How do we make sure people get enough of those useless commodities under your ideological school of socialism to keep...

How do we make sure people get enough of those useless commodities under your ideological school of socialism to keep them happy?
hard mode: cant go full DDR

market anarchism tbh

automation is key tbqhwu


grey, dreary, and leaving people unsatisfied


what would you say was the pit fall that prevented early socialist attempts in the Eastern block and so on from being like this?

not him but central planning without a higher prioritization of community production and organization prolly

The east bloc literally fashioned themselves as bourgeois democratic republics.

Economy wasn't democratized.

DDR was best Germany tbh. So yeah, we should go full DDR.

Have a small civvy market where the civvy population turns resources allocated by the state into commodities and services it wants. Run by coops, of course. Value created by their labor, and stuff.

Threat of military action from the West made production of tanks (and military in general) much more important than the civilian economy.

planned production is the philosophy of poverty tbqhwyf

Interesting concept of the civil civvy market!
care to elaborate some more on it's workings

What useles comodities?

The only important things is housing, education, food, health care, transportation and culture.The rest is useless. You want a smart phone? Then move to the US. You want to drive a BMW? Then move to Germany.

Different society, different values. People like new experiences and novelty in their life, but that doesn't have to be expressed in the same forms of commodification that they're today.

Starting from a position of extreme poverty+military spending. Not much left over for consumer goods.

Followed by insane paranoia when it turned out the consumer goods people wanted were the same ones already being made in the west.

We don't. This thread is disappointing.
Those commodities are there to remedy alienation, something that would be destroyed under socialism.
Human interaction and original experiences rather than cheap novelties.

I like when people say things like this when basically the same sentiment has already been stated like two or three times.

this position may catch us some hat

I'm not disagreeing with you, I just feel perhaps consumer culture may be harder to up root then just poofing away capitalism


I imagine some sort of People's Council or Great People's Survey where the masses describe what luxuries and other such "useless commoditites," they want, then the councils of workers would come up with some agreement of who makes what of these luxuries. If you don't want luxury and useless commodities, you can just work less, I suppose.

Then, if the workers are making too much silly puddy and not enough food (or an equivalent type of useful labor necessary for the wealth of the whole that the workers who make silly pudy can perform), the Central Committee tells them to knock it off. Regardless, most of this will likely be automated anyways, so its as simple as changing production of machines to material wants after production of the material needs as been met.

Independent of how it works, I don't think you'll get many on board for a revolution that doesn't want any luxuries.

You're being too reductionist. Would it be too decadent to spend an early evening after work at a sidewalk cafe, sipping on an exotic beverage? Absolutely no one on Earth would be worse off if truck nuts ceased to exist, but the exchange of local, specialized commodities is a vital part of civilization.

What you need is a kind of council deciding on what is okay for people to want.

Not all new desires are bad, but many are. Capitalism just commodifies the whole lot. We have to figure out what good new desires can come out of technological advancement, and produce those as commodities through a planned economy with Chinese characteristics.

I have a hard time thinking of anything better. If you just let peoples desires run free, capitalism will find a way. Gotta make what people want, but can't let people want what they shouldn't.

There are no commodities in my theoretical school of socialism.

do explain qt cat

Two things, replicators and/or VR.

Or at least have it so people can pay the workers directly for making the small trinket they want or something.

People will undoubtedly want their trinkets and entertainment. The only difference is the way of getting those things will require less exploitation and/or more self management. IO think. In a theoretically fully automated society, I guarantee you there's going to be widespread boredom.

Things become commodities when you start exchanging them.

3D printers

this is what I was thinking

Yeah, because that is what was bad about the DDR. Not the NKVD or the killings or dissapearings or state controlled fucking everything.
