From the same conference that pushes these Marxist agendas for a decade now, brought you with this hottest take to start 2018!
"Lootboxes are just part and parcel of the video game industry. Deal with it!" - GDC
Other urls found in this thread:
The Communist Manifesto came in a loot box originally you know
Fuck off clickbaitfag.
What the GDC says is that they made a survey involving more than 4500 of developers, and 11% said they were planning to add lootboxes to their games. To quote "and some developers say they're necessary to ensure the continued stability of the industry". One lonely EA representative could have said that among thousands. Meaningless.
Basically, they made a survey, a minority dug in because they really want a piece of games as a service before it becomes persona non grata, and made an article out of it because they have to pretend to work somehow. But if you really need to pretend this is vital news, knock yourself out.
Well I hope the GDC is fine with the industry being regulated like casinos/gambling as a result. >Nobody under 21 can play.
Though that might be an improvement.
Fucking shit I fucked up the formatting
So do they also call asians "yellows"?
Do they want to die as a industry? I mean seriously it's gotten to the point that even normalfags who slurp up every game are fucking fed up.
leddit is the place for you
This is why consumers should always look out for themselves and not worry about these sharks who see you as nothing but walking moneybags.
If there's anything the last few years have taught us it's that so-called AAA studios only want to do the lowest amount of work possible for maximum profit - in a marketing sense lootboxes are brilliant because like gambling it keeps gullible people going for that chance that they might be the one who gets that special item and for a developer it takes far less effort to put all the items behind RNG and be done with it rather than trying to make any sort of balance or putting any thought into it besides 'how can I make easy money'
What statements like this should teach you is that these studios do not give a shit about you, they do not care that people speak out against looboxes and microtransactions because they've stuck their fingers in their ears and insist on refusing to change because they've gotten too comfortable in doing what they do because that'd be admitting they're doing something wrong
It's nice to imagine the world thinks that your voice matters, that the people above are listening and care about what you have to say about their practices - but the thing people need to realize is that they don't and never will, and what ultimately matters is that you yourself do what you feel is right
What about all those studios that survive just fine without them?
>"Mr. Dev, (((impartial gaming journalism))) here, is it true that you need all of the money?"
These are the first signs that things are about to change.This death rattle is like music to my ears.
Keep telling us sweet lil' lies.
This is why I don't buy AAA games
They'll go away pretty sharply if they're declared to be gambling since that has pretty tight regulations.
Absolutely no one could have predicted that the casual market would get oversaturated and that casuals don't care about games beyond the 3 most popular ones.
The real question is who will die and who will survive.
What publishers/studios even have talent and dedicated teams around nowadays?
I'd say AA devs like Croteam and Taleworlds will survive just fine and similarly Devolver will continue to do its weird thing over in the corner as a publisher.
This, what really baffles me is the people that are worried about game companies making money rather than playing a good game and being respected as a customer.
I was recently searching some info about Remake 2 and i was disgusted by the amount of retards going:
It's just as shitty.
It just means it's time for governments to declare lootboxes as gambling and force every vidya to be subject to gambling laws. Fuck those Marxist kikes.
The crash can't come any quicker.
90% of any comment section is just shills, paid or not. There is no "commentary" going on at all most of the time.
GDC is just pandering to the alpha extroverts that actually participate in the gaming community unlike you beta cucks visiting this thread.
Reddit would actually listen to what you have to say while you have a dozen cocks shoved in your mouth faggot.
Something a beta cuck would say
Somethng a kike trying to push his bullshit would say
Come on user he's clearly joking, stop taking his shitposting so seriously.
Everything feels that way these days, it just feels like we are all just waiting for the inevitable.
My thoughts exactly. A lot of other entertainment industries have been struggling over the past 10 years but video games have shown strong and consistent growth. Lootboxes aren't necessary for them to "survive" at all. They're just being fucking kikes about it.
Not really sure what's going to be better, the lootbox fallout or China inevitably banning foreign video games yet again after every major publisher went balls deep over there hoping for success.
Excessive budget, lootboxes, and SJW stuff in modern games have nothing to do with greediness I think. Nobody likes them. There has to be some money laundering plot going on right now.
The only entertainment industries that are hurting are those with more classic art forms that can't easily translate into the digital era.
Any other that may say its hurting probably is just now finally getting some competition in its industry. Music and film have for many years had very, very central control. Its about time its starting to hurt. With "good enough" films coming from other countries than the US and very small bands with very niche audiences having ways of getting their music to their audience. Then there is technology that advances, look at autotune. While it may not make for great music just yet, it seems to work well enough (your personal opinion doesn't matter, autotune is regularly used in commercially successful songs). This new technology means that a lot more people can suddenly make their own songs, where before, they weren't good enough. The same is happening in the game industry. The huge piles of shit in indie games are simply because its so much more accessible. This is not a bad thing. Competition is what makes capitalism work. Those that are too big to fall must be able to fail for a healthy industry.
Hopefully soon people will realize that intellectual property rights are beyond stupid and hamper a lot of competition with not a single benefit to anybody except the biggest of the big companies fucking everybody over. If there is one thing China is good for, its their complete ignorance of intellectual property. Perhaps soon they will make it so that only the best of the best games can demand a premium price and the others either get better or accept low margins.
Last I checked the video game industry has eclipsed all other entertainment industries by a very large margin, this whole push to force in gambling is just pure greed.
Yup, but it is also a logical consequence. There are so many things going on at any given time where shit is getting fucked up and people, even the normalfags, are feeling the burn. It will come to a point where all of this dissatisfaction and anger without any outlet for release will just fucking boil over.
The kikemasters are refusing to make any reprimands, and they will only ever tighten the screws until it's too late. It will be like when the"Gamers are dead" campaign blew up in their face, only this time, everyone will have no choice but to see the horror laid bare before them.
It's all to maximizing profit margins while minimizing effort. Game companies are doing this until there's a push back by consumers and then they relent temporarily.
Or sabotage.
but user, if there isn't infinite GROWTH then the company is failing! their profits need to be on a consistent and sharp incline, if it plateaus that means disaster!
how else can they feed their insatiable hunger for snorting cocaine laced with gold off asian ladyboys?!
Enjoy five decades of waiting, kiddo.
That would just stop loot boxes, they'd immediately switch to full fucking pay 2 win cash shops in that case.
But where's the white's in gaming?
Until EA, Activision or Bethesda buy them out…
The saddest thing is people will fall for this and argue in defense of corporate greed, they are truly the best goys.
Just fucking end it all
Because that panel would last longer than the whole event.
I'd like to remind everybody that GDC has rapidly lost respect in the dev world in the past 6-7 years.
Enjoy the taste of capitalism faggots
You were all warned(CAPITALISM, HO!)
C'mon don't be a faggot
>>>Holla Forums
Everything is political you dumb nigger
Crony capitalism is different from capitalism but unlike communism true capitalism has been tried and works.
As always,
if it works then why does it always evolve into crony capitalism
No it isn't, you just wanna shove politics into everything.
Because those dastard leftists start getting to it.
of course capitalism is shit, but more people get an edible corn kernel out of this shit compared to any other shit
Stop this shit right now, you fags are not derailing the thread.
This is too important of a topic to vidya be derailed like some meaning webm thread, these are devs openly admitting they don't want to get rid of anti-consumer practices even though consumers are quickly becoming tired of them. The implications this has on the industry could signal we're heading for the biggest crash in its history.
Because people are assholes
As someone who has relatives that lived under actual communism you can go fuck yourself.
Corruption made possible by the public caring more about social issues than economic policy, this is only possible when the economy is so healthy people aren't worried about it.
The US is going to tank soon and people will start caring about economics again leading to a reversion from crony capitalism.
The thread is economic in nature, deal with it.
There have been signs we're heading towards a crash since 2014, this is nothing more than conformation on that.
Holla Forums fuck off and stay gone.
Where's the ara's in gaming?
Pushing lootboxes in a time when the internet exists and you can download literally anything for free with a little research. These people have some stones.
GDC, is that you?
Don't want people talking about your surveys?
Make a template fag.
Agreed, but I suspect we'll be seeing more headlines like this soon. We aren't even out of fucking JANUARY. Strap yourselves in, grab a drink and enjoy the ride.
Let's try to think of a common thread between every company that adds loot boxes:
Anyone got it?
They're rich.
Any dev worth their salt doesn't need a $100mil budget to make a game. They simply make it as cheaply as possible while making the best product they can.
You don't see a developer like Dennaton Games spending a shit ton of money. They simply made two games on shoestring budgets that were fun and good, which sold millions of copies.
Now compare that to EA, who is so desperate to please shareholders with continual profits that they have 4-6 different dev teams in different timezones so the game can be worked on 24/7 with no co-ordination between teams.
They churn out games and throw money at them in the hopes they sell. When they don't, they simply do it again.
If all else fails, spend another $50mil on a global advertising campaign to milk retards with pre-orders to at least cushion the loss, if not make a profit.
The big hitters actually do need lootboxes. They cannot, economically, survive using their current business model without constantly milking the 500k users they have for 2-5x more than the base game.
I could go for some more of that.
Yeah to be substituted whit neoliberalism, enjoy your corporative greed.
>the industry may finally crash this year
Please, let it happen. I am sick of the old guard.
They all look like shit though.
I didn't save that pic with a bunch of horrible woman from some studio, every girl looked like they were born with some deformity or disease
I doubt it'll happen this year or even this decade, but it will probably happen in the 20's.
Either the industry will crash or undergo a massive shift. Either way, things will change.
Well, alright then.
Asking the important questions.
Can't be worse then the """women""" from ADGQ.
Spoiler that shit, fag.
wow, so diverse
Jesus fuck, why would you not just preserve your dignity and shave the rest of your hair off. It looks like an alien.
Question for all the crashfags, what makes you think the fastest growing entertainment industry is suddenly going to crash?
I understand the wish for it to crash, I wish it would crash myself but I see no reason to suspect it will. The worst that will happen is a 10-20% correction on overvalued stocks.
Because women need to have hair or something.
I'd like to see this,big titted game developers surely exist,right?
Dont you have dogs to eat, longquan ching chong?
Great argument, you are clearly knowledgeable on the topic.
Yeah because Atari was having a steady downtick until 1983, right? Do you know why it's called a fucking crash and not a gentle break stop in the first place?
Since when did society say that this shit is acceptable?
Why the fuck are those freaks even allowed in a restaurant?
If I became ruler of the world I wouldnt even allow their tainted blood to be spilt on the streets, straight to the ovens for those ugly fucks.
This is like a fucking Kronenberg film. It's like a scene from Freaks. They even have a pinhead on the left. That dude looks like Andre the Giant with tits. The shit eating purple hair with a hook nose and goblin chin. The fucking albino creeper with rape in his eyes. Even the fucker in the background sitting at another table looks like his arm is on the wrong way round from all the fat overflowing from his hoodie. What the hell is wrong with the world and how do we burn it to the ground so we may begin anew?!
Sure do but vidya was niche in 1983 while now development costs are way lower feeding a much larger marker.
It's easy for a niche market to get saturated while larger markets tend to move slower giving companies more time to respond to changes.
(Nice GET)
Reminder that these people like to jerk off while wearing women's clothes, nothing else.
So niche, in fact, that Atari was the fastest growing company in US history and Disney themselves made a movie focused largely on the medium.
Bullshit, games like Pacman were famous nationwide.
Why waste effort on an ant-man chink?
You only understand yuan and what the party tells you.
Look at what percentage of the population owed a console then vs now. Look at the percentage that played games at all vs now.
I started with an Atari 2600 and a 386 and remember when maybe 10% of kids at my school played vidya.
Pacman was famous for the arcade machines, that is a very different market to home gaymen.
So the really ugly ones are straight up insane and the passable ones just want even more dicks? That makes sense.
If people just stopped buying them, they wouldn't have a choice but to remove them. You can hate the developers, but the plebs are the ones who curse us with these things.
I couldn't pass up the opportunity
jesus christ i lost it
OP is a faggot who only emphasized the lootboxes this is the first conference where it's mandatory to stick a rainbow colored dildo up your asshole.
Hard to forget the event that was the home port of pacman, a game which was such a pop culture phenomenon there was a famous chart topping song written about it, even using samples from the game. Video games were just so niche in the early 80s, huh?
God bless the mods.
They could if they would stop hiring the entire third world to make their fucking games. Have you ever seen the credits for a Ubisoft game? They go on for almost a fucking hour with nothing but hundreds of Indians who probably did jackshit for the actual game.
An autogynephile is someone with a fetish for being a girl. They aren't real transsexuals and transitioning is a really bad idea. The ones that do that are definitely crazy because it doesn't actually do anything for them.
A real tranny is someone who identifies as female. That's an inherently crazy thing in itself, and I'm not so sure there really is a such thing as a real tranny so much as just a massively confused individual who has no idea what identity even is. Regardless, the idea is that they think they ARE women, as opposed to merely wanting to be.
Autogynephilia has nothing to do with being gay or straight, and it was a mistake to try and classify them as "straight" trannys. Most of the faggot community will argue there is no such thing because they don't want to make that distinction, the truth is they just aren't trannys at all.
Serious question, why devs and companies do this?
I mean, if I were a game company a would try to appeal to the sector who buys most of my games and not a fricking niche. This is going to sound very racist, but, Whites and probably Asians are the ones who buy mostly all the games, the other ones (like blacks or Latinos) just pirate them.
Also, they can see that the majority of people (look at the dislikes) pretty much hates this stuff.
Home gaymen? Yes, I lived it and the vast majority just played a little arcade at the pub and wouldn't drop a weeks pay on a console or a months pay on a PC.
Why are the people opposed to us always so fucking hideous?
As well as any marxist-targeted groups for acceptance (niggers, women/slaves, LGBT abomination, race mixed mutants), lootboxes will fail, for the sheer stupidity behind it's implementation as well as for it being against what Gamers (Straight, White or Japanese Men) want.
Deal with it, developers and CEOs. We will bring down anything that you come up with.
Mah nigga Roald
The sad thing is this is sometimes true because the blow so much fucking money on development and marketing.
If they do that, they don't deserve to survive.
Because they're staffed largely by rabid leftists and faggots and are usually situated in rabid leftist and faggot cities.
Like most industries, gaming started with intelligent people with passions and goals and ended with retarded leftists showing up to rain on everyone's parade, steal their credit and run it into the ground.
If you need a $100m marketing campaign for your game to be sold. Your game is clearly shit and your studio doesn't deserve to survive
That word doesn't exist to them anymore.
Well then they shouldn't be wasting money like a bunch of fucking retards. They should ask them selves questions like should we really spend millions to get Darkman to voice five lines of dialog or do we really need to paste photos of our game on buses and have 100ft banners hanging on the side of buildings?
If you can't make your money from just selling the base game without microtransactions or dlc, you're doing it wrong. That's why you get games flopping even though they sell millions and studios die because of the decisions of the publishers. Shit practices kill slowly and spectacularly. They won't listen to the warnings, so they have to experience the results.
Try half a billion. Almost 70% of a AAA game's budget is marketing these days.
This is the most frustrating part. You can't even trust old studios anymore because you can never be sure if it's the same great studio or if a bunch of fresh-out-of-college leftists have taken over and are just using the prestige of the name to sell you their shovelware.
Which is retarded. You can save yourself a ton of money just by making a good game, generating a few hundred pre-release Steam keys, and handing them out to streamfags.
the game industry seems like high school all over again. no independent thought, creativity of any kind is shunned and everybody's terrified of pissing off whatever social clique they get forced into.
Yes, that's my understanding as well. The video game market has actually been growing faster than expected:
Bullshit tactics like lootboxes and microtransactions are entirely motivated by greed, not necessity
Yes but companies are run by suits that live under rocks and just yell at everyone to make "popular game" except different and then go listen to other people who also know nothing about video games on how to run their video game company.
I wasn't sure what ADGQ stood for so I reverse image searched it and google told me this is the sack of rome. Fairly sure that's not right.
it's weird to think that every single person at that table was born with a penis but most of them don't have it anymore
They look happy. I'm sure nothing will ever break their spirit. :^)
There's a lot of places after high school just like high school again.
If they sold you that 'it gets better', it doesn't.
That's because it's AGDQ.
I'm fairly sure he meant AGDQ. Does that help?
Also, TinEye is better than Google Images for finding things, as Google feels the need to analyse the image, while TinEye just shows you the same image and incredibly similar images with ~20% difference AKA photoshops.
good, i can't wait until video games finally die and i get to shit on their grave
I want to fuck Wendy.
Wendy, please stop putting mayo on everything.
t. Burger American
Well if they said Africans they'd be lying.
Niggers is the appropriate word, you dumbass. Not blacks, not Africans, not even colored is appropriate. NIGGERS
I'm more on the stance that it's because of a lack of ideological diversity and that someone actually from africa would probably have different ideas about games rather thans some ideologically identical member of the san fran clique who happens to be browner than the rest. Which further explocates to the rather comedic idea that blacks are somehow a unified ideological/economic entity because of insane marxist bugpeople thinking.
I've heard that that applies only to burger schools with chad faggotry and clubs and shit.
t. slav
In the same way a drug addict "needs" rehabilitation the tenth time in the clinic and how it's our "duty" as tax payers to pony up the bill.
Practically everyone paints each other in those broad strokes a Nigger, is a Nigger, is a Nigger. Asians have specific designations for each other in their own languages and a wide broad strokes category for non-Asians, Slavs do this, Indians do this, Injuns do this, Spics fucking do this. The only reason they use the word black is fear of being called racist.
I find it odd how some people STILL can't tell the difference between a nigger and a black person,and when trying to explain it to them they block you out on the sole reason of RACIST.
Can confirm.
I was at a western school and the faggots that tried to emulate (((American))) cliques were shut down immediately by staff and students alike.
Everyone had a friendship circle, but rarely was it over some stupid thing like "stoners", "attractive girls" "sportsbros" etc. You just had a few mates you'd always be with and you'd still be friendly and interact with every other person.
Heard the same from every other person I've talked to about it and I worked in education for a while, so saw it there from a different perspective.
Stay in your containment thread.
frieza cosplay
It also applies to Canada but you also have Commie logic on top of it so there is a 50/50 chance you'll be dealing with a mentally deficient retard who might be emotionally unstable for most of your school life. Luckily most will realize how to deal with him and he'll be isolated and kept at arms length from the socializing cliques and he'll never even realize it.
I'm merely pointing out the fact that it has very little actual merit even from an indifferent perspective because at the very least "Asian" or "Hispanic" developers could be referring to people in an actual foreign environment who would have a different experience in game dev
t. Faggot who likes games made in mexico because a lot of them are free/shareware and good.
That's bullshit, the deficient retards are themselves a clique at this point. They use the umbrella term "special needs" and fucking commies running schools force non tards to be in conmtact with them during breaks.
Top kek, only more signs of an impending crash. Their shitty business practices is already severely fucking them, turning the (((industry))) into a literal casino will effectively annihilate it
The special needs kids are the ones with obvious deformities, otherwise the mentally stunted assholes get shunted off to the normal curriculums.
It's like that market analyst (whose company worked closely with EA) who said during the Battlefront II controversy that goymers should calm down and accept the microtransactions scam or the price tag for vidya games will double.
GDC sounds more like Gaming Deconstruction Center
Believe it or not yeah,i've met like,3/10 black people who were respectable and actual humans
the rest were niggers though.
Rich niggers still commit more crime than poor whites.
All blacks are niggers because that what IT LITERALLY FUCKING MEANS.
Uncle toms are pretty good tbh.
How can somebody be so stupid to say something that can be proven wrong just by looking at steam? I mean for fucks sake you have games that look better than EA garbage going for half the price of their shit brand new. People who work at EA must live under a fucking rock.
We had drooling morons, legal retards, schizophrenics, autists, dyslexics and other mentally damaged people all shoved in the same classes. During break hours we had to endure their insanity. We even were menaced of disciplinary actions for not trying to integrate them in school life. I knew of a guy who got suspended for 2 weeks simply for shoving one of the tards in a garbage bin after he drooled all over his shoulder. That was in the early 00s. I can't imagine how worse it is now.
That means 3/10 of them managed to fool you with their lies. You can take a nigger out of the jungle but you can't take the nigger out of a darkie.
And those guys are not the ones I'm talking about again those are the obvious guys, the guys I speak of from all outward appearances seem fine until you sit down and interact with them for a couple weeks and realize they shouldn't be there.
Got the character sheets with their backstories.
I dunno,i'm sure there's genuinely good black people even if the majority are law breakers.
I'd fuck Wyld Hide. Possibly Sylvia but paper bag needed.
The correct term is caucasoid (white), negroid (black), and mongoloid (asian). These are the three human races and all others are an admixture of them with local geographic features worked in over time.
So yes, blacks is as bad as yellows. We should meme it
There are also some rare cases when a fag doesn't have AIDS but that doesn't change the fact that they should all be burned in holy fire.
Anything else is a pleb's choice.
2edgy4me tbh.
Ethnostates are better.
The only remotely good black people realize how shit the rest of them are and cut themselves off from hood culture entirely and work into white society.
And then their kids, living a life without adversity, fell for the propaganda and slam dunked their family's lineage right back down into the unemployment office.
The Jews.
You know that's always something that kind of bummed me out, patient zero for aids was gay, statistically that disease should have died out years ago just because of the incredibly low percentage of gay people in society, too bad most gays are only sometimes gay.
Most AIDs cases are spread by negresses though. Faggots have no excuse, given they tend to have functional IQs.
Patient zero was still gay though, you know, for an STD by any logical standards it shouldn't have lasted very long since gays don't mate with (or following gay logic) 99% of society.
They are all trannies ? There isn't a single woman in there ?
Notice how there's no "asians in gaming" video. The cult of diversity has forsaken them for being too successful.
Soon straight black men will be left behind for being "the white people of black people", and LGBTQ will become LPTQ.
The same fate as every single other entertainment and media medium out there, it gathered a large audience and as such its value now lies not in profits but in propaganda
That's already a thing and I'm pretty sure they're trying to eliminate gay from lgbtqomgwtfbbq because a lot of them won't fuck FtM trannies.
Well faggots like to lie about their 5,000 sexual partners and don't like to publicly talk about how they infect people with their STDs on purpose for obvious reasons.
I hate the social shit being shoved in as much as anyone else but its pretty clear that loot boxes are another thing entirely.
but it's home made
I'm just saying if we lived in a better society, the gay should have canceled out aids, but unfortunately we don't live in a society like that, instead we live in one where gays that aren't masculine enough try to turn themselves into biological WMDs as someway of spiting the world because they didn't drink enough milk or have enough protein when they were little.
Got me good
I was speaking generally, shoulda clarified that. Lootboxes is just them trying to cash in on the mobile market, even normalfags are tired so they're relying on the literal drones to shovel money at them for nothing in return. Hence the reason they even have tiers now, have some decent items mixed in with a sea of literal shit to get the impulse buyers maxing out their credit cards and accounts. The gamers are dead campaign wasn't just a hissyfit, it was a declaration of what's happening now, they don't need gamers anymore to endlessly milk on an industrial scale
Oy vey, indeed!
I was forced to watch this very movie with my teenage sister. It was hell.
The secret is that is essentially how the game industry is, the animation industry and acting industry too.
Honestly if you browse any type of entertainment medium that has any presence in the west you should know about the, borderline if not outright illegal unions and agreements that basically suck the entire industry into california and blacklist anyone that opposes it.
Or, not even at the worst, leveraging the economic assets said unions have to sue any competitors into the ground.
>(((entertainment))) industries use nepotism and the legal system to fuck over everyone who isn't one of (((them))).
No shit?
fucking lel
Just saying, it shouldn't surprise anyone that California is a money burner for the democratic party protected from legal action from the democratic party, and though unlikely I'm hoping the google question and the potential california split cripples the shit out of california.
What the fuck is that? I've been mind-boggled for days now.
I'll spoonfeed you just because I wanted to post this.
Are you new to community center bulletin boards, friend?
Shitty weeaboo term for older woman.
pretty shit if you ask me
I do. Call the cops.
Thanks for that mental image.
Really sets the mood.
Extrajudicial systems regulating the market via corporate interests isn't capitalism though you communist boob.
Corporatism has been an independent established economic system since the feudal era.
It hasn't had a name since ~1940s but it has been an economic plan for centuries.
I live in a north african muzziestan and we have both black and white locals, the "whites" live up north in mostly metropolitan areas while the "blacks" (actually a shade of dark brown, but still technically caucasian, go figure) live down south in mostly rural/desert areas… Anyway, from my experience the blacks are generally far more respectable and polite than the whites; they don't exercise scummy ways like metropolitan fucks do, they keep to themselves, and like helping others. This obviously isn't a model but the point here is that respectable black people do exist, maybe not in murrica where gangsta nigger culture is rampant, or in europe among the rapefugees, but they do exist elsewhere.
Counterpoint: The ones that would be more likely to take economic advantage of migrant privileges rather than working for their success would be more likely to migrate.
Isn't it pretty much the death of a channel when they shove a woman onto it?
Jews. We tried to warn you about them, but you said we were racist and told us to go away.
Because you are specifically looking at something that is degenerating and falling apart?
Are you retarded or something?
Because you exist.
Americoid and australoid are genetically distinct enough to be considered their own species, too. Hell, australoids and negroids may technically be a separate GENUS.
sometimes can have the opposite effect
monkey paw. you say "why can't publishers stop spending money on inflated game budgets and advertising?" and then you get swamped in incremental clicker games and a million match 3 clones. all you can really do is enjoy what was good because the "good ol' days" will never happen again
This. Using African-American, Asian-American…etc would be better as it implies these people are not "fully American".
On a somewhat related note, mixed race faux-niggers who are raised in ghettos already act more like whites that they're being classified as "light skins" while real niggers are "dark skins". Vid related.
I think I know Esme.
No retard, they use that shit to try to separate themselves into a different class so they can get away with shit.
>you will maybe make vidyas with an ara
Excellent taste. Alicia is best girl.
Wow it's almost like every urban intellectual movement is politically progressive.
I don't see how this is a counterpoint, so you're saying that the opportunistic leech niggers are more likely to travel and become rapefugees in europe, while the more respectable ones who want to contribute to their country stay in it (like the ones in my country).
Isn't this the point though? Recognizing that they're different so they can be quarantined unless they start looking and acting like normal people? Them "getting away" with shit is murrica's problem for adopting racist laws (racist as in preferring blacks based on race, and not treating other races the same way based on race also).
because quarantining communities works so well. Holla Forums and reddit have adapted really well to Holla Forums and you can barely notice them anymore :^)
Every single time some smug faggot uses this as the reason things are this way, he's hiding the actual truth. It's not capitalism, it's pure talmudic jewry that's at work here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a good price for a product you've made and created, but there is everything wrong with fucking over the customer in any way possible just to squeeze out that extra shekel from them.
The distinction is important, because this bizarre dichotomy that pasty, soy-based leftypol lifeforms so fervently invoke has the counterpart in communism, which is just as seeped in talmudic nonsense as this brand of jewish capitalism we see at work here. You and dumb retards like you are just useful idiots who don't even understand a single thing about the communism you crave so much, because you're just some mongrel useful idiot to a jew's scheme.
Technically yes, but not in the way you might think, see a lot of the Families that use the African-American label to distinct themselves from greater american culture and justify why they live in ghettoized towns that despite generationally they are ~2 generations on average separated from any Legal separation from society and ~4 generations separated from slavery realistically there shouldn't be expectations for gibs but with the Sociopolitical lie of the "African-American" community they can still point to "Generational Disadvantages" which by this point are mostly if not completely dead provided their family even migrated to the US during this times which (if you knew about the legal precedent during legal racial separational provisions was ludicrously unlikely to be accepted much less even be in the economic state to be subjected to any sort of legal suppression due to their race) the removal of the African-American label for Black Americans is the erasure of the lie of being owed reparations and compulsory segregational laws, it erases the large cultural impact that leads to the sustained practice of what would typically be referred to as "nigger culture" in america, because the weight of their genuinely absurd over representation in crime related behavior and bleeding of federal resources will suddenly fall on the actual people who are committing the crimes rather than some invisible racist long since dead concept of "racial injustice"
People are assholes. Anything is bound to be corrupted sooner or later. But the difference is, with capitalism, it's more compatible with democracy and thus easier to call out a capitalist system when corrupted. People already knows a method to make a successful capitalist system unlike communism.
it really is the same only there's more rape and murder in real life instead of just typing mean words
The issue with capitalism is that it encourages this sort of behavior. Capitalism was never about delivering a good product; it's about delivering a product that people will buy en masse. It's got nothing to do with providing good services, it's about delivering sellable services. I'm not saying that our current predicament has nothing to do with jewery because it obviously does, but if you think this isn't the natural and inevitable result of capitalism then you're just naive.
Nope, capitalism doesn’t “do” anything. An actually capitalistic system wouldn’t be centrally owned (by jews, in this case) and would have actual options available which provide the same services WITHOUT microtransactions. You don’t see that, though. Because we don’t have a capitalist system.
Someone at Microsoft seriously thought this was a good idea
There's an old quote from Reggie, or maybe it was someone else at Nintendo, who when asked why Xenoblade 1 wasn't being ported answered with something along the lines of "the Wii is being transitioned into a "Latino family" console so we can't be bothered with big effort releases like that" or some such. It was pretty funny.
What the hell are latinos? Most south americans hate each other and the "whitest" countries are extremely racist towards the browner ones.
Also most south americans are poor as fuck
Anons should at least read The Wealth of Nations. The systems it observes and proposes are very reasonable. For instance, that workers must be paid a wage that allows them to provide for themselves and their family.
This is true. In fact, works on capitalism were used to argue against the formation of central banks. in the 18th and 19th centuries.
This issue with capitalism is that it has been distorted into something it isn't.
Honest question: Isn't centralization of wealth inevitable in a capitalist system, though? Eventually a small number of actors are going to accumulate significantly more wealth than the others, in which case they essentially dictate what occurs in the market. How do you prevent that? And how would aggressive business practices like lootboxes be avoided in a "true" capitalist system?
Latinos basically refer to mexicans without saying mexican, maybe there's some reason calling a mexican a mexican but I'm not sure.
What surprises me is they aren't using that faggoty "Latinx" word because Sanfran fagtards are upset spanish is an incredibly gendered language.
Is that really a problem? Eventually it will self correct.
Damn, I need a source on that. Reggie is a nigger, but he always did tell it like it was
no because a capitalist system has measures (or is supposed to) to prevent trade abuse.
Will it? I haven't seen proof of that. Families who made their fortunes during the industrial revolution still hold a significant economic and political influence in the United States.
The fuck does that even mean?
You're referring to Keynesian capitalism. Which is just one specific type of capitalism
Effectively what we're seeing right now is market consolidation which companies have allowed themselves to achieve by sleeping in bed with bureaucrats. This isn't capitalism. This is corporatism
Most words in spanish have a gender even if the objects do not in actuality. Think of the way that in english people often refer to boats as female, it's kind of like that.
This is a good way to put it. So what steps are taken in a capitalist system to prevent the rise of corporatism? Given historical events it seems that it's the inevitable conclusion of capitalism, given a long enough timeline.
You don't know about the "la" and "el" shit?
Nouns in Spanish (and German, and quite a few other languages) have a “gender”, which is where the word comes from and the ONLY FUCKING THING to which the word actually refers. There are “masculine” nouns, “feminine” nouns, and “neuter” nouns. None of these words has ANYTHING TO DO WITH ASSOCIATION WITH ONE OR ANOTHER SEX. It was ✡John Money✡ in the 1960s who falsely associated “gender” (the linguistic term) with the behavior of the male and female sexes.
Most words in spanish are either masculine or feminine. The word for "pencil" is masculine because when you refer to a single pencil you use "el", like "el lápiz". The word for an ink pen is feminine because when referring to a single pen you use "la", like "la pluma". Words you'd use "la" with are usually feminine while words you'd use "el" with are masculine.
It's real capitalism, as opposed to an ideal version.
Sorry, I didn’t clarify. When I say “nouns have a gender”, it means that they have a special, specific article that precedes them (and governs their use in language. Die Fenster in German is “the window” in English. It’s the feminine article. English has one article–the–for all nouns. Also ‘a’, but that’s not a gender.
Its the governments job to uphold conditions necessary for a free market to exist. A level of market regulation is necessary. Otherwise the entire point of a free market is lost to begin with
Make Holdings Companies (Companies who exist solely to manage assets of other companies) illegal. That's a good start
No, ✡Keynesianism✡ is not capitalism. It’s socialism.
thanks, now go back to Mexico
Usually the government in such systems simply doesn't do shit about businesses.
Could you do the world a favor and NOT perpetuate the kike stereotype that Americans are clueless about the world? Thanks.
in english there's a single article you must place before a word which is 'the'
In other languages that article is gendered:
Those things are not mutually exclusive, you fucking commie. Capitalism is about delivering products people want to buy, and what reasonable people (read: not normalfags) want to buy are good products.
Don't be mean to the sad Holla Forums nigger. Leftists hold onto an ideology that has remained the same for the past century. Capitalist theory has evolved since then and there are many theories behind managing a free market, including Marxian capitalism. that leftists are unaware of because they have poor economic sense (which is probably why they're lefties to begin with)
Also the primary virtue of capitalism is its efficiency in psychology and action. Communism requires a forcible arresting of the good in human nature.
west doesn't even follow proper capitalism since we're perfectly okay with forced redistribution of wealth as long as its handed to to richest
No, this is capitalism as it's actually being practiced. Don't redefine words just because you're unhappy with reality. That's postmodernist shit.
I don't know man, calling a mexican a mexican only really seems to be an issue with people that aren't in mexico, and even beyond that it's a bigger issue with illegals even in spite of contemporary la raza bullshit.
Lootboxes in games are unnecessary. The industry can continue to exist and grow with good management and a focus on developing quality games. If anything, western companies are moving closer to gambling systems in order to force the the industry to be regulated. If this occurs, then they will be legislated a monopoly. The end game is probably to push for some sort of government licensing to produce and sell games.
I'm not a commie, jackass. You can fuck off with that bullshit. I didn't say it was mutually exclusive, but I'm also saying that it's not always the same thing.
The system we live in now is not built to deliver quality products to people, and you're blind or retarded if you think otherwise. It's built to bring wealth to the corporations without consideration for the consumer. If that wasn't true, then we wouldn't be dealing with this lootbox bullshit, we wouldn't be constantly fighting off paid-for reviews of products, and we wouldn't have to worry about games and movies that cater to the lowest common denominator. Even before we were dealing with all the marxist bullshit in our hobby video games were going to shit because they were quick-and-fast products made for morons, because that's what sells. Again, just because something sells doesn't mean it's good, and you don't have to look far to find proof of that.
Are you suggesting capitalism only works when people aren't retarded? Believe it or not normalfags make up the majority of the market.
*panders to minorities in your path*
Too be honest, overall, America has the 6th highest GDP per capita. Given its size and the fact its overall the largest economy on Earth, capitalism in its so-called "true state" has actually served it well
China conversely prides itself on its Communist principles and its GDP per capita is near the bottom
You must be an absolute retard to say that when welfare exists.
Dammit user, why do you have to go and give them ideas?
Considering that everything else only works when people aren't retarded, that's a reasonable implication.
You realize america already has a federal software publishing arm right? Even then we're closer to the incestuous industry getting nuked because it's getting bad enough for our gdp since whales are finally starting to run out of money.
I'm suggesting that the free market operates on the assumption that the average consumer is a completely rational invididual that makes rational decisions, which is something that any basic economics course will tell you.
Had I been the fucking mayor, these subhumans would've been our new fuel source.
how can you complain about welfare when the rich don't even pay taxes into it anyway?
The "Elites" actually contribute far more in taxes despite the disproportionate tax brackets than the "99%" believe it or not
Don't be so mean, he probably doesn't get that in a country as big as america 1% is still ~3270807 people give or take how accurate the 1% metric actually is. He probably thinks it's literally just Coca Cola walmart and Mcdonalds
1% isn't a reference to percent of population
Except that is exactly what it has always meant
If not then what would it happen to be.
Do you think they care about destroying an entire industry? All that matters is that they make more money in the end. Ship building was heavily regulated in the early 20th century. It destroyed ship building in the US. Many of the larger companies survived, gained monopoly status, and made more money as a result. It shouldn't be lost on you that the financial companies that caused the 2008 financial crises came out ahead after regulations were put in place. Large companies are rarely affected by regulation. They benefit from it. The government eliminates their competition for them and creates a barrier of entry.
How new r u
It’s time for you to commit suicide. You’re way too stupid to be alive.
Mmm… nah, you cocksucking faggot. It’s not capitalism. Period.
They're leaving out the 'P?' Are they pedophilic? Don't they know supporting pedosexuals is the cool new trend with woke people?
i would kill for a christmas cakes in gaming
He a byootiful boi
Its even a term "model minority" or some shit. Basically you are being racist for thinking all Asians are successful because the Korean/Vietnamese gooks are not as successful as Nips. Because that would make the gooks feel bad when they realize they are unsuccessful and being put on a high platform.
I'm calling bullshit on that. If fucking Sega Master System, anime and SNK can catch on in mexico, then there's no reason a guy fighting giant mechs with a sword wouldn't either.
This generalization implying there's nothing in between of two.
That's not even to mention, isn't there a massive anime scene in mexico and most anime ends up getting dubbed and subbed into spanish months before english
And generally having better subs/dubs too
That's been the case since the 70s.
May as well drop my other AGDQ pics
The only convincing one is the russian one.
They could escape the room, but they can't escape their own Y chromosomes
That's why it's called a generalization. They generally either have a fetish, or are mentally disturbed.
Because you're a triple faggot
No one was denying this
But this user is right.
Fucking 10/10, user.
I was going to suggest "Violent Tyrone" but he's already a nigger
We chileans rarely even call ourselves "latinos" unless it's left wing Cuba lovers or faggots like those. Now that I think of it, most people calling themselves "latinos" are colectivist Holla Forums tier fags
What would happen if someone went up to you and called you guys Eltinos?
Yes, but they hold annual events to remind everyone their rock is best rock.
If/when that happens the kikes will just demand their good goyim in congress give them even moar taxpayer money to cover the loss. Only one way to end this bullshit.
The whole thing just sounds like dozens of slightly different shades of crazy. Makes me wonder just who common insanity really is. I doubt we'll ever know for sure because I just know (((someone))) will get the bright idea to classify bad goyim as "insane" as an easy way to get rid of them.
I don't even play games anymore.