Whats a good game that i can get for 20$? Got a free steam gift card
Purchasing advice
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Show me yer wishlist and i'll pick something from it
or more importantly tell us what genres you like
buy a turkey sandwich with white cheddar and mayonnaise and some extra tomatoes.
Where the fuck do you live that a turkey sandwich costs that much?
Syrian Warfare or My Summer Car.
you get what you pay for
That's not my question,if you're paying that much then you're getting ripped off,it should be like 8 bucks max.
Only the freshest Italian ingredients.
Here you go OP;
and the english translation patch for it;
Motherfucker i live close to an Italian bakery and it STILL does not cost that much,you are getting jewed.
Dead cells or hollow knight. Copy kitty if you want more obscure.
Darkwood or Factorio
But are the ingredients from Italian farms?
Try enter the gungeon or Syrian Warfare.
With a steam gift card?
There's places that let you redeem cards of any kind for straight up cash,or lets you swap em out
There might be a slight fee though.
I got the exact same deal, OP. Free gift card for Steam but nothing's grabbing my attention or is too expensive. I'll play just about anything but RTS, JRPG, and sandbox games. Favorite genres are RPG and horror, but it almost looks like I have all the good shit already.
If you didn't redeem it yet, sell it because video games are free, especially good ones.
Where'd you fags get it? was it a site promotion?
A friend of mine gave it to me for my birthday.
Who the fuck refers to a gift as a "deal"
I was thinking of getting M&B viking conquest but ive heard bad things about it. Im looking for a strategy/base building game that would be fun to play and I already have rimworld. A good strategy game regardless of its genre would be good and i feel like I already own all the staples like wargame, CoH(original) supreme commander original starcraft etc
Check out factorio,i've heard that's good
By deal, I mean situation of not seeing anything on Steam worth getting, you illiterate. Not the card itself being a deal.
Downwell - $2.99
TIS-100 - $6.99
Devil Daggers - $4.99
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - $2.99
Four totally solid games in varied genres for a total $17.96 and $2.04 left over for a blowjob from your mom
why shouldnt op just pirate all of these?
To support three decent solo developers and 1 piece of abandonware
Because he already has the $20 in his Steam wallet, and if he's open to piracy why make a thread about this in the first place?
The blowjob is free, $2 is for the tip. Don't you love your mother enough to tip her?
Buy an onahole. You can get a virgin age graduation from amazon for like 20$.