What's with the aut-right and nootropics? What the fuck is even in this shit? Am I wrong in thinking its a chemical psyop?
What's with the aut-right and nootropics? What the fuck is even in this shit...
Nah it's only milking a market of people with a non neglectible incidence of inferiority complex, desperate to feel great about themselves. The pills making you smart can fill that role perfectly.
Tbh, milking various political markets to fund socialists organizations shoud be a thing.
Selling White pride shirts with Pepe to Holla Forums, male tears mugs to feminists, don't tread on me flags to lolberts and so on.
Most of it is trash. Some of these "nootropics" are straight up psychoactive though ie. phenibut, and a host of RC stimulants
It's just a market they know they can sell to
I'm sorry Holla Forums but this is a straight edge board.
I don't smoke dad
It's snake oil.
it gives wageslaves that "edge" to get them promoted
Hitler literally did horse barbiturates and meth.
Snake oil salesmen have been taking advantage of retards since the dawn of time. Combine that with America's Randian fetishization of raw cognitive ability above all else and you get GORILLA MIND SMOOTH ARYAN BLEND SPECIAL OFFER
The ideologies they promote pretty much all say that superior men should rule over their inferiors, yet they realize that they're trash as people by any objective measure, so they desperately seek a way to "hack" themselves into superiority, whether it's the gorilla mindset, PUA tactics, or nootropics.
They're obsessed with high Autism Levels while not having that high of one themselves.
They're faggots who want to be strong or smart without putting any effort into fitness or education. So they get scammed and buy pills and powders.
Creatine is a supplement not a nootropic. It's naturally acquired through red meat and if you don't eat that and do physical exercise it's smart to supplement.
Trying to do
Tell me more, user.
What is it with the aut right and anything they fucking do
Gorilla Mind Smooth takes the cake though.
They sound incredibly shitty. There's a reason they're not used any more.
Benzodiazepines are where it's at.
Benzos, weed and beer is god tier.