I forgot I followed a game on steam that looked okay and got hit with this post
Everything goes wrong for man dedicated to making game
>gets divorced and loses his cat_
That's some dedication, maybe he's alr–
Oh he's a retard.
5 seconds looking at his Twitter and I immediately dont feel a single bit bad for his situation
Looks like a shitty mobile gane.
The inability to accept jokes as jokes is one of the surest signs of kikery.
It's pretty colorful. No other compliments aside from that right now.
Truly dog is the best friend of man, not a demon with semi-human skin.
Even worse it's a bad imitation of weebshit that instead looks like the 99 cent shit on google play store.
>Art is OK but has that chinese/korean mass-production look to it.
I'm not surprised this guy got kickstartered out of his house.
He was avid neogaf user apparently. A goon kind of weeb.
Guy got greenlit on leaving his house.
He only had early access to the cat, his wife ran with it once she got what she wanted out of him.
He's released, unlike his non-game.
Are these bootleg chocobos in first image?
If he's half as goony as you guys say he is, this should be fun
also, how the fuck do you follow so many people, work on a game, and end up with even less followers than you follow
Thats not "everything going wrong with his life" that is just him coming up with excuses for his retarded fans to justify his delays. The game was supposed to be out back in 2014. Its been 4 years and not even the first episode is out.
I can't believe he kikestarted $200,000 to make absolutely nothing.
By being a numale soyboy living in Commiefornia with no work ethic and charisma.
This was actually really difficult to read
Now I keep hoping this libtard fuck who has time to fucking virtue signal and tell people how to live their life fail this game even more than he has.
how much do you want to bet he hasn't played a single one of them in his life?
Well, ps1 rpgs like breath of fire and suikoden were available everywhere. Persona however was an obscure title.
So out of morbid curiosity I went and looked at the official website. It's terrible, and he managed to fuck up and add a superfluous apostrophe to "its" on one of the first paragraphs the way I did on that last post but on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE and not an imageboard shitpost.
But that took me to the kickstarter, which still looks like shit but has placeholder assets that look better than what he has now. What he fuck did he spend three years doing? Why is the female lead completely different? Where's the Wii U version?
Making my own RPG is my dream so it hurts when I see people get the opportunity and fuck it up completely. I guess I just have to try and learn as much as I can from other people's failures so I don't fuck it up when I get my chance.
good user, keep working on that game
What does superbacker mean? Is it basically the final form of a good goy?
the jew chronicles are all extremely positive, with an occasional person asking for a demo
I call bullshit.
Wait, he's been working on it five years full time and this is what he has? What the fuck.
Nah user, don't work on the game, drop it when you decide its time to lay it down. Motivation is overrated. Nobody likes generic shit that over flooded the indie market. Your game must be something more than just "your rpg". Because nobody in this world is unique and someone already made what you're implying to make.
This slimy motherfucker
Wouldn't surprise me with how he fellates JRPG's as bees knees of gaming.
Nah man he can finish the game in 3 months time he is just having a hard time in life over the past 3 years and can't work on something he was supposed to work on full time.
I only pity him for losing is cat since I know how that feels but since he's a goon it's hard to feel bad about all the other stuff, he shouldn't have married some roastie cunt in the first place.
liars go to hell
We're getting to ManletTears level of Pathetic
1. of course a cat wouldn't know that
2. why did this nigger betray his cat
This doesn't even mean anything.
wouldn't you consider your best friend someone you never met that just gives you money whenever you ask and never asking it back too?
i know i would wanna be best friends?
can't even get generic animu shit right
Seriously though, why did people funnel $200,000 into this ugly weeaboo garbage? It was four years ago, so are people smarter now? I want to get in on this.
This doesn't mean anything. What is wrong with you people?
His game has no people of color, queers or homosexuals in general. Imagine libshits like himself reviewing it.
b-but polygon, there aren't any blacks in Japan
look at
He'll make the one of the left a tranny on a dime.
The game just has alot of Quality Content that justify those absurd hours per week. Just look at Bobs Game.
do you guys think that the girl in the trailer was his wife?
Then it will be like in DOS2. Lesbians and black female paladins added in last days of development.
Wasn't 2012 when every Kickstarter project that looked like a working game got good funding?
If that's true, this guy is fucking crazy and really has destroyed his life for this game. If only that guaranteed it was good.
He deserved this.
welp, time to get datamined in their disagreement
Seems like a cancerous Jennifer daww
The emptiness this man must feel in his life makes me disgusted but I also pity him a little. Also…
Maybe I'm superstitious, but I think you should never give yourself or your company a name that invokes failure.
I was really surprised by the backlash at calling places shitholes. I agree that that's not a productive way for a president to think of another country, but there are people who actually think Haiti isn't a shithole? What the fuck else would it be? Haiti has historically always been an awful place.
This is my dad works at Nintendo levels of pure bullshit lies to get sympathy.
There's nothing superstitious about it. You will eventually start associating everything you do with disaster if you name yourself that. And that will configure your brain for failure.
apparently his wife took the cat, which makes the way he worded it extremely strange. I'm actually convinced that he never had a wife. I've searched all of his accounts, and his name, for any signs of his wife and none exist.
Maybe he is actually some pajeet shitter who pretends to have "disasters" in his life to draw out backers donating out of sympathy, like a charity fond.
Dont talk to me or my wifes cat ever again
dog? check
wife? ??
Yeah he is seriously lying as no woman could come between a man and his pet. I mean what could they do to you? Fuck all thats what.
I don't even let my GF touch my budgie.
who is that middle aged woman? surely that isn't his ex wife
Whats Worse, your wife stealing your cat or your Wii U
Cat, definitely.
Id say getting a meme dog
Most likely one of the relatives he mentioned.
How is it a JRPG if it's not made by Japs?
Checkmate, atheists.
You can buy another WiiU and try to recover progress in all your games. If you can't get your cat back that's it. He's gone now.
Seriously though, why the fuck would you give your cat to your shitty wife? Don't be a goddamn bitch and own your pets.
That's what I call cultural appropriation.
That looks like absolute shit
Not even close.
Okay it looks like a PS2 game almost 18 years after the release of the PS2. Better?
Can you look at the girls pantsu? This is important.
No, because most PS2 games looked much better.
That looks like mobile trash.
Man, that's pretty depressing
why though
It's a perfectly fine looking game.
I'm sick of this culture of hyperbolic criticism that has taken over.
That blows, keep your chin u-
Gee how can it get any wo-
Be like this guy.
It's a game made by a hobo.
He isn't wannabe Japanese just because he's making a JRPG, just like a Japanese developer isn't wannabe American for making something American in nature. Something also isn't intrinsically trash just because it's based on Japanese culture.
A lot of us are. I originally thought it was to juxtapose the industry's marking scheme of giving anything pretty a 7 or higher, but now that people constantly criticize games for not having AAA graphics, I have no idea what it's about. It's gotten really fucking annoying.
I think Soul Saga doesn't look enjoyable, but that has nothing to do with its graphics.
Is this why so many short people have a massive (pun unintended) Napoleon complex?
Crying out loud, I might just buy it to support the poor bastard
He absolutely is. His goddamn trailer is a bunch of chibi art scrolling around to the tune of some Japanese song no one has heard of. He specifically says that JRPGs are the best form of media and the hardest to get right.
For a one man project?
It still looks like a mobile or a handheld game.
And I'm sick of everything getting undue praise.
This does nothing to prove he is wannabe Japanese.
It would be a fine looking game for a small professional team.
At no point did I give it any "undue praise," and countering undue praise by going to the opposite extreme is retarded.
You're just mad that your videogame project went to shit.
See how much you can grab before you get kicked
Oh, I see what's going on here.
Already on it
Nothing is "going on."
It looks like it's slapped together out of premade Unity assets. He had to commission an artist rather than having one actually work on his team (because he doesn't have a team) and it shows.
A game could be more primitive than this and still look good if it's got the right aesthetic, but the aesthetic of this is "prebuilt unity assets for mobile devices". It especially shows in the UI.
what do I say
Would ask him if he a true "starving artist" if he didn't have time to whine in twitter about politics or his lack of mentions of his wife in between those rants he does.
god doesn't even know how to design a penis without an unnecessary layer of skin, his sex toy design is even worse
It's one thing to base something on japanese culture or Japan itself, for example that ninja game that came out recently or the Total War games. It's completely another to make this weeb shit that is trying way too hard to be "anime" and not hard enough to be it's own thing and go even as far as to get a nip song in. Nothing wrong with nip songs btw, but its just the cherry on top of this disastercakeLOL that simply screams "I RABU JAPAN" in a very out of place manner. And this happens everywhere, from the intro being a kawaii loli voice to the artstyle and character design that can be described as "JRPG" with a mobile game -esque bright color pallete to the japanese song in the trailer.
It seems like the guy just ripped off everything that is commonly found in JRPG's put it in a blender and made a chinese knockoff of the result.
I now understand why nintendo didn't want to hire "gamers".
I adapted sperglord user's rant
Tell him you still have a cat.
(((02927c))) fuck off
jews are the ones who invented your god, why would a jew be talking shit on their own god?
Yeah I find it difficult to believe this guy lost his life over this, and if he did, he probably deserves it.
Tell him that tweeting isn't expressing his opinions through his work. Unless he considers himself a tweet artiste. Which he probably does because that's just the right level of pretentiousness I'd expect from a SanFranSoyBoy.
Real artists express their opinions in their work in subtle ways, using symbolism and artistic expression. They don't just shout out into the world "I DONT LIKE TRUMP!" You don't get to claim artistic integrity when you are doing something any 3 year old can do.
It's far from unnecessary, it protects the sensitive surface in order to preserve that sensitivity.
You're assuming a load of shit kike. If you can't see the purpose of the foreskin you're definitely retarded.
Personally it doesn't feel like he went for the nip feel far enough, he went for this middle ground that's makes it feel like an entry-level weeb made it. He could have gotten a jap to voice the intro and went all out on it and it probably would have ended up looking and feeling better.
No it doesn't.
Making something that is imitative of JRPGs or anime does not mean the creator is wannabe Japanese.
I really wish this weeb meme just died already. Weebs for all intents and purposes do not exist, yet everywhere you go all you hear about is weeb this and weeb that.
Seems like (((someone))) is painfully ignorant of history and in general. You should probably go read a couple of books before speaking on the subject again and not rely on the knowledge you got from (((TV))), (((youtube))) and public eduation.
Did we find someone more pathetic than Anthony Burch?
Haha fucking golden.
Anthony had too much sexually degenerate shit going on. No comparison.
Jews didn't actually. Jehovah or the proper spelling Yahweh is an ancient Egyptian God. Look it up in text books and if your retarded google.
What else were you expecting? Disaster is literally in his name.
he doesn't know
He actually thinks that publicly spouting political opinions isn't unprofessional for someone running a business.
If I were a dev, I wouldn't say a fucking word with regard to politics. No one would have any idea what I think. As it should be so they can just play the damn game without me getting in the way.
Well, he can't say good morning to his wife's cat.
I want to take SJW money, too, user.
t. weeb
We both know you have no evidence for this accusation, so why did you even bother?
You know exactly what it means. Weebshit is either clicker "games", gratuitous VNs, or bland rpgs with too many numbers and redundant mechanics.
Weeb means wannabe Japanese. It has no other meaning.
That's what you get for trusting a 3DPD. It couldn't end in any other way.
is this like how every tranny that defends pedophilia is actually a pedo
Weeaboo means wannabe Japanese. That's all it means and all it ever will mean. Insisting on correct word usage does not make someone a weeaboo.
Weeb means faggot who is obessed with anime culture and through it with Japan and this guy is definitely a case.
You claim there's no weebs despite reddit being full of them. it makes you look like you would die for the nip.
This is more of an Arthur Chu moment where a fat-balding faggot is more engrossed with a game and cat than real life, he could have went with his shit kikestarter if he actually made sure it doesn't interfere with life, but between his twitter rants, hugbox in disagreement, and being homeless, he's a fucking idiot.
You made the claim that weebs don't exist. You need to back that up.
No, it means wannabe Japanese.
You just think they are weebs when in reality they are not.
Anyone who is ever accused of being a weeb is not a weeb, or no evidence exists to prove they are. Thus weebs don't exist.
You're insisting on "correct word usage" that everyone disagrees with. You can say it as many times as you want, it's not going become true.
You "disagree" with it because you don't know what the word means.
Weebshit is Japanese media that is so truly fucking awful that the only people who will put up with it are people who have an unhealthy obsession with Japan, or the actual Japanese otakus themselves.
Don't you speak to me or my wife's cat again!
weeaboo was used to mean wanna be japanese after wapanese fell out of usage from a pbf strip. it is true, even if you want to deny the reality of it. goons have co-opted it to mean anything japanese for a long time now.
Japanese media, by definition, cannot be wannabe Japanese.
you are wrong.
Well then it's a good thing I wasn't defining Japanese media.
you have no room to talk
The proper meaning is wannabe Japanese. Other meanings are wrong.
I said or implied nothing about him. I've never even watched his videos.
And if it's wrong, then provide a better definition for "weebshit".
No I didn't.
at least we kind of wrote a letter to disastercake
what are you talking about?
kappa mikey comes to mind, there were a lot of cartoons from the mid 00's that would fall under this. Avatar the last airbender also comes to mind as something that wishes it were Japanese made but poorly imitates it.
This guy is going full DSP. Never go full DSP.
So if the defn included wannabe Japanese media, as well as Japanese media, it would be fine?
Trying to say that Japanese media can't be weebshit is clearly wrong because of things like Neptunia and Atelier.
Weebs exist. nice try derailing the thread sanfran faggot
Weebs exist. nice try derailing the sanfran faggot
They don't exist. Every time someone is accused of being a weeb, it's a false accusation.
I didn't derail the thread and I've never set foot in the US.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of RPGmaker games that do the exact same thing being sold on Steam and for free. Not to mention big name studios releasing games like Bravely Default as well. Why the fuck does this game need to exist? What does it do different from the hundreds of other JRPG love letters? You should either innovate like crazy or do better than your contemporaries and this game looks like it does neither.
If Bravely Default is a love letter to JRPG fans then I want a restraining order.
how are neptunia and atelier wannabe japanese? They are made by Japanese. Atelier is also a hardcore time management RPG that definitely targets a different market than avatar the last airbender.
They're weebshit because the only non-Japs they attract are weebs. How are you not getting this? The origin of the devs doesn't stop something from being considered weebshit.
Vid related, that was easy to refute.
because that's retarded. How are you standing by something this stupid? Have you ever played those games or are you just drawing conclusions about them?
This is circular reasoning.
I didn't watch the video as he almost certainly isn't a weeb. Even if he were, I obviously never meant that LITERALLY NO weebs exist anywhere. It doesn't matter if there's a couple around somewhere.
also check 'em, I'm going back to work
Going by that the only thing Skyrim and other western shit in Japan attract are westaboos.
It's not circular reasoning in the slightest. Weebs are people who have a strong attraction to things purely because they have a Japanese aesthetic, and weebshit is the stuff that only the weebs put up with because it's garbage unless you're especially drawn in by the Japanese component.
If you think Japanese media can't be weebshit, it means you don't think Neptunia is weebshit, which is fucking ridiculous. I'm done too.
That image may be the embodiment of my anger towards nugame devs.
What did I just say:
The games are weebshit because weebs play them. Weebs play them because they're weebshit.
Another problem with this argument is the assumption that what the games are revolves around what Westerners think about them, even though they're made for Japanese customers. And of course the fact that weeb means wannabe Japanese and nothing else.
Neptunia is a Japanese game. It cannot be wannabe Japanese.
Okay, I don't care what you think.
This doesn't have anything to do with me.
This game is all he has left along with being a virtue signalling libtard faggot in twitter and his "Friends" in disagreement, fucking rockbottom.
Trump told DAVOS to suck balls.
First pic makes my eyes hurt. It's too busy. There's too much going on. And it took me five seconds to notice the purple plants are all the same. As same as the faces on the characters. The purple guy in the corner of the second pic looks like he's from Disney and clashes with the rest of the anime theme. The UI reminds me of lazy phone games. This looks bad.
"disagreement" what the fuck autocorrect.
I don't know what you were expecting.
He sounds like a literal soyboy.
He deserved everything that happened to him.
Fucking kek
I said nothing funny.
I'm glad we've decided that none of the things that always get called weebshit are actually weebshit.
That just makes it funnier
Judging by the posts this guy clearly is a leftist subhuman.
He deserves everything he gets and worse.
It is a perfectly fine looking game whether you like it or not.
Sure if it was the first fantasy game ever made. Which isn't even including the sameface garbage going on.
Sameface is 99% a meme, and even if it did have sameface it is irrelevant.
Since weeaboo replaces the archaic term "wapanese", does it only apply to whites?
because it does
To what? It looks bad.
Don't you have a pillow you should be crying in for your lost cat?
No, there are definitely black weebs.
And naming him senpai.
In almost every case that something is accused of having sameface, it doesn't have it.
Sameface doesn't make something look bad.
What lost cat? I haven't said anything about any cat.
Well it does in this case.
Why? I see no arguments here.
I get the impression that your eyes started to dart back in forth when you typed this.
Someone post that black nigger weaboo who was arrested for cp by hiding it in plain sight. He also bragged about in public and once released further bragged that the cops didn't find all of it.
Why would it? Are you saying the quality of the art and graphics of a game come down entirely and exclusively to the amount of variety in the characters' faces?
I didn't say anything about any cat. I have never owned a cat. What are you talking about?
What the fuck even is this autistic "logic"?
You went past playing dumb to playing full on retard.
Then are you saying the lack of sameface is a problem? Or what?
Where did I say something like this?
What are you expecting me to say? I didn't say anything about any cat. I have never owned a cat. Only you are talking about cats here.
There's pics of it in this thread. The fuck are you on about?
Why is it a good thing that all of your characters have no features so to speak of?
It's 1 aspect of many that hinder the aesthetic of the game.
Am I talking to a fucking bot? Seriously either post a structured argument or fuck off.
I see this phrase a lot more these days. 'The game industry'. It's some end-all be-all inclusive word that sounds just as socialist as 'community' and probably ignores an individual just as well.
Which I didn't bother to look at. In my experience accusations of sameface are never correct.
Why do you think character design comes down to just making unique faces?
It's the only aspect you mentioned.
What structured argument? You claim I have a cat. I do not have a cat. What argument are you expecting from me?
Because you are. I said nothing about cats.
Wow dude, you're retarded. Also learn to read IDs, I know you're clearly new here but we have IDs.
No, I'm not retarded because you keep talking about cats and keep accusing me of owning cats for whatever reason.
You might be, but I'm not.
Fitting in real well bro.
This thread is fucking horrible.
This is somehow my fault?
Why do you think it's appropriate to make the faces have no distinguishing features? Either way it's lazy.
Because it's the one you're focusing on.
That's my question here. Where's your argument? Jesus.
Sure you don't.
This is the most fucking bizarre poster I've seen in a while. This genuinely might be some sort of bot or something.
Hey, Mike. Since I know you're lurking the thread I figured I'd let you know your "game" looks like shit and all of those SJWs you think are your followers actually want you dead.
May be an ESLfag. He is a weird one.
I think he just reached subsonic levels of autism or something.
Did I say it is?
Why do you think character design comes down to just making unique faces?
No, it's the only aspect you mentioned.
Why should I construct an argument to state that I don't own cats?
If you are so insistent that I must own one, then post evidence.
If you couldn't tell you've been arguing with shitposting goons the entire thread, you can tell based on their non-arguments.
If you didn't notice, he's a weeb desperately defending the honor of weebshit.
If anyone says he fell in love with the games industry, you know he isn't in love with games. He just likes money.
Because what is the games industry if not EA, Ubisoft, etc.?
No but it makes your claim factually incorrect.
I literally just described that in the post you replied to. It's lazy and unprofessional.
Because it's the one you're fucking focusing on. The game itself looks bland and unoriginal.
The game dipshit. An argument about the game. Holy hell I'm talking to an android here.
You're right I see no reason a robot would own a cat.
Where's your proof that I'm a weeb? Where did I defend weebshit?
This doesn't mean anything.
You mean you have autism and you need to stop posting.
Stupid subhuman garbage gets what's deserved. Live in any other goddamn state and you'd be fine. My fucking plan B is to live out of my car if I ever get fed up enough with life or can't afford housing (or the US explodes into civil war and becomes a wasteland of roaming dindus), and my cat's coming with me.
That's a ticking bomb that will blow up in your face. Why the hell would anyone get married these day when it complete holds men hostage? Not that he has no blame in this. If he has other responsibilities, he shouldn't let the game development interfere with them.
Yeah, it's really suspect wording. Who falls in love with an industry and not the product of the industry? The games industry sucks ass whether or not you enjoy games.
It means everything. You genuinely can't pick up on the nuance of it though because you actually do have some form of autism.
Okay, it's clear you seriously have issues and I do think it's rude to pick on autists.
I'm starting to wonder if all this happened at all, or if this is just a hustle he's running.
Shut up, weeb.
Character design in fact does not come down to just making unique faces.
You mentioned nothing else.
Which doesn't contradict what I said. That is's a perfectly fine looking game.
What does the game have to do with my non-existent cats?
How am I a robot?
It means nothing and you are the one who has autism.
I made no such argument.
Post evidence proving that I am one.
Of course it didn't. I guarantee the guy didn't actually make any of the stuff you see in these screenshots either and this whole hubub is to cover his ass after the gook he commissioned this work to left.
The ten hours of deving a day with a slipped disk and no house is pretty hard to believe.
Where is your proof?
>wife divorces you because you don't give her enough attention abloo bloo
I don't care how much of a fuckwad this guy is, that's some messed up shit. It's also incredibly hard to believe, something tells me there's more going on here than what's on the surface.
peterson is a fraud
Why is there a scotsman with bagpipes in the background
If he's not an absolute fraud, that's 14 hours of devving a day
Because the characters have sameface and you didn't even bother to check.
No but it's a very important aspect and if you're incapable of making unique faces it's lazy and unprofessional.
I stated it looked like a bland fantasy universe. Objectively false.
By what metric? The fucking world looks like a LoL map and has ideas pulled from just about every other fantasy game out there. Down to rip off chocobo's and giant trees.
Ok you're baiting then.
"no u" the argument
jesus christ this is becoming sad.
Peterson is a school shooter.
Life's gotten so easy that even women can succeed, making the men even more expendable and weak-willed. Normally, women would be forced to settle down with someone who can take care of them, and that was enough for them. Now? she probably divorced him for being a weeb
He had time to shitpost on Twitter against that evil Drumpf.
If I was the wife, I'd leave too if my husband preferred to fight da powa to spending time with me.
If I were the kind of faggot who would kickstart a game and try to make indie game development my sole career, the first thing I'd do is move to the middle of nowhere. Some rural state where rent is going to be under $500 a month for a full-sized house. Doing any of this shit out of California is just moronic, but every indie retard does it while leeching off Mommy and Daddy and e-begging just to pay the rent, and not a single one of them is willing to give up the wonderful smog-filled air of San Francisco for the sake of their project. Really shows you that these people want a lifestyle more than they want to make games.
People often claim some characters have sameface, but then they actually don't.
It's nowhere near as important as you think it is, as evidenced by the fact that anime has the best character design in the world while having very similar looking faces. There's no reason why making unique faces would be tied to professionalism.
No you didn't.
By any reasonable metric.
I'm baiting for asking what the game has to do with cats that I don't own?
But somehow calling me autistic is supposed to be an argument.
And people wonder why "goon" is used so often around here
For anyone who isn't sure that this is a shill or a contrarian sperglord, user is trying to argue that this isn't sameface
I was just about to post this to prove that you're a weeb, but then I remembered that it's Japanese so it can't be weebshit according to you.
How did I move goalposts?
Just as I expected, it's not sameface.
Nekopara has nothing to do with me, and Japanese things can't be wannabe Japanese.
How dare you suggest this brave ally to move in the middle of Drumf's right-wing wasteland.
You have no proof.
I'm convinced it's one guy talking to himself. Look how quickly he responds.
I'm more inclined to side with the wife, 3DPD but if he's twitter and disagreement history chat of woe is me bullshit, he's crying more about losing a home and his cat than his wife leaving him, guess we'll know when the game gets leaked that he has a waifu or two in his game.
Poor guy. He should write a book about his inner thoughts and call it Soul Saga
Sure you don't just interpret things incorrectly?
It is actually if you're not a vapid retard.
There's a reason people hate people like you. Appealing to majority isn't going to get you anywhere.
The differences are subtle but noticeable, here is an example of actual sameface for reference.
It's really not. I stopped replying to him because I legit think he has autism.
I was just going to keep posting total nonsense, but then I realized that you being able to name a random Jap catgirl hentai VN is a bit of proof.
To subtle. That pic is a worse offender but jesus fuck don't tell me there's nothing wrong with this shit. At first glance it looks like one of those shops where somebody crops a face onto another face.
This is the latest meme, isn't it? Arguments don't exist on the internet anymore, it must always be one guy talking to himself.
It actually isn't if you understand anything about character design.
I wasn't appealing to the majority.
You are falsely setting up unique faces as a critical professional goal for a character designer.
You are wrong.
This doesn't say what you claim it does.
You are autistic and you have no argument.
I never said that nothing is an argument.
I didn't ask a question.
You are the one who has autism.
That isn't proof in any way whatsoever, and Nekopara is one of the most well-known VN anyway.
a bit old, but I can imagine that for every couple of shills he's got a few people realized they weren't getting a game any time soon
Keep divulging your knowledge of Japanese VNs, please.
Nekopara is extremely popular even among normalfags, all games have thousand of positive reviews on steam and it was streamed on twitch on release for thousands to see.
Your argument would have some merit if you had posted some untranslated eroge from 2002 or something.
Having knowledge of VNs does not make someone a weeb.
I can see the difference there, but if it's not sameface it's similarface or something like that. As a devfag myself I can tell he's just got a basic head shape that he's slapping slightly different mouths/noses/eyebrows on with like 1 eye texture which he re-textured with lashes for girls. It might not be sameface, but it's lazy as fuck.
If you want me to pick on you some more I can.
Posting many times in one thread is not autism.
Who was your favorite Nekopara cat girl?
Having knowledge of VNs does not make someone a weeb. This line of argumentation is a dead end.
Oh really?
Another amazing argument
Then actually fucking describe character design. You have no actual valid excuse as to why it's ok.
Jesus that makes me feel sad
Then what the hell does? Do you have to marry an American-made anime drawing?
That cats better off.
Never trust kikestarters, looks like he had to go cheap, but then again he seems to have a knack for going over his fucking head.
The cat wants to get away from him because it was abused.
I feel bad for the cat, not the stupid bastard abandoning it. People who actually love their pets make it work no matter what.
Go to sleep, Biggs.
Weebs don't exist in his mind so nothing does. You could be a white American who refuses to speak English to your friends and family and instead are forcing them to learn Japanese to communicate with you and your lovepillow girlfriend and this faggot would say "that does not make someone a weeb".
Looking over the art shifts, I think part of the reason the game looks so ugly is because he contracts out a different artist each time he takes a shit
Pretend to be japanese, use japanese words in everyday conversations, claim japanese culture is better than yours or any other given culture simply because it is japanese.
fuck off back to your containment thread
Megaman Legends -→ ??? –→ Skies of Arcadia
You asked me a question. I answered.
The character's face is only a part of the design. The hair, outfit and accessories are also part of character design.
Anime has the best character design in the world. Anime puts little emphasis on distinct faces. How does this have anything to do with appealing to the majority?
It's not.
Pre-empting someone's reply is not an argument.
It doesn't matter if it occurs in nature.
As opposed to your "you're wrong" argument.
Because you didn't.
As opposed to your "you are autistic" argument.
First you said I was saying that nothing is an argument, now you are suddenly switching to saying that I have not said anything resembling an argument (which is a lie).
Are you twelve years old?
Weeb = wannabe Japanese. How does having knowledge of VNs make someone wannabe Japanese? Where did I say anything about jacking off to cat girls?
Looks like discount Full Metal Alchemist in the middle.
Careful with that knowledge of japanese videogames, someone might call you a weeb.
I don't know why I even bother coming to Holla Forums anymore.
It's seems like some people live only to shit on every game for the most retarded of reasons. Everything is generic, everything is boring, everything is ugly. Why do you faggots even get out of bed in the morning?
Do they really expect a garage project to have the art asses and quality of major studios?
From the screenshots the art looks OK. Have no idea how the gameplay is, but I really have to ask themsevels, what do people really expect these days? For the game to fellate them and do their taxes? No, wait, taxes are for people with actual jobs and a house of their own….
He obviously cares more for twitter than spending time with his pet, which could be the last chance he has to.
It really shows, especially looking at his "diverse team" when they stopped getting paid.
Looks like he had to change the design for the girl because twin incest, so he went into a cyber limb girl fetish instead, looks like those chinese mobile ripoffs, but he does hire chink and gook artists, so there's that.
You have no proof for those accusations.
it's sameface user, the least the artist could have done there was to put them in different postures to highlight personality traits and try to camouflage the fact that they look the same.
the other user probably means that nekopara is weebshit because it lures weebs, soul saga doesn't look western, it's pretty much a weeb game, a game trying to look japanese even when it isn't and whose market target is people who would buy it because of it, aka weebs. so calling it weebshit fits to a t.
So basically, this guy is a noodle-armed faggot who can't keep himself or his house in order, and decided to post the equivalent of "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" thinking it would earn him anything but ridicule?
This guy is male, right? He should have had it beaten into him from birth that failure and weakness is not acceptable. If you show anything but strength as a man, expect to get torn apart by the world.
This idiot couldn't even properly tame his woman. She was probably one of those neo-feminists who wanted a beta-orbiter to fawn over her.
Faggot, I seen ten times worse every day on anime or other cheap games.
One face is the selected characters face, so its' the same.
The other is facing the exact same way, but the hair, eyes and mouth are different.
It's not sameface.
Weebs don't exist anymore, and even if they did it would not mean that Nekopara is a weeb game.
It was already established that it isn't.
there's more
You need to have a structure to your reasoning to answer.
Then as a part of design is should reflect an individuality from another character should it not?
Simply by saying this you're in fact debunking yourself.
It is if the pre-empted reply didn't have an argument to begin with.
Again, by what other metric. Cite one this time.
No I said you specificly don't have an argument.
You havn't.
I'm not 12 years old :^)
Weeb has been morphed into "Anything that appeals to japanese anime otaku". Weebshit meaning the same thing. Probably constantly pushed by people who wanted to talk about anime related content without knowing the lingo. Actual weeaboos though? They barely exist on this site. I don't think many here have actually seen what a weeb types like. Constantly saying shit like "sugoi" or "kawaii" and being pedantic about everything Japanese.
By that logic, knowing what Doki Doki Literature Club is would make someone a weeb.
People didn't constantly need money to make doujin games before. Turning your passion into a job and setting goals with high expectations from a ton of people just makes people burnt out. Kickstarters should be made for games that have shit to actually show for it honestly. Even then, many games that I see come up at Comiket don't need tons of kickstarter/patreon money to make them. Just time, dedication, and talent.
It was a simple question with a simple answer.
Individuality does not come down to just the face.
Anime is not generic. This claim is nonsensical.
But it did.
You are conflating two separate arguments.
You said:
You are lying.
Then why did you post that?
Let's not get outlandish here.
Nigga just stop. You are being autistic over someone trolling you. Why do you think he doesn't give a shit that he doesn't make good arguments? Stop being new and stop replying.
Not everyone has that. But when they do, it really shows.
I am not being trolled. You are just trying to defend him.
I have a complete normalfag friend who knows about it. He has social media, ifunny, LOLSORANDUMXD, and thinks memes are "pictures with funny text". Knowing about DDLC does not make you a weeb. Back on topic the game looks like same face, premade unity assets, mass-produced chink/korean mobile shit. He's a dumbass for not being able to balance the game and his life correctly.
It most certainly isn't a simple question.
No but it's an important aspect that shouldn't be ignored.
You think that pics not generic? By fact anime in itself copies and rehashes already established ideas from older anime. At this point you're conveniently ignoring basic facts here.
"no it's not" is not an argument.
You're moving goalposts to distract from the fact that "no it isn't" is not an argument.
Saying "no you" is not acknowledging anything as an argument.
So you're saying you DO have an argument? Where is it? Point it out. I can't seem to find it.
Why don't you tell me what makes it seem like wanting to cap your autism makes me 12.
How can I? This is like talking to a disabled person.
Disgusting weebshit catgirl masturbators actually believe this.
Who could it be
Name a single medium that does not do that.
It was.
It's not important.
No, because "generic" has come to be a buzzword meaning "I don't like this but can't/won't explain why." Going by the dictionary definition doesn't work either because that picture does not represent "anime," it is only one anime-style work among thousands.
All forms of media do this.
It was.
I moved no goalposts and you did conflate two different arguments.
You said I can't acknowledge anything as an argument. That's different from what you now claim you said.
Because you are lying.
What autism? I have posted no autism.
You have no proof for these claims.
Your posts would be 10/10 bait if you weren't the one dedicating all their time to this thread.
What are you talking about?
Compare this to some of the other indie titles made by small teams, like hotline: miami, FTL, and various other pixelshits. They leave a much more lasting impressions beacause of their unique artstyle and gameplay. And that is the problem with this game, tryhard weebness aside, there is nothing to distinguish it from the crowd. It looks perfectly and absolutely generic on both fronts, although I would say the one good thing about it was the nip song in the trailer.
You've been autistically hounding this thread for over 4 hours.
I've been doing no such thing.
Most* anime in itself copies and rehashes already established ideas from older anime
That being said are you going to defend modern trash to 80's anime?
I asked the question dipshit. It wasn't.
This is why I'm saying you don't have an argument.
I'm using it appropriately. I already cited examples as to why it was generic as well.
"thousands" being the same looking shit.
Not to the extent of anime.
It never was.
You're doing it right now.
Because you're not.
If this is to hard to understand then just assume this: You have no arguments and you're not producing any.
About what specifically?
Yea sure.
You're right, your first post was at 4:30. So you've been hounding this thread for OVER 4 hours.
its probably the guy himself trying to damage control his abortion of a project
Do you think he spends over 10 hours a day on the internet talking about how his game isn't for weebs?
This guy's to retarded to be the dev. Which is pretty fucking impressive.
It was.
I have made my arguments. You just don't understand anything about character design.
No, as already explained.
Completely wrong. You don't know what you are talking about.
Anime is more creative than other media.
It was.
How am I not?
You are lying.
About my supposed lack of arguments.
Not autism. You clearly don't know what autism is.
I have not been "autistically" doing anything and I have not been "hounding" the thread.
I would do no such thing, same as movies, videogames, tv shows, cartoons, books, or any other medium today.
Which is why singling out Anime about this makes no sense to me.
You are retarded.
Stop being retarded and open your eyes. When have I even defended him? Telling you to stop falling for bait isn't defending someone. You're already at (52) posts and clearly want to stroke your ego by winning an internet debate when the opposition doesn't give a shit and replies because he's bored.
That was the point I was getting at. The knowledge of a VN doesn't make someone a weeaboo or even an otaku.
>Back on topic the game looks like same face, premade unity assets, mass-produced chink/korean mobile shit. He's a dumbass for not being able to balance the game and his life correctly.
This too. I completely agree. I don't mind if the artstyle is the way it is, but it would need some interesting gameplay to separate it from the masses.
It has become a standard tactic to come to someone's rescue by claiming they are trolling and their bad arguments should therefore be overlooked. You are trying to bail him out.
it is, suck it. remove the hair and they look even more similar, that's how u can recognize it.
lol get out of here.
by who? by you?. the fag nobody agrees with?
it's not hard science, you're just in denial.
polite sage, dunno why i bother since this thread is total crap,
the dev is a moron.
he made his own bed in his car, now he has to lie on it.
Is this an argument to you?
You haven't described anything about character design other than "clothes and hair are more important because…"
It wasn't an explanation, it was an opinion based on no facts.
Then fucking explain jesus christ. As it is you have no facts to explain your points so you're objectively wrong.
Why? What makes it more creative, use examples.
Again, how is "no u" a structured and cited argument. Explain in detail. Use more than 6 words this time.
How is that an argument?
The fact that every one of your replies right now can't consist of more than 6 words says I'm not.
And those arguments are based on what?
You've been consistently posting on this thread for nearly 5 hours now. You are hounding this thread by definition.
Anime is the current topic and I feel like anime in particular does less to innovate or feel inspired in particular but that's another argument all together.
no u
It's not sameface since their faces are not the same.
Everyone who is accused of being a weeb is not a weeb. What does that tell you?
Yes, by me. I am right whether or not you agree.
None of these things prove the developer is wannabe Japanese.
They are. There's pics of them.
That you don't know what weeb means.
Why are you correct? Give examples.
No the fact that the characters have japanese anime faces and hair while borrowing every idea in every picture in this thread from japanese developed fantasy games proves the developers is a wannabe japanese.
Is posting a meme an argument to you?
It just was.
The fact that I need to describe it to you just shows that you don't understand.
No it wasn't.
The explanation is that they don't all look the same.
It just is more creative.
I didn't say it was an argument. It's very obviously a question.
This is also a lie.
What arguments?
Still not autism. You have no idea what autism is.
This is false.
No, you are.
I saw the pics. Not sameface.
It means wannabe Japanese.
I already explained.
This doesn't prove the developer is wannabe Japanese.
His wife left him because the game, at a glance, looks fucking awful and she realized he went insane.
last time i reply to you because you're retarded.
you're not right, you will never be.
i don't need the dev to say he's a weeb, his game is a weeb game because it's made to appeal to weebs by trying emulate japanese games and if he were to be one it would just be the cherry on top.
you're here to argue semantics even when everybody is telling you you are wrong and taking the time to explain you why. you're a waste of time and space, you have more 55 replies and yet you fail to make a single valid point because you refuse to accept the definition of weeb is more extent than what you think.
You are retarded and I am right.
You have provided no evidence that he is wannabe Japanese or that the game is aimed at people who are.
I am right and you are wrong. I know what weeb means. You don't.
You are lying.
It means wannabe Japanese. It has no other meaning.
What makes it a meme?
What about it in particular?
I already described why it wasn't. The fact that you can't provide any examples only illustrates you don't know what you're talking about.
Again, in what aspects? The faces look the same. I could probably crop one face to another and you wouldn't notice.
So are you basically conceding that I'm right at this point? Because this isn't an argument.
One that can't be answered because there's no argument behind it.
that's my question to you. Where are your arguments?
Those who have autism tend to deny it. You'll figure it out eventually.
I can point out your timestamps in your posts. Yes you have.
This is not an argument.
Explain in detail as to how they aren't.
Explain again, this time in more detail. Because what you explained isn't valid as an explanation.
Depends. I watch stuff from many time periods and quality is all over the place. Tekkaman was good, not great. Yet I really enjoyed some of the characters and themes they were going with. Andro being my favorite character and he had a nice character development along with Johji. Now I'm watching Tiger Mask W and it has me hooked. Finishing up Gamers which is as frustrating as it is hilarious to go through. Haganai is harem trash I'm only giving an exception for because it has a loli nun but it's not bad, just average. Otherwise I avoid harems besides the Monogatari series. Suka Suka is pretty good too and I'm enjoying it as well.
Also I don't think there's an 80s show that can capture the comfiness of Flying Witch, Non Non Biyori, and Isekai Shokudou. As usual, it depends on what you watch. Not only that but the amount of anime made today every season compared to before is a massive gap. Before they had a few shows that they would constantly add episodes to and we wouldn't see 6+ new shows a season. Now we have that and 20+ shows coming out every season. You just need to pay attention to who's directing, what studio is making what, and if the genres appeal to you. Of course you'll find trash if you just look at only the most popular stuff. It's just like video games.
He's still posting.
What could drive a man to this madness.
Assuming the story was ever true to begin with I'd be willing to bet she left because the paint on the golden egg was starting to chip off.
People constantly go around repeating it even though it has no truth value.
Why should it be something in particular?
No, you don't know what you are talking about.
In all aspects.
They don't.
No. You are wrong. You don't know what you are talking about.
It was a question, not an argument.
And you said:
"Every one of your replies."
You were previously asking about "those arguments." I asked what arguments. Now you are saying something different.
The argument is that you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about.
It's self-evident.
Why would it?
Certainly not shilling, because he would've stopped at the bump limit if that was the case.
You see you say all this and then post an image of the most generic looking face I've ever seen.
Basically you have a point, but the fact is that there's been very little in the way of innovation with anime for a while now. At least in the art style department. Though in all fairness I did say most* anime. I think the larger problem is I see people posting anime characters here all the time and I have to actually try and remember from what anime a character is. If you can take a character out of 1 anime and put them in an other I think you've failed as an artist.
At this point I wanna see how long he will go on for. Feel free to help.
Then provide examples of where it does.
Because nobody can read your mind? Why should I assume what you're thinking?
Objectively false since you aren't talking about what you say I don't know what I'm talking about. I can only assume that you actually don't have anything to talk about.
such as? Name some.
Explain how their different.
No. You are wrong. You don't know what you are talking about
A question can't provide an argument? How so?
I know what I said. But that post in particular had less than 6 words. I never said that post in particular had to be more than 6 words.
What arguments? If I was asking about "those" arguments then they wern't yours.
Google what hounding means. Look up your own post times. You're hounding the thread.
Also google what an argument is. That's not an argument.
Evidence never presents itself. Only people do. And you're failing in that department.
Then you lose by default.
Why wouldn't it? Give me your definition of a weeb.
my greatest fear is making my game and becoming a lolcow due to the attention I get, especially because anyone could dig up old embarrassing forum posts on me. am I fucked? should I even make the game?
Ah, so you admit that you are actually just trolling. Nothing you have said has been for real, it was all bait and null and void. Well, I guess we are done here then.
You're a weeb.
You used your real name on internet forums?
You have no proof.
Either way top tier damage control. Nice to know you concede that I'm right and you're wrong.
You just admitted that all of this was trolling. It's a little too late for damage control.
I admitted that you're replying to my posts. You're the one presuming that I'm trolling.
You admitted you are trolling. Why are you still posting? It's over.
Post where I spoke the word "troll" outside of this and my last post.
Why are you?
This is really pathetic. At least have the good sense to withdraw after the game is up. Staying to defend yourself after getting caught or admitting to trolling is just sad.
You would know pathetic when you see it wouldn't you?
Also what game? How am I trolling? Where's your proof? What's the definition of weeb? Stay wrong autist.
Yes, I like the moe anime girls. It's not something I treat as if it's the paragon of animation and story telling but I enjoy it as long as certain things are met such as humor, character development, or an interesting story. Just as people can enjoy an action movie but don't think much of it afterwards. What's important is recognizing what truly makes a show good and cute girls doesn't make a good show on its own which is why many can write them off as "moeshit".
Agreed but I don't know where they would improve besides presentation, story telling, and an advancement on CG in modern anime. CG in anime is so jarring at times and CG only anime like Knights of Sidonia and Ajin flow at such an horrible FPS. Code Lyoko from the early 2000s still has better animations than most modern anime.
Some shows have a real problem with same face but I don't really have this problem. This could just be due to having a huge image collection so telling certain artist apart comes easier to me than others who aren't jerking off 24/7.
Wow, you just figured out he was trolling you. People pointed it out to you and you still took him seriously. People may throw autism around like candy but you may seriously have some sort of brain problem user.
no, but anyone who did some digging could link the screen name I used for years with my real name or face
You already admitted that all of this was trolling, so why bring it up anymore?
He admitted to it.
That was damage control. It was just coincidence that he actually was trolling.
No, you do.
Then change the name, change the email and never post any sort of personal info on your official media.
I think you're missing the point here. I'm focusing on art style. Action movies and such have nothing to do with this.
By having inspired artstyles. Redline didn't have a completely original story but it still stuck better than most anything I've watched today.
This is in itself a problem.
You came to that conclusion yourself because you got tired of being wrong.
Never did.
Your entire life is damage control.
No, you do.
You admitted you're trolling. Why are you now backpedaling and trying to salvage the situation? You cannot recover from this no matter what.
Again, point out where I specifically said I was trolling
That would imply there was a situation.
From what?
Trolling only works when your target thinks you are being serious. Once you admit that you were trolling, the trolling ceases to work. How are you not comprehending this?
Where do you get the indication that my arguments weren't serious? What made your arguments more serious? Furthermore where did I admit to trolling? The only thing I stated what that I was posting largely because you're above (50) posts. Which doesn't imply that my arguments are less valid.
How are you incapable of presenting basic facts?
You could have claimed some kind of victory after successfully trolling me, but this pathetic display has only achieved the opposite.
Sounds like he just left it. So much for pretending his cat was so special, couldn't even find someone that he knows that could take of the cat.
I think you've just come to your own conclusion based on nothing. Actually that's every post you've made. Either post where I specifically stated I was trolling or just keep deflecting. I'll reply either way because it's rare I see this much autism.
Here's your last (You). Next time you should either not admit to trolling or at least gracefully exit after doing so. This was really sad to watch and I feel bad for you.
Holy shit will you finally stop posting?
I obviously can't make you see basic facts. Either way I enjoyed this fit of autism and hope you post in another thread sometime soon. This shits fucking astounding in its own fucking horrible way.
There are better looking DS games.
I hope you read the thread. You're not going to get anywhere with this guy.
not likely to help, there are others in the project who are unconcerned with anonymity and would blab
Until recently, you could see this in western animation (mainly talking about cartoons and not movies) where every show had a completely different art style and if they didn't you immediately knew it was under the same person. Now it has become more common for western cartoons to have this more rounded flash tier art style. But that could also be due to the smaller talent pool in the cartoon animation industry that many have left behind. While I agree on Redline having an amazing artstyle and animation, that took many years and hand drawn dedication to make. Most studios don't have the funds to do something like that.
Wasn't disagreeing with you nor trying to downplay the problem. I think this problem could be due to how easy it is to make anime and churning out a bunch of cute girl shows that are "safe" (think like the trends AAA games follow that make them bland) to sale a show. People come for the cute girls and stay because they don't have much of a reason to stop watching unless the show was that bad. Then the studio makes a bunch of money from merchandise like BDs, manga, OP/ED CDs, OSTs, figurines, and live performances.
This is why I usually stick to manga and VNs instead of anime. Usually much more diverse when it comes to content and themes. Quality varies as usual but it's easier to find good manga over anime. It doesn't help that many anime are just made to introduce people to the manga, which makes way more money. Could this all be due to the anime industry getting proficient at knowing how to make money?
I'm not arguing that western animation is fucking abysmal. Still though Redline obviously had a budget but the fact is that the art style was still peculiar enough to be worth remembering. Even with a lower budget there's no real reason to push out generic stuff.
It's sad that this is essentially what sums anime up to a fine nutshell. Add to the fact that all anons post here amounts to that and you can see why people get annoyed at this shit.
For those of us who are unfortunate enough to not prefer manga's and instead want to just read a book, it's hell.
It happened with film and vidya. No reason it shouldn't there. The only reason I make it more of a point is because there's definitely people here who think otherwise. /a/ especially seems to have this. Remember when they hated Redline? I don't even know if they still do.
Gonna need an archived thread proving this
I don't browse /a/ so I wouldn't know. I remember a lot of Holla Forums laughing at /a/ about this late into the mass exodus though. I remember it particularly because the discussion turned to how people who aren't from a board usually have better taste than the people who actually post on said board.
Anyone else noticed how he's apparently a penniless bum, but he could afford a meme dog which cost a grand to buy?
You aren't a very smart one, aren't you.
I was just using older (say 80s to around 2005) as an example of diverse art styles in animation.
During the 70s-80s. It was mecha that dominated the TV. Then it was masked heroes. Things really started to change during the 90s and it was the 2000s that spawned the "weeb era" shows that had a ton of wacky humor and a bunch of shonens. During the late 00s we started seeing what anime is now and I don't see it switching any time soon. This demographic clearly brings in the most money (besides the most popular ongoing shonen shows) so they appeal to them. As usual, there is some gold sprinkled here and there but it's the exception to the rule at this point.
I can't completely agree with this because so many just assume everything is garbage and write off many shows as simply "moeshit". Many here don't even try to ask what's good out there and if someone does you have a moron that spouts the same shit because he doesn't bother to actually watch anything. Every season has something worth watching and a small bit of research will show this. Pic related is a great show that people would write off as moeshit because of the artstyle. However Yuru Yuri has a lot of love put into it.
Sounds like suffering. I post manga in every Share Thread. Check it out every once in a while. You may find something that's worth reading, like "Sanctuary" or "Prophecy". How do you feel about light novels?
Maybe a few people but seeing it now? I doubt that, I go there every once in a while and I can't see them disliking it.
I believe that image predates the first exodus.
It was just a chart I pulled from the recommendation board that they direct you to. The story is okay in redline but the animation and art is why it is recommended.
Are you? This was a while back when reddit was here in full force. At least more so than it is today.
Well in my books if the show LOOKS like moeshit than it is worthy of writing off. Even if there's a decent plot behind the it, the fact that the director thought a generic art style was the best way to tell your story says more about it than you would think.
I'de argue people watch something more because it's there rather than it being any good. And when there's not much that's any good anything worth a damn is falsely elevated as a result. People still think OPM is some divine source of entertainment when in reality it's some boring fucking shit most of the time with some decent fights the rest and maybe 2 good characters.
I have. I don't enjoy the medium as a whole. I've never been into comics either.
first greentext and on meant for.
You don't need to remind me, I'm pretty sure I remember the thread you're talking about. My point is that making a general statement like, "/a/ hates Redline" is like saying, "Holla Forums hates Gothic" or whatever game you think is a better example. If there was an archive for back then you could see that there were people who liked it and some who didn't, but a general hatred isn't something I remember.
what the fuck
are you disastercake or what
There's some tiny differences, but there really should be more distinction. Like different eye shapes. Maybe different expressions since they both have the same neutral smile.
Well it's like I said, I wouldn't put it past /a/ to have trash taste in anime.
The nose gradient is the worst offender.
I wish I had people that gave me money as friends. My actual so called friends were much worse than that. Several fucked my ex wife before I found out and booted her the fuck out, and one of them kept trying to pick up my ex girlfriend. Sending shit like him taking a dragon dildo up the ass and sending video to her for some reason. Many lulz were had, but now I need to find new friends. Fuck the girlfriend though, I'm done with women.