Battlefleet Gothic 2
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I completely forgot that Battlefleet even existed. Something to add to the backlog I guess
fuck you, humans have the best skulldudes
It'd be pretty cool if the campaign followed the story of the nu-canon. Sounds like a party with even space skellingtons invited.
rowboat girlyman and the thicc eldar
AdMech and Necrons confirmed. I'm fucking in.
They better add the old factions too though
For what purpose
Money, user. Always money.
Who's the gigantic mutant tau in the image?
Is this an attempt to fit in?
What's wrong with a sequel?
You forgot the Nids
Gameswas one of the best 40k gaems, it just that it died fast due to the developers imcompetency in balancing it well, lack of content (No new canpaigns), and the developers abandoned the game instead of bothering to fix it.
battlefleet needed a solid expansion with rebalance, not an entire new game
Was that a tyranid hive ship at the end?
it sure was my guy
But battlefleet gothic 1 is fine except for faction balance, why make an entire game using the same factions plus a few extra and (hopefully) rebalance? In the best case, this will be a glorified (60 dollars) expansion, worst case they'll try to make another dow3
True but at this point I am so starved of decent 40K titles I will take what I can get, assuming it doesn't shit the bed from the get go.
If they revamp the whole game I'll be fine with it.
From the description:
It's like the damn monkeys paw got a life of it's own.
Cant fucking wait. Good luck balancing the nids and necrons though.
I'm really curious to see how the nids ship will work and look in the actual game.
Neat. It would also be nice if they added a Z axis.
Last bit of lore about Necrons is that the Silent King gathered up every single Necron he could find in order to perform his very best impression of the Imperial Guard against the Tyrannids.
NuCrons are fucking shit. Tyranids too for that matter
Thats some heresy you got there.
Pick one.
First time I might buy a 40k game since DOW2
What was the last game you could just ADD another fucking spatial dimension into?
Might as well put a first person shooter in there, right? I mean while we are fucking at it we might as well ask.
Z axis would be cool but the board game doesn't have rules for that.
They're just cannon fodder and do a worse job of it than the Imperial Guard.
How well did that work out when your name is not Nintendo?
Considering all the 40k ship designs don't have any weapons that shoot up or down (not counting point defense), that'd really not work well.
You'd either be constantly trying to get your ships on the same plane as the enemy or constantly rotating them until everyone on board vomits uncontrollably to point your broadside/front at them.
Time to stop posting faggot
That's (You), but what about the nids?
Literally the only good part about nids, the rest is boring, generic shit. The other thing is the giant structure that Tiamet are currently building but so far that is a whole load of nothing so who gives a fuck.
Desperate times, I guess.
WHAT. I mean really, what the hell are you talking about?
He's saying the zionist occupation government only allows this game to be sold regardless of it's nationalistic themes because it reinforces the narrative that we live on a spherical planet surrounded by space.
How did you even get here? Some hilarious reddit thread?
So Nurgle ships then?
Globe cuck detected.
tl;dr the earth is flat, fixed, immovable and covered by a dome as described in the Bible.
and you got BTFO in a single webm
Judging from the clip, this will be Fall of Cadia+Indomitus Crusade for the single player campaign
Il est pas frais ton poisson.
elves are our friends.
>sums (((trump))) your experience and observation, trust the (((experts))) goy
Maths is garbage in, garbage out. We can see past your nonsense curve, so either our eyes are wrong or your numbers are.
And now I really regret derailing this thread. How is the first Battlefleet Gothic from an SP perspective? I played the first two missions but felt the gameplay to be a bit flat.
Campaign is OK, Imperial-only, random-Skirmish SP with all races is pretty top though.
I wish they would do a more open-form campaign with some strategy map. Think Total war in space.
Much more replay value that way.
Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ you fucking stains
Thats surprising. So no expansion or dlc for other factions…perhaps that would mean that they will bother to make interesing DLC. It would be good.
I'm not a fan of ship battles but it was still a good goddamn 40K game so I'm okay with this development.
Yeah, and multiple campaigns makes me hope that we will see something for more factions than just the Imperium.
it'll be as shitty as the prequel
absolute trash. its basically just a string of cpu skirmish battles. gameplay is horrible, so dont waste your time with it.
What's so horrible about it?
Micromanagement-heavy, sure, but horrible?
They could add small 'Special Campaign' DLC for any and all races that don't have one on launch.
It just doesn't feel well. It is difficult to pin point. Everything seems alright. From art direction games is excellent. But game-play doesn't feel good. Looks like scale of space and models is off. Too much micromanagement with low reward for actions. Playing feel tedious. Blame translation of tabletop game-play and balance into real time? Maybe.
Im ok with this, like punished guilliman, sex eldar and i can atleast tolerate the primaris marines, specially if we get some fluff for the indomitus crusade.
Ship porn when?
What a shame. It probably still wont even be 3d.
I'm just waiting for their chaos variants to come out. Bile isn't going to let something like this slip through fingers.
I feel like the first one just came out.
Also, this seems to be the nuHammer shit with resurrected Rowbutt Girlyman so I'm not gonna touch it
I would rather see 40k dead than morphed into something unrecognizable as its corpse is paraded around for "a wider audience".
I don't see what the fuck that has to do with anything. Just because Fantasy Warhammer (which was never good btw) got fucked in the ass slightly harder than 40k, I'm supposed to be happy about it?
The new 40k lore completely fucked the tone of the universe. It was a transparent attempt to sell more space marine figures. I don't mind if GW wants to try to move the story along but this was fucking stupid.
The primaris marines are kind of dumb, depending on how they deal with the imperium being split by the warp storm and that eldar god it could be not shit, but I'm getting the feeling GW want to give slaanesh the boot which is a bad sign.
They could have easily rebooted everything with female space marines and no Slaanesh, and they could have decided to make Horus his/her/it's replacement.
It also could have been worse, they could have made Lorgar come out as loyalist all along.
Post discarded
Yeah, that's neat. For all the people who bought the first one and found it lacking. May as well pay for the patched update, right? Look at all those new models in that non-hooktubed video. I'm sure OP is a very honest day-to-day frequenter of this chan. Right, my fellow video game enthusiasts?
What the actual fuck do you think GW is?
I still don't care. Just because something could be worse doesn't means I'm going to be suddenly grateful, it's still shit and I still don't like it. The degree of shittiness doesn't matter, what was once not shit is now shit.
Devoid of even a thread here anymore. Don't start asking questions you don't want answers to.
the singular justification I heard was that GW was bugged by the fact that space marine models weren't actually taller than guardsmen models
by pushing primaris models, the physical tabletop game will "look right"
pic unrelated
I've been coming here almost daily since October 2014.
I didn't for the thumbnail and you can literally slightly modidy the URL to play it on that leecher.
It's adding much more than that
What pisses me off is that they revived that fucking Mary Sue of all things instead of someone actually likeable like Vulkan.
I bet you run around in cardboard armor, you gomer piece of shit. I'm grabbing the monkey paw now.
It's Space wolf
Sins of a Solar Empire does allow you to move on the z axis but it's not intuitive and was there for… ???
It could have been worse, but it could also have been better. I don't think it's a good idea to give GW too much leeway with the lore because I don't think they know what their core audience wants anymore.
Who knows, maybe Guilliman is going to start finding his brothers again seemingly out of nowhere, maybe Vulkan will reappear with Jaghatai and Corax in tow in the next story that gets written.
Chaos better be fleshed out more instead of having the different gods just being stat buffs.
Would be rad to have different legions of CSM, too.
At least the Necrons are in.
I'm don't know much about 40k battlefield lore, but is there even any difference in each chaos gods navy?
Probably not.
The biggest differences between them comes in their troops, obviously, and their daemon engines. Neither of which would have much impact in a game like this.
I guess we could at least have some tendrils on Slaneeshi fleet, and plague canons on Nugle's. But outside a few buffs and battle tatics (like Khorne being more focused on boarding while Tzeentch is more focuse on strategic maneuvering) I don't really see how to make each Chaos navy that much distinct.
A man can dream.
Perhaps the buffs this time around will be a little more in-depth.
My hope for playable Thousand Sons in any game still holds strong.
I don't know if it counts but many Dawn of War 1 mods had Thousand Sons infantary.
Oh I know, when I learned about it I was so giddy.
At least the 1kSons got some love recently on tabletop. Those Scarab Occult Terminators are so delicious.
But that isnt happening, at all.
If anything the 40k universe is now an even bigger shithole, only difference being guilliman taking charge of the imperium and mortarion fucking around.
Like it or not, guilliman is the only primarch capable of fixing the imperium, he is THE stateman when it comes down to primarchs, none other would have the skill to fix the imperium withouth massive civil wars or general unrest, so far guilliman has been playing his cards right while also being both depressed and angry as shit.
He's talking about Age of Shitmar
Oh ok then, thought it was one of those uninformed faggots that keeps claiming that 40k got pozzed in 8th edition when that isnt happening at all.
What about Vulkan? He could be a good leader for the crumbling manking. But I agree, Guilliman is much better of a stateman.
The best scenario would be if both of them came back.
Vulkan is an excelent man, a dedicated craftman and a good father, but he is not the empire builder guilliman is, vulkan could work wonders for the admech, but i dont see him dealing with the imperial bureucracy and the ecclesiarchy while also dealing with the constant threats.
The only other persons that would be capable of that would be horus and dorn, but one got permabanned from existence forever and the other is a massive autist that would surely cause a civil war because he didnt have charm and a golden tongue.
I only have one question
How the fuck do chaos get all these ships
Oh no. Now video games are doing it too. I thought video games would be safe from the retarded new canon.
Looting, 30k crafts and their own production worlds.
Also spacehulks + heretechs.
So Chaos has space-anarchists working on factory lines?
I'm not sure Guiliman alone can do much either. He sure is an excelent statesman and bureocract, but he lacks the passion and love for mankind that the Emperor once had.
Like I said, best case would be for both Vulkan and Guiliman to come back, if that happened the Imperium could go back to pre-heresy glory.
Am I right in thinking spacehulks are places where ships lost in the warp sort of coalesce and merge into a huge mess? And then they occasionally move into realspace and the heretics peel off the ships and tech the want?
All i wished was for the Emperor to come back.
I assume most of the main ships are 30k relic crafts that only don't fall apart due to unholy daemonic magic.
The rest are warped monstrosities crafted in corrupted forge worlds or just daemonfleets regurgitated from the warp itself.
More like enslaved factory-worlds overseen by literal crazy scientists.
So far he is getting shit done.
Yes and no, hes not passionate about it but understands that it is his goal in life and his porpouse is to save the imperium and the human race since everything else its batshit insane, ugly or cunts.
Will probably happen honestly, the rumors go that more of the still living primarchs will return (both loyalist and traitors), i personally want to see my man dorn (best primarch) and jaghatai.
Yes, also meteors and random warp debree.
No, heretechs pick the apart while on the warp, the imperium, orks and random irrelevant xenos scavange them while on real space.
Hence why getting inside a space hulk its such a huge deal, theres all kinds of dangerous shit inside, from warp creatures, nids, orkz, traitors and even rogue AIs.
>by beating the shit out of the Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy
Let me repost my original statement.
The imperium is split apart and BARELY managing to pull damage control after the loss of cadia, half of the imperium is pretty much inaccesible and there are demons and plague zombies everywhere, the imperium could not survive a civil war.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you because GW fired the writers who could capture existential horror in a single entity, and let fucking Crudence write a fluff piece about a low class Eldar farseer nearly nuking the hivemind out of existence in THEIR OWN FUCKING CODEX.
Some anons like me just don't like them moving the plot along. I wouldn't say 8th is pozzed, but future additions are still open for them to mess up from this point. Since they are moving the plot forward with Guilliman and the indomitus crusade he might just end up deciding on instituting imperium segundus again if it becomes to difficult to help the other side of the imperium from chaos, opting to having one half alive rather than both parts dead. Maybe the Eldar will find a way to fix the rift but I don't know much of what they are currently doing outside of Ynnead at the moment.
Also, after how the devs handled Battlefleet 1 in terms of support and balancing I'm hesitant, I'll keep an eye on it but not hopeful
8th edition was taking soy injections.
Tell me you're joking.
You know I wish I was, GW is openly forcing it on the community.
got a source for that buddy?
I see nothing there about female space marines, and there's literally nothing wrong with female guardsmen seeing as the imperium would send literally anyone to go fight.
I chuckled
Very nice
You niggers can't read in between the lines.
They said they want more female representation, then it shows a pictures of the female army, sisters of battle and says
There's going to be female space marines, I can feel it my bones.
40k zealots are always in denial about GW's faggotry despite endless years of their faggotry being rubbed in the fans faces.
they're talking about wanting more women to play the game you sperg
You're not wrong about GW being full of incompetents but you might be barking up the wrong tree in this case
Part of the lore for Primaris Marines is they don't need humans to make, so they can be made into almost anything. Just follow that notion forward in regards to GW's changing attitudes and the direction of tabletop.
I'm into it
I'm hyped, but after the lack of support the first game got, I'm going to hold off on buying.
What would they even do with female space marines anyway? If they do give them breastplates or a uniquely distinct looking armour sjw's would kvetch non stop. and if they don't give them a distinct look like the SoB they might as well not exist in the first place. Lets just hope GW won't go full retard with fem- space marines and just release a new SoB codex instead with new models.
Where? Far as I can tell the purpose of chadmarines is selling new shit to tabletop versions of whales.
the original was a completely retarded clusterfuck of a fantastic idea and instead of fixing what was wrong with it and cultivating what could have honestly been the best 40k game since dawn of war, they just removed a bunch of abilities, shit on a lot of strategies, and kept fucking up over and over. at this point they've long ago said "fuck this" and have completely abandoned what is now basically a burning pile of garbage
I need a shot of that Gloriana battleship, that's Wallpaper material
that image is fucking stupid
I saw some AdMech ships in there. maybe the Ark Mechanicus will also make an appearance.
That's fucking sexy.
Here you go and only because you posted an AdMech lewd.
Inb4 vid related happens.
Okay, to be honest, pretty fucking hype but why do I feel like this is an advertisement to their shitty Modern canon.
Fucking hate this Primaris spessmarin bullshit. It should lead into a massive civil war in the Imperium.
I hate trailers.
well, there have been hints that some chapters and even some of the legions dont particulary like them so it is possible.
I dont hate Primaris as a concept, what i dont like about them is the fact that appeared almost out of nowhere, that was dumb, even if Belisarius himself is cool and totally not Loyalist Fabius Bile.
Cawl's Ark Machanicus was canonically there at the fall of Cadia and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a titan legion on board, so probably.
Not even that.
Friendly reminder that the Ark Mechanicus ships are uncorrupted, working, complete, self updating STC's that if you manage to interface with can deploy Dark Age of Technology shit like Chronic Cannons that are capable of operating with 100% efficiency even in the most wild of space storms
Quite literally the Adeptus Mechanicus have ships on their hands that can go Super Saiyan
The only thing I see them doing is releasing is obviously female IG, chaos cultists, and maybe SoB to compete with some casters making female models.
I think they are going to have the thunder warrior problem the Emporer delibrately avoided now made manifest, or Primaris will see themselves foreign of humanity itself and goes renegade, bringing the Imperium to its weakest point since the Horus Hersey. GeeDubs allowing this to actually happen to their choosen faction is a different story, however.
too bad you forget about it the moment you unplug yourself from the ship
I doubt GW would do something as original as that to their new money maker models. besides, it kind of looks like GW are dumbing down the Grim Dark aspects of their IP's like they did with Warhammer Fantasy to appeal to a larger audience or some stupid shit like that.
It's also too bad that Cawl's Ark Mech is destroyed in the conflict before they escape through the webway.
The premise and setting are grimdark.
Once you start getting into the lore added for 40 fucking years, it kind of stops.
Likely because the details start to become overbearing and give you a better idea why people live like shit.
that DoW3 trailer was so fucking good though, goddamn I want to kill myself for Relics, GW and Segas retarded fucking shit.
doubt it, GW won't touch their new 40k edition Sigmarines like that
I'm of the opinion that GW is going to pull a 40k End Times sometime in the next few years
They won't
Fantasy had a really small fanbase and wasn't as ingrained in pop culture as 40K has become over the years.
All the vidya money will likely make them try to slowly advance the setting for newfags while keeping most of the lore intact to keep the sizeable audience interested.
The only thing I'm expecting in the future is them selling out after model sets sales dry up completely as 3D printing becomes more and more commonplace along with digital alternatives like Tabletop sims and vidya.
Expecting a Hollyjew movie in the next few years, something akin to Blizzcucks Warcraft that fails to deliver in both quality and sales.
Then they sell out to the Mouse or competing Warner Bros.
Geedubs is too greedy to let someone make a movie unless it is very cheap, just look at Ultramarines.
Gathering Storm era stuff? Yeah… I think this could work. Follow the canon a bit more, refine the combat a bit, introduce more factions. Bam, got a sequel already.
well im sure the dev's who got handed such a great IP have a rich history of making quality games and the second could turn out fine oh…
The sad part of this image is that Stellar Impact was actually good. Being MP only is what killed it
Welp, just like battlefleet gothic.
You gotta hand it to them, they do try and atleast hit the nail when it comes to 40k aesthethics and general feel.
They sacrificed a lot of the Battlefleet Gothic Armada campaign to focus on their MP which they inevitably fucked up at every opportunity.
No joke Armada was going to have the ability to play as all 4 factions in the Campaign map each with their own goals as well as co-op Campaign.
But at least we got a well thought out and balanced PvP right guys?
Seriously what the fuck was wrong with them? They would nerf a faction into nothingness cause something was OP, ignoring in the process the OP tactic they were using was the only thing making them playable. Which in turn would make another faction OP so they would nerf them into unplayability. Which in turn would make another faction OP and so on
Source on that? I want to disbelieve that Tindalos werent that retarded to dismiss that, or even as late DLC to get money.
I'm just glad they didn't just fucking End Times Warhammer 40K.
At least they listened to the fans on that.
You mean they realized their entire fanbase hated End Times and there is nobody left after they created Age of Sigmar?
It is barely listening to your fans.
GW didnt listenj to the fans, they listened to numbers.
That said, AoS is apparently attracting young boys and teenagers, so GW is now making profit on AoS.
This is pretty much a reason why we don't see any AoS games.
AoS is being sold for children and teens with simple rules and no boobs, but games are being sold for their fanbases. Their fanbases won't buy new lower quality miniatures when all of them have 4 3000pts armies but they will buy game set in their universe.
And it is very good thing because AoS setting is shit.
I'd rather not. More space marine shit is something 40K could do without right now.
Are you saying you want more ultrasmurfs? Because I think I heard you saying you'd welcome more ultrasmurfs saving the day. Please buy new models
t. GW
At least Leman Russ is coming back.
What are Orks, GW? Are they like Orruks in your new latest-and-greatest game, Age of Sigmar? Because those names are too dissimilar and I can't get on board until you start calling them the same thing.
It's depressing knowing this will inevitably happen.
Later interview. I remember early interview distinctively stating there would be coop.
So what the fuck is that game about ?
Space dogfights?
Im sick of games being pitched like movies
There's the first game, faggot.
Kill yourself
I've been out of the loop for a while so, why female Space Marines? Do Sisters of Battle just not exist anymore or something?
This isn't about representation user, this is about virtue signaling representation.
Space Marines are the face of 40K and hog most of the attention, as such Tumblrites need female or gender neutral Space Marines despite 40K having a diversity of of characters which are pretty much that.
SJWs hate sororitas because they are hot space nuns that kill shit with fire and the power of space god.
It's total warhammer all over again.
Im not complaining though, more stuff in game since launch is a massive plus.