Can someone explain to me why the Communist Party of China is invited to attend the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties?

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Because they are the largest and most influential "communist" party in the world?

Not to mention that most members are actual communists.

Seems to make perfect sense to me that other communist parties would want to liaise with them. Not sure where your confusion arises from.

because they're not communists, they're capitalists. having communist in your name doesn't make you communist

Wow! Could you please share your extensive research canvassing the opinions of all members of the Chinese communist party? Should be a fascinating read!

But wait… America isn't a communist state either, come to think of it almost no countries are. Should we ban all their communist parties too for insufficient communism?

Because there's a rule inside communist parties that says communist parties shouldn't judge what other communist parties decide the path to follow.
For instances the comunist party of my country sent an official message when the former DPRK leader Kim Jog Il died.They got heavily criticized in the media and at the parliament for doing so. Of course they don't agree with their ideology, but since they are a communist party, they will not cut relationships with them.
In the last communist party convention every communist party in the world was invited to attend and to speak there. Mny came including the chinese and the american comunist parties

But north korea litterally is not communist.

the party presides over one of the most heavily countries in the world so it makes sense to invite them to these conferences and have a dialogue with them

greek? kke also sent a note

but by your logic then, it's more important to be a communist on paper than in reality? So a m-l party should be sectarian towards a trot party that genuinely fights for worker's emancipation while accepting juche feudal ideology?

lmao you sound like such a fucking idiot. It is not the business of any communist party to dictate terms to foreign parties. end of.

you've really internalised imperialism haven't you? the only parties that a communist party should "be sectarian towards" are those in its own country.

Also please find me a party that actively advocates for Juche outside of the DPRK

so there shouldn't be internationalism between parties working for a common international goal? you're denouncing the comintern then?

jesus christ this board is filled with uneducated idiots.

Yes it fucking is you fucking moron. Stop drinking the Juche coolaid and thinking that internationalism means no control of countries on each other, letting a dictator do what they want as long as the have the same name.

what did he mean by this

they're what we call the left wing of capital.

I'm not familiar with the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties but I'm going to hazard a guess that it's full of dinosaurs like the CPUSA who went full liberal a long time ago?

It sounds like the FBI is trying the same tactics its used on womens and black movements and trying to apply them to internet brocialism.


lmao how did you get that from my post? internationalism is about solidarity.

wtf i love the iraq war now

dunno if im being paranoid but i honestly believe 80% of posters here are either Holla Forumstard falseflaggers or plebbitors

a genuine well read communist cannot possibly believe that a communist party should condone monarchy in another country because the monarch's organization has "worker's" in it's name. He is basically also denouncing every communist international ever made, essentially saying that even karl marx wasn't right

you cannot reach these levels of retardation unless you're either an uneducated Holla Forums-plebbit lurker or just shitposting


It means you have internalized the values of imperialist media and apply them to a discussion in which they have no place. i.e any discussion with communists

you're not a communist though user

woah dude woke af

i mean it does. your only source for information about it is said imperial media. and you do nothing to oppose your governments constant attacks on its people.

not sure where you got that from user

my source is that unlike you, i've actually read the official party charter they publish

can you please put a trip on so i can filter you dumb ass?

but china IS capitalist, and NK is feudal at this point. neither of them is socialist or communist you fucking dip, and of course the international is gonna dictate policy since the communist struggle is always an international one

PLEASE read fucking marx and lenin, or stfu


And it's not my logic. It's the communist parties logic. I am not a member, i only know more or less of their affairs because my parents are members and sometimes they tell me inside info.
They don't judge other communist parties policies. They might say between them they don't agree with China policies, but they will still have institutional relationship with the chinese communist party and visit them if invited.

The comunist party here states in their program that instead of "seizing the means of production" they propose a large nationalization campaign through paying for the means of production.
Are they communist or not?

no i hate NK because I hate Marxism Lelninism and juche is pretty much ML with more emphasises on miltary and personality cults. Even if much of what the wear says is fake, what is true is that NK is an authoritarian shithole with a terrible party and government structure

what the west says is fake*

i suppose we should actively condemn palestinians as well for electing hamas, and do nothing to oppose our governments despicable stance against them?

genuinely think you don't understand the difference between a party and a state

i know that's the policy, but it makes 0 sense. the cpc isn't even revisionist at this point, but full on capitalist. so what's the difference between the cpc and the democrats in the us? why dont they invite them too then?


solidarity with what? capitalism? ARE YOU RETARDED?

but the party DICTATES STATE LAW in both those countries

i'm starting to think you're legitimately retarded user

Because they aren't any communists in the democrats yet knowledge of communist ideals and history is a prerequisite of joining the cpc?

people who've been to NK on guided tours will tell you its authoritarian. NK is not shy of its authoritarianism, it openly flaunts its strict government and personality cult. jesus christ

so syriza should be invited then, because there are some communists in there?

why would there be when syriza are totally liberal and there's a very strong communist party in greece. i mean obviously that was a total fiction you made up to justify a strawman, but if there actually are any "communists" in syriza then there's probably something wrong with them.

and yes, there's a bit of a difference between a party that maybe sort of has some communists in it and an explicitly communist party that requires reading the works of marx, engels etc. before joining.


would love to see you produce some evidence for your belief that the 10s of millions of members of a communist party are actually frauds

so the party has to be non-revisionist communist? or does it just have to have to be knowledgeable about communism? If the first is true, then the cpc and wpk shouldn't be invited, if the second is true then syriza tier parties should be invited too. and in many occasions there were 2 or 3 parties invited from the same country.

why? because syriza isn't communist? so the cpc and wpk who also aren't communist don't by extent have any communists in them? you're fluctuating between "non communists parties have communists in them so it makes it ok" to "only real non revisionist m-l parties should be invited" to fit your narrative, so which is it?

but neither the wpk or the cpc follow marxist ideology, they both have their own brand of revisionism. the cpc claims that a free market isn't inherently capitalist, hence you can be a socialist and have free market. it essentially rebrands capitalism and calls it socialism, that's their brand of ideology people have to learn to join not orthodox marxism-leninism. the wpk doesn't even MENTION m-l, instead of teaches juche monarchist idealism that has nothing to do remotely with m-l and dialectical thought.

removal and replacement of fascist capitalism
Comrade there is a big difference between trying to get votes in a parliamentary democracy and therefore toning down your rhetoric a bit and between a nation where the party literally has absolute power, yet refuses to implement socialism or communism, instead going for capitalism or a monarchy.

The fact that modern China isn't communistic at all.


a) the official party line isn't communist to begin with

b) their praxis is imperialist capitalism


please provide some evidence that communists are in syriza or just drop your ludicrous strawman

this is quite literally untrue in the most basic sense. they don't follow marxist PRACTICE - but that's a different matter entirely.

and, from a practical point of view - the reason the wpk have relationships with many communist parties is historical, they were nominally communist until very recently and still preside over a state that was socialized under the leadership of an explicitly communist party. i wouldn't necessarily advocate for their presence, but it's totally understandable, especially considering that communist parties rightly show solidarity towards their struggle against imperialism

kek, "class struggle is completely over when the communist party comes to power"
this belief is why the movement got so fucked up in the first place.
you may not have noticed but there's a massively powerful capitalist class in china. the cpc can't just choose to become socialist again

this is some Phil Greaves shit

neither is your country, and yet communists still exist.

what do you think a communist growing up in china would do politically? perhaps join the communist party?

just because the leadership of the party are fraudulent, that doesn't tell you anything about the beliefs of the rank and file.

try looking at literally any single sizeable party in your own country. do you consider them to be one cohesive whole where the leaders have the exact same motivations as the members? or do you consider the members to be motivated by their ideology while the leaders are opportunist pawns in the hands of capitalists?

Thank you for the (you)s comrade

I was talking about your beloved DPRK, but sure.

And eh, who put that capitalist class there? It didnt exist 30 years ago. Hmm, must be a coincidence.

idealism: the post

because i know many people in syriza myself that are communists.

But they don't, they follow what they call "socialism with chinese characteristics", which in essence claims that private property can be socialist and that it's not capitalistic in nature. this is a strictly anti-marxist view, even if they themselves call it marxist.

they have absolute control over the army, they can do whatever the fuck they want. are you fucking retarded mate?

but the official party line ISN'T MARXIST AT ALL. D O Y O U U N D E R S T A N D?

yes, it's called democratic centralism you fucking dupshit

Be honest with me, have you even read marx?

revisionist Dengists must be purged

They certainly haven't "implemented capitalism" in the DPRK. Unless you're a trot in which case literally everything is capitalism and there's no point in discussing.

no they haven't, what they have is a hereditary monarchy

tankieman fucks up another good thread

You are a trot then? Or they are?

absolutely laughable your lack of understanding of how class structures influence power etc. do you really think that if the CPC leadership just said "seize the means of production!" that the army leadership would even follow this order?
or that the totally corrupt leadership of the party would even issue such a declaration in the first place?

where does your ridiculous dogmatic belief that any deviation from marxism is "not marxist at all" come from? by your logic marxism leninism "isn't marxist at all" either.

laughable belief that such a system is actually effectively implemented in a party of 90 million

Yes, much like every single member of the CPC


sorry for discounting your leftcom ideology that 16 people subscribe to

there's no such thing as trotskyism

yes they would, do you know how the army works?

it's not corrupt, it's following the party ideological line to the letter. their line is CAPITALIST

they are the ones that created the capitalist caste in china to begin with

marxism-leninism was a strategy of implementation of marxism in a specific place at a specific time. it did not stray from marxism, it just provided ways of applying marxism in order to create a marxist society. chinese revisionism is not marxism, because what they call socialism is essentially capitalism, they claim that the free market and private property can be socialist. this is the OPPOSITE OF MARXISM. again i will ask, HAVE YOU READ MARX?

it's very easily implemented actually you dumb revisionist

you're fucking lying mate, but ok. there's no point arguing with you, because you're fundamentally ignorant about marxism. take it from someone who's actually read marx, the CPC is not marxist.




kek, you've tried to totally revise what you just said and now you look even more ridiculous.

monarchy isn't a "mode of production" you fucking cretin. and north korea quite clearly isn't feudalistic, which you would understand if you even knew what feudalism was other than "they had kangz and shit".

Which is exactly what "socialism with chinese characteristics" is in theory. A practical way of achieving socialism and communism.

please stop speaking about things you have no knowledge on. to join the CPC you must pass an entrance exam and prove your knowledge of the works of marx and engels. they also regularly teach their writings to all students at universities and schools. Really sickens me how quick imperialist western "communists" are to condemn a people that they have no knowledge of

in your post here

You implied that the DPRK is "going for capitalism or monarchy". seeing as "monacrhy" doesn't describe a mode of production, I take from your post that your belief is that the mode of production in the DPRK is capitalist, correct?

last time i respond to you, because you're illiterate and there's no point arguing with illiterate people

read 8ch.net/marx/res/5141.html#q5141 , not willing to write out this shit again

but what they brand as socialism is capitalism, since they say that FREE MARKET ISN'T INHERENTLY CAPITALIST HENCE YOU CAN HAVE SOCIALISM WITH PRIVATE PROPERTY.

i've written this 6 time, are you retarded? can't you comprehend this sentence?

i'm talking about you having read marx mate, it is obvious that you haven't. and having read marx doesn't make you a marxist

Because its the strongest ally left has at the moment.

I said the "commie party" in the DPRK has absolute power, to which you replied chinas CP doesnt have absolute power because of the large capitalist class, to which I then replied that I was talking about the DPRK, but that the CPC created that capitalist class themselves in the past 30 years.

You've implied in your various posts that both china and dprk are capitalist

What a laughable justification for calling dprk "feudal".

the post which justifies that position is basically garbled word-soup about ideology and aesthetics. hilarious how mister supreme marxist has followed such an obviously anti-materialist analysis of their economy.

Whatever makes you happy man. Theres more than one person in this thread.