Well at least it's not a VN like some anons were speculating.
Still another 15 hours left on the countdown by the by
Yume Nikki
Other urls found in this thread:
The all-new
Yume Nikki
Tell me about the girl, why does she carry the knife?
Give me a quick rundown on this game.
It's basically a walking sim that Holla Forums actually likes.
You walk around looking at shit
Find 8 items to complete the game
Does that mean he's not in the dev team?
I'm liking the designs though
Jesus. Is this what aging feels like?
Who used the monkey's paw? Also, I'm willing to bet the game will have some sort of "storyline". Kikiyama made a great game by mistake, there's no way he can do it again.
Well, it's not pretentious, so there's that. In fact, it's not even finished.
You'd think that, for being a simple, small, short and fucking free game, more people would know about it.
Not quite feelin the 3D look they chose. Maybe itll look better in motion? But new content is good. The only real concern is the mainstream appeal its gonna get, especially if it comes stateside.
Gonna be honest, not a fan of the 3D look, shit stinks of Unity.
The original walking sim, except it was kinda cool. Also how new can you be?
Honestly, no fucking idea what it's supposed to mean precisely. Someone who can actually read japanese ought to read the article.
Anyways this twitter account popped up yesterday
From the look of it, looks like That Dragon Cancer, so yeah, Unity shit.
They are either using his name and he an hero long time ago, or he needs a lot of money.
Seems like Undertale, but as a walking simulator
The newest bait, Steamfags need to burn
As far as I know the only RPG Maker dude to an hero was the guy who did Re:Kinder. That said Kikiyama's been capitalizing pretty hard on the brand since 2011 or so with official soundtrack releases, random merch and that one manga adapation. All of them under different companies, so this isn't Kadokawa propping up his corpse, probably.
You sniped my reaction pic to that faggot. Good job.
Again, OP, is it really that fucking hard to just upload the screenshots and save everyone a click?
Don't have anything against re-doing the game in 3D but this looks just bad.
At least, unlike the majority of walking simulators, this one isn't linear and doesn't force its story on you. It's up to you to discover literally everything.
It only took one dated meme to get these (You)s
Fuck, man, there are some things in YN that I just don't want to see in 3D. If they aren't done justice, it'll ruin their appeal, and if they are done justice, I won't be able to sleep for a while.
yeah it really does what he should've done is just make a sequel with another character that finds the diary and explores new areas with new effects or some shit maybe revisiting some of the older ones and having mado as an npc haunting the new mc dreams, like the fan sequels did
I've never played Yume Nikki and don't really feel compelled to, but hopefully this results in Monoe porn.
Maybe, but I think it should've been left untouched. So many years have passed, why dig it up now? Even if you really want 3D there's already a fan-made remake Yume Nikki 3D with a DLC called Isolated that adds new stuff.
You walk around to find some items and then you return to your room and kill yourself
Which is why the game is shit to begin with. Remove defeatism
You don't discover a lot. Everything is really vague. The whole thing is about experiencing the bizarre shit and make your own conclusion. Even in concept, is pretty open ended.
Well, this one wants to be more "current gen". As for why digging it up, those sweet shekels.
It's called reality.
This 3d version really reminded me of Half-Quake series.
No way, defeatism is the best.
Lotta loyalty for a narcoleptic NEET!
Wel, I kinda meant that by "discovering". Like accidentally finding a notebook filled with weird drawings and wondering what kind of person the author is.
It's powered by Build engine, the one used in such games as Duke Nukem 3D, Blood and Shadow Warrior.
I know it's duke engine. But the style reminded me of Half-Quake series.
The guy's been working on Trilogy past two years or so. He posts about it on his Patreon from time to time:
These can't be official screenshots. This looks like some fan-made shit.
no thanks
There exist places where people actually mean this 100% when they say it
She isn't exactly an example of adequate mental health anyway, considering the content of her dreams.
A friend of mine tried to fix the screenshot
I think its better
It is better but the overly detailed bump mapping still looks atrocious.
Darn, I love myself a good VN.
At leas a remake remaster is something.
It's an exploration game.
Poniko best girl
>with stoplight on
Been a lot of use of the monkey paw recently…
this, honestly. a lot of what makes the original so great is the ambiguity which was more than likely unintentional.
killing aliens.
Post the other steam forum screenshots.
That's a big part of the reason why Holla Forums is capable of liking it, because all possible criticism is easily excused.
That besides it being vague and obscure so it appeals to their hipster senses. Hipsters love to act like they understand obscure shit better than regular people muh normies, because 2intelligent4u, etc.
Back go your shithole
They're just as normie obsessed there as you autists are here.
Back to your cancer board halfshit normalfag
Why? There's really not a single difference.
how many times do you have to be told that it's normalfag? go back to cuckchan/9gag or lurk a thousand years.
You have to go back.
Feel free to go back cuckshit
What's the difference? Like it's the same as comparing lol to lel
A great thing about low-res pixel art is your mind can fill in the blanks and make it scarier/more interesting than whatever it could have been in high-res. This is going to ruin the atmosphere.
I honestly don't think it's going to be updated and just enjoy it for what it is, I don't claim to have any idea what's going on.
Waaaaait a fucking second!
how ridiculous right?
people that complain about others being "hipsters" are constantly just in denial that different things are appreciated by different people for potentially VERY different reasons. grow the fuck up, you child
Can you elaborate on the subject because i don't get the joke.
Yep, its satanic jewish hamsa yume nikki. Never noticed it in original.
Isn't that the effect that returns you back to the nexus?
Then yume nikki is made by japanese judaist sect.
can't tell if trolling
one has the word 'fag' in it and the other doesn't
boy I didn't see this coming
sounds funny, you got an archive?
The site's been fucked since 2015.
Really nigga? Caring about fag?
I know but the last couple of weeks have been particularly bad.
It's nigger
I've found that boards that aren't the larger ones tend to not get fucked over by retards screeching about everything.
It happened in LGBT thread which is now locked because tranny couldn't handle the debate even after deletion of most comments:
Keep bitching.
Isn't that just fan art? Does anyone actually have a screencap of it in-game? I mean I wouldn't be surprised.
Really nigga? Caring about er?
Yeah, this is the tactic that will get you going on Holla Forums.
Screenshots are from the article op posted.
wew lad. reminder to never pay for games, you're just throwing your hard earned money to these "people".
>>>Holla Forums
I think that's just a Playism PR guy, not kikiyama, which would make a whole lot more sense in them protecting tranny feelings.
Are you going through forced groupthink withdrawal since the death Neogaf?
No, in fact, I'm glad that was posted, because after looking through the forums, there seems to be a chance that the original developer isn't even involved in the creation of this at all. So I suppose this is basically a cash grab by Playism kind of like what happened to pixel with Nicalis with Cave Story+
Haha, nope.
I always tried to see things through Madotsuki eyes. Imagine being as little as she is in those huge bizzare worlds she visit, going through that highway with the weird faces looking at you and then having to go back. Visiting weird worlds like Eyeball, Graffiti or numbers. Hell, the mall or the white desert, seeing things so jarring, up close. It must be fucking terrifying just by how big and vast they must feel from her point of view, not to mention her interactions with NPC And yet, the most scary for me is mars because of how desolating and sad the whole thing is. You're alone in another planet, and you find another creature even lonelier
I think they can pull it with the right lighting and visual effects. But as seen in I doubt it.
I'm disappointed in some of you
also refresh the thread
Ultimately we'd have to see how it looks in motion, but I agree. This isn't looking too great visually.
implying Kikiyama made a "game" in the first place is heresy. The only reason it ever was popular was because it catered to the mentally ill proto-transexuals from /r9k/.
You're trying too hard, user.
Despite this thread existing and nothing being done about it people will still defend Mark and wonder why the board has declined in quality.
you're in denial of reality kiddo
Oh no, a thread about a video game hasn't been deleted. Shame on the mods.
Not that, the whole derailment
Video games, my summer child, have not been on the rails in years. Come, catch up.
Honestly, there's not a lot to talk about other than how unappealing it is. And now that there's a chance the actual developer isn't even a part of it, it's even more unappealing.
I bet it will end up worse than that 3D indie trash one.
next think you know you are going to try and claim VN's like Katawa Shoujo are video games.
Anyone got a guide to install Yume 2kki?
Nobody cares for homosexuals, especially not their opinions.
What will be under her skirt?
Oh a thread pops up just when I revisited some videos of it….
Oh it's 3D…. what.
That GAME THEORY wiki shit is absolutely foolish. I hope they found a kitchen knife and an hero.
Masterfully done, 10/10.
Have you tried using the EasyRPG Player? I'm gonna give it a try now, I'll let you know how it goes.
use Locale Emulator, not applocale
If he was going to do it, he would have by now
Especially with the hype of the new game, he could have made 2 videos easily (1st of yuke nikki original, 2nd of the 2 game)
The game seems to run fine with EasyRPG Player. The guides say to not use 7zip, but it extracted everything without messing up the characters. All I did was:
>Downloaded the game from
Hopefully it's that easy for you too
i knew about this for a long time, i just dont find the appeal into playing a walking simulator, is it actually worth it?
If you look at a wiki (afterward, don't spoil yourself) there's some fagged up THEORY that Yume is some newhalf bullshit based on, I forget, one of the items in-game or one of the things CUT but still in the data. As usual, the usual culprits are to blame.
It's a 40MB game. There's nothing stopping you from trying it for a bit. But the game is exactly that, a walking sim. You're gonna be walking around, a lot.
And yes, I know what I just wrote. Like when I called Quiet, Silent all those days ago.
Why the fuck was there a LGBT thread for a game about a girl exploring her dreams?
Because Madotsuki is a newhalf. All that blood and womb imagery is her resenting the fact she doesn't have one. The most compelling evidence for this theory is that Madotsuki like her fellow transexuals throws herself off of a building killing herself. :^)
Postmodernism. Everything can be interpreted in any way, doesn't matter how big a jump or how little sense it makes if you bullshit your way towards it.
The steam forums for the game were instantly barraged with low tier bait threads like that one and "Yume Nikki is Apolitical" and "Yume Nikki is a Undertale ripoff".
This, dubsman.
(checked for truth)
Welcome to the Yume Nikki community, where everybody argues about a little girl's sexual orientation and gender. Seriously, this shit has been in the community since 200 fucking 9.
Just like games done by Atlus ?
I bet you used another IP to write that.
Some autists didn't like the exposure of yumenikki on steam for some reason and made a curation reviewing that labeled it as transgendered undertale ripoff, although that would have an opposite effect like shit attract flies. Maybe that's their goal, maybe they're genuinely that retarded, we can't tell.
Oh, I was just asking how they'd handle her pantsu.
because naturally anything ambiguous will let people project to the moon and back
Nobody cares that much about Yumi Nikki.
t. Backdoor Goon Squad
it must such to be stuck mentally and emotionally in 2006. News flash from the future m00t turned out to be a cuckold and your favorite speed runner cut off his penis.
Hm. Framing looks a step above "garbage."
This might not be so bad after all.
You know, i used to have long hair and little kids called me a girl when i gone through them, i even wore a beard they still mistaken me for a woman. Since then i always cut my hair short. Nowadays having braids and skirt is not account for being a female representation.
Oh see what it is, internet isarelites think doing this would spite anons so you guys are going as far as inventing some boogeyman just so you can say "Hey if you call us retarded you're retarded too! Look this is you!".
Looks like fanart moreso than promotional material.
February 23rd
20 buckaroos
Are you implying Yume is not a trap?
Just look at the bottom of the webpage, you wrong-sider. Claims to be DRM free, even
Not that this garbage's worth downloading, anyway
Dead in the water. Which is why it's time to sail the seas.
>Yume Madotsuki is a trap
I'm going to need proof in the form of explicit imagery.
Are there any videos of the gameplay or just stills? Because more than the crappy visuals, what will make or break this is audio. The original nailed that pretty well outside of certain looped tracks.
Why not? All the more hands to hold!
Actual spoiler warning: Most important item to get early is the bike.
What did reddit meant by this?
I need more of this.
Why are all the fans of this game soyboy numales?
implying the amputation wasn't home brew
Because all men living in cities and wasting their lives in front of a computer are soyboy numales.
the original game is a seminal release it's perfect for us
the fans of the game that aren't numale soyboys don't feel the need to shove their mugs everywhere
i'd post a picture of me deadlifting 350 but i don't own a camera (because i don't feel the need to shove my mug everywhere)
We're never going to have comfy YN threads again, are we?
It's all over.
Not with that attitude.
That one Yume Nikki imageboard is still comfy and got a nice dose of extra activity due to the countdown. I've been posting there more than I have on Holla Forums in months and it's been really fun. Kind of feels like 4chan from 2007.
I'm only 21, age is not a fucking excuse here.
Just a shitty walking sim.
You fags only like it because you're trying to be edgy.
Do it faggot
Now this I wouldn't disagree with
It's nothing more than a walking sim with interesting visuals.
Maybe this remake will add some actual gameplay, but I doubt it.
it's a walking sim with excellently done surreal visuals and tons of secrets
Bad walking sim - nothing interesting happens
Awful walking sim - gay lesbian sex happens
Good walking sim - LSD drug trip happens
Stop typing like a fucking YouTube commenter, they're dreams. Dreams can be bizarre things.
The fact it's a walking sim turns a lot of people off these days.
I love YN but you have to face the fact that the people who don't like it have perfectly good reasons.
the fact that it's a walking sim turned off a lot of people even when it first came out
i never said the game was objectively good or enjoyable for everyone, i said it had good visuals
That's disappointing.
I mean, it did kind of have a big affect on indie games.
but my dude the visuals are indiepixelshitz garbage even if you are a lot trash spunyon. Do you think someone genuinely wants to drop doses and sit in front of a computer playing a depressing "walking simulator" about a male rape victim who pretends to be a woman before killing themselves? Let alone pay money for a 3D remake on STEAM?
The game really isn't for everyone and I think that's fine. I'm sure there's a thread that's more suited for you if you're interested in having a discussion about something you enjoy, user.
I know, I really should cut it out, but its so much fun laughing at proto-transexual Soyboys who like this indiepixelshitz. :^)
I just want them to streamline it a bit. Most of the maps are giant empty areas where you have to walk for 20 seconds only looking at the picture in the background.
When I saw this thread, I was like "nice!" then I started reading the replies…
Did you edit that and add the second definition yourself?
It's shit.
Would Holla Forums like the game if Madotsuki was replaced with a gondola?
Instead of replacing Madotsuki, why not just add Gondola as a supporting background character?
Now that I think about it, Gondola would fit right the fuck in.
The models look really low quality.
Nah I just Googled it to make sure and ended up laughing my ass off
I'd post a picture of me pounding your sissy prostate last night but i broke my camera when I turned around and my 6 foot dick knocked it off the shelf.
What's that saying again? If you pretend to be a retard for long enough actual retards will think it's okay to be a retard?
A community that gets its laughs pretending to be idiots will soon attract real idiots who think they're in good company. That's basically imageboards, in particular because some of them don't have real archives, so the only record of the community is shared by the current users, and whatever is on there at the time.
You keep insisting the game is a tranny. Perhaps you are one yourself.
You're shit
Last time I saw a YN thread it pretty much turned out like this one. See though
I'm replaying this right now. Actually going full explorer and autistically doing your own maps in mspaint is surprisingly fun. Even though the level connections are a clusterfuck.
Do you think Kikiyama is ct. grill?
I do recognize this and I don't like it. They need to consider how they're handling distance and sizes more carefully, and the redo of the map fucks up the neat layout the original has.
I don't recognize this and I do like it. It reminds me of the night street alley of Japan Town in Yume 2kki. I hope they get a handle on how they did this and apply it to locations like The Sewers.
AA is a meme and it needs to die.
How badly did they fuck up the MOTHER/FC area? Does she at least look like 3D Ness while she is there?
The one thing I'm worried about is that the description states that
ruh roh
We have no idea since the game isn't out till late February, we only 5 screenshots to go on and we ain't getting any more info till the 31st.
>recent indie
God fucking damnit all I want is a loveletter to Yume Nikki and the two decent fangames it spawned, instead it's going to be Undertale.
just kidding or am I
Hey, Michael here
It's not even a walking sim. There's no narrative or exposition or direction to it. You have to find and use items and navigate confusing environments and you also have enemies that can force you to wake up.
The shitposting in this thread reminds me why I stopped caring about Holla Forums
Does anyone remember whether or not you had to kill Seccom Masada in order to trigger the spaceship crash event?
Nevermind, just got it. Goddamn can the RNG be a bitch
no need to,you just have to sleep on the bed inside of the ship
order of playthrough of the Yume Nikki Series:
1- Yume nikki
2- Yume nikki gensou
3- Memories of Replica
4- .flow