What are some video games with horror-themed stories and aesthetics? Preferably focused more on the action elements than the horror elements, with the paranormal being treated as a for example military threat as well as the military conducting operations that completely change the fate of the world because of them stopping large-scale paranormal happenings or even forcing large-scale paranormal happenings onto the world. A good example of such a game would be obviously F.E.A.R, a good non-vidya example would be Evangelion with it's eldritch abominations and humanity-ending conspiracies.
Horror-themed action games
I'll never understand why Holla Forums likes this meme game so much.
But FEAR is a good action game with a horror theme, cock-breath. Better than most crap shooters that came out in following decade.
Hell yeah, I love action games with additional loud, annoying noises added in.
You're right, F.E.A.R. is a third person MOBA.
This is not why I want to look for such games, I just really like the ideas of military operations being conducted with the use, for, or against the paranormal.
shooty guns feel good
it's a braindead game for braindead gamers
I can't believe there still isn't a tacticool ghostbusters/rainbow 6 raven shield game where you kill extra-dimensional beings with a republic commando esque squad
I know, but all you ever get are annoying jump scares in between fire fights. It's a pass for me in general, I've never seen the concept pay off.
I didn't play F.E.A.R, though. It got shit on when it was released and now I hear people talk positively about it. I don't know what to think now.
Soyboy Holla Forumsposter is a braindead fleshwaste. Unsurprising!
Just play the game and find out for yourself, you can download it easily.
What a valuable opinion you have there, then.
I will throw it on the backlog, I guess.
14 years ago, I didn't have the money to try every game I saw, nor knowledge of piracy. Now I don't have the time.
That opinion's a hell of a lot shittier than mine.
You two suck ass.
that's a dumb thing to say sonny
I wasn't talking about F.E.A.R. What the fuck are you on about?
Just go to Reddit and stay there.
Come back when your balls drop, kid.
it was /kinda boring/ for an 'action game', specially everytime the little girl came out having to sit still and wait for the 'horror' to happan
Again, I wasn't talking about F.E.A.R, I was talking about other horror action games, which is why I explicitly said I haven't played it.
This. It's often a lot of sitting around and waiting for the horror to end.
The one major flaw imho is that sections where the Replicas/Human baddies show up and the section where Alma shows up are way to neatly separated. That way you instantly realize that you haven't shoot anyone in the face for more than 3 minutes, so that the little ghost loli has to appear any second now.
Also, fuck the bullshit ending. When they already give you stuff like the rotary cannon (I'm still mad you only get it in the very last moments of the game so you hardly get to use it), they could at least have given you a proper bossfight.
The half.life 2 mod called Nightmare House 2 was really good. I loved it.
Also haven't played them yet, but don't Jericho and Clive Barker's Undying qualify?
I think that was just also pure jumpscare
Also DS1 was pretty nice, loved the laundry fight
Jericho was fucking awful, but yes.
kek. Yeah, DS1 is alright, but I also think that a lot of the horror attempts made it worse. It definitely worked at times.
Subnautica has been scaring the shit out of me multiple days straight.
Blood's a far superior horror themed shooter tbh
Maybe it's the xeno in me but,i find some…interest in those.
There are a lot of alien life forms I can see people getting attracted to. Some have their own little xeno charms. Necromorphs are literally reconstituted lumps of human flesh melded together into eldritch style nightmarish abominations. I cannot understand you.
A hole is a hole,and if it's sentient,it needs loving.
Would you fuck a washing machine?
Only if it was sentient
Fuck off tumblr
where's that source port then?
Opinions are a meme. There are only facts, and anything Holla Forums at large believes is proven fact with evidence to back it up. Even the dumb newfag who's been on Holla Forums for more than a year can attest to this.
Resident Evil 4, a prime action game with some horror influences :^)
It would kill you though. Like before you got within 100 foot of it you would be dead. Actually the cunt is in the vacuum of space. Your dick would explode if you tried to get it out of the 40 wonderbread plastic bags you were using as a makeshift space suit.
Yeah it's called fucking around until you get WASD controls and no mouse-based character movement and having no idea how you actually got everything to work.
Meh,if we're going by porn logic make some virus up that makes it crave cock and then it'll just be waiting for you to walk up and fuck it.
I'm playing F.E.A.R right now actually and holy shit, this game is extremely easy. Their use of medkits is more liberal than a fucking student at a liberal arts college. I counted over 8 in one big location, when the maximum is 6.
Apparently I got the wrong number, you can carry more than six.
Since when has anons on Holla Forums hated FEAR?
Favorite horror game of all time,hands down.
I believe you can carry 10. It is perhaps the biggest flaw of the game.
how far into the game are you?
The segment with the chopper currently, the first time I have to fight with enemies coming from a chopper. Allowed myself for some rest.
The Suffering was great. I loved the double revolvers and the shotgun.
some scenes were breddy gud tho
like bloody ceiling in the start
since the new captcha on cuckchan
Holla Forums's opinion of FEAR goes through phases, FEAR's one of these games where its man made gold when you first play it, then you replay it a couple time and the issues/shortcuts they made stick out like a sore thumb and it feels like shit, then you play it some more and you start to accept that although it's not as good as it seems at first glance, its still very good.
It'd be a lot more fun if the automatic rifle and smg didn't feel so awful to use, I wish there was a mod to fix them. I don't mind medkit stuff that much, I've found you can play through the whole game without using medkits (or at least severely limit yourself) and not feel like you've crapped on the level design. I liked the horror, it's not meant to make your hold your eyes shut, mute the audio and hold forward down a corridor while hoping nothing happens, but it lends itself to really good atmosphere and level design beyond "flippable cover here, corridor here, ammo pickup here", I think it's just babby's first (1) and done. They tried to commit more to the horror in FEAR2 and it just got in the way. There were a lot of issues in FEAR1 they "resolved" in FEAR2 and it just made for a worse game in every way.
That's bullshit though. A better example would be the cyberpunk horror OAVs that I always forget the name of because they made a lot of them in the 80s and 90s.
Blood and FEAR both had the right idea. You can have horror elements without having to commit to dumping on player agency by making you a weak piece of shit at the mercy of whatever that's trying to kill you.
Undying was great, but I got about 10 minutes into Jericho and had to stop. It felt like such a typical mid 360 lifecycle console shooter I just had to shut it off. Awful fov, buggy as hell, miserable grey-brown color palette, no atmosphere or sense of environment design whatsoever, combat felt like shit all over. Completely different to Undying. What am I missing?
the perfect parrot. congratulations.
Resident Evil 2 was a pretty good horror-themed action game.
Shadowman is the most self-serious platformer ever made. It’s also a bad game.
I wish necrovision had a coop mode.
That would be nice, all game should have coop modes if possible.
Know any more fun shooters like that which are well meaning and very atmospheric but sort of B grade?
Most other slav FPS would probably qualify, Cryostasis springs to mind as one that still manages to land on the fun side of low-budget.
calling cryostasis fun is really pushing it
I'd say it was fun but I do understand why some fags won't have enjoyed it.
Cryostasis was great. I cried when I defeated kronos and I went back in time and the cute doggos were there again. As far as first person adventure goes it was top of the line,
it was clearly broken and became impossible to enjoy with how buggy and how poorly it ran. the mechanics were too simple as well.
But user the doggos. And everyone was alive in the end and all the horrible things didn't have to happen.
I dunno bud, it ran pretty fine for me
I liked the gunplay, for the most part. it was p solid tbh
Chapter 2 never ever
the game is notorious for its poor performance because it has no multicore support, physx is always on. I've never seen a soul who can run the game effectively at 60 fps.
as far as the gunplay, having no spread and always having your shots go directly to the center of the screen ruins all challenge the mechanic might potentially have. you were just impressed by in your face animations. sad look tbh.
killing floor had just about the same ballistics, but you don't see anyone shitting on that game bud
killing floor had actual kickback. I'm convinced you never learned about the mechanics or flat out didn't play the game.
my man, getting headshots with the lever action rifle's hip fire was the easiest shit in the world
you're either bad at one of those games or bad at both
you seem not to have figured out that as you fire a weapon in killing floor, the center of your view climbs, making each subsequent shot off target, giving you a force to work against. in cryostasis, each shot has your gun wobbling around, your screen staying exactly where it is, and your framerate dropping because the engine is built by retarded slavs. Try to stay on subject here. Did you fail to notice this is exactly how the mechanic worked in cryostasis?
Is he called Shadowman because he's black?
Grow up.