Am I really a communist?

American conservative here.

I see a lot of rumors going around that Trump is a "communist puppet", working for Putin. So I'd like to say something first, and then get some opinions from anons who are openly admitted communists. Here it goes:

IF I'm a communist for supporting my new President, for wanting to protecting our borders, for supporting the 2nd Amendment (as well as all other constitutional rights), for supporting our troops, for wanting to get along with other nations who respect our national sovereignty, for not accepting the flaws of globalization or world government, who wants our country to have a strong industrialized economy, for wanting a strong military for defense purposes, for expecting our government to prevent domestic terrorism, who respects our American culture and way of life… IF all this makes me a communist… well then, I'm a proud American communist!

My question for the comrades at Holla Forums: am I really a communist? …Or is the Mainstream Media's narrative full of bullshit?

I'd love to know.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is a puppet of ZOG Occupied Government back to 4cuck

Could someone please explain this?

Are you serious?



You're not a communist OP: liberals are just deranged retards who don't understand or care what words mean.

So what does this make me, user? A fascist? A Zionist? Or just a regular conservative being discredited for my views?

all of the above

You are just a retard

Only literal retards who listen to shit like RedIceRadio would believe in such nonsense.

Also, Putin is not a fucking communist.

So I'm a retard for caring about my own country and peoples? For wanting my country to remain sovereign and free?

do you think workers should be exploited out of what they produce?
should there be wealthy elite that control things?

Is this satire or are Holla Forumsyps really this stupid? Christ.

Checking those quads for truth.

Do you understand that worker's class is oppressed by rich, and that while poverty is rising in many countries, your country fucks them up with even greater exported workforce? Trump won't fix that. Further more your country is blinded with commercialism, consumerism, corporate slavery and all sorts of economic exploitation of lower classes of people. Crimes against humanity as such go unpunished long time. And its either you destroy the class system and seize the means of production or remain a slave forever.
You are not a communist.

Not really, I do expect a decent income for people who work hard.

Certainly not in control of everything, no way. But in control of their own businesses? Yes, they should.

But Trump is protectionist which is big gubmint which is literally communism111!!111

Or maybe 50 years of coldwar propaganda turned your country into a bunch of politically illiterate morons who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. And unfortunately, that include a lot of liberals for whom being anticapitalist means protesting unethical behavior from corporations while praising tax cut charities.
Worst of it, this cancerous mindset is leaking everywhere.
For the good of Western intellectual tradition, burgers nuke yourselves pls.

Under the literal definition of the word communist, you aren't, and no government is communist.

Under the definition it's been given in American politics, since the early 20th century it's always meant the Pro-Soviet "left", as opposed to the anti-Soviet Socialists. So that's why you are being called a communist, because Trump has the potential to be a hyper-authoritarian.

I'll admit we have had a very corrupt government for some time now, and that our politicians don't always do what is right.

Hold on, not just any corporations. But protesting "unethical behavior" of competitor's corporation, while being paid by other corporations that wants to get rid of their competitor. Literally exploiting liberals as a tool to remove potentially dangerous competitors on the market. Same with Trump.

Hmmmm, so the mainstream media is playing their mind tricks as usual, as well as identity politics? This makes sense. I just wanted to have this cleared up by those who oppose Trump, or by admitted communists themselves to see their perspective. Thanks.

At this point it's just brand loyalty, modern politics are no different than Nintendo and Sony fanboys screeching at each other.


That's actually a good comparison. Trump is sony, liberals are microsoft, libertarians are nintendo, and communists are pc users with linux.

Would it not be retarded to want the opposite though? Do you actually think we'd be better off under a globalist union, or some unelected bureaucracy like the EU? Where we have no say over our own laws, over our own constitutional rights, over our own economy?


Why does national sovereignty spook you so much? Shouldn't every nation protect their own national sovereignty and declare it's independence from unwarranted interventionism?

lmao neck yourself lad


Bro we're all about guns here. The proles have to be armed for an effective revolution

you don't have a say anyway you cuck. cash rules everything

They never do whats right.

Support how? You helped him move into the White House? You sent him another small loan of a million dollars? Or are you (mis)using the word in the traditional way, to mean 'never criticize, call those who do un-American, shill for and generally possess a willful ignorance of reality when it conflicts with the narrative of X'?
No, that means you haven't thought about how walls like the one he plans could keep Americans in if for some reason (like, idk, outlawing hate speech or guns) they wanted to leave.
That's so far the most Communist thing you've said. Marx, Orwell and several other big names were firmly pro-gun.
does that include the protections on unlawful search and seizure? Because that's another thing your guy's border control policy and his continuation of the previous asshole's border control policy both fuck over.
Oh look it's an even more bumpersticker-y, more meaningless version of the previous one.
Aside from us not handing our war criminals over to the UN, how is our national sovereignty being disrespected and by whom? Genuinely curious.
take your meds
I want a million dollars, Gitmo to close and a perpetual motion machine. What has he done to achieve this?
We wouldn't need one as strong as ours if it were purely defensive. Closing our bases overseas and letting other countries (Japan, Our Greatest Ally Israel, Germany, etc.) see to their own defense would save us a lot of money I'd think.
That's an unrealistic expectation, and people are using it to bamboozle you out of the other things you like (Constitutional rights, a military that's strong and not bogged down in a land that's been a grave of empires since the time of Alexander the Great, etc.)
Could you provide examples of this?
This also, it's overly-vague.

Both Trump and the mass media are lying sacks of shit and are not communist. You aren't communist for supporting either.

Youre not a communist
Trump is a porky, just like Hillary

No, trump is by no means a communist, and neither is Putin.

Of course it is.

the mainstream media is a load of bullshit. tbh that probably includes whatever trash you read from as well though.
You're missing their point though. The libs don't mean it when they say these things. It's meant to be a sort of "gotcha moment" because conservatives were nationalist nutcases this whole time so now libs are tryin to turn it back around on them.

generally libs who think that actually

I believe this thread was created by a person of same spirit as the ones can be seen on Holla Forums, claiming they are "true socialists".
>>>Holla Forums9369498

Not only liberals. There's actually huge brain washing that modern russia is communist, in currently nationalist Ukraine. Well, they are both funded by previous american establishment, so its explainable.

Putin may be an ex-KGB agent, but he's no communist. If anything, he's a fascist… a modern-day Mussolini, so to say. I think the likewise parallel to Trump is pretty obvious if you think about it.

That faggot is neither fascist or communist. He is just as corrupt capitalist as Hillary. His country is in total economical disaster, corruption of officials brings cut to pensions, most medicine gets banned, most of it is fucking fake and he preserves religious totalitarianism to hide all his crimes, even jails people who stand up against religion, if its orthodox christianity or islam.
Putin is a cunt to his own people more than he's a cunt in foreign politics, the later ones were better.

Americans don't give a shit about their own people. You only care about yourselves. You have shown that time and time again. So I really don't get why you people keep repeating this.

But Putin isn't a communist, and all of the "nyet" jokes are just cheap gimmicks. Trump is as much a russian puppet as he is a Saudi puppet.

Although, many communists employed fierce nationalism and chauvinism, so if you applied yourself you could become a great communist.

All of the above

SocDems are truly the worst posters

Never listen to a SocDem. They're either completely retarded or opportunists who only care about getting in to power

The only people who significantly benefit from one or the other are captalists. Transnational companies prefer globalization. National or regional companies prefer Strong nationalism aka protectionalism. Its all about how these different companies can best maintain influence over the government. Most workers will get fucked in the ass either way as they deal with shitty conditions caused by capital

Great Satan doesn't respect other nations' national sovereignty


The opposite would be handing over control of firms to all workers, eliminating the federal government and its laws in favor of directly-democratic assemblies, and destroying all other hierarchies in favor of voluntary, democratic institutions.

Just changing the boss from a capitalist to a state bureaucrat isn't a huge change. The opposite of a boss is no boss - what communists and anarchists have always advocated.

Fuck the EU, fuck the corporations. They're all the same thing, just rebranded.

Ooooooh my!

The sad part is it's not been mind tricks for the majority for at least 20 years now. Nepotism has really made them that retarded

Anyway the system was built over a hundred years ago and has always been impossibly hypocritical.
Keep in mind this is just a single aspect. Apply it to everything for some real mindbending stuff.
tl;dr ever hear someone mention the US election was a proxy war between Zionist and Globalist jews? It really was. And it became so open because the globalists won every single time until then. But Holla Forums misses that globalists hence their name can also be Chinese, be South Korean (a whole lot), be Japanese, be Honduran (Clinton's BFFs the Rosenthals managed to break so many rules they got extradited out of their own country by a pro-clinton alphabet soup), be Swiss, be German, etc and so forth.
As far as Trump goes, he's a 'turn-of-the-century robber baron' that understands modern jingoism and the changing flow of the tides.
He's probably not going to obey his own rules, but making everyone else do so makes the US hurt a little less. (plus he might be the first president in 70 years to not interfere in south america, no one he selected so far has any interest down there even.)
The fact this is so much preferable to whatever the democraps claimed to be offering really says a lot for their catastrophic litany of failures. If they didn't have the media even cuckifornia would've turned red.

ya *reads frankfurt bible* *puts on afro wig* *self crits for cultural appropriating* my girlfriend (male) thinks so too

Is that you, Reddit?

The only thing I know is, I got lured by leftypol for some time, but now I'm going back to the /true pol/.

Somehow I get the feeling this board here is going to become a liberal nest some 2 years from now.

The real problem is that people here are much less anti-SJW than I thought they would be. At least the way I see things. They're still pro-gay marriage, pro-drugs, pro-abortion, etc. There's even an anarcho-feminist flag and a Pan-African one. So I feel like I'm being tricked.

C'mon, you know the answer already. Of course Putin is not a communist. And nowadays he and the "Russian hackers" are supposedly responsible for everything that happens in the world.



This is the average Trump supporter everyone.

That is why they should be sent to Gulags, they cant be saved


Putin is the same as Trump, a disgusting dictator that pushes religious shit in order to brainwash more people and keep them docile while trying to take away free press and require "named sources" so he can kill them like Putin

Both need to be executed for crimes against Humanity

The anti-SJW stance of Holla Forums is a matter of praxis, not of principle.
There's an unbreachable divide between left and right, the third_position is a meme, and so is any notion of traditionalist leftism, or leftist nationalism, sorry pal.

You are not leftist - the MSM is always full of shit, no matter who your president it.

You might be leftyer than you want to believe but you will develop further ideologically not through imageboards but through literature.

Socdems still owe allegiance to capitalism everyone, remember this

No, you're just enough of an uninformed retard that you think Russia is still communist. The Trump supporter bit gave that away though.

Nice shareblue bot thread.


All of these are Soviet political positions.

But what is "American culture", Cuckold porn? Lady Gaga music?

Do you really want to save culture like this?

OP is this about that Bannon shit?

You should lay of the propaganda channels; they will calcify your pineal gland.

Maybe at 5% of the current military budget you could make that claim.

How can a tankie say something like that? The USSR, during most of their years, was anti-abortion, anti-drugs, and anti-gay marriage. And nationalist as well.

One of the contradictory things with leftypol is the following:

Karl Marx is generally accepted as the ultimate communist. But he also liked to give idpol a wink sometimes. Engels' Origin of the State, Family and Private Property is pretty idpol-friendly, for example. But people here refuse to admit it.

That's why there are always these arguments when a feminist goes like
and then comes another guy saying something like

In short, they're always trying to get around the fact that Marx was an idpoler. BTW, that's one of the reasons why I don't consider myself a marxist.

I will respect yours, when you start to respect others. Until that day you're nothing but a bunch of barbarian cultureless faggots that deserve to be purged from this planet regardless of you gender, race or political ideology.

this tells you how intelligent the average American conversative is.

Putin is a wannabe czar that wants a right wing equivalent of Soviet hegemony. The communist accusations are liberal pandering to Cold War sentiments.

No you're a retard for defending nationalism and capitalism and thinking those somehow protect your country from invasions, create free and open societies, and don't actively destroy things like your beloved "family values" ….

Face it, everything you "love" is contributing to the very demise of this great nation

Any state that decides it needs more people because productivity gains aren't enough to meet their expectations or whatever other reason will crack down on reproductive freedom, including the US. Did you just fall off the turnip truck yesterday?

Do you understand the difference between a nation and a state, liberal?

Please leave and never come back.