Star citizen

Is it worth getting, now that the 3.0 is out?

cmon son


A new revision of a jpg?


Yes. Highly underrated game.

I made this thread half jokingly but Im curious if there something more to laughs at. how that crytek thing unfolding?

This thread is now about things that either have, or will crash with no survivors.

Make sure you drop a few hundo on your ship.

Wait, those retards actually use whole number versions for pre-alpha releases?

When would they get to use them otherwise?

Are they selling cubes of space yet?



Well, if you consider that the new cargo mechanics spawn the items in universe as cargo crates, they actually are. But only with in game currency for now.

It's that time of the month again?

My favorite dumpster fire. Let the warming begin.





Why do you even ask OP? Here, of all places?

You mean the short demo that you can barely call a game? No

Obviously because he wants another
circlejerk, as per

You glow in the dark like a CIAnigger.

were is this from?

Please post the Shoting star one, I love that shit

this thread hasn't been done a million times before


Exactly. This circle has been jerked so often here that nothing comes out of Holla Forums's cock but a little puff of dust.

The only good thing to come about as a result of Star Citizen is the boom in people buying flight sticks, thus making those types of games more viable to create now.

You're a cuckchan shill that browses Holla Forums and fucks sjws :^)
OP should kill himself for making me chuckle too.



3.0 runs even worse than whatever the last shit was. I just built a brand new gaming PC and I can barely get 20fps. It's often around 12. I made the mistake of using an i5 instead of a top of the line i7 I guess, because star citizen uses UNPRECEDENTED amounts of CPU for normal gameplay.

How much of the game's problems are graphical related do you think?
And how much is it the fault of the scope of the game?
Because I think he could've made the game with minimal graphics. (and not using fucking cry engine)

Chris Roberts actually came out and said that if Unreal 4 was available 6 months earlier he would have used that instead of Cryengine 3.

Music sauce for those who care:

Thats why I always knew it was Shady Cry Engine is probably the WORST engine you can use for a space sim.
He chose it to sell pretty JPGs.

for the amount of money he's scammed he could have hired a team of competent programmers and created his own engine specifically for this game.


Yeah but then he wouldn't have been able to buy that sweet sweet coffee machine for $20,000

Or get sued for… What was it? 6 million because he actually removed the logo and replaced it with a STAR ENGINE logo instead? Last I heard about the lawsuit at least

For all the shit SC deserves, there was one thing where they didn't and it was the bullshit suit by Crytek who probably are in the brink of financial death

Scamcitizen deserves everthing it gets. I hope that this lawsuit manages to to bring both of them down but that might be overly optimistic of me.

Hi, Derek. How's Line of Defense?





Dubs confirm.

As someone who only knows of SC from this threads, can anyone spoonfeed me on squad 42?
I know it's a single player campaign, but can you freely fly between planets/stars and land on planets, (like Elite Dangerous with FPS gameplay) or it's a corridor-like game?

What the fuck? Post number is what the "final" release version will be.

apparently its just them not putting the 0. in front of it. I dont know why

its actually 0.3.0.

Yea i hear it's pretty gud OP,here have a smoke before you buy it,on me mate.

it looks better obviously
