and no, I'm not going to post my boobs
On a date
Also check these dubs.
Woah, we get 2 of the same dubs thread in a row
Check 'em
You're not a girl
It's hilarious seeing Holla Forums getting salty. Keep going OP.
Also are you hot?
I just had to remake this thread because of how riled up these boys got.
Hottest girl on Holla Forums, that's for sure
Is it gay if the balls touch?
You go Girl!
Show these oppressive shitlords who's boss!
What's your tumblr and I'll follow you on there (◡‿◡✿)
To the user of the last dubs thread, you should just dump gore.
Does anyone have any pics of someone who got pulped by falling off a a building?
So you're a 0.1/10?
There are no girls on Holla Forums you faggot
I found it for 1700 euros cheapest
I still cant afford and I dont know how would I hide it
How'd you find it cheaper?
Only have this
Can you describe how you look like, since you don't want to post pics.
the thought of an attractive girl being on Holla Forums makes me hard as fuck
Sometimes having high testosterone is suffering.
How poor are you? Regardless, I'd wait until they have some functioning AI instead of just being a onahole you can pose.
Check the Holla Forums thread. One of the sites and the code shadbase gets you 10% off.
try harder
mate what the fuck logic is that?
You're literally retarded dude. Go out and have the fag sex you clearly crave.
Your (((high test))) comes off as desperation famalam.
>>>/reddit/ is that way, fucker
both you and i know it is either a brain damaged tranny, or, a hambeast
There's a difference between the two?
Doing some good for this thread
does Holla Forums's BO post on here?
I've seen some hot trannys
This thread is now officially a big one
Only soyboys would whiteknight this hard and care what some fag on the internet looks like
That's the leftypol bo right?
I actually find the face a little bit hot,but maybe i have low standards
You know if you're shallow enough to totally void a relationship with someone you have good chemistry with over something as menial as a hobby you're gonna be stuck alone, and even then, different hobbies could be something you bond over.
So, when did you transition?