Meanwhile, on bizarro leftypol….
Meanwhile, on bizarro leftypol…
I'm so glad YAS QUEEN Hilary won.
Can't believe the DNC screwed Kanye over for Hillary in the primaries. I wanted our first trans president, but I guess it was too progressive for cisnormative Amerikkka.
Nazbol has a point, it's the Jewish Bourgeoisie that has been fucking us over.
Can you believe Phil greaves actually defends those orientalist ypg supporters?
I don't like traps and I think it's kinda gross to be gay
It feels bad to be the most well liked board on Holla Forums.
This user tells the truth, traps are not welcome on this board.
Marx's biggest mistake was calling out Stirner for thinking nationalism was Real and Good and My Friend
Immigration is bad
i for one think we should start assigning mentors to our new r/fullcommunism and r/socialism brothers and sisters on leftypol, they have a lot to teach us
I sure do love to read books and take the time to fully understand their content before i post online.
Man, I am glad that left communist party is active and actually bringing revolutionary ideas forward to the people
So now that we've established that communism is EVERYTHING the state does…
Race realism is science
Traps aren't gay.
Why is Hillary so based guys?
We should support ISIS in their anti-imperialist struggle.
Saving interracial porn to your computer is the best way to combat the jewish plot to cuck the white man.
This post improves the thread.
Get it?
Anprims are intelligent individuals who have thought things out clearly, nazballs hate the shit out of Putin and Russia and will post about it even if they get fined for it, tankies are deeply critical of Stalin and aren't a cult of personality and nostalgia, and namefags enrich the community greatly with their namefaggotry. I'm glad the visitors from Holla Forums are so polite even though they btfo us always. Emotional arguments are great, especially those referencing Rosa Luxembourg, dank jpeg artifacts about Autism Level tests, ALLCAPS and especially if they attribute every death that happened in the USSR and China from causes other than old age as Death Do To Gommunism, especially if those include the war dead from the Great Patriotic War. Let's all go to bunkerchan though, their mods' pockets are less hot than even the libertines at Holla Forums. Politicians clearly have our best interests at heart. Repetition makes things more true. I'm glad people have buried the hatchet over Catalonia. Ancaps know what they're talking about and it definitely wouldn't lead to cyberpunk neofeudalism with McDonalds characteristics. It is vitally important that we determine whether or not traps are gay, we must never just shut up and either fap or keep scrolling.
Capitalism is freedom. Socialism is slavery.
Trotsky was way better than Stalin
Prove me wrong faggos ?
But thats actually true mr tanky wanky
A bunch of pissbaby Bernie bros were talking shit about our gal. Pathetic, they couldn't even win the primary and she is an honorary Muslim and POC. She has literally done so much for us empowered femmes.
Stay woke girls and remember to stay peaceful at the protests.
This parts true in our reality though?
are you calling her ugly?
she's gorgeous. my god
Traps are gay as shit bro.
Isn't bizzaro leftypol just reddit?
Co-ops are clearly socialist guys.
Yeah of course it is comrade.
I'm very pro peace and totally not for the destruction of bourgie property.
I would never advocate for the destruction of oil pipelines to cause millions of dollars of damage to some assholes wallet and make the craven fuckers look bad when the scandal hits.
The code is black rain on blood hills.
The "ironic" joke here CIA is that leftypol would actually do something worthwhile. Feel free to keep eating donuts at your desk free of worry. I'm just joshing.
this is not bait.
What does "YAS" mean in Burger? I've seen it a few times recently.
Anarchism can work
It's just an exaggerated "yes". It stems from gay culture.
Thank you for posting her photo. I constantly feel like puking, but seeing her face, her beautiful smile and look in her eyes, always helps with that.
The socialist republics of Idaho, Nevada and Arizona are combating the fascist government of the united west coast and the neo-feudalist regime of the East Coast.
We will be getting a new regiment from Mexico in the next couple weeks, so we should be able to push west then back east.
Hopefully we can send troops to combat the fascist Kurds and help the socialist democracy of Syria. Remember, support the anti-colonialist struggles of Syria, IS and Israel.
you got some heavenly trips there jesus
so no? or yes?
Yes, but also no
Morality am not spook. Spook am bad, but Egoism good