So what are we supposed to do with these people? Is there a way to turn them to our side? Or is classcuckery permanent?
So what are we supposed to do with these people? Is there a way to turn them to our side? Or is classcuckery permanent?
People who are that far down the rabbit whole will probably only cease to be a problem after the revolution when having these ideas is seen as so universally backwards that they will have to hide themselves like Nazis (used to) do.
Until then this guy will litterally fucking kill you if you try to pull him away from eating out his bosses asshole.
Let them suffer when capitalism fucks them then be there to pick them up. Pain will be their teacher.
Explain basic economics and how income inequality isn't just bad for we the people but also the world market.
Right, specialized in gorilla warfare with over 9000 confirmed kills. No need to provide info on your unit or tours, the buzzcut you can get at literally any barber shop porves it.
I have 15 anuses.
Also, if those are true, I wonder if the former might have just the slightest bit to do with the latter…
And I destroyed the Zimbabwean army with fireballs from my eyes and bolts of lightning from my arse.
Fucking Hell it's like these arseholes never saw the Four Yorkshiremen sketch
My kid is standing in a room full of broken tableware and said he didn't do it, so I don't blame him :^)
suck shit from my asshole you waste of life
oh look I'm supposed to be offended on cue because I disagree with this retard and everybody who disagrees with him is a Godless atheist traitor
On topic: probably Gulags, it seems like he'd like it there since it's virtually indistinguishable from what's he's so happy doing now.
I hope he gets cancer and has to pay for it.
Top kek
Yes I believe it's also invoking the part where the government does more stuff and that's socialism.
I thought you guys were against reforms.
lol the Nazi is projecting again
Do you earn a wage or do you just shitpost on this board all day from your mother's basement? Also prove that you're not an autistic NEET with some pics. Otherwise you're definitely a NEET.
You know what must be done, Comrade.
the eyes of a bought and owned wageslave cattle creature. I think the people who wrote 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' were low key just projecting how the ruling classes have always viewed soldiers and workers onto jews. The Tsar and Kings of Europe treated their peoples exactly how this guy demands his capitalist oligarchs treat him. Like a dumb wageslave beast of burden that has no sense of self or inner life.
This sort of person will obviously die fighting for their masters in the White Armies, thereby resolving the issue.
Do these retards still not realize that the 47% comment basically cost Romney the election and that Clinton's massive failure in 2016 was literally the Democrats copying eight years of GOP fuckups?
"I'll build my own white cells and make you pay for it!"
This. Holla Forumsyps are loyalists of the capitalists.
Just make them realize that taxation and exploitation are basically the same thing - except you have a small bit of control what happens to tax dollars
Wow that fucking sucks. Maybe Socialism could get you down 1 job, with health insurance, 30 hour weeks, and several days off.
Social Democracy would get you that.
You have to frame things in the way that the average prole can understand.
But then he wouldn't be SUCKING IT UP.
Sucking it up is very important to people.
cucks, not people. Fucking Abraham and his brain-damaged wife-beating edgy OC.