned for it once while waiting in the beginning of 3-2 waiting to see if anyone needed help going through it or it might have been when I was going through it with a friend and we just timed it wrong, I don't remember. I think it also will pull you into the boss if you try to invade anywhere in world 3 if it syncs up right.

Ive been summoned from area one of latria before.
Just stay in soul form and take off your hat, no hats allowed since the monk wraps require the space to equip itself onto you.

xXHARDCOREXx dude, whoa.

It's a bit rough around the edges and certainly very modest but I'd say it still holds up. Level design is overall fantastic and Latria is still unmatched in its ambiance besides some moments in BB.
It's got a very FUN ALLOWED approach to game design; if it came out this day, the chimp outs over PvP would have been unprecedented.

I've been putting signs at 3-3 there for the last week just to get the yellow tornado hat for my completionist character. Wait 1h and nothing. I'm at Lv120 which oughta be within the meta.
DaS3 tries to replicate the Old Monk experience but it's not nearly as good. I'll take watching that cutscene over a giant rubbing his nipples while talking in the slowest possible manner.

Demon's souls is slightly harder than Dark Souls but come on now.

Here is what I would do to make sure I was summoned for the old monk fight while minimizing my chances of being summoned.
1. Find a place where you can put down your summon sign where people will not see it.(Yes you can be summoned for the old monk fight with a black or blue stone.)
2. This can be done in any area of Latria as far as I know.
3. You will know you are being summoned for the old monk fight when the text is different from either soapstone summon. It will read something like "You are being Summoned." then "Invading another world as a black phantom."
4. You will have to just sit and wait because there are several places that will remove your sign when you pass through it. It's better just to sit around.
I usually put my sign underneath some coffins the player is unlikely to attack. This usually works.

Summon range is 10 levels + 10%

I remember the amounts of sheer rage that was generated by going mage and just running away from people with soul arrows for 10 minutes straight scraping spear, anyone?

For best experience, play this on the background while you wait for the summon.

What the fuck? None of my previous build characters could find anybody to co-op with, let alone invade, and to make matters worse the servers were shitting the bed every 5 minutes, causing me to lose connection to them.

Yeah, this guy said it. It's a bit wonky fun version of DS. Level design is at times really amazing, and at times a horrible mess. I've played the game through multiple times and I can say for a fact that some of the linear "bad" design is intended. Not too sure about the shrine of storms area2 though, that place sucks.

Combat is faster and more stunlock-heavy than DS, magic is OP in PvM and PvB. PvP is dominated by boosted stats, gear/armor is almost irrelevant. You just want to hit fast and not get staggered. Some magic builds are really good in PvP. But they need specific gear to boost damage and most spells are dodged easily.

xXWhoaXx. What a fucking retard.

Excuse me for my butt in,but dark souls humanity farming (at least in 1) was tedious and up to RNG

Can't you purchase Humanity from a vendor?

In DS1 you can just invade and kick the hacking "Hitler666" off a bridge, and get all the souls and humanity you ever wanted.


You're an evil one, Mr. Satan.

Split damage weapons alone are stupidly good, even with a shitty investment in either INT or FTH.

Also, re-gen builds are absurd. Ring + a Blessed weapon + Adjudicator's Shield and you just see that HP bar climbing. Just the Adjudicator's Shield and the Regen ring can fully negate poison.

Lvl 120s don't fight the Old Monk boss…go with lvl 30. You'll get more fights in the early-mid levels. At least it was for me.

In DeS you can just use the easy dupe glitch. I did that with the rare stones (pure bladestone was extremely annoying to get) and dropped them for ppl whenever I invaded/was summoned.



I've yet to get far in Demon Souls, but I'm wondering if I'll miss out on much other than Old Monk with the online gone. I figure anyone who is still playing and is on PSN will be absolute gankbeasts.

Yeah when I tried to play the servers were shitting their pants hard.

Great. Got a new ear worm.
Might as well have the album playing while watching EVO Jp.

I figured I could get someone in the NG+ cycles. I'm at NG+++ with that poorly planned character (wish all their games had respec even if a costly NG+ only thing).

Yellow tornado hat is the one thing you you'll miss since it's a reward for defeating a host as a Old Monk summon.
As for the actual experience, I got the game pretty late and just went solo through it (got invaded a couple of times). It's still pretty enjoyable.

Adjudicator Shield +5 alone is enough to negate poison.

The sad fact is DeS is practically offline already since the server shits itself every few minutes.

I have a SL 40 character running around trying to get summoned and invade, but the only thing I can get is occasional Old Monk summons

>tfw no more I'm in trouble – please recommend this message!

Side note, this game's OST doesn't get enough praise. Really, that alone makes the experience very enjoyable. Wish they went back to its style, less ooohs and aaahs and more instruments, particularly brass.

wtf all this time I thought you couldn't dupe stones


I hope someone is saving the server code to emulate it later. Shouldn't be out of the question but if someone doesn't grab it now then they'll have to remake it which is a bitch.

Yes, you can.

I loved DeS' soundtrack because it was way more atmospheric, like in the literal sense. It was just there, setting a mood versus some blaring orchestral/choral score like DaS.

Monk headpiece actually equips no matter what, purely cosmetic and you retain the properties of your helmet.

Yes it still holds up and they need to make a PS4 remaster.

It's either PvE (Player versus Environment) or PvP, quit making up your own retarded acronyms.

I was actually thinking… "With the Dark Souls remaster coming up, they more than likely are going to remaster Demon's Souls for PC, PS4, Xbone and Switch"

It's odd that FromSoft is doing a remaster of DS1, because they said only a couple years ago that they would rather make new games than make remasters of their old games… Then they announce a remaster of Dark Souls. Like how do you go from "there's no way we'll ever do that" to "60 days motherfuckers!"???

I guess the better question is how cancerous can Vaati be, turning a 15 second teaser into a 12 minute video?

DeS is like BB, it was produced under supervision by Sony's Japan Studio. Sony likely needs to be onboard for a remaster.

Miyazaki said there would be no more sequels to the series. Cue the "well, technically…"

Can anyone spare one Pure Bladestone and/or Pure Darkmoonstone? Those are the only ores I need to platinum this game. SL is 228 if anyone can summon me into their world.

He said 'no more sequels, at least for the time being.' He left it open that in 10 years they might reconsider. But the idea was that they were working on new stuff, and then that teaser came out, and then immediately after the teaser we get a trailer for Dark Souls remastered. Like fucking WHAT?

Money user.

tbh, never had any online interactions in demons souls anyway

The only "interaction" I ever had with PSN while playing Demon's Souls was people manipulating my world tendency, because the online servers are 1000% black. It's pretty well impossible to do anything other than pure black if you play online.

You gotta earn it bro. You won't be truly satisfied if you don't.

That's just blatantly false. Killing bosses is more than enough to end up in Pure White. Were you playing during Halloween pure black world tendency events? Those were forced by Atlus.

I don't even care about earning it at this point.

I can't believe they are still up. Honestly Demon's Souls holds up great not only because of the gameplay ( FATLUS DID A GOOD THING?! ), but because of the kind of people you encounter during invasions. I once was invaded by a dark spirit from Asia PS region because he would always invade me at the same damn time of night. Anyway, we would meet up and he would drop +10/+5 weapons and I would drop titanite or one of the weapons I was working on, then he would wave and leave. 3 days later he would be back while I was grinding for Utchiganis on skeletons and demand his weapon back. He would punch me in the back until I quit grinding, then I would give him his +10 moonstone sword. I guess he just wanted to lend it to me so I could grind for awhile. In return he dropped an auto-healing/faith type sword (it's been awhile sorry) and went on his merry way. Funny thing was…we never once fought. We just awkwardly traded.

Crazy shit like that is why it was so good. Players from all the regions were chill even if they were there to invade and kill you. They were also way more skilled than the people I used to trounce in DS2 Don't take my word for it though. Get it and go online even if there is only a month left.

Oh yeah…there is this extremely easy glitch that was left in the game that gives you infinite souls of ANY kind. Respec doesn't exist in Demon's Souls, so if you didn't like your build…that glitch is how you can respec after making a new character of course.

tfw got pure bladestone legitimately

Honestly if they gave DeS a Ps4 Remastering with all the cut content and stable online it would be a dream come fucking true.

Nothing of value is being lost. Souls multiplayer was always shit and it's more fun with your ethernet unplugged.

I don't think it's FROM itself doing the remaster, there's a contracted dev that did it.

Either Sony was fucking with us or servers are getting fucked in the ass with too many people connecting considering they might have shut down a few a couple of years back, well RIP Demon's Souls.

I agree, I can't think of any tracks in the rest of the series that sound as otherwordly as embed related or the Nexus theme. With the exception of Bloodborne and a handful of tracks in the original DaS (the character creation theme, Gwyn's and O&S' in particular), I've never understood the praise that the rest of the series' OSTs got.

It's stil the best in the series, so yes, definitly.

Dump more dark souls comics.

Here you go anyway

Another classic.

Demon's Soul's will remain the better game. It's a sad fact that Sony holds the copyrights otherwise I'm sure a PC port would've been a thing.

People are playing online, or at least trying to. The servers have been a huge pile of shit for three years, they introduce performance issues and bugs into the game. Once in a while you can get someone involved, but it's not worth the audio-skipping/lag and even worse frame rate.

DeS and DaS are great games. They compliment each other very well. DeS does a lot more experimental stuff, more unique bosses, straight forward plot while DaS goes for more conventional bosses and music, the plot is very obscured. DeS had some floaty animations, grass could be too easily abused or you'd even run out and be screwed, DaS did away with the grass system entirely with the Estus Flask and it only had a limited usage, the animations were tighter and more fluid.

Then they reached success and kept doing the Souls formula. The games have barely, if at all, evolved since DeS/DaS. Its a shame, DSII fucked things up because it was a different game and then had to be rushed into being a somewhat competent Souls sequel. BB is different with its lore and visuals, but the mechanics are the same and they even bought back the leveling NPC and blood vial system is very similar to the grass system. DSIII was just tired and played out, offering only weapon arts as something new. They clearly didn't care too much about DSIII and it has too much BB in there.

The series needs to die and rest. From are incapable of progressing the series so should do something else. Hopefully Shadows Die Twice is something completely different and lets also hope there is no LORE for fags like Vaati to jerk off over.

If you like artificial difficulty instead of having hazards telegraphed to you, sure.


The last great all time classic game released in my opinion. It's been that long… I bought a PS3 for this game being a major fan of King's Field series growing up. I was not disappointed to say the least.

Gonna take this for one last proper ride. Started a (sorta) new build; going to remake my Paladin.
I love the opening sequence for this game, the music's fantastic.
Anyway, right off the bat, I see three other ghosts. Guess a lot are back for a send off as well.

Get fucked retard.



so I figure I might as well get around to beating this game since it I have a month left to get the full enjoyment out of it. Only issue is I start it up, go to boletaria and there are no messages or bloodstains or spooky ghost people. And halfway though the fps drops to 15 and the audio starts stuttering.

I've tried restarting but it doesn't do shit. Is it just me or is the sudden influx of players causing the servers to shit the bed?

This is wrong, I've been summoned plenty of times while wearing headgear.

Left my sign at 1-1. I'm at SL10 if any new players need help.

New players can't summon in 1-1. Have to be in body form by beating the boss first.

This is specifically a problem caused by the servers dropping you and causing the game to lag out. I had the same issue which caused me to stop playing. Hard to say if the servers are shitting the bed due to the influx of players or just due to being old and shitty, probably a little of both.

TL;DR the servers might as well be down

Why do these lemons make me hard?

What's the optimal level to do some invasions & to help people out? I want to invade someone at least ONCE before this game goes offline.

Try level SL 15-30… but good luck cos the server keeps shitting itself so even if others are playing everyone gets knocked offline, or the game starts glitching out until disconnected

Yes, in fact despite its lack of refinement in many way's its superior to its predecessors.

Don't you mean successors?



Haven't played a NG in quite a while and forgot how tedious it can get to run around chasing lizards, buying stones from the gypsy, going to Ed and so and so on.
I know I can dupe stuff but in NG, I try to play fair and square, if not just to avoid becoming a twink. That said, I duped the Colorless Demon Souls. It's just for a couple of very situational things.


Feels bad knowing I probably won't get to play it now, have not and probably will not ever own a PS3.

DeS can be emulated on PC.

What said
With an emulator you can use what ever controller you want.
Emulator will also look allot better then native PS3 since Demon souls actual has 4k textures in it's files, but they had to limit them to get the game to run well on a PS3, Emulator lets you access the 4k textures.

Oh I didn't even know we had a functioning PS3 emulator. Thanks for the heads up.

More like "functioning". It can only run Persona 5 and Demon Souls properly, oh and a handful of PSP and PS2 ports, everything else can go to hell because the Patreon faggots only care about paying for their meme game to run properly. Much like Cemu and BOTW

You're pathetic, user. There's an assload of seventh-gen games that run well on RPCS3, even shit nobody cares about like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

Also, you can use a DualShock 4 with the PS3, if that helps. Everything except rumble and the PS button works.

Go and become a Slayer of Lemons

Blow it out your ass.

Yeah so the emulator is perpetually loading and compiling shaders and I'm not quiet sure how to fix it at this moment. Nobody else seems to be having these issues as far as I can tell.

did you actually look though the list. the majority are games that are already on PC, or shovelware shit.

They're still making great progress considering the state the emulator was in last January, and it's not like emulators have to focus on getting the popular shit working first. There's nothing wrong with emulator devs accepting donations as long as they don't pull a CEMU and work on proprietary shit that only tries to play popular stuff.

Yes they are making really good progress and that's commendable, but your boasting those 783 games. when only like 10 of them are worth playing and not already on PC.

Well, I got lucky and finally won my coveted yellow tornado hat. Three of them at that.
SL40, blue sign set at the beginning of 3-3 and was summoned 4 times in about 20m. I don't know how common it is since I've zero multiplayer activity outside this boss (as host and now enemy) but two players carried the Purple Flame Shield; I'm packing a Blessed Claymore so you can imagine how that went. The last one, I see a nip sounding name and start thinking this will be my comeuppance for bullying those other two but the Mind Flayers did the work. Seems I was very lucky to get those summoned as I waited another 40m and got nothing.

Side note, if you have the Cling Ring equipped, your HP as a Old Monk summon will be boosted.

wait what?

Old Monk is one of the more fun and extremely unique bosses in that a player can be summoned, either through black stone invasion OR blue phantom summoning, to be the Old Monk. Sometimes you get dickheads who spam firestorm and munch grass more than a fucking lawnmower, but when you get a player who actually plays like a boss would, shit gets crazy.
Also, Maiden Astraea is the best boss, prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't

Aww that sucks, im gonna miss out on that. I only recently got enough for a ps3 looks like ill miss out on Old Monk

You still have about 20 days, which is more than enough to start from scratch and make it to Latria well-prepared. Have your character between SL30-40 and set a sign (red or blue) in Tower of Latria.
Signs in these older games are extra clingy so you gotta camp close to it, otherwise it vanishes.

That or hide and try to WotG you before you even enter the room.
I only had my Old Monk experience today. Maybe I should have been more creative; I just treat it like a duel. Even start with a bow as they cross the gate.

The only problem with the game is how inactive it was.
This was in a span of two hours.

I can invade you if you want.
I was half thinking of dedicating a couple hours a day to monking around anyway.

