There's more attention on black Americans now than in decades. Why has no Malcolm X figure or Black Panthers-like organization come out of it?
There's more attention on black Americans now than in decades...
Because we're sharing influence with black nationalist scumbags and liberal shitheels.
Nationalist isn't a bad word in the original parlance. It's an extant nation without an official state coming together to forge something from that cultural bond.
Like what is happening in Syria is undoubtedly Kurdish nationalism, but it doesn't involve supremacy.
As a culture within a culture, I wouldn't say black nationalism isn't inherently a negative thing. The problem is it's represented by weirdos in robes preaching on street corners.
Because of the FBI influencing Black Rights Movements like BLM
I'm not going to support anyone who openly cooperates with people who would like to purge me based on my race.
New Black Panthers and BLM aren`t exactly "reputable", they are violent fanatics, possibly infiltrated(by corporate democrats), lack any real organization or good leadership
I think we're envisioning different nationalists here.
nah, there's a chance it's the same one. :^]
I'm thinking the type who are really, really angry about colonization, instead of just normal angry about it. I'm sure it's only a faction, but that faction should be demonized.
Same with the white nationalists who claim to be leftists.
Real black revolutionaries get killed quick unfortunately.
Then opportunistic assholes leave us high and dry like the 66/67 university protests of New York. The AA's there chose table scraps over real revolution.
I'm fine as long as they don't force culture onto me and think just because you are born into a certain "race" you must adopt that culture
The New Black Panthers are not Marxist. They're more like some extremist hotep group.
Ethnicity and "authentic" culture have been co-opted by neoliberals and transformed into a commodity to be sold. It therefore falls right into their free market ideology because if the market wants it then who can question it's legitimacy? First, however it must be stripped of any anti-capitalist revolutionary potential by whatever means possible.
Because it's all been coopted by liberalism and turned into a supremely vague struggle for "hearts and minds" and against "racism" instead of a concrete struggle which strove to abolish the material conditions that enabled racism and the degradation of the black community.
Protests and phony outrage are big business these days. Anyone wanna buy Guy Fawkes mask?
Because Affirmative Action did its job
The commodification of Black Liberation, the paralegal execution of Black Panther leaders, the active suppression of the black communities since then and the mediated and alienated nature of the Spectacle.
Because of fear mostly. This is why BLM is structured as a 'leaderless' organization. The fear of being assassinated or being arrested on trumped up charges. Both which has happened to the Black Panthers. Also other things like Obama's regime making the bourg liberal blacks silencing the radical ones for atleast 6 years.
Don't forget the prison industrial complex. Gotta do something with the slave labor…
BLM captures twice the racial pathos with none of the anticapitalism. The civil rights movement was genuinely subversive against existing property relations, and Porky knows this. Thus commodified, controlled opposition
I never thought of it like this. I personally support the idea of black lives matter but not the 'group' per se.
I think it lacks cohesive leadership and a strong head. I genuinely wonder if that's intentional for the reasons you stated.
I do think there is a huge opportunity for a "leader" for a movement in the black community. I fucking hate that leech Al Sharpton, I'm tired of news organizations inviting him to speak on behalf of black people. They need someone à la Jesse Williams. Deray is also a clown.
Pan-africanism is obstructing the class struggle too much. Like, Omali Yeshitela needs to chill out the whyte peeple aspect and start talking about capitalism more. As other posters have stated the bourgeois liberals hijack movements like BLM. The spout pacifist bullshit and expects the police to demilitarize. What a fucking joke.
Tankie detected
Look up Fred Hampton in Chicago and the outright ruthless aggression of all of them under Hoover.
He thought they were the most dangerous organization to America for giving kids free lunches.
And no, if you get any form of leader on the movement, they get killed like Mal X, Hampton, MLK, and even Tupac.
That's what the state is supposed to do. Undermine revolutionary potential.