Nostalgia Edition
Do you remember when WF was dark and edgy?
When enemies were a threat?
When there were no good guys and players had just as little idea of what tenno are as their enemies?
When game had dynamic shadows and dedicated flashlight button?
When using your ult 3 times per run was considered lucky?
It was shit.
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Forgot to mention that old thread is on page 13 , because it seems mandatory for these kinds of threads for mods not to delete them on sight.
Discuss grindframe.
Wew, and nowadays everyone just bullet jumps everywhere all the time and keeps slashing all day. Truly no middle ground between those can be reached.
There were also skill trees.
Skill fucking trees in warframe, imagine that.
Stamina bars are fucking lame anyways, why would you want a middle ground?
I couldn't figure out how to get to the other side because the popup explaining wall running never came.
I don't know what the second is
I will never forgive DE for removing the somersault and vaulting, those were the best shit, now they got replaced by the boring bullet jump and nothing.
They removed vaulting and put nothing in it's place, fucking faggots.
But you can somersault with sprint+back+jump.
What was vaulting though?
Oh nevermind, you could do that shit forward.
Seems like a bug from videos, same as coptering.
Shit like this should be removed tbh.
legacy server when?
That melee looks 1000x more satisfying. It looks like he's putting power into the strikes instead of just waving it around in the air like it's a light saber or some weightless fair wand. As well I like how much more visible they made status effects look.
I miss mods 1.0 so much.
The old mod system was superior in every way. Random bonuses gave you a reason to grind Outer Terminus, since there wasn't anything else to do once you had all the frames.
It was also better because you could stack +melee damage on your frame, making it the most efficient means of dealing damage, as long as you didn't get OHKO'd in the process.
>Decide to dust off zephyr because I couldn't remember why I never use her especially when she looks so nice with that one skin
Meanwhile they're going to nerf"Rework" chroma because he's good at eidolon killing, while zephyr can't even hang herself because she's too lightweight.
I had forgotten how much I missed old Warframe.
I've never played this game but that does look better than what I've seen recently. Half the time looking at warframe gameplay I'm not sure what the fuck I'm looking at and everything is so floaty
You have no idea what you're talking about, lad.
I didn't get to see skill trees but at least I had stamina bars. The parkour system was better when it wasn't the floaty bullet jumping and actually looked like ninja-y moves. Mixed feeling on stamina. I miss being able to remove abilities you didn't use to have more modding space.
Well, now you have ability augments that actually consume useful slots and the exilus slot that has a very limited use on top of NOT ADDING but consuming mod capacity.
If they nerf chroma the kvetching will be nuclear. Especially because DE's biggest lap dog is a massive chroma main.
Good Mag when?
Yes, I don't
Only with high armor scaling right? sometimes I don't get it, I do Polarize and the enemy barely takes 500 damage, other times I do it and tons of numbers fly around, I thought it was the shards but it is very insconsistent.
Aesthetically and thematically vanilla WF was vastly superior.
Gameplay-wise I'd rather have current one, if it's just a bit better.
I am sick and tired of having to re-level my gear every time I put on a Forma.
That's like the smallest, least significant of the myriad of problems WF has.
If that's your big issue, you're having it pretty easy.
Debatable, but ok.
It's miles better.
Is not my biggest issue, but is the one right now keeping me from playing too much each day, I am tired of Hydron, I hear every time someone finds a good spot for power leveling DE changes it.
the retarded animu story and characters are also pretty trash tbh
b-b-b-b-b-but the human kids are relatable!
Just don't put bullshit all over your orbiter numbnuts. And the frames vary in aesthetics depending on the designer, harrow and gara are new and look just fucking fine.
what about the story is animu?
Aesthetically and thematically current WF has
I mean even if you like light hearted space fantasy over dark and brooding sci-fi, even then current WF lacks consistency and coherency, approaching PSO2 levels of no fucks given where you can dress up as vocaloids and giant bird mascots.
What the fuck is that from anyway? Some streamerfag?
is that why they didn't go insane in the void?
I mean animu in the sense of weabo fan-fiction where they just throw shit in they like without anyother reason then it's cool
I don't know, as far as I think it kind of sounds like Lord of the Flies (yet again) in a sense.
It's especially EPIC when people start plastering it all over the target in defense missions.
Top tier immersion factor.
Ah, twitchfag then.
Do you need another reason? I mean the whole reason the tenno use melee is contrived as hell, it's just there because it's cool. It's not new.
Oh and also Lotus is a coalburner. I wonder when she'll get to pay the toll.
Coal burner?
Isn't it implied that the kids stopped aging in the void and they were hundreds of years old by the time someone was able to pull them out of it?
I kind of find it a bit more interesting if the operators are mentally adults several times over, but physically and thus emotionally stuck as children because their bodies don't age. It would also go a long way to making the warframes themselves more important, as they serve as surrogate mature identities they can inhabit since they can't get older themselves.
Are you implying that ballas is an actual orokang?
AFAIK the void is like the 5th dimension, so the actual passage of time that occurred there is kinda unknown.
Nope, they may have aged a bit but so far it looks like they aged just enough to protect themselves from the crazy adults but not enough to stop acting as kids (ie, the War Within.)
Who cares? More importantly you can associate yourself with clem clem GRAKATA xDdd
Get a load of that nigger, Lotus left the Tenno for this. And now Ordis just pretends to be Lotus by replaying messages of her or some shit..
He looks more blue than black.
that'd be perfect wouldn't it
the reason why in lotgh they use melee over guns is because they don't want to space themselves due to someone shooting through the hull. warframe melee has it's place because shields exist as well as the fact that 90% of all combat is close quarters anyways
she blue'd him?
He's not a nigger.
No you ninny, the codex specifically says it was because the sentients were resistant to modern tech, so using basic as weapons was the best way to hurt them save for void energy. If that's not contrived I don't know what is, cause we still use guns anyway.
that does not explain why the fucking grinneer deploy melee weapon units
Clem is at least kind of funny and you can pretty much leave him be after his quest.
Second time Lotus leaves and they decide to just put a hologram repeating her chatter instead of at least giving Ordis new minimal lines to play the navigator until they decide to release the quest to get her back, the plot thickens in a horribly contrived way, we have the man in the wall, Lotus probably being Margulis's body, Ballas being with or against you, etc.
Lord of the Flies has been used a little too much in a cheap way lately (MGS5 and that LotF with females instead.)
And it doesn't explain it for the corpus either. But we obviously don't have to worry about getting vacuumed as we can do it in the game and it doesn't do shit to us or enemies. I'm just saying the reason we do was specifically given, and it's a shit reason, so I fail to see why other stuff should need a good reason.
there was zero description of orokangs other than they were pompous rich smart fuckers that decked out everything in gold. people said kangs since people thought teshin was orokin but turned out dax soldiers were slaves to the orokin
Sentients adapt to damage, so to kill them you need to have sources of as many different damage types as you can.
So having melee means you can put more damage on sentient after it got adjusted to damage on your gun.
It was pretty cool lore and story integration until them made your potato being able to purge any resistance from sentients making the whole point void.
Thanks for confirming yourself to be cancer in the end. I hope you get cancer and die :)
Compared to the kid tenno that is.
that's why it'd be perfect for them to do, it's basic bitch high intellectual bait
corpus don't deploy melee units thoughs? they have melee weapons but that's not the same thing. wouldn't it be nice if shit could get vacuumed into space alot more then that one tile set
They are codex descriptions and synthesis descriptions somewhere, I can't be bothered to go look.
Having the kiddo purge resistances makes total fucking sense though, their weakness to void is played much more prominently than their "melee weapons hurt me" angle. And it doesn't make sense because while they do adapt to damage, it's only damage types, not sources. And the codex entries only say that high tech didn't work, not that the tenno used swords for different damage types.
They do, the Prod Crewman.
Kids weren't even supposed to be able to function outside of frames, that why those were built in the first place.
But now you can run around and shoot shit because gotta milk them whales for tater duds.
ah yes that one unit type
When it comes to enemy melee weapons is just simple combat logic isn't it? I mean, combatants would usually be issues a main weapon, a backup one and some kind of melee/close combat weapon for safety.
The kids were and still are stupid in every conceivable way, and I'm not defending them, but if you're gonna have them be there, shooting them with void and having it severely fuck them up makes sense 100%. And if we didn't have kids we'd probably have void come from somewhere as that was also half the reason the tenno were good at killing sentients. They had void and could consume their oro, as well as just being beefy and able to use melee.
Yeah but if you're fighting a mystical space ninja the whole system both fears and respects, running at them with your prod is suicidal. the grineer at least have an excuse of fodder units, or the clone rejects being too dumb to do anything requiring more finesse, but the corpus have nothing.
the corpus have jewish tricks, what if there's only prod types because those are the suckers who can't afford anything better?
Yeah. Niggers.
I mean I guess, but then why not have a MOA go and kick the tenno to death for what must surely be a smaller cost than paying the prod crewman?
Fucking exalted blade or shuriken or any other damage dealing warframe ability could do void damage instead of elemental fuckery and it would fit much better, but why make sense when we can make more dress up?
Yeah, until the kids I always imagined that was what most of the tenno abilities were supposed to do, except for the explicitly stated ones like ember.
Indoctrination and "purpose built" in the case of Corpus.
The way I read it, it wasn't that the Sentients were resistant to modern technology per our definition of 'modern'; it was that they had this awful habit of adapting really, really quickly to spacefuture almost-magic appearing bullshit tech used by the Orokin, and then stealing it & refining it to tenfold lethality. Gaser deathrays aren't shit if the swarming self-replicating collective consciousness of nanobots start diffusing and reflecting the beams the second time they're used. And the third time they've stolen & perfected the design, slagging a fleet or two as you retreat to your gated neighborhood anti-space Gold & Marble McMansion tower to mull over your options.
The Orokin proceeded to go around this through two means; one, they outright cheated through the Void, which is apparently anathemic poison to mundane reality-confined nanogoo machines. Two, they went back to basics; melee weapons as you said, and also chemically based slugthrowers to the tune of Soma space AKs. Even if attacking a laser spamming ballerina nanomonster with a sword is suicidal, as long as just one of your zombie goo remote piloting child soldier psykers can bust through to hack a few in half with the monofillament blade before the puppet is vapourized it's a win; even if bullets do diddly, a whole lot of diddly is going to do a lot better than a cockblocked energy weapon. The former is a rainstorm, the latter is a thunderbolt. The latter can be misdirected by lightning rod. The latter WILL usher in a flood, so long as you've enough of it. The bare simplicity makes Sentient adaptation less effective. That's the best it can be rationalized, anyways.
The Grineer deploy them because it is a militarist clone-kleptocracy run by two Orokin who know full well what's needed to kill Sentients if they ever returned, and also because cleaver equipped legbreakers & human battering rams wielding rocket hammers are an at least logistically cheaper means than slugthrowers to kill poor colonist shits, and a vastly better means to inspire terror. You can implicitly take cover from bullets, and thus have a meager chance of escape. You can implicitly not escape a psychopathic supersoldier whose sole mission in life is to run down your poor allegedly resisting ass and curbstomp one giant hole where your torso once was while his buddies fillet everyone you know and love. The Corpus deploy them because glorified cattle prods are equally good for legbreaking, likely serve utility purposes in securing human chattle, alien life and infested specimens, and once again are cheap, because the Corpus are a bunch of spacejew shits.
The former will suicidally charge because they are mentally ill tubescum jacked up on propaganda, genetically enforced hatred & stimpacks. The latter will charge because the Crewmen are, as far as I can reckon vaguely recalling the Crewman Project lore snippet, nerve stapled clone shits that're likely hypno-advertized into trying to fuck your shit up in spite of their awful chances, covering for the fact they don't really have a choice anyways in their mental programming; the only effective difference between Grineer & Corpus trash-level goons is that the latter are made from nondegenerative templates with the occasional original human employee, subjected to similar nerve stapling.
I like that they expanded the story, but I don't like the way in which they did it.
I wanted them to change the movement system, but I don't like the way in which they did it.
How would you have changed the movement system?
Something between the rigid and slow system of then and the floaty system of now in which you mash forward, crouch, jump then roll repeatedly and move at the speeds which should only belong to Volt as any frame. Whether you're Atlas or Nezha each frame feels like it has the same weight and sprinting might as well be removed.
In the old system you had to think about your moves due to the slower speed, but the way in which frames would ridgedly cling onto walls felt unnatural. There are games which have good parkour systems no, not asscreed and I'm sure that the perfect balance of then and now could have been achieved.
Going fast as any frame has just made the game better, my only complaint is that all the wall maneuvers are never necessary.
There is walking?
That is NOT fucking Ballas, that is the Man in the Wall passing himself off as Ballas to fool Lotus, who he's jedi mindtricked into believing she's Margulis for fuck sake.
Look in the lore, what do we know about the Orokin? They were proud of how beautiful and symmetrical they were, and Ballas is supposed to be THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND SYMMETRICAL OF ALL THE OROKIN!
Look up balls' concept art or something.
Which is why this art that we've had our hands on for quite some time and is literally titled "BALLAS" with longarm exists?
Imagine his dong haha
I was legitimately surprised they went through and used that in the end. I mean, I like it. It's fucking creepy and I like the alien looking stuff creeping back into the game.
Cant wait for them to kill him off after a shitty quest where they show off a new Space Tater power and he's never mentioned again (Like Grineer Elder Queen)
there's lots of grinneer queens tbh
what some other user said was that he was fucked abit by the infected tbh
Being the most beautiful and symmetrical of all the orokin doesn't mean he was objectively beautiful or symmetrical. Just that all the others were fugly and mishapen.
Nah, other way around. The seven were the most perfect orokangs, but ballas was just an executor so maybe he didn't get all the perfection enhancements.
I may get burned for this but I need to share it.
It took me to remove the market exclusive to "as common as exilus" to convince someone else of the idea.
This is the face of warframe you chose.
I mean, I don't want it be more p2w than it already is.
What's interesting is how it always goes.
it wouldn't
it's almost as if it's like every other kinda closed in forum or something
at this point is only the usual p2rush taken to its logical conclusion.
That's making the jump from pay to not wait, from pay to not play. Admittedly if you just power level then there's not much difference, but you at least need to have the game on and pretend to play. It's a step in the wrong direction.
Also just buy a goddamn booster if you hate leveling
Please tell me nobody falls for those scams
The thing I suggest is just so you can have your fully forma'd weapon faster to tackle missions you really want to play and not spend the first hour or two re-leveling the same useless shit.
So you suggest I buy something to skip some stuff… how's that any different from mine aside from being slower?
Cause you still have to play the game.
This is bait.
but I would still play the game, specially if I have my full gear, I just don't want to play the power level missions over and over again.
But you're paying to not play the game, being that you no longer have to re-level.
It's ok when it's a part of some prime armor bundle.
That's also a scam. I mean I'm all for cosmetics but 50 dollarydoos for them is kind of dumb.
No? I mean it's exactly what it is advertised as, there are no lies involved?
You can't buy prime cosmetics with plat.
It's the price. If I sold a fistful of beans for fifty dollars it'd technically be exactly what they paid for, but that much money for basically nothing…
Fine it's not a scam, but it sure as hell isn't worth the money it's sold for.
Nigga it's visuals, there is no objective measure for pricing it.
Like, if you don't like of course you'd think it's not worth it. But what if it's the most fucking beautiful piece of 3D graphics you have ever seen? Then suddenly 50 bux doesn't seem like a lot.
Im not talking about the Armour, im saying that disregarding a booster is a stupid thing to do especially when it's so easy to get the cheapest one that allows you to make that plat back even faster and keep going as long as you have it. Yeah ideally most boosters are a stupid idea but why would you buy credit boosters / affinity boosters when you get them from sortie rewards.
If you just keep doing the sortie and piling up weapons/frames to level eventually you'll get a affinity booster from sortie or hell even login.
I was getting resource drop rate boosters from sorties and login rewards for a fucking week.
You can't rely on that.
Which one?
The fact that there is a whole selection of them speaks volumes of how shitty game has become.
Warframe has been, is and will always be shit
Which ones though?
here let me tell you about the forums:
its the same 200 people commenting on everything and even a lower number try to make a post on every thread on that stupid site
its such a hugeobx not even de listens to them anymore and would rather get opinions from reddit
poeple use the forums to upvote boost each other so they can sneek into a now dead Design Council.
btw what you say about hyper forma is basically Mastery rank. you get addition free capacity on rank 0. we getting to the point where ranking weapons wont mean shit after mr 27
Imagine, just imagine if DE decided to actually put things to do in game
What's the better mastery farm, Akkad or Hydron?
I keep hearing that WF has no content, but what the fuck are 10+ tilesets, bosses, quests and a few good pages of in-game lore? I mean you can see all of it in like 15-20 hours of playing, which is plenty enough for a free game.
Organised bere.
The tilesets don't matter since most enemies function the same and get mowed down without having to even change your weapon's damage. All the bosses are the same: invincibility phase > gimmick phase > repeat.
The quests are garbage, especially any involving tenno. Lore is rewritten to fit whatever they want and doesn't matter.
It's all arranged to look deep at a casual glance but really it's fairly shallow. If it weren't for the fact that you need to grind, you could complete most of the content in a day.
And speaking of quests I'm still mad at how shafted Vor gets. Let's take a look at him for a second:
>Gets relegated to a tutorial quest while faggots we never heard of get written into every new quest like the random non-edgy red veil woman in "The Tenno Find An Autistic Kid's Fidget Spinner", or "Old Widow Settles For the Man She Cucked When Husband Goes Missing"
Arguing for tilesets counting as content is silly, especially given how much they're recycled around the star map. Most every game needs a tileset to function. Super mario world had 10+ as well. The bosses, for the most part, follow the same hit-my-weak-point-to-disable-my-invulnerability-and-then-kill-me strategy with scaling offensive power based on how far along they are found in the game. Some are a little different, though most of the variance is bullet sponges. I don't think radiant quests count as content. As far as the actual quests go, a fair chunk of things are gated by foundry recipes to artificially increase time spent. Those that aren't are neat, I guess, though they suffer from retconning. I did have a lot of fun with sands of inaros and hidden messages. Lore just encourages more play time to scan things to get a page of something you can read in a wiki before you even play the game. Sure, someone had to write that. but so what.
15-20 hours of content after 5 years of betaâ„¢ development is lackluster. All the little problems pile on top of the no-content issue as well. Things like bug/support resolution time, DE nannystate and the ever popular suppression of dissent. Also, imho, it's only really free so there isn't as much backlash about the microtransactions. Same blanket defense they use by saying the game is in beta to deflect any criticism.
Something I still don't understand is that you kill important faction leaders on every damn planet, but they just reappear again for events or future content updates. Is timeline continuity completely fucked, a specific order quests and missions should be played, or do they clone the leaders too? Vor makes sense since he's now a void cultist or whatever, but I can't figure out if Vay Hek is dead or not. If they don't clone leaders, how are the Grineer not spread to the 4 winds at this point? Everyone is fucking dead now besides Worm
Warframe is objectively choke full of content. It's quality of said content that is questionable.
Did you never played online games before?
Canonically each fight happens once, and if you meet them during some event or whatever after you killed them, then in-story it happens earlier.
Tilesets are literally in every game. Saying they're content is the same as saying your floor is furniture. By that logic The Binding of Isaac has roughly the same amount of content.
Yes? What, are you imblyng it doesn't?
I'm saying that tilesets don't mean shit since it's a prerequisite for a game to even be playable.
Most online games don't create new content involving already dead characters. Like the ghouls, they just came out in December, but Vay Hek is running his mouth during the whole thing even though he's dead already.
Nigga level's a level, randomly generated or not.
It's like saying Diablo doesn't have levels, or Rogulekes don't have levels.
Obviously timeline is
So you can consider this shit prequel mission.
Warframe is know for doing shit most online games don't, for better or for worse.
Vay Hek at least makes sense since he's a Grinner and more machine than flesh so he having dozens of clones is perfectly logical.
Now if some Corpus dude came back from the dead yeah that would be bullshit
And levels are basic, and mandatory, for vidya. You might be impressed that the game has basic functionality but that should expected, not praised.
Your headcanon doesn't count
Except it does.
Not without proof it isn't.
Cloning makes sense but it's never mentioned anywhere that leaders are cloned after we kill them so I'm just wondering if that's the reason or DE are dumb.
Whether that's the timeline or not, I think we can agree it's dumb to be making new content for dead characters and then shift the universe timeline around to make it work. Flashback memory type sequences are one thing, but the ghouls are clearly not that
regardless, making a space for the level to exist in isn't content. that's like praising an author for printing his book on paper instead of sending you each individual letter in a box. it's required.
Void had to have some permanent effect on aging, but not lifetime, since the autistic fidget spinner kid is still a kid when you complete his quest. Even Lotus is amazed he's still around since he didn't have cryosleep available to him, hence why he had to permanently live in his frame or some shit. Actually the more I think about the tenno aging, the autist, and what we know in general, the less it makes any sense and more it appears DE has no idea how to follow their own continuity
I hate you kids
It's never mentioned anywhere in game because DE are retards, but yes. Actually, during an early dev stream, one of the very first questions was about us farming vor over and over again, and Steve makes a joke and goes "yeah, you're just fighting his clones over and over again" or something like that
God that awful defection sortie was so worth it
have fun getting some shitty riven for a literally who shotgun
Only retards actually unveil their crap
Oh yes I'm having fun alright
you could also just sell arcanes you know
kek these sour grapes, you got the endo reward for the sortie again?
This is the FIFTH fucking statue in a row, I want to die
How or why?
Adaro and Autism
That's some dangerously trippy cool aid you drinking there user
All frames are infested, user.
Why do I feel like there's going to be a Game Theory level wall of text soon?
Anyways even if chroma is infested, saryn should still be more infested because of how she looks and how her abilities work.
Poisonous plant theme = Infested?
Yeah, nah.
it's just about the looks, and Chroma looks pretty much as infested as it gets, except nidus naturally
user he's right, what do you think the helminth, that creature that maintains the frames, is? Why do you think all the infested call you "their flesh"?
"""all frames are infested""" as in they're constructed in some signifigant way from the technocyte. This doesn't make them infectious, or even bioactive, it just means that they're made of similar stuff - It's very likely that, much like Orokin structures, the technocyte in warframes only grows in a controlled fashion and then hardens and dies, or remains "alive" and "growing" in the same way your own flesh does - sustaining and strengthening itself, but no longer expanding and not contageous or infectious in any fashion. It's very likely that the entire infestation is just an unfortunate strain of this material that was always intended to be used in a controlled manner to produce things organically, but lost or circumvented control mechanisms.
Yeah, it's more infested than chroma.
Though I still say her prime is way more infested than any frame short of nidus.
Also how the fuck would nidus prime work?
The same way valkyr prime "worked"
Their creation still requires a technocyte strain to be cultivated = infested.
You underestimate the complexity of high scifi bioengineering. Saryn lends herself to the idea of orokin toying around with several different strains of technocyte, toxins, and non-technocyte bioactive agents. The Infested are infested - There's a lot more biotech in this canon than just the infestation, and the idea of creating a combat system using unique strains of technocyte in combination with other bioweaponry is a natural response to a mistake like the infestation.
Nope. That'd imply infested are some kind of baseline technocyte from which others are derived, when it would appear to be the other way around - i.e. the materials used in structures or warframes have been manipulated or neglected in such a fashion that the infestation sprouted from it. Technocyte seems to be, honestly, less like a species with a lineage, and more like an entire STEM field all its own.
There's so much potential being wasted with this canon.
I'm convinced that you've completely misread what I've been typing.
By your logic a pallet swap counts as "content". There's basically two or three things to do in entirely the game, repeat ad nauseum.
you can say that about most replayable game. the catch is you can do things in different ways. problem is end game warframe, you become so overpowered that there is very little challenge that will actually force you to explore new ways to beat missions.
It's a TPS, it's always the same, you click on the guys. What is your point faggot? What would meaningful content be to you?
they should add lewd skins.
Oh shit nigger, I don't know, things to do, interesting enemies to fight and such. Taking a shit is still taking a shit, regardless of the color of the bathroom floor tiles.
what if warframes are infected, why did alad need to use a controller for that one he "made" while he was infected rather then just fuck it and let the infected juice do it's thing
He likes catgirls almost exclusively. He couldn't get it up when dealing with Mesa.
Warframes are made of infested material that's why grineer queens call you an infested puppet
New interesting gameplay modes, enemies that require thinking. Dedicated servers for PVP would be nice
I think he's one of those gays
I get that but then why are we utterly immune to the infested then? shouldn't it mean we're massively susceptible to them instead or even a warframe/operator is controlling them
Nah all the warframes he goes for are female. I'm pretty sure he's just more of a catgirl type. I mean he even made a fucktoy proxy cat before the tenno went and blew it up.
No, because the warframes are already infested. The infestation works by infecting shit and transforming it into more infested then controlling it with it's hivemind thing.
Warframes however are already infested (made of infested materials) and are connected to the Tenno instead of the infested hivemind. This is why the infested hivemind bosses say "join us again" because they don't control you.
pretty gay tbh
I see
Would this make Braton Prime fun? I found it to be mediocre when I used it, mastery trash.
i bet the shitter thinks that new shiny of a weapon that comes out every few weeks is content.
is x good?
power creep gonna get nerfed in a week enjoy trying to roll a riven for it for easy jewing through sortie skinner box bingo
is x shit?
20 mins on hydron and trash.
I don't know, do you find shooting faster and more often more fun?
You could stack it with that Braton Prime syndicate mod. Should be fun.
… Who wants to tell him?
He'll figure it out.
can someone taxi me to mot? I only have one mission to do before it but I can't do it since it's cancer tbh
just ask recruiting
git gud scrub
Eh, not really. And that -23% damage can be kinda annoying. I suggest rerolling until you get something like +100% damage or something.
drawing a nova
Is it worth it to get into this game at this point?
it never has been worth it, do you like grind?
I love grind
Why choose uggo frame tho?
Draw ember or valkyr instead.
It's monhun with guns and parkour, make what you will of it.
You'll fucking love it then.
I enjoy lewd robots,please continue.
What's wrong with it?
How many ass shots you have exactly?
It covers her tits and gives her a weird tail spike. It is inferior to the original and about on par with gersemi.
Who cares about tits lol.
And tail spike looks cute without hiding ass.
Sorry to hear about your homosexuality. Hope you get better.
Do you realize what game this thread is about?
shut your face, ash fisher is cool.
Girls in spandex. Again sorry to hear that you caught the gay, hopefully you'll get some time to recover.
yeah, because the point of comparison is whatever the base stock that turned into infested ancients was. they were pretty fucked up physically, he was just the least fucked up.
We need an ability augment for Chroma so that if all 4 members of a team are a different colored Chroma the Effigy skill becomes an unstoppable dragonzord.
you don't need formas for any content in this game. you barely need potatoes.
fully formaing is a late game fuckabout time sink for people with nothing better to do. skipping it defeats the entire purpose of it's existence.
try and do the sortie with a no forma/ no potato weapon, see how that goes.
How can someone be this wrong?
Boys in spandex is the selling point of WF for years, starting female frames either didn't have ass (mag) or got it covered (trinity). Ember was the single sexy femframe, and she's kinda underdeveloped in ass department.
Your denial is hilarious, you're probably the gayest person itt.
Seriously you don't need forma/potato if you pug anything period, you might need them only if you solo fome level 100 defense or survival.
Assassinate sorties would be a hassle with no potatoes, so i haven't bothered trying them, would definitely depend on the boss.
Everything else I've carried and or soloed with frame and weapon unpotatoed. The ones with optional killing I've done completely unmodded.
git gud
Try putting that shit on an excal with Chromatic Blade the only thing you need on him is a stat stick melee.
The only "Hard" Content is the sortie bosses that get modifiers that make them even worse and no one on your team comes with a build to deal with it.
The Sargus Ruk sortie the other day I had 2 ash primes and a trinity in my group. All with unranked weapons.
All of them were above MR 20
When you get brain dead monkeys like this who don't come prepared is when shit gets actually hard.
It fucking hurts being the only one who can deal damage to a boss when hes got so much Armour and every jackass in your squad is looking for a free ride.
None of the guys have ass at all you flaming faggot. Go back to playing your ladyboy nezha.
Well dont build chromatic blade excal if you use unpotatoed gear?
What are you stupid? Build him for CC and use that wep.
Or put hunter munitions and some crit mods on your primary.
Also if you don't want monkeys you either go solo or get organised group in recruit chat.
I'm not an expert on male asses, so I believe your word homo.
And no I don't play nezha, he looks stupid and gay and is shit frame to boot.
Where in that did I just say put a potato in him user? Are you blind, drunk, or retarded?
I choose blind.
No faggot the reason they don't have asses is because they're guys. Guys don't have asses. And I can tell a nezhafag from a distance: you reek of it.
Nice projecting homoboy.
That's my line.
It's all about the codpieces anyway.
Ass is still top tier until they add a bust slider, which is never because this is warframe and we can't have nice things.
Why would we have a bust slider?
Because it'd tickle my boner, and more importantly because poor Nyx has to compete with tittiy monsters like Saryn and Kohra. I mean Loki already does her job better, she needs something.
why wouldn't we?
Cause since when can we edit the models for any frame? And I like each frame having a set bust size. If you want titty monsters just play saryn.
Who's no u-ing now?
Saryn has butt ugly butt skirt without physics that you can't remove.
Saryn's skirt is cute.
And it does have physics
Prime does, saryn doesn't.
it looks like nova is standing behind be a pair of spread legs
You deserve being lynched.
Astilla or Corinth with appropriate elemental mods will shit on every single thing a sortie can offer, with no potato or forma at all.
The only exception is if you get a "no primary weapon" meme but then you just put on a Galatine or Lex prime and laugh all the way to extraction anyways
That's double their actual price fella
not for shotgun riven it's not.
Is Cernos Prime MR fodder? Cause I hate the triple shot shit on this thing
New mesa skin is alright. I appreciate the ass window built into the long twin tails of her coat.
thank god, same with aksomati? its got a good crit chance, but its damage is so bad it doesnt seem worth it
Haven't used the aksomati, but based on the stats they're just a worse akstiletto prime.
I was wondering when the fucking thing would get better, ironically having a single shot would make it way better since no split damage or dodgy range.
Yeah, I'm not sure who's idea it was to make the long range weapon suddenly need to be close range to do damage.
Does anyone know what weapons work with the perla pistol skin? Also I'm not sure how I feel about the deluxe skin, if someone has it can you show how it looks with some of the other helmets?
oh well, time to sell it… later, I am going to bed right now… can you believe I got a potato and a 3 day exp booster earlier (50th login) 2x exp weekend is coming… and I still can't make myself go and re-level my forma'd stuff? I just want to play the less boring things!
Have you tried checking skins on your current pistols?
It didn't work. For all my dual pistols it didn't show up.
I'm not that great with perspective yet.
nova is CUTE, and i drew valkyr already
The style of the linework is interesting but having the massive lines separating the waist from the rest of the body makes them read as separate objects.
Otherwise breddy gud I give it puffy vulva/10.
It's worked on my dual toxocysts just fine, though it's weird because it keeps the old reload animations and doesn't have the headshot sound.
got me to reply
Draw a shy Ivara next
you are wrong, she is very mildly chubby and has really wide hips, and is cute
Will probably draw her later down the line, but I've barely unlocked her and haven't been in the mood for playing warframe for a while now.
This new Titania augment is absurd.
Please work on your anatomy, it makes your images unfappable at times.
Nova's new design sure is interesting.
Is she the fastest frame now?
Your lack of seeing in perspective is a poor bait indeed.
Without a doubt. That video was only with +75% ability strength; you can very reasonably get her up to ~120% without even going full meme about it, at which point I think she's actually faster than archwings.
The augment:
- Scales with ability strength
- Scales with ability duration
- Additively stacks its duration upon cast, up to a maximum of ~30s at 100% duration
I was already loving Titania on the plains, been doing bounties with her all the time, and this just pushes her to crazy heights.
Oh, by the way, the bombard I kill in that video? I don't show it, forgot to do so when recording, but that's a level 130 bombard. And he just fucking melts.
Zoom the image out. She's upright and way too far away, you can even see the start of her pelvic curvature up there. The only way for that position to be possible is for her lower torso to be really long. Though I did exaggerate a bit
I'll try harder next time.
this is fucking amazing ngl
Is Fanged Fusillade worth getting? Already have Astral Twilight and Tempo Royale, don't have any claws nor do I know if any are good.
All slash buffs are worth getting
Holy fucking shit the Daikyu is bad.
But hey! Status! That's definitely worth putting on a bow that fires slowly right?
Oh yes, I'm sure that puncture proc just melts enemies.
You are going full retard here fella
I'm just not seeing it. I mean sure you can shove Primed Shred and Vile Accelleration on it, but aren't you losing out on damage? Fuck the idea of putting four forma on this thing sounds painful.
It's a bow, not like you're gonna do any armor stripping on it fast enough. And viral just isn't gonna cut it without slash. So tell me, what proc is gonna do all that damage?
have you considered adding slash
Even with fanged fusillade it deals not puncture.
*more puncture
Orokin Reactor alert up!
No we all hate the game but are forced to post about it at gunpoint.
No, the dozens of capped threads about this game have all been obviously waifu talk and erp
What's not to like about ninjas, aliens, magic, futuristic tech, and goofy combat?
There are no aliens in the entire game, actually. Everything can trace its lineage back to earth or is an invention of Man. It's kind of interesting.
You're just invented PayNot2Play item, fucking imbeciles. Korean MMOs are full of this shit.
I guess your next HUGE IDEA will be autogrind offline feature for small sum of dollarido.
Oh and I collected all frames, premium weapons and shit and forever left, still wondering what are these supposed "fun" missions that come after all that grinding you keep babbling about.
Well there's one. His name is ash and he's alright.
Everything is man-made actually. Kind of disappointing.
We need more of it. Where's my witchframe?
We need more of it. Where's my tacticool frame?
It's standard issue TPS, with abilities thrown in. We need more goofy stuff.
We need more goofy stuff.
I enjoy it for the art direction and girls in tight outfits. Especially now that mynki is gone the level designs are pretty nice and when you don't immediately kill them some of the enemies look cool too. Nullifiers, and the person that designed them, can suck 37 dicks in a row. Just don't treat it like the triple-a game rival normalfags want you to and treat it like a standard korean MMO and you'll be fine. It's a grinding game above all else.
Who was Mynki?
OMG! you can finally toggle sprint and it stays toggled if you shoot your weapons!
Unless you main volt, why the hell are sprinting?
Art guy, kind of shit. Responsible for things like limbo, mesa, and ember's deluxe skin not being by ignus dei
Because is faster than walking, duh.
They're all cool but definitely not when they are thrown together in a weird mash up.
It's like when i started Destiny, you're in the future and then there's magic.
Why do that when you already have advanced technology, which is kinda magically on its own.
It's probably just my taste, that's why i like magic best when it's in a medieval setting.
Just like that Horizon Dawn abomination, never touched it because of the shit post apocalyptic setting and cavemen combination - i just don't like it.
I also haven't touched ELEX because of that, despite being the gothic devs.
Though i kinda like the steampunk setting, meaning Fallout, dishonored and bioshock etc.
It does sound pretty interesting tbh
This is the part where someone throws the obligatory "Technology can be advanced enough to look like magic" line.
Basically tenno in warframes are like mutants with different powers…or something. Lore's been broken and rewritten a few times already.
I agree on the medieval magic thing though. It adds a bit of supernatural to the mundane, rather than a bit of fantasy to scifi. That said a proper magitech game like warframe would be nice.
Regen Molt or Contagion Cloud? I can only fit one
Most of the Tenno powers made sense technologically up to a point, around Saryn or hydroid is when it stopped making sense and became full on space magic.
Molt, especially if you're using rage. You kinda need the health as melee saryn, unless you're fine with lifestrike or healing return, then contagion is gonna give more damage.
Dera Vandal MR fodder or potentially good?
That's what I thought, so, is the Supra a better blaster rifle or all blaster rifles suck?
Supra and specifically the Vandal variant has some limited uses due to the energy restoration from the augment.
Has this game made it possible to get slots without using platinum yet? I refuse to spend money on fucking slots and Don't want to trash my weps/frames when I max them out just to make room.
there is a supra vandal? well, then I won't build the vanilla one.
You can make 100 plat in a day easily if you aren't stupid and know how to use the market
No. Just pop relics and sell shit on the market.
Only available as an event reward for now. It's not in the invasion reward list yet.
Vandal just has a better mag size and other minor shit, it's the aug that gives it energy and a decent status chance. So considering you can't get it right now, you might as well get the normal Supra if you don't want to wait indefinitely.
Yea that's what I love to do. Sit in chat spamming for hours trying to sell shit that other people will just farm for themselves.
What do you know, you have no idea how to use the market.
Here, get spoonfed faggot, nobody uses trade chat
It's really not hard tripsman. You can sell ayatans or syndicate mods for enough plat and frequently enough to have more than enough slots.
Was the first a one-hour alert? I'm not seeing it. What node is it on?
It's far gone, pal
Is this weapon any good?
It's not as good as a CO lesion, but it's certainly serviceable and the gimmick is neat and actually useful. Also it's a scythe which needs more love in general.
of all the space magic frames you pick hydroid and saryn? hydroid, like frost can just conver the air into water, the puddle thing is weird but if we're to accept the premise that warframes are infested machines that are strange and inhuman it's certainly plausable
This works just as well for saryn because she could just be like…a walking plant that produces spores, not unlike Nidus.
Harrow and Oberon make next to no sense, Titania barely makes any sense, Ash teleporting is actually less scientifically plausible than all the powers of Hydroid and Saryn but perhaps the strangest bit of space magic is Rhino stopping time by stomping the ground
It's been working in high level sorties so far for me, I just get worried sometimes that I'll hit some type of wall
Volt kind of upsets me, I keep throwing mod combos together but no matter what I do he just seems….not very good compared to other warframes
Volt sucks, anything he can do can be done better by multiple other frames. He isn't even fast anymore
it's so fucking annoying, he was my favorite frame too and way back in beta he pumped out sizable damage. Why did they butcher him like this?
I think the biggest insult is that Steve on twitter went "Volt is damage, not cc"
Ok, so at 300% ability strength discharge barely does 2000 damage and has a cap on how long it can stun, he's also a squishy as fuck frame with low armor
Meanwhile, frost, fucking frost the tank frame can press 4 and at 250% ability strength can do 4000 damage, in addition to a 10 second stun with no cap that can be increased and at that ability strength will remove 100% armor. Why the fuck does frost get to do so much damage and volt doesn't?
And the worst part, all of this could just be fixed by upping volt's numbers, nothing complicated required, do they do it? No. God forbid he actually be usable, I guess he's destined to wallow away forgotten like zephyr
You probably won't, as you have corrosive and radiation so you can chew through armor and reduce aggro. And you could always play something like chroma if you find any weapon's damage lacking.
He really just needs the cap removed, and they even we're gonna do that but then they pussed out at the last second. He's really just the fast frame.
he should be the lightning god frame again that immediately removes all shields and blasts people with lightning nukes "potent alternative to gun play" should carry a little weight behind it
Zephyr is great though, he's a complete rapetrain on any corpus sortie and has enough CC to justify his presence in any mission
This is a lot of bait.
To be fair, a lot of abilities suck just because they refuse to make them scale.
what's your main frame? some afk meme like ember or resoquake banshee I bet
I forget frames have genders because it's so dumb to give a gender to a pile of infested metalmeat
also zephyr is still faster than volt hueueheueh
Yeah. All the early frames except pretty much excal and rhino struggle to stay relevant as the game gets more updates. All those 1 abilities that are just "throw a ball of an element and do 200 damage" need to just be gone. Fucking nidus the tank is more of an alternative to gunplay with his 1 spam.
She's shit and only has one usable ability.
You have never played this frame
Case in point: one good ability.
Case in point: you are a faggot
Augments take up a slot, so you're gonna have worse stats period. Her 1 and 2 fucking suck as movement, they're basically bullet jumps that cost energy and don't even have a combo window like rhino charge or rip line to ease energy costs. Her 3 is good. Tornadoes have shit range and move at a snails pace so they barely catch anything that isn't running right at them. Also
Her 1 was phased out by movement 2.0. and eats energy. It's shit.
The augment eats a slot and it still is only turbulence. It's the only good ability.
You can't control where the tornados go, what enemies they effect and when. You're relying on the game's shitty AI. It's shit.
Zephyr is shit. And this is from someone that uses her exclusively on the plains because tornadoes flinging enemies is funny.
Is Power Strength important on Nyx? 2 is a joke, 1 and 3 are not affected but 4 is affected when it comes to absorbed damage, I was thinking on adding Overextended.
strength is absolute trash on nyx.
OK, that's what I suspected, guess the amount absorbed is irrelevant when the enemy deals lots of damage anyway.
It's more the fact that it deals magnetic and people only use it for the invuln and not to deal damage. Are you using assimilate?
Nope, I don't have it yet, in the past I just used it for that and the push back explosion, guess until then I am better off focusing on chaos and mind control, right?
Yeah. Also assimilate isn't too hard to acquire, if you're in a clan I'm sure someone in there could give you one, or at least make a deal with you for it.
I can't believe I forgot about that, no need for the long wait on switching syndicates if someone in my clan may be able to get one for me.
The new Harrow mod seems cool, how do you niggers mod him? I'm not sure if I should value duration or power higher. Mods I'd most consider changing would be Streamline and Intensify.
That build is pretty much what I use, except I go with health instead of shield because at high levels the shield just gets evaporated and the healing from his 2 is enough to keep you mostly alive. And I guess swap out the intensify for the aug if you want it as the crit bonus has a cap anyway.
Yeah real efficient there MRlet.
But hey! Zephyr has one skill that's actually good so that puts her at the same tier as volt. Maybe her rework will make her not a floaty pile of shit.
God I'm laughin
Limbo would like a word with you, and to a much lesser extent oberon.
Yeah you press more than one button now but she does fuck all for damage.
Are you okay, user? Saryn's one of the best DPS for Bere now. It's actually insane how much damage she can do over what kind of range.
How the fuck is this a popular enough opinion to have memes about it? I use her as a caster-tank with Rage, a health and an armor mod, the health on molt augment, and some power strength. She's one of my favourites and I have like 10 at MR14. What the fuck are you trying to do with her, press 4 and run around like Ember?
because when her rework came around jewtubers were calling people stupid for saying the "rework" made her better since they have to suck dick to stay close to DE. im sure DE told them to stop because when ash rework came, a far worse gutting, there was zero reaction for a far more popular frame.
How should I build the Telos Boltace?
you are a year too late. shit got gutted hard
wow, how wonderful
what the fuck happened to DE? what weapons are even usable?
I mean, it was OP as all get out, it deserved a nerf. Although the nerf it got was rather severe.
how severe? can I actually use it or is it just gonna do zero damage when I hit higher level enemies?
Sometimes the game's rules are quite stupid and unfair, enemies under Chaos will ignore themselves and attack you or other players (even being closer together), when they decide to attack other enemies they tickle and rarely kill anyone that is not another player, mind controlled enemies get an IQ reduction because they stop shooting apparently.
I mean the regular boltace were okay, and telos I think are a slight upgrade, so it should be functional. It's just the unique mechanic it had has been pretty fucking gutted, so you can't maiming strike bleed proc entire rooms to death any more.
Does anyone know if I can swap polarities from a regular mod slot to a stance slot?
You can't
>Using normalfag memes
Should I potato prisma grakata?
Fuck it, doing both prisma and twin. Full grakata set.
also heres a doodle of octavia
You're probably into some extreme fetishes, just didn't reveal your power levels yet.
user your taste is not good
Octavia looks like a bunch of random scrap metal and horse tail attached to the top.
You're either clangfag or furry.
Or both.
Still waiting for Valkyr bending over
how is warframe not basically clang
They are just people in latex.
but there's no people inside, and the material doesnt look like spandex, it looks like synthetic flesh with robot parts
They look like people in latex.
Speaking of Octavia, do you have any songs or any Anthem Remixes?
I don't see it at all, they feel like a mix of clang and synthetic flesh leaning a bit more on the soft side.
Not really, I unlocked her, realized you need plat to buy instruments and I stopped playing the game soon after that. Might return to it later.
I guess vivid imagination and degeneracy go hand in hand.
You are the worst variety of retard
Agreed, clang is the funniest thing since accidental incest.
I might actually play octavia now.
I have seen stuff like that with 4 radiant relics.
80% of the time it will be mastery fodder. just wait 2 months for it to get dirt cheap and buy it
Actually, I am only interested in prime stuff for the ducats because primed mods are at least useful.
Vermillion storm, Astral Twilight, Prisma Grakata- are any of these worth getting? I have a glaive BP but haven't crafted it yet, I'm one piece away from getting Venka Prime, and the Grakata looks cool
Grakata is good, you just need carrier cause wew does it eat ammo. The two stances aren't great, and both claws and glaives aren't the most meta weapons. However I would prioritize astral twilight as it's harder to get, the claw stance has other good ones that aren't baro exclusive.
Do I actually want to liquidate junk to ducats and/or possibly farm more stuff to get the prisma grakata and vermilion storm?
I don't really like how malicious raptor moves/combos work, and I think I heard at some point in time that the prisma grakata is either a meta option or 'pretty good' in general or fun or something.
I guess; how does prisma grakata compare to soma prime? from looking at the wiki it seems like PG has less crit chance, impact priority vs slash, but more fire rate, and more status compared to soma?
I have a somaP, I don't really use it often, even when it and boltorP and tonkor were basically the top 3, i didn't really like the somaP 'playstyle' compared to the other two so even though I had one, I didn't really use it alot; and what I'm saying is basically if the Prisma Grakata is a 'weaker' version of soma P that is just more accessibly, I probably won't really use it, and it's not the cheapest MR fodder. OR; if there's something else that I'm missing and it's different and worth trying out for different reasons? Sure.
Prisma grakata isn't as powerful as soma, but with hunter munitions it's very close. It also has no wind up time and very high fire rate. This also means though that you need carrier for the ammo, and the recoil is pretty high. If you're fairly high MR I'd get it just as a plaything that can still do damage.
I basically use carrier all the time for QoL vacuum and 'as habit' since universal vacuum for the ammo converter thing. Worst case scenario, I can pop ammo pizzas because sometime ammo converter can't keep up with deepwave.
I mean, I get that it isn't terrible, but I'm not sure if I would really 'use it as a plaything that can still do damage' I have not 'that many', but still quite a few weapons that I genuinely enjoy using and/or know are meta in general and have rivens for that I will use when I'm not leveling new things. Like I said about my Soma, I've had it for a long ass time, but I honestly don't think I've used in in like 2 years. After initial MR leveling, I don't really see myself using prisma grakata if it's just a 'more accessible' downgrade version of Soma P.
That being said; hunter munitions + soma, interesting, I haven't tried that yet. That sounds like a perfectly good excuse to get out my old soma and try something out. I didn't like it because of the whole need to sustain headshots/etc… aspect (i always preferred tonkor or boltorP to it when they were the top weapons), but there are plenty of other ammo-inefficient primaries that I DO enjoy because of their 'spray' nature (e.g. amprex/ignis). If hunter munitions can 'spray' slash procs onto mobs, that might actually make the soma pretty cool in my eyes.
Yeah HM makes everything with crit dissolve enemies. I means soma prime just has everything going for it, high crit, high crit mult, high damage, massive mag, good ammo econ, and slash focus with okay status chance. Not many weapons are gonna beat it. That said, prisma grakata is a ton of fun, but probably not worth the ducats.
there is no bad frames because this game is casual as fuck and the only challenge are the autistic deepwaves that take an entire hour to get started and consist of nothing but Dobson-tier stat inflation and infinite procs
Power Strength on Octavia or just range and duration?
All of the above. You want a good mix of all because her amp can give you intense damage buffs, as well as her metronome or whatever making you pretty damn fast as well as cloaked. Also her mallet, while it does scale off enemy damage, can output insane numbers with good strength.
OK, I will have to rank up Blind Rage then.
Wasn't the working amount 100k or 200k or something ridiculous like that?
Rhino been through a lot of phases like completely broken or completely useless against anything above level 50.
People usually don't keep up with frames they don't play.
Rhino does indeed suck at being pure melee tank because nullifies, but that's a very niche role that you never really need.
And then you have zephyr.
If it is I need that build. Or do you mean EHP, in which case no because ferrite armor does not inherit your armor or has any armor value AFAIK.
I mean, if you're gonna be a melee tank you're probably using something with range, which can in fact take out nullifiers if you're careful enough.
No, Rhino's EHP has always been in the shitter.
I think it was done with charge augment used on real large crowds of enemies with some armor bonus mod that converts pick ups or some shit.
I stopped maining Rhino years ago, and only barely kept an eye on him.
I mean that's what I'm using on him, and I hit 40k with a fairly good charge. I don't think 100 or 200 is in the realm of possibility. And other can tank better than him like nidus or wukong, but his status immunity is rather nice. The only tank frame that really has that is valkyr and inaros.
What about armor stacking with pick ups? I think Nekros uses that thing for tanking as well.
That could work, but you'd need to get 3 health orbs and use the ability before they expire.
They don't expire, they just activate when you take damage. And getting 3 Health Orbs and Negros is easy as shit with Despoil desecrating corpses.
They expire after you take damage. And I'm talking about rhino, so unless you have a nekros with you, and have taken health damage so you can pick up the orbs, it's not very convenient.
But his shield is fun now.
ninja stars + concealed explosives to bounce around spores.
I just forma'd my inaros so I could replace rage with hunter adrenaline.
I don't really remember what my old build was, and it probably didn't really matter since I didn't use skills on him, I just used him as a rage/lifestrike perpetual melee machine for high combo in deepwave (really the only skill I used on him was 4 at the very beginning of a level to charge up armor).
Assuming what's currently on here is the 'essentials'
What else do I want to ultimately put on him and build towards so I can start using some skills and things effectively? Basically since Nidus came out, I don't use Inaros at all since Nidus is ALSO a good dedicated melee platform and also has some handy CC skills and a much better form of 'survivability' with the 15 stack thing compared to Inaros' coffin mode.
Stretch, intensify, continuity, and negating swarm.
I tried MCGamerCZ's meme build and it feels really nice for melee.
woah, I did not know that was a thing, that sounds really useful. I'll try get one in trade channel since my syndicates don't have it. (will probably try 1:1 some mod I can get for one of those)
How about Soma advice?
Another forma and Critical Delay in last spot? (I don't have argon scope in general, and I'm not planning on buying one, so please no argon scope builds) or something else?
Did the void kike leave yet?
Interesting, I think I see what that's going for; maximum health/armor
I don't have gladiator resolve, and while I DO have cunning drift, I think energy reserves are a bit more important since I do channeling a bunch when I play inaros melee. But I guess if I slap negation swarm in the last slot this should be kind of close and sort of work; with a bit more str boost which I would assume makes the 4-charge up stronger?
And going fast, because that's really comfortable for melee builds.
Originally it had Primed Vigor instead of Cunning Drift but I only have regular Vigor and the 120% health didn't seem as fun as better sliding since I use Maiming Strike a fair deal.
It also made it a 2 forma build as opposed to 3.
From the wiki
So you want to stack armor mods, not strength if you want to be tankier.
Oh and about Primed Flow. I love the mod but with 5.4k base health, Hunter Adrenaline takes care of all your energy needs.
I thought you could invite people to your party if you weren't done with the objective yet? Why can't I invite people to a derelict run if I hadn't killed all the people/captured the target? Did they patch it or am I remembering things wrong? Used to run around the place alone and then invite one of your friends with the proper key.
Greatsword Hip Holster was the greatest invention ever. Also why anyone else find Warframes AA being exceptionally bad? It's either play with jaggies or blur. Even on the highest quality AA with 100% sharpness it's like everything in motion blurs and the bluring is pulsating with my frames idle stance.
First one is with AA, obviously. I never play with it but wanted to try it out some more for screenshots.
I'd say fanged fusillade but you don't seem to have it. If you get rid of shred or heavy caliber you could put corrosive on it. And you need a forma anyway.
Strength is just there so you got more healing from your 4.
If you are part of any of the Holla Forums clans I can give you one for more or less for free of charge.
Why is Inaros so easy to get compared to how good he is with his pocket sand?
I think that's because it's either FXAA or is coupled with DoF.
Either way i personally run this shit AA-less because i have no qualms against jaggies.
aw thanks man, but I already ended swapping some other augment for one.
i don't know about getting rid of shred, punch through or some other kind of AoE seems pretty important with the amount of hordes you fight.
Healing from 4? I don't use 4 to cast the bug swarms on enemies, I really just charge it up (or re-charge it now that I have Negating, and WOW; this thing is pretty fun/effective). Is there any relation between strength and the amount of armor buff that thing provides? if NOT; I should probably switch to range instead I guess, in the handful of pubs I've played today with inaros, I've been finding it pretty useful to use 1 as a quick CC before I go in and rez someone or something. (I don't really use it for the blind/finisher thing, in fact I usually slide attack through blinded mobs so it'll hit all of them rather than finisher animations one at a time)
Heavily focusing on Inaros's 4 is kinda counterproductive, your real bread and butter is your 1 coupled to a good melee like a jat kitty.
1 is basically spam to win. Don't even really need guns with it, just pocket sand + finisher your way to the victory.
2 is too slow to matter unless you're gonna die if you don't do something(seriously, 2 stalls time like a motherfucker). Also fucking mean it when I say "too slow", it can take a literal fucking minute to eat a high-level fat enemy, but at least you're 100% invincible while you're holding the button down.
3 is great coupled with hunter adrenaline or rage since you can basically blend rooms of enemies while getting free energy from getting shot. Otherwise it has shit energy econ and is an emergency cast much like your 2.
4 is good on paper and augment makes it actually worth it sometimes, but it's not a cornerstone since damage from bugs doesn't scale and actual protection kinda sucks when you get to the end of star chart and into sorties(you're better off blinding and killing than trying to outright tank).
Because the only thing you kinda need is range for bigger pocket sand aoe (duration is a luxury since you should kill everything before it runs out anyway) I really like the full armor & health modding route. Even range is fine at 100% I find, but you can still add some.
Power might help with healing, but I'd rather be tankier and then put on a life strike, efficiency is unnecessary cause Hunter Adrenaline.
1 has a shitload of range as is and at base range and power you cover I think 10-15 meter cone in front of you and get 25% of damage from finishers back as health.
Basically all you really need here is to tank the shit out of yourself and slap adrenaline/rage on top to always have energy.
Here's mine, granted, I haven't bothered to optimize it at all so it still has efficiency/power. Was thinking to strip power out for overextended since ability power doesn't affect lifesteal from the finishers and that means i'll be able to blind half the map with a single cast.
Oh fuck, Prisma Grakata is really fun
Replace intensify with Gladiator Aegis for more armor, put in Negating Swarm instead of Streamline (this is the most important thing).
I'd go for Corrosive Projection for damage or Sprint Boost for sanic, I've never ran into energy issues in Inaros and I don't even run Flow. For the Exilus slot, I'd either go for Cunning Drift for extra range and slight speed increase or Rush for major speed increase.
Oh and if you want more range, I'd consider replacing Flow if anything. And you probably only want to use stretch not Overextended, you still want blind duration to be decent.
Shit I forgot. Yeah Overextended is okay.
Strength isn't relevant on the pocket sand though.
Yeah I got it mixed up and thought it reduced Duration. Overextended is fine, but I still think Stretch is enough.
Speaking of undying frames, Nidus is so far the only frame I actually bought and he's uh…
A lot of fun.
He's pretty fucking top tier.
I just found this thing and I can't tell if it's amazing or absolutely retarded.
That's pretty hilarious. I guess if you can actually lead hard enough to hit them they're pretty fucked. But for real I'd reroll for crit.
Ehh, +dmg and +multi is nice, but this is a crit weapon and status dur ain't gonna do shit.
Plus it's a bow, good luck hitting anything.
Reroll that baby.
Agreed, reroll to get rid of the negative flight speed, status duration is not important on a dread which should be killing anything in one shot.
It was still funny though
That's the intent, I made it to use as bait for meta elitists.
Ok, but do you realize nidus is meta as fuck?
Now you've lost me.
No nigger, I mean how does nidus being meta factor into the joke?
"Entirely unaware of the meta", you know, because he's probably only less "meta" than mesa by a margin smaller than DE's idea of balance.
I guess I understand.
Well, to be honest, I'm good at drawing and playing the game, not making jokes.
So makes sense it wouldn't work well.
shit bitch, you dumb
I'm referring to him claiming the Warframes are people in latex then backtracking and saying they just look like that.