bordercucks btfo
how will they recover?
bordercucks btfo
how will they recover?
that isn't wrong
borders are a spook
The only reason you aren't fighting tooth and nail everyday for a scrap of bread against hordes of Africans and asians is because of borders, I think you need to reevaluate your world view.
Just compete Mr master race
Borders are made up
People are real tho
I claim it's exhaktaly the opposite: the borders are real, the people are made up *sniff*
In Lacansch schykoanalyschisch, ze illuschory perschon represchentsch ze schubconschous fear of ze Hegelian imperative of penisch. Thisch isch ideology in itsch purescht.
Germany, France and USA are far more dangerous to the world than one billion asians or african.
That's the real scum of the planet. The subhuman garbage that needs to be squashed…and fast!
Perhaps they are important because they are enforced by violence?
Can't handle the competition? Don't you believe in survival of the fittest? Isn't Social Darwinism your gospel?
We don't have a food shortage, we have an artificial scarcity problem. We can feed the whole world over.
So without borders I'd at least have a chance to get a Japanese gf?
I posses the border it does not posses me.
But in all seriousness, borders are good unless you want civil war.
Yes, stirnerfag, everything is a spook.
Nothing matters, might as well just become a capitalist since it doesn't matter if people suffer.
Gotta level the material conditions before borders are abolished. Doing it under capitalism would be a disaster, by the simple rationale that everything under capitalism is a disaster.
If the human race or Earth is as insignificant as the image implies, why not just be ancaps that have no consideration for people or property?
Say that to the people who would start up nations, kingdoms, and ethnostates, regardless, in the imaginary anarchist wonderland you keep thinking of.
Sage for shit thread, even by Holla Forums standards.
ok lol
Building a wall means isolating yourself from competition retard.
In what sense?
A wall just serves as a defense apparatus, not a magical bubble that blocks the outside world. There's no way to truly isolate one's kind from the competition, you can only survive, thrive, or die, in this idea of competition.
i don't think the image implied that the human race is insignificant m8
i will
Scenario 1:
Scenario 2:
Scenario 3:
Boy, you guys sure do hate the idea of thinking of ideas that can actually work in real life, huh?
pretty much what said, opening up borders now in just some places will only end in more problems. I mean there's a chance it could make things shit enough to accelerate the revolution but to be honest I don't like my odds on that bet. Best to focus on ending global capitalism first then abolishing borders and nations should be a walk in the park
your idiot thought experiment with faggot smug anime pic is stupid as fuck
the two neighboring states could abolish borders at the same time. They could also be extremely close culturally and intermingle peacefully. The empire could just not be an empire, maybe its a very reclusive republic that has no military. Stop being a fag
As dumb as borders are, there are some criminals out there that would take advantage of open borders and escape the law.
Now that we have borders, it only makes sense for countries to accept only skilled workers until the native population is entirely employed, or else there won't be any reason for employers to treat the workforce well if there's an endless replaceable supply of labor.
Finally, if a government actually deserves to exist, it wouldn't last long if it didn't enforce its own borders. Invasion would be very easy.
So although borders are dumb and imaginary, if governments are also dumb and imaginary as well as systems of law it makes sense to have them.
luckily criminals are stopped by making bordercrossing illegal, duh.
there are even more criminals out there who take advantage of closed borders to smuggle people.