Do you


the second one.


A mixture of these two.

I'm more the second. I have one I could call my absolute favourite, but there are many others that are close runners-up.

I have favorite games like deus ex, stalker and new vegas, but i played so much of them they don't tickle my gaming needs anymore. And everything else that gets released nowadays is just bland. Replaying same old stuff gets me nowhere.
Its still a pretty shit low effort thread for this subject.

second one


I have a single favorite game ever.
Chrono Trigger

I'd never argue it's objectively the best game ever. I completely ran out of things to do in it after only about a year. Some of it is now clunky, the whole thing was censored for US release, just about everything it does other games have far surpassed at this point. But I was a kid, and it was the best thing I'd ever seen at the time, and the soundtrack still brings me back to those times and my memories outside of the game. So, maybe it's all nostalgia, and maybe liking a game for the memories and the experience is retarded when you should like it for the gameplay.

But it's my absolute favorite, and will be until my body stops.


You're kind of stupid, aren't you?

There were better JRPGs at the time, or even before it.

Come on, user.

For example?

Come on, user.

Vagrant Story.
I love settings that impart a sense of age and secrets within secrets and Lea Monde is my jam. Dig the dilapidated French medieval town setting atop buried ancient ruins with gods and dragons and shit inside.
Also a sucker for villain isn't really the villain, it's these goody two shoes shits over there.
Toss in great music, battle system you have to learn and figure out, crafting and tons of newgame+ stuff and the overall experience just blew me away.
Made peace with never getting a sequel which is probably for the best all things considered.

I think my favorite is Bastion, due to it's overall mastery of combining storytelling and gameplay, along with being basically the perfect length, plus a moral choice at the end that isn't right or wrong, but rather reflective of you as a person.

Rayman 2

Perfect level design, fantastic music, amazing nobledark style

rayman 3 is better

Tetris. It's the only game I can see myself play a billion+ times. There are better games than Tetris, but I'll only ever replay them 2-3 times.

console: it's between xenogears and breath of fire 3 for me

pc: myth 2

TL;DR fight me irl faggot you know nothing


This is bait

First one. Honestly, it's probably Opus Magnum, even though that only came out fairly recently, but I've played it a ton and spent hours upon hours going back and optimizing old solutions. I sometimes try to optimize for different things; I have multiple solutions for most levels that use the least cost, area, or cycles I could manage, or sometimes somewhere in between these three things just to make a machine look cool. Here's one of my personal favorite solutions I've made, and it's stuff like this that's kept me coming back to the game over and over. Probably the most I've been engaged with a video game in my entire life.

A mixture of the first two. I do have a single favorite game, but which that game that is frequently switches between the same handful of titles depending on what mood I'm in.
A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Deus Ex, Metal Gear Solid, Steambot Chronicles, Arcanum, and Ace Combat 4, 5, and Zero

Yes. It's Smash TV.
Yes. Favorite game aside, there's a lot of other games that are apples-to-oranges to me, with no favorite amongst them.
Usually the opposite for me. Everything garners some kind of response from me, be it positive or negative. I like to play bad games as well as good ones, even knowing full well how bad they are. Only way it wouldn't leave an impression is if it's somehow mediocre in every way, or I'm just plain disinterested.

Deus Ex. It was fun to replay 20 or so times, being somewhat different on each iteration. The all sawed-off run. The all-kills, no-skills run. Because by the time you're thinking of shit like that, you've already done variations on pacifist, stealth, and snipe everybody in the head like a pussy runs.

Eventually, you lock your boss in a broom closet, clip otherwise unkillable NPCs through the walls, find Hong Kong's unlit, half-textured Forbidden City after scaling a skyscraper like spiderman, using live grenades as pitons. And when you've finally explored all the tactical possibilities, ruined the plot as much as possible by confusing the AI with tear gas and explosive barrels, and read all the ancillary text and learned all the numbers and secrets, you use your nano-augmented strength to build a stairway to heaven out of steel crates and bang your crowbar against the sky to make God let you in.

It's a shame the closest thing we ever got to a sequel was just a kike-loving water filter salesman ranting about fish-men on the internet.

Also, smh if your waifu doesn't have a storage compartment in her thigh with an assault rifle in it.

A lot of it is just nostalgia, but it's still fun in a way that isn't true of other JRPGs of that era. When I played CT as a kid, I was dumb as shit and never understood that most of the battles can be done in one turn if you use your head for a second and think about all the different attacks you have at your disposal— I replayed it for the millionth time a couple years ago, applying strategy and getting a sense of how the designers probably intended you to do things, and that made it interesting. I also refrained from dumping all the tabs on Crono and instead gave Crono all the magic, but gave Ayla all the power so that volt bite would do ridiculous damage.

You didn't get to make decisions like that in, say, FFIV. FFV, otoh…

lmao. You want to know the best part? The first story arc has you literally rescue a princess. Except you don't know it at the time.

It's almost like they did that intentionally or something. It's familiar, but with a twist, and woven into a less predictable narrative. Like how Leene Square is the standard JRPG Hometown— except that it has a rock 'em sock 'em robot and one of the transporter pads from Star Trek. And after you grab Marle by the pussy you soon realize you're just at the overture to what is really a sci-fi story.

>Smash TV
Did you ever 1CC the arcade version? I got to where I could beat the NES port without dying, then tried the arcade, and it's just… fuckin' landmines everywhere, man.

I have a favorite but I know you'll all shit on it even though you probably like it too, just to hurt me, and I don't wanna feel sad about my favorite game.

fuck you faggot

I bet you prefer Panel de Pon to Tetris Attack.

Just say it. You may suffer but the suffering will make you stronger.

They haven't even come close to surpassing this gem.


Yes, and it's Hitman: Contracts

Games are probably the most diverse medium of entertainment, it's hard to pick an absolute favorite when there's so many different kinds of games.

I almost always find something to complain about any game I play though. My current favorite is probably Factorio, although I haven't been trying new games recently.

Give us a hint, user. What year did it come out? Shit, it can't be worse than my favourite.

Are any of the games in the pic your favorite?

Yes, Fallout New Vegas. I understand its flaws and rushed development but i have had so many good times and fun out into it, easily makes it into my favorites.

Good choice user


World of Warcraft. Met some amazing people and have some amazing times in an unfolding story. It's a good time.

Why is he bending over

because you play as a ghost, user, that character is dead

He's begging for cock, user.

castlevania symphony of the night, the story is so shitty and it can get grindy but the gameplay mechanics and ambient are so really good that from time to time i casually replay it.

what else can u ask for?

it's a nice game, adding the choices just at the end feels like lazy game design tho.

He's a member of the gay community.

Thief 2

What are you talking about? FF5 has the best battle and customization system in any main series game.

Give that a re-read, my dude. I didn't say otherwise.

Because he's aCat


Second one definitely. I have difficulty pinning down the game which I enjoyed the most, but I do a have a lot of games which I loved and left a long lasting impression on me.

The one and only.

Though a few games have come close, but Metal Gear Rising will always hold a special place in my heart

I have many games I consider great, but this is the one I remember the most. The only two things I didn't like is the mostly easy combat and the final boss' design, everything else is 10/10.

Glad you enjoyed it so much, are you familiar with Zach's other games? You really should play them. Opus Magnum probably has the best optimization and replay value but each other title has a lot of individual benefits over OM.

One of these two.

OFP and ARMA series, my favorite sandbox

I have multiple favorite games.

First one, La-Mulana. Does a lot of wrong, but does so much right.

Opus Magnum is also a 10/10 game. I still probably prefer Shenzhen I/O due to the assembly programming though.

Just kill me already.

TIE Fighter is in my opinion the best videogame ever made and if I could only ever play one game again, that'd be the one

I had a fair amount of time to think about this in prison a year ago. I decided that Freespace 2 or Doom was my all-time favorite. Try as I might, I could never choice one of the two, and I had a lot of time to try.

Deus Ex

I think I can definitively say SMB3. It's the only game I've played my whole life, albeit with years in between each playthrough now.

I will double down by agreeing with (you) on this matter.

How many fingers can you fit up your posterior after making acquaintance with Bubba?

What were you in for?

In the second camp. Need Variety and expeirences

Very nice

Morrowind, it's one I just keep coming back to even a decade later. My alternative answer would be the brothers in arms games rip

I never met bubba. If you don't behave like a bitch for your first two weeks, you don't catch a wiener up your butt. Not unless you're looking for one. Believe me, there's a thriving prostitution network in there.

Attempted murder plea bargained down to Assault with a deadly weapon. I always said I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six. But when I stuck a knife in a spic's guts, I got my wish. Shit was weak, and now I'm a felon.


My absolute favourite would be Legend of Legaia, through a combination of nostalgia, and pure enjoyment. It was one of the only games I played a lot when younger, and I still enjoy the combat system as much as I used to, despite now knowing the most efficient moves now.

Apart from that, I'm more of the second choice.

Fuck, didn't think I had already written 'now' in that sentence. Always proofread your posts kids

I arbitrarely picked a favorite from a bunch of favorites just to say that I have a favorite.

My favorite's gotta be the first Planetside game. I was already familiar with MMOs having played Everquest, and I played a shitload of Battlefield 1942, so at the prospect of a real MMO FPS I about shit myself. And I was right to, that game was amazing.

I fucking love Splatoon. I got a Wii U for it and bought it day one. I have 1000+ hours on 1 and around 250 on 2.

I see you are a man of taste as well. Momo is best girl

#1 favourite game of all time + #1 favourite for each genre.

Favourite of all time: Sengoku Rance
Perfect blend of story, gameplay, and content.

Favourite game of each genre:
Give me a genre and I'll give you my favourite, because there are too many genres and I doubt anyone here gives a shit.

My man. I wouldn't call it my favorite game of all time, but it's certainly my favorite eroge, and certainly worth a play no matter who you are. I actually want my real-life friends to play that game but they must be gay or somethin' cause they don't like eroges.
What's your favorite western RPG?

Absolute favorite? Dunno so I'll split it by category.
Darksiders 1/2 if we're talking single player hack 'n' slash.
Team Fortress 2 for online FPS.
RuneScape and WoW for MMORPGs.
Alice: Madness Returns for crazy action/platformer.

The original God of War games and Dante's Inferno are in the same style as Darksiders pretty much, so I love them as well.

My favourite western RPG is going to get me lynched: Fallout 3
For no reason other than that, at the time I played it, it was the first open world game that gave me a world worth exploring. I loved peeking into each and every building and just looking at all the stuff they managed to pack into every area. The story was complete shit, the characters were complete shit, the gameplay was bad, but it was the game that basically fulfilled my dream game of being a guy with a gun who goes wandering around without a clear purpose. It was also the game that first opened my eyes to modding, and I spent inordinate amounts of time fiddling with mods and completely changing the game from what it was into exactly what I wanted it to be.

I wanted to say New Vegas was my favourite if for no other reason than that it wasn't Fallout 3, but that would have been a lie. I can say New Vegas is the better game of the two, but when I personally played New Vegas, I was so burnt out from playing Fallout 3 as much as I did that I only did the main story and a bit of the side content. I just didn't have that sense of wanderlust that Fallout 3 gave me.
I even had hopes for Fallout 4's modding scene but that game was broken on the foundational level. I don't think mods will ever be able to fix it.

Special mention goes to Planescape: Torment which has writing beyond pretty much anything I've ever seen in a game without dipping too deep into purple prose, but the gameplay of it is just awful. It fails as a game and there are times where I've suggested that people read the novelization of it instead of trying to play it for themselves.

Magic and monsters play a big role even if the final boss was more sci-fi. Chrono Trigger is sci-fi and fantasy.

This is my favorite game of all time. Nothing even comes close.

I played the shit out of that, and then when my sister started playing games we played the shit out of any 2P parts. Good times.

That's not a bad opinion to have if you ask me. Fallout 3 was my first introduction to the fallout series. I enjoyed the hell out of it, but I first played it on the PS3, so I couldn't mod it. Even when I did eventually get it on PC and subsequently Fallout New Vegas, I had no idea modding it was a thing until I bothered going into a thread about on 4/v/. This means the already large amount of hours I spent playing both games were all vanilla. Needless to say, the hours only went up after I learned about modding. I can say with certainty though that NV is my favorite of the two. It had good writing and improved on the gameplay of 3. Whether or not it's my favorite western RPG is another story. If you consider Deus Ex an RPG, then that one takes New Vegas' spot.

You also seem to share my opinion of Planescape: Torment. Such a shame the gameplay was such a slog because the story was, as you said, really something to behold and was certainly trudging on uncharted territory for its time. If I remember the game correctly, my biggest issue was the RNG needed in every fight. I hated swinging at enemies and missing 60% or more of my hits. In fact, most D&D RPGs piss me off for that reason. I hate having to roll the dice constantly, even for some of the most basic movements and actions. I felt similarly of Morrowind and never ended up finishing it. I feel like I am missing out considering how often it gets talked about on here.

I have a bunch of games I really like.

I love path of exile, really great game played it for 2+ years on and off and every time I come back to it I manage to sink 100 or so hours into the game.

I loved warcraft 3 a lot, amazing game even though old. Warcraft 3 is what a good RTS in that style should be. Interesting units, heros were interesting as well and added depth (so did the units and the diversity of abilities they had).

By hours played it would easily be league of legends, but I usually hated playing that game due to the retarded inbred community (especially at high ELO levels). Probably is because the game is f2p.

Terranigger is the best game ever made.
It's probably just nostalgia but I love the music, the story, running around helping dudes invent stained glass and burgers. There are lots of little mysteries that are probably dead ends, but it always feels like there's something you're missing even on the 20th playthrough.
It also has a fun combat system. I've never been able to find a game that scratches that same combat itch.

Is it cringelord tier to say Shadow of the Colossus? Ever since I first played it as a kid I must've put 300 odd hours into it

Why would it be?
SotC is great, despite the normalfag fanbase and the segment of fans who only say it's the best because other people say it is.
I don't always fault a game for its fanbase if the game is great.

Favourite gayme of all time goes to New Vegas, but second place is a fucking mess it's a six gorillion way tie between MGS3, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dark Crusade, Serious Sam 2 and TSE, Far Cry 2, both Titanfall games and probably Near ATomato.

My top 3.

Rest in Peace, Guild Wars

DKC2 easily

He's doing a womanly pose and revealing his pussy

can't decide between Jazz Jackrabbit and Serious Sam

hotline miami, seum, kf2, strife: veteran edition

i'm not aaa trash so that's not the case for me

Digimon World 1 for that comfy music and general feel

Why go on?