A thread to talk about KoF XIV Japan evo stream
you can watch here
the english stream will eventually come on at
twitch(dot)tv/evo at 10 EST
EVO Japan KoF XIV: The Angels Have Decended Upon Us Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
put it on infinity.moe to talk about it with the other autists?
why not both?
Wait, why can't the japs fight at regular EVO?
It takes money people don't have to fly to vegas and mcrib will keep allocating spots to smash and failed capcom esports attempts to actually allot time for other games that the majority of japan likes more like KoF.
Goddamn those are some tits.
My internet crapped out right during the kukri play
Angel is love.
Angel is life.
If anyone has 2/3, beni, kula, or Iori, you deserve no respect.
why is there so few angel pics
I think you know why.
Because lurk moar
Actually there are less people in this tournament than on the Burn2Fight circuit Taito is hosting across several arcades. Japanese don't like to travel far and local arcades having online helps them being confortable. KOF even have like half of foreigners mostly China and Taiwan in EVO Japan.
Hell, I think the whole ArcRevo stuff from ArcSys had more entrants than the whole EVO Japan together and that had only Xrd and Blazblue.
On a side note, Oswald is playable at the SNK booth.
Well now I know. Are you there at EVO Japan or was that a leak? Also are all the other DLC characters playable?
Those american players that just played are gonna get destroyed by Japan. AmishMike did a nice victory chant though
Oh shit. The leaks were real? All I need are his silly blowback attack aniamtions and I'd be set.
Shen would be nice too.
He is literally playable there:
I wish I was there. No changes reported so far from players. Might be just to get feedback from Oswald.
cosplayer on the left looks a bit sleep deprived.
That is a crapton of cup noodles
Also SNK related, there's a high level SamShoV special going on right now
also garou and Last blade 2 if I'm correct. I'm waiting to stay up and watch the Yatagarasu tournament
I barely know and have played KoF, but I'm really happy that SNK are getting to make them again after being in pachishit hell.
I bought KoF XIV when it came out on PC to help them out.
Right here
You should try to play then.
So if the data mine is 100% real and the rest of the characters leaked through that would go there and I guess the Team Random/Random select get shoved to the to.
But where the mudslime girl gonna go?
Can I use this as the general Evo thread?
I'd personally be fine with that. You could even kill this thread and start a new one with Hitler in the OP.
Well OK
champion for the children. All Nelsons should fear
To be the best, you must become your characters. It's why I always wear a red headband when I play.
Sorry there's no cake.
Spreadsheet of side tournies
On now:
En-Eins Perfektewelt
Blade Arcus from Shining
Samurai Shodown V Special
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
I was planning to wait until page 13 and shit happens to the usual general and make a real one but as long it's well informed, go ahead.
For now it's only 4 characters so the randoms can still be at the end of each side.
Tizoc? haha
this is hell switching back between the twitch and the openrec streams
this is hell I'm missing out and there's nothing I can do
Is it only for KoF?
look at the schedule the other dude posted. A whole bunch of other games
Nah, they're playing SFV now.
how the fuck did that commercial translate to cup noodle? what the fuck sense does that make?
I guess Mark's reupholstering the thread so I might as well post the main schedule too
I hope the guy from last time is back to defend his waifu.
Well you're getting your good luong play now on openrec
Almost felt sorry for the guy but then I remember that one screw up against a Iori means you're dead so fuck him. Play kickball with his stupid head.
This Pako guy came pretty close to taking the last EVO.
Chang-Xanadu-Maxima at /evo
Why the twitch and openrec matches different, is one delayed?
They had 500 registrants and they need to get through to finals today.
Fighting game community thread is bumplocked so I'll this here too. Do the Soul Calibur games have a high skill ceiling? I recall the games being really easy.
Holy shit.
Bar some character specific moves, it's very lite on execution and it didn't put much emphasis on combos, always being more about spacing and whiff punishing. As the series progressed, it began to be more combo heavy (SCVI seems to be the same) but, on the other hand, I think SCV did a big spring cleaning on characters' move sets by making inputs simpler and taking out a lot of the fluff (some might argue they overdid it but it was pretty ridiculous by SCIII tbh).
tl;dr - arguably the easiest 3D fighter to get into
It makes me feel so good how badly that game failed.
Gang Il bringing the manlet rage
holy shit this french manlet with the dyed hair
Those fuckin' burgers bullying Mian. I hope you niggers get headstomped to death!
Now they're oy veying over SNK Heroines. The word "objectifying" was used.
Why are you not watching the nip stream, you dumb nigger?
Got both open for the KoF matches and hopped around depending on the character choices.
skipped for now
Wish I am there nowā¦
Angel KULA is superior
Go, Mian!
How can i get a gf like Angel?
You dont.
they find you.
That's a really good question
The absolute STATE of evo.
This woman's tits are fucking amazing.
And they were apparently only made even bigger in response to foreign retards. I'm almost speechless at such wonderful bust.
Radical sports ads for fucking 2 minute noodles.
Drop out of college and live in a Tokyo apartment while dependent on your parents, and one will fall cunt-first from the sky and onto your face and never leave or question why she's with you instead of literally anyone else.
j/k just be rich and you can buy one off instagram.
You don't
Seriously. Is Cup Noodles the Red Bull equivalent in japan?
I think Square just knows their audience.
If this is a shot at Sekirei despite the literal lore explanation, you're a faggot.
Also, only the most bland, prudish and unlikably ungrateful about life faggots not even otaku think aren't pathetic should ever have a massive chance at losing.
I can't fucking breathe, this is too good.
No, I wasn't talking about this atrociously stupid anime that you feel compelled to defend for some reason. I'm talking about hopeless loser anime in general, of which Sekirei is an example.
You have a point there, but can you honestly say that anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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for the SNK Heroines outfits, why are mai and leonas knees red?
Expected, but still disappointing.
Aren't people still playing MvC3 instead? I heard it wasn't a bad game.
Omitting X altogether just for Zero favortism is unacceptable, though. I'd still play it eventually just because of how unpredictably fast and satisfyingly flashy everything looks.
It's fanservice-y monster taming with aliens and surprisingly not retarded writing and the protagonist is just self doubting, not a retarded, asexual cuck who bitches about having a harem. Don't be obnoxious and exaggerate. Only sin is the landlady unreasonably being a bitch about no one being allowed to fuck regardless of rent.
It's almost not even that
Gas the Bamco
The fuck is this?
Trannies even infesting EVO?
they were at evo 2017
aiai's Juri
Reported KOFXIV 3.0 changes:
As for EVOJapan itself the top8 are:
@Xiaohai_ (CHN) v ZJZ/Bridget (TW)
Lau (HK) v Ball (HK)
@arubionhat (JPN) v @koukou_panda (JPN)
@ET1120 (TW) vs äøåęē (HK)
It's pretty enjoyable.
3D but not PD!
Would you ever do any Haven Trooper lewds?
Doesn't SNK reveal their frame data and changelogs, are they Fromsoft tier ?
As much as some fags complain about Killer Instinct, devs could learn a thing or two from them when it comes to making available the data about your game updates and your frame data in general, it only saves hours of autism and also removes the necessity of the community to blindly trust on them
There was no saving it.
Am I an idiot or is the English evo stream offline?
its offline, its in japan time.
What was this about the English stream coming online at 1000 EST in OP's post?
At least I can watch the Savior archive. Better than EVO where it got screwed out of a stream.
i its painfully obvious how new you are here, what are your intentions?
This is not final. SNK usually publish a changelog when the patch is out. Still you can't see the actual hitbox data without the trainer on PC.
Also Shun'ei's f+B is an overhead now. Benimaru has a hard time to do crossups and Oswald has a guard break move
You really should celebrate. The retarded nip forgot to check to archive the SamShoVspecial tournament
And it was reported to be the most high level tournament in recent memory. At least most of the players will be in the 2v2 tournament tomorrow. Hopefully someone archive that one.
It's a possibility
very nice
Kim always looks like he just heard a really bad joke.
DBFZ launched with 40k players on Steam, more than twice of Tekken and SFV
Mark is a nigger btw
i still don't expect it to be more active than either as time goes by, considering the amount of people that seems to have bought the game for the fanservice mostly
Both games also have huge casual audience that dropped it already though. If DBFZ retains the same percentage it will have still more than twice active players of them but yeah I'll also wait about two weeks. If it has more than 3k players by then I'll buy it
I really had fun while unlocking %100 gallery but not getting the new characters this time.
I just picked up KoF XIV and find it a little daunting. Any good resources to read or videos to watch to git gud?
It's not all that important but how come the thread got unstickied? I'd say it's not so much the event itself but that there's a lot of news that come out of it.
Yeah i found years ago that its actually very incomplete and very outdated, its like trying to teach people to play GG Revelator 2 with a guide from XX Reload. The basics are there but its not quite as informative as you'd expect
Found this?
Is this really live?
disregard this post i am retarded
Forgot that there's also twitter.com
Has a pinned tweet with resources, his YT channel has a compilation of tech and he's constantly retweeting gameplay related stuff.
Rev2 openrec.tv
T7 openrec.tv
Nitroplus twitch.tv
SFVAE twitch.tv
I've literally never seen KoF played before, and it looks like a lot of fun. And I normally hate fighting games.
Did someone let the Touhou thread know about their side tourney? I meant to but I worked late.
It still very important for jumps and combo flow. Specially since XIV is the closest to '98 ever sinceā¦ '98
Like the other guy said Gatoray has a bunch of tech and tutorials.
On the other hand, SNK Heroines goes full anime
I needed more pictures of that 3DPD Kula in the skimpy bikini
dat leona titty bounce
ET was doing so well. Xiaohai's revenge was very short lived though.
I thought attractive women were haram, why hasn't she been banned?
Get fit.
he's a faggot now but he didn't used to be, or at least didn't seem to be.
You just didn't get the pump, you are no stud.
I know when he was doing one liners from movies on youtube the vegetarian cult went after him when he said "you punch like a vegetarian". Did he cuck out after that?
That's what I was trying to say. Arnold was the perfect specimen back in the 80s. No woman can resist a "big guy". Nowadays they'll tell you they want some sensitive beta, but that's a load of shit. Women want a srong man who can protect and provide for them and who can fuck their brains out.
Those qualities don't preclude you from being emotionally available. The problem is you heard women say "Sensitive" and you thought that meant "whiny fucking faggot"
holy shit that was awesome haha
tai # wan
That was a really good tournament
ZJZ (Taiwain) won KoF XIV with a Mature-Leona-Yuri team.
That was damn entertaining.
So xiao hai didn't even get top 8?
Just how many semen demons does KoF have?
"Sensitive" does mean "whiny fucking faggot".
Will Blaz Blue be worth watching?
"Sensitive" means "Knowing why/when I'm upset and being aware of my feelings." It does not mean, "Cries at the drop of a hat"
Maybe. I hate the look and feel of the game but it's had some good top 8s.
He did. Even beat ET by the skin of his teeth.
With NPCs and spin off characters counted, around 30+.
That's the main problem with our society now. We focus too much on emotions and because of that it breeds weak people like the feminists and betas we see everywhere. I think the vulcans had the right idea. Why can't we be more in control or our emotions and focus more on logic and reason? That's what it takes to get fit.
Took a quick peak at the SFV stream while BB doesn't start and it was just in time to watch a hate crime getting live streamed. Tranny getting BTFO. Japan can't keep getting away with it.
Still wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole but gotta admit Sako's Menat with the S3 changes does make the game look entertaining. Likewise for a Kolin player whose name eludes me at the time.
BB starting
all JP top 8
There's nothing wrong with understand why people feel the way they do. Understanding doesn't mean acting on it or anything of the sort. Nowadays the least sensitive people are SJWs, who can't comprehend anyone disagreeing with them for any reason other than "Literal Hitlers." Being emotionally sensitive is how you have friends who disagree with you on shit
Menat and Kolin are the only characters in that mess that look fun. Maybe someday they'll be in a better game.
GG's back, Omito on stream.
Being logical and rational is all about tolerating other people who disargree with you. SJWs don't tolerate anyone who deviates from their marxist train of thought. That shit ain't logical or rational.
lol the BB commentator assmad over Diego losing in a time out
I don't even validate anything as any ideology whatsoever, just stuck up, arrogant, spoiled whiny retard shit.
Can someone explain to me why are these people's faces censored? Is it a retarded gook thing? Google just gives me results related to porn (and I wonder why, jeez).
Which American player has been the best in Tekken so far? Rip, or maybe Beautifuldude?
yatagarasu tournament is up on twitch bbslevel
I don't even know why the censoring. Pictures of the girls are allowed and several have been posted in the fgg
There's also 3S on gamenewton and Ranma 1/2 on yuikei_
I guess Japan has more restrictive public filming laws than the US and they're just trying to avoid trouble
That Xiaohai Iori vs ET Zarina heart-breakerā¦
You know Jiyuna is just playing around right?
Why are there so many surgeons?
Why is Menat so sexual?
The future of the US
someone somewhere realized the power of waifu
Top eight 3S is starting on gamenewton
What about it?
This is going to start another bout of the 1000-year-old loli argument, isn't it?
Ranma world championship going on right now
well dizzy from GG is only like 3 years old and she had a kid.
She's eight okay
So after Noctis, Tekken 7 is just gonna die then?
No Anna?
You'll learn the answer to that after the finals
I didn't know there was a Ranma fighter. It looked pretty fun. Everyone moves at a snail pace and have grimy Dictator/Claw air gimmicks.
Did Xiaohai get blown up again at least?
I can't wait for Shermie dlc reveal.
Only with retards.
Japan got a taste of the West. Next year, EVO Japan will be, at best, invite only.
Not in EVO Japan.
He didā¦right after beating ET. ET beat him to a inch of his life and then choked.
shit i could really go for some cup noodle right about now
Would Nissin sponsor character skins of lewd bikini made from cups tied with noodles?
Smash is on.
4 top 8s to close this; Smash, T7, Rev2 and SFV.
How many do you want? Damn near as many girls as there are guys.
What the fuck. How do you even reach a time-out against Sonic?
Tekken when?
she had her kid at 4
After Smash
Gears lay eggs like salmon.
This is the future you chose.
Next up I think
You know, if mountain dew or doridoes went this far with the product placements during events I wouldn't be mad, its just comical at this point
This didn't fucking happen, right?
Sweet guy.
Just happened a minute ago. Mexican MKLEO won with Cloud/Marth.
So Ky just blew his load on the eggs? That would explain Sin.
Smash nip community needs its own ET; that guy mopped more mexicans than Trump.
Oh wait
I thought it said KoF, something about me always associating KoF and Mexicans kek, but if it was SSBB well i don't care.
That Kula cosplayer has the longest torso I've ever seen.
these cup noodle ads are ok i guess
It's like they know their audience, or something.
No, they played the long version then the short version of the ad
I refuse to believe these ads are Japanese with all the multi ethnic children and street shitters.
Tekken's starting. 6 gooks and 2 nips.
(checkin' those quads)
Maybe someone in their perfect childlike innocence decided to hire a Westerner for a fresh input because business was hurting. Lo and behold, they got one of those.
Asuka's tits are godlike.
There were actually three Ranma fighters on the SNES. We got one and a half of them. (The first game was butchered and turned into a generic fighting game for US release before anyone had heard of Ranma in the West. The second one - the one they're playing on that stream - DID get an American release, but is translated really strangely. And the third one, which is by far the best, never came out over here.)
It's weird, too, as apparently there WAS a deal in the works to bring over the third game, and they even had Viz and the Ocean dub voice actors involved, but somehow it fell through.
It's a shame, because the third Ranma game is by far the best one.
Wew, that Japanese player is Bane.
Asuka's tits are fucking glorious. Too bad no one at this level uses her.
Namco shouldn't let the janitor compose a game's OST.
I want to honk her bazonglers while she shouts improprieties in her thick Kansai-ben.
Tekken OSTs, with the exception of very few tracks, have always been shit tier.
Meanwhile, some D. Dark footage.
The same guy has been composing the OSTs past 3 games. I think it's okay but I can see why people would get tired of electronic, the track in Mishima Dojo is one of the better ones IMO in Tekken 7.
From what I recall, there were a multitude of composers for 6, not sure about others. That, DR and 5 have most of my favorite tracks in the series. It was TTT2 that the sound start to get a bit closer to T7's style.
I like the volcano/boss themes in T7 but that's about it (credited to Rio Hamamoto; worked on SC IIRC).
Polite sage for OT.
Who knew red bull gives you wins as well as wings.
Koreans are gay.
Nice comeback.
Red Bull POWAH
Is this a meme pairing?
They're all over each other in the games.
it was spiked!
Lucky Chloe belongs in the trash.
Guy who doesn't know Tekken here
What is with all of these character switches? Is it just they're that good and counterpicking or are they just advertising characters for Bamco? Also how come it seems like every tournament there is always a bracket reset for the grand finals
Tekken animations look like final evolution of rock'em sock'em robots
Not sure why Chanel choose Eliza. Seemed to me Knee has very little issue with Eliza.
Well the tradeoff for finally finishing Vanquish tonight was I forget Nip Evo Tekken was happening. What characters did Knee pick?
They are swapping to throw off their opponents, hoping that their opponent doesn't know how to fight that character and has counters against the opponents character, obviously you need to know how to play these characters too.
I just woke up, did Knee win it all
He started with Bryan originally I think, then faked a Paul pick and swapped to Steve at the last second which was a really great choice.
He won. Did good, Steve pick was what won it IMO.
Fuck, as soon as I clicked the stream and saw that it was over and Knee won I was hoping that I'd have some grand finals Paul footage to look at, but I can appreciate some good Bryan/Paul
Were there no Tekken announcements?
No, he faked that pick, he picked Steve instead.
Only something about Soul Calibur and the arcade version of Tekken 7.
Not even the release date of Noctis? Are they retarded?
DC - Sin
Kazunoko - Raven
Machabo - Ky
NAGE - Faust
Omito - Johnny
Kedako - May
Ruki - Dizzy
Lox - Jam
Pretty good diversity
time for fat anime tiddies as if
Gonna root for Omito and NAGE again. Those two put on quite a show on EVO.
Buffs soon
skip, guess I'm going to sleep since it's 8am on a sunday
That's what DC gets for putting FAB in losers
NAGE is so fucking good.
almost got RICED
I want to cum inside Jam
Grand finals up next: NAGE (Faust) vs Omito (Johnny)
My heart says NAGE but my brain says Omito
I want to come inside you****
holy fuck! those supers
Christ that double overdrive. This shit is too hype.
Holy shit
Anyway, it's 8 in the morning. Better hit the sack. Fuck SFV.
There's no way SFV can top this, I'm out too.
ArcSys where the fuck is my balance patch
Rev 2 2.1 Location Test on the 29th
capcom demonstrating costumes ffs.
Any new announcements besides Oswald and the SC6 stuff?
english stream is dead heh
Infiltration did great though, he had to fight through a lot of Japanese players.
Ironic isn't it? It's EVO Japan and Korean players win both Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V.
SNK roundup trailer:
Nakoruru confirmed for SNKH.
KoF DLC 2 is Oswald, Najd, almost certain Heidern and no clue for the fourth but there's already Bao jokes.
Not really, Koreans have always been the best at Tekken and Infiltration had already won evo in sf5 before. Japan won GG and Blazblue, a Mexican won Smash, China won KOF
is that ainz?
Is there any other big tournament between this and real EVO? By big I mean the ones I can expect announcements from
Like Bkub said get bombed again.
Not really. There's tons of small events pretty much always on Twitch.
Just watched a few matches on the archive. Bullying Daigo and removing kebab with a bottom tier, he was truly the hero of the top 8.
in b4 Juri nerfs
Capcom's announcement was just Ryu and Sakura skins for MonHunW. woop dee fuckin' doo
daisuke leaving no stone unturned
Any place I can find info on when small tourneys take place? I know of a local one near me but that's about it.
Combo Breaker, CEO, and the SCR and KIT tournaments are as big as they get.
Every game also has their own official World Cup tournament.
Theres a fake EVO?
You should check the communities of the games you want to follow. Eventscrubs for Capcom stuff, Dreamcancel for KOF and so on.
Guilty Gear patch notes just came out in nipponese.
Wait what
Port with online play. Their netcode for these tend to be really shitty so beware.
I'm not well versed in SNK fighters, what series is she from?
Nakoruru's from Samurai Showdown but she was also recently included in KoF XIV.
The costume is a big change from her standard look.
I wonder if the dagger and bird have other alternatives.
Oh wow I would have never guessed from the photo of her. Any chance the game will be good beyond jerk material?
That is going to be hard because I don't even know who this game is targeted to. Unless SNK expects it to gain a meme audience like dive kick.
Here's the archive
Funny that Mamahaha turned into a giant bat. But the game seems pretty casual and might be kusoge. You have regular KOF characters with airdashes, ground and wall bounces. Yuri linked two air d.C and it looks like you can only kill with a super. Granted, the super meter grows while the HP is depleted. I think it all depends on how much it'll cost since it looks like the roster is small for a 2x2 game (14 silhouettes).
For me the game lives or dies for the inclusion of MissX
Archive of previous fightan thread, in case anyone hadn't posted it.
Thanks, I had an older archive. It'l be useful when making an actual new thread.
There are rumours this is banked by the chinese and is based on the HD version released for Android.
So expect literal Riot of Blood thereā¦ again
How did it go?
SF can never get this hype. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, STEVE!