Why are fascists so afraid of us but we aren't really afraid of them at all?
Pic related: They're terrified.
Why are fascists so afraid of us but we aren't really afraid of them at all?
Pic related: They're terrified.
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Do you know where you are? You seem lost.
Holding the aspect of one's ideals over another's means they're scared of the other person, now?
Thread related: it's why everyone thinks Holla Forums is just a bunch of pompous kids with no arguments
I wish you faggots would stop shitting this board up with fallacies and shitposting. Christ, you make Holla Forums look tolerable to the normies.
Well, it's not like they aren't, but I don't see how the previous post implies that at all.
What does the OP picture have to do with leftism? How are the pictures on the left representative of "us"? Also why do you care about having some sort of feud with Holla Forums? They're angry children. They even dox people like your average sjw.
back to reddit
Not to jerk ourselves off here, but I like to think we, as leftists, are the only fearless ones in the political spectrum.
The alt-right is fueled by irrational hatred of the joos and the job-stealing immigrants and whatnot… Why do they hate them so much? Because of FEAR. They're afraid of their precious, comfy lives being forced to change because someone different than them poses a mild inconvenience to them, and the talking heads on their end of the political spectrum perpetually demonize these different people, and you get the idea. Their hatred is all based in fear.
Our hatred, the hatred of porky and his legion of classcucks (aut-righties included), is a hatred of impatience, an expression that we're sick and tired of the way shit's being run, and that we're the only ones willing to stand up for what's truly right for all and actually put in effort to destroy the current establishment, with the intention of building a better one atop the ashes.
Holla Forums has every reason to fear us. The pendulum is swinging closer to the left little by little. I can't wait to see them cry for their fascist daddies (Hitler and Drumpf, most namely) when we cut their vile throats during the revolution. I can already taste their blood and tears…
Both are poor excuses to hate something. What you're implying only further proves the infantile attitude you're trying to associate with leftism.
Plain and simple, you're just a pissy faggot that doesn't like people because they're rich.
You're right.
Kill yourself, liberal.
My love fuels my rage and my rage protects what I love.
Yes fascists are terrified of the left. That is why they have masked street activists shutting down leftist events and just generally attacking any leftists they see in the streets.
So who is "us" exactly? They seem to be in conflict with the currently dominant liberal order, much as we are. They are just struggling against it from a different fucking retarded angle. They're hardly particularly concerned about the end of private property or commodity production or anything like that, after all.
becuase they are going to get cucked!
cuck megadetected
gib me everythinks
-t antifat
might is right, cuck
fuck rules nom sayin Hillary won yeaah paper haha
this tbh
that's why the smart antifa faggots will join the secret police
the literal retards will be lined up
why are antifas all anemic ? bad genes?
I think Adorno said something about how Fascism predicates upon an understanding of its enemy as both incredibly strong and pathetically weak, simultaneously
so now we're going to be executing the retarded too?
He also said the culture and aesthetic behind Fascism was repressed homosexuality expressing itself in whatever outlets it believes heterosexuality should be expressed as.
because the ones that are just haven't figured out "cultural marxism" is "pro-corporate Marxism" that porkies aren't afraid of.
Liberals and multi-cultis should always fear the bern. The rope bern.
I couldn't help but be reminded of the #Resistance Restoration vs. Russia.
Fear of the other is the driving force behind all reactionary politics. The left is inspired to action by ideals, the right reacts to fear.
Yes, as well as the doctors, anyone suspiciously attractive, and any other kulaks we can find