Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich
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it was bad enough that I couldn't contain how weirded out I was. which she thought was hilarious.
fuk u my mother lov
that's old 4chan meme word!
i dunno... maybe?!
Her mom died just a few days before this concert ;~:
aloe viera
I thought the gays were supposed to have daddy issues, not mother ones.
Ancient. Sacred nemes.
oh part of it got cut off.
fuk u my mother loves me
surprise scootaloo out of fucking no where
It would have more emotional weight if I could understand what she was saying
Parental issues in general
Did I say otherwise?
Leave cupcake alone. They sre s strong, independent woman. And she doesn't need no man.
oh shit hey light
to be fair if she meant to weird people out, that is quite the way to do so
memes of a quality never seen before, except everywhere else
i'm scared
moar pls!
I wish I could never die but have like a failsafe just incase. Like imagine being immortal but like stuck underground or something.
possible heavy petting but nothing more~
very true. my mother told me that the lady basically has no filter.
I thought it was stunted mental development as a child.
what's good light
been a long time
so why didn't you?
pets are safe
and comfy!
I wish I had a Clockwork fail-safe too.
why didn't I what?
elmers what happens when people stop buying you things???????
it would be extremely painful
Why dont you try stopping to.
Also ni shush
but at what cost
Ur a big guy
i mean elma has a shit fast food job so i only imagine that the people he finds on craigslist pay for his hormones
true i guess
still their are telltale tones of voice in her singing and cracks at the right time and stuff and her facial expresssions really get me w;w
I buy them myself?
I have to do his dishes lol
thats all?
cum in her womb, duh
Yeah, I just like to have context ya know? There's a threshold for empathy with me
if pay by yourself means turns tricks
Grim thinks you gotta suck dick for that emoney
Bad experience with previous posters
Not naming names
it feels like being a rag and getting squeezed dry
if welma wanted a good quality outfit from me I'd probably have em give me some good quality service first
yes i am implying that elma is having sexual intercourse for money
that's pretty gay
Tpls, I pay all my own bills with my fast food money. I do make a livable income you know.
Yup yup^^
You gotta dole out the empathy to worthy recipients and not be like me who pours everything into anyone that makes me feel for them
and that's even MORE gay
where do I sign up for teh sex for money program?
yeah, full wash and buff
What do you have in mind?
because she's a woman and because she is the same age as my mother. and that's just for starters.
the full wash and buff
but you fuck for cash too
Hot diggity dig
More birbs
But esluts man
you should hook soto up with her
get the fuck outta here
I love life, what's the big deal?
Feeling a bit depressed. What's up?
waifu right here
it was a joke, I get it you rather be on the receiving end of the filling it's okay
You w-want me to wash your c-car~?
You wish.
it's sad how most trannies are FORCED into sex jobs
oh yessssss
there's the big deal
no you're gross
Tp would know.
It's good to see they're dying of aids because of it.
Who are you and why are you judging me?
feeling a bit depressed too i guess
why for you?
When did you get a car?
Is it a coupe or sedan? ;3
given the pics you've shared, it's not an unreasonable wish bae
Ayyyy if you wanna ride the pony you gotta pay the pikie
Bi kind to my child.
Flatterer. I'm uggo dude wtf
Kind of did the wrong decision of going to med school. Now I'm stuck til the end of the semester until I get a job. How bout you?
'sup wit it~?
/wutang speak
I feel there's a joke to be made here.
Who? I am so confused.
i've been to that brothel before
subjeectivity I think you're quite the oppossite
that's nice, sci
My child.
Who is your child?
it was an upsetting joke. sex with a woman would be horrible.
Well.. thankies :/
Squash, daddy.
How goes
-gang sign-
k, Eva.
Hey were not all squatting here you know. Somebody needs to heal them 3rd world ass.
Thanks god tp is here so im not the oldest poster
you rang/
jump on it
ride it
my pony
Part of me doesn't doubt this for some reason and you just sitting in a booth full spaghetti.
not very far from the truth
MFF is older than even TP by a good margin.
Not bad. Finally a day off tomorrow. It's been a long and weird week. I think I may plan a dinner over my Pop's house to see how that will all go down, but iunno.
How have you been?
I never know if you're serious or not anymore x_x
Good evening, Moogs~
clearly you neeedd to be helped hard until you forget that horrible joke, I will offer my dick
you won't silence my flattery ever, it's power level is enormous elms
did you see that day when like sama san and pritty were here
i was like i am the youngest
sup yo
That was some comment Luka made earlier and I copied pasted it as a response to someone else.
Is that an inuendo?
I spent all my money on accident again.
I meant with that multi link one. lol
Besides, that. How have you been?
I really liked Dreemurr's boss theme.
that's such a generous offer
i don't think so
mff is like 30 at most
Feels good
Same. Finally a few days rest. Only 3 hours to go
Overall good feels.
Wew dinner daddy. Im sure it'll be fine
Crazy man
mff does look hella old tho
I've done absolutely fuck all today and procrastinated doing both work and two papers and instead spent most of the evening in calls.
pritty is like 38
sama is like 36
im 34
darwin is 33
Isn't this one big family reunion.
He said he had a 13 year old kid.
I think he's in his 40s.
I hope I'm not related to any of you.
The mature gaggle
ye it is, you caught me
yeah it's almost like I'm doing it selflessly, like I don't get aaaanything out of such a deal to be fair I'd be putting something in somewhere so it's not inaccurate
you should have brought more
You are here forever
Makeup lol
I'm retarded.
The final countdown! Glad you seem to be feeling better ;p
I mean I feel like it will be okay considering he called me wondering how things were, so there's that. I just really gotta stop overthinking everything. It's stupid.
Ah, one of those days haha.
I worked.
Are you on steeeeeeeeeeeeeeem~?
gonna insert rod a into slot b?
I would expect you to be happier to see us
What do you mean by "those days"?
Well, that's uneventful.
This is cringeworthy.
Eh happens, overthinking mang
And ive been jolly all week wag the eff man
darwins the young one uwu
no idea
sorry i do not "lie" like you
I can be buuut at this second I am not
kind of? but more like rod d into slot a
little retard~
Darwin is a borderline pedo
i find it better to tell the truth
Why the quotes?
darwin should be in federal prison
he is a real pedo
but i love him
When you''re about to go to sleep and you realize that the Armenian genocide was a media fabrication.
no reason
Jews own the rights to the word "genocide".
Literally no one can be genocided but them.
its clearly been pissed
ur wrong
True that
more diapers please
go back to your shitty pokemon you cuck
It's time to stop posting.
Darwin is a dangerous pedo
Look at all the lives he has ruined
Grabbing boipussy
I need to restart my browser first
that sounds off...are you sure you're reading the instructions right?
oh hey based sci
dont worry I havea diaper owo
It's time to stop existing.
is that aimed at me?
You should have been here at 1 a.m....where were you.....?..
dude chill
Either way, night fam.
Goat for good luck or whatever.
Wouldnt mind s mercy dick girl abusing my cock ngl
I was playing battlerite for most of the day.
tsuchi harping on bard is like mana harping on desu
Im glad manaka doesn't post anymore
i didn't mean that
i just meant that everything you like is gay
and you are gay
i had a huge part of making that idiot quit
thank fucking god
Pokemon is just furry bait.
nah. same as sama
h-haha oh r-really?
that's funny because it says you have 64 hours of play time
yesterday when i I looked it was only 60.....
Are you....Lying to me...??? !? !!!!!
Super lazy days^^
Yeah, pretty much. Kinda weird Friday though. Not the usual lineup for tonight. Everything worked out I suppose.
Yeah, it's just like on one hand he seems to be acting normal like nothing is different which is good, but the elephant in the room has to be addressed at some point probably. UGH
I think I was referring to last time we chatted then probably. Sorry x_x
ooh. okies. I just wanna chat with someone at some point iunno
I try so hard you know
I always thought you were older.
oh god yes thank you
manaka was a pedophile and i'm glad he's gone
sorry grim
i know you wanted to power bottem manaka
but manaka was a piece of shit
It's literally my pleasure.
tsuchi isn't an idiot. he knows that one of the worst ways to get people to stop doing something he doesn't like is to announce you don't like that thing and tell them to stop...
so why oh why would he make such an all caps comment about kaybe's posting...
Nope, you can ask Leoloom.
Does it matter in the end?
dont stop
Oh i see. Erm. It comes and goes. Consistent mood form a bitch.
And true, better for everyone else too once done
Pretty much.
I simultaneously love and hate days of doing nothing really.
Like, you just end up with a sense that you wasted the day even though you had fun doing some things.
holy shit hey test
how did kyles schlong feel inside your bum
But if I stopped I couldn't keep doing it.
Daddy cuddling testy prostate with his peepee
it was hard to type that with a straight face, I'll tell you what.
we'll find out, if it doesn't go well we can just keep trying I'm sure your slot will make it okay through so many tries
It was Test's midget penis inside Squash's bum, get it right.
Mercy got da booty
Succ slut succ
Mmhm. That's like all of my days off lol
*hugs* It will be okay~
Yeah. I think it'll be kosher. Probably gonna talk to my step-mom to get an insider scoop on the scenario lol
#undercover bosses
well as long as you are okay with trying many many times.
stop talking shit about manaka you shit
It's the only reason I play her because I want to be her qq
Gotta go spy on that
Pfft who plays that game?
i apologize in assuming that kyle would be the top in that
it just seemed right
cause test is legally a hobbit
well didd you have fun today 3 :
why neru
he's not here
and he's a pussy
Yeah, pretty much. Everyone always have ideas and think to do things when they're off work but when it comes down to it, everyone just decides to be lazy then instead.
also why is neru defending manaka lol
i take psychotropics and i wear womens clothing and im crazy
there's definitely some back chat action
What happened?
and many many things
There was a scene in Game of Thrones about dwarf penis being some valuable resource and now I'm just realizing Test would make bank in that world.
i bet manaka is sitting in alice chat like why do they hate me
He'd have to be able to regrow his penis tho
Oh hey, Swedish Fish.
Always strive to be better.
An amount.
manaka is a piece of shit neru
believe it
I did not think this through.
a fun night full of activities sounds good.
the way that manaka boner killed grim?
Why the fuck do you even have a diaper folder?
Unless his one penis was worth enough to make him a bank to live on through his entire life
I mean, I don't know how a dwarf penis translates to currency in the GoT world, but I assume the exchange rate is quite in favor of the penis
grim was ready to full out marry manaka
then he didn't even give grim shout outs when he fake quit
When you have to fold a lot of diapers at once, they pay for themselves rather quickly. Just freehand folding takes forever.
he wants to know where he can get such a folder, kaybe
World is a fuck
Kill them all
41098237409128734091872340978 dead cops
world is fuck
apparently he still has beef with me
the dirtier the diaper the better
Maybe he could just find another midget and then they could pump out kids like a factory just to harvest dwarf penises from them to sell.
Manaka is a fucking slut thank godgrim didn't marry
I have a beef with you
/d/ is where you can quite easily get such a folder
Or any furshit board
He'd have to kill many of his children tho
How is this even a fetish?
Why is this even a fetish?
The fuck is wrong with people?
What if they're dirty without diapers
Surely its only a joke
then what is the point
Because they have beef
For everyone
well i would hope so
also why were you so hard for that retard anyways
manaka is a piece of shit
Grim, obviously.
Manaka a fake eslut
You have a beef with him. ;)))
Kids are replaceable.
I have a 6 headed penis.
Maybe there's nothing sexual about it.
B-but the innate love for your progeny
Well, I mean... I usually substitute for chicken, but
Wait, what?
like grim would battle me according to what i said about manaka
manaka is a slut trash manipulator
thank god it is dunzo
What's the point of anything
Fake personas are probably one of the funnest parts about posting.
cummies and monies?
kinda miss my e slut trash manipulator
Test would love the money more.
Because it can buy him stilts.
It was a dick joke.
what is the real you like :3
oh. duh
Wow Tsuchi
yeah he was fun to watch
i hope manaka finally died of dengue fever tbh
he was a piece of shit
But I don't have either
Never serious about anything.
poor baby
why you dotn like manka?
I am nothing but predictable.
Test is a small man.
And literally.
all manaka did was try to get people to do things
i really hope he not only died of dengue fever
but died really painfully
It's okay I still have my existence
TP going for the jugular
he was trash
sorry i mean it
and it's true
we are the garbage dump
And TP responds directly to the challenge
But will he be able to perform at the world championship? Only time will tell who takes home the belt
no dude you are a genuine person
manaka was fucking trash
love you tp
will colbert realize that i don't care how fancy he thinks he is
Manaka, like a couple from Darwin crew, was a literal manipulating shithead. A pedo. And indochinese shitheap. They probably got pancaked bu a truck
Thank fuck
y-you too
The key card to my office makes more noise than my keys in my pocket when I tap my foot to music holy shit that is annoying
Also B T F O
No wonder grim is so chill now
Will TP and Colbert finally elope?
Find out on this episode of Pawn Stars.
getting turned down by literally every fake internet girl?
They aren't worth
colbert has been coming at me hard lately
he likes to rub it in that he has a better paying job that he hates
Grim tho real talk is a gent
Grim tried to sneak his Galaxy Note 7 onto the plane on 9/11
eat dat watah melon eat dat watahmelon eat dat watahmelon
i cant link music
I'm sure it would be with you :^)
when i met grim he stole my phone and sent my gay bf my butt
I love passive aggressiveness :3
do you have any farting kaybe
it was a play from when he stole colberts phone and colberts butt pics to his gay bf came out
keep up
I don't have me farting, no.
Say no to thread sluts.
honestly like why would you even chill with someone who would fuck with your phone when you were sleeping
this isn't like grade school
I love u
anything is possible when you believe
gonna go now. might post again from the car tomorrow maybe. lates.
Atleast take lad first
Id a meecy
one day i would very much like to give scoots a high 5
And then TP got just drunk enough to make absolutely perfect sense.
yeah man i find most of those people absolutely disgusting
How hard is it to just lock your phone though?
It's not hard, but you still shouldn't have to if you're around buds.
sleep well
well it's not inaccurate everyone lies but I'm so not lying right now
or like leave your phone in your car when you decide to meet up with autistic people
I reiterate
Didn't Stamos speak at the Republican Convention this year?
Did you find that one clip I wanted?
Apparently that was Scott Baio.
Be responsible with your stuff.
I have no idea. I don't know anything about the election past it being Trump vs Hilary.
a-list celebrates like scott biao!
Be responsible, like not surrounding yourself with people that have no respect for you or your privacy? That kind of responsibility with your stuff?
Its a start.
He got lost and almost raped while on lsd or something in LA.
I am responsible
Um ?
too much so
I should've found it on Breitbart for better accuracy.
Oh, I corrected myself then found that via Google about his latest rant.
Atleast tp is honest.
He might cut through the ba and nick you a little.
But you know he is bro tier.
Unlike some manipulating, lying, sacarin poating liars.
Fucking liars
I'm going to bed George, but I can do more later.
fine fine
kinda conflicted on this
like if soto was a good babysitter he would have handled it
but soto ditched colbert and said that he was tired of babysitting colbert
i don't blame soto either
colbert like just learned that there was an outside a year ago
Easy there, tiger.
Don't start literally doing it.
colbert was like one of those kids in that mazerunner movie
then he met soto and was like
oh i can drive drunk?
Why does he need someone to look after him?
because he took too much acid and was having a bad trip.
colbert has proved that he is not able to look after himself
Go to bed.
rifk drink
stay off that junk
Poor life choices.
ohey I have the second part of this
He wanted to impress an attractive trap.
lol i love ian though
I am in bed.
I am in bed 95% of the time I am at home.
I am in le chica's bed 98% of the time when I'm visiting her.
I am ~ 97% bedridden by choice lmao
I'm sure they are super impressed.
he did not in fact feel ok
I'm going to bed because TP validated me
Its friday so I can stay up until forever.
this so much
it's just better
Will miss you.
Being on a laptop in bed isn't that comfortable.
I do it when I'm on Skype but otherwise it's just a pain.
I'd like new pillows though. Other than that 100x more comfy than any other location in a house.
tl;dr: Agreed.
Maybe that's why my neck is so fucked *shrugs*
Who knows.
i have such awful pillows
you would scoff at my comf
it's still the best though
Hit the road, liars.
I slouch in a chair so it's kind of nice to lay on your stomach and arch your back to get the crick out of it.
Just go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and get memory foam hybrid pillows.
It kinda hurts to lay on my belly x_x
And my spine is basically one long crick tbh.
How does it hurt?
bitch where were you when i was walking
she's having my baby
His butt can't bare kids.
That just means he has to take a massive shit.
Is it "bare kids" or "bear kids"?
I think the second but I'm not sure.
Bare. I think
it's bear
the former is something sci would fap to
Like, the bones lol
Girls don't poop.
Nah girls are better at talking shit
Why do people lie welma???
I needed that
i love based grim so much
if i were elmers with his new tranny prostitutes status i would totally blow grim
im not based
see grim i am the tranny that you dream of
will suck your d
Grim is like a supreme gentleman.
Also if you add an "es" you spell grimes
Why do you want me to be a prostitute so badly?
Because it makes them feel like they got ahead somehow with greater ease than doing the right thing :/
Check out the film Liar Liar for more info~
grim somehow still thinks that he is not gay if a guy with a penis who claims he is a girl sucks him dick
reality check grim
you are hella gay
most trannies are hookers
Oh, shit
well it hasn't happened (yet)
So I'm still in the clear
gimme irl squishus pls
I dig the source material
cause like who would ever hite a mentally disabled person
besides like taco bell
Has there been a successful myf yet bere? Considering the high volume of transitionals?
Mtf yet here*
side note the taco bell by me is so on lock
its a 5 star taco bell
He wants to throw wadded up twenties at you in exchange for a handy.
what is myf
mustard yellow female
theres that erin dude
that fish dude
that elma dude
that slut dude who neennees
that other one
I like my girls like i like my television.
Skinny loud koreans
But i mean. Full blown atimic sheet metal bagina
steam pls
I'm getting outta here
Its a disgrace xd
Damn wrong chat
Time for me to head off. You all have a good night.
can i ask you an honest question? do you think trannies should be treated like human beings?
i kinda treat them like retarded people
like ok sir sure you are a girl here is your bathroom please don't interrupt my shopping experience with your flailing
I treat everyone like people. Doesn't matter to me what someones orientation is. Besides furries or pedos. I only dislike some people from what they to to me or others.
But obnoxious in your facers are pretty triggering
well there you go
everyone has their triggers
i just don't think trannies should be accepted as normal
because they are not
i don't think they should turn tricks either
they should be seeing psychologists
wanting to cut off your dick is fucked up and not normal at all
it is a disorder
Depends how dank the new pussy is.
What about wanting an effeminate dick in your ass?
if you notice,
most transsexuals have crazy problems with their dad or mom
why wasn't that sorted out before they went whelp time to cut off my penis
that's not really related
i was ranting against the trans community
What about me though?
Id fuck a robo pussy tranny tbf
Why is youtube recommending I watch my own videos
and don't get me wrong i'm pretty liberal
but wanting to cut off your penis should not be treated as haha oh yeah that dude wants to cut off his penis haha
it's not wrong or right
it's fucked up
like you got your brain chemistry all muffed
Robo tranny pussy probably lit
Plus you cant get them preggo
From the ceiling
yeah but who gives a fuck
only becomes an issue when people start encouraging it and normalizing it
how is prangent formed
which is happening?
You can go to church
But stillgonna pound that robo tranny science pussy fam
who is that massive homosexual
i never started masturbating to traps until i posted here
i feel like they are dirt when i cum
cause they are
Don't worry about that.
Nothing wrong with shemaké fapping fam
Am I pregant?
Luka please respond
am I pragnent?
am i pargant
You've fucked me for the last time.
i think luka might be taking his 3rd nap
most people call it sleep
What is the best time to sex to be come pregnart
What place on Earth should I visit in this game?
And what are you laughing at?
dude gay people can not reproduce
sorry to break it to you
oh nothing
a dick in a butt is just a shitty dick
My circle is nomal,but yet i still dont get peegnant.wat can i use.?
Your home town.
stfu ban
why even
shut the fuck up
like go back to your weird ponychan circle where people like smiles are to cum all over
Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?
and i obviously don't understand whatever inside "meme" you are spitting
The river near my house is all sand in the game. For the most part at least...
These are actual questions from Yahoo! Answers under the women's health category.
There's actual water nearby though...
and it's also spam if it has no relevance
so you live in Egypt? got it
You have no relevance.
real mature ban
real mature
I'm known for being extremely mature.
Isnt bam smiles and lexis little pet XD
I live in marshlands, but since the game is procedural I think it's confused.
you are more known for cybering cato and smiles
post etna
for sure
That sounds awful.
I cybered Smiles?
yes you did
why is cybering smiles like this bad thing?
Give me the folder already you cock sucker.
I don't recall this happening.
hey guys i posted on mlpchan but i only cybered smiles like 8 times
and you are lying
the way i see it
if smiles cybered cato, he sure as fuck cybered ban
I did stuff with Alexis not Smiles.
ooo a lil neko
is there really a difference?
don't call me that
What stuff? Share with the class
smiles is the bigger slut
lexi like actually admits it
sorry neko
Probably not.
I don't normally like super religious people though.
I read Richard Dawkins God Delusion and watch all his debates.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is my favorite black guy.
lexi and smiles over compensate with their religious bullshit
cause they are both full of shit and also huuuuuge whores
Carl Sagan can't even fathom the depths of my knowledge.
do you know how to get my etna folder? :3
don't get me wrong: when smiles got called out for being the whore i knew he was
i was sad before i laughed
I don't understand how someone whos trans can be religious and expect god to send them to hell.
"God was wrong when he made me a boy so I cut my penis off"
Seems like god wouldn't approve of this.
but then i laughed pretty heartedly
Hook was a piece of shit that stole other people ideas.
they have family pressure obviously
there is literally no way to correspond the bible with being a tranny
Hooke's law was probably made by someone else.
me either
Unless David thinks hes actually a girl now.
who is david
David was Alexis real name.
oh lexi actually cut off his dick, no?
lexi is like the most respectable trap in these
he fucking did it
the rest of these autists are over dosing illegal hormones cause they feel funny
This doesn't help me.
i have way more respect for lexi than anyone else in threads who think they are a girl
Whats the respectable part about this?
it sucks for lexi though
cause he's still a dude and will always be a dude lol
I watched HRT melt lexis brain into mush.
Its very sad.
not saying i would rail the fuck outta him even before his horribly expensive surgury
y not?
I don't know.
i'm going to smoke a bowl before i start coming on to luka
Like in a sexual way?
Lexi confirmed trans? XD
not that i don't find luka attractive
i mean like all that waiting
Good taste
Its funny because they flew off the handle at me for being bi
So that would be high irony
Watch my last video Luka.
It was my hardest game of Battlerite ever.
Even went to round 5