Oh shit lads, they really got us!
how the fuck do they actually believe this shit?
Oh shit lads, they really got us!
how the fuck do they actually believe this shit?
cognitive dissonance
Can you still be a leftist if you think that the American bourgeoisie is disproportionately Jewish? Like I believe the non-Jewish factions of the bourgeoisie are important and influential but that its a mistake to underestimate the influence of Zionism in the US establishment.
to be clear I just wanted to gauge this board's opinion, I'm not really gonna change if ya'll say no.
The Jews are the human character everyone else is basically an NPC.
really makes you think
jews are overrepresented among the bourgeousie as a result of their pro-intellectual culture (ever notice how anti-intellectual Holla Forums is) and nepotism
doesnt mean there's some conspiracy
I think lenin summed it up pretty well, jewish bourgies are our enemy, jewish workers are our friends
Holla Forums memes are fucking weak
Oh god, the irony is painful.
Ashkenazi Jews have an average Autism Level of 105 so of course there is going to be a larger fraction of people that is more capable of acting so as to become/stay porkies than other races, holding things like resources and opportunity constant. "Bourgeoisie" is not about being but becoming tbh, you have to continually re-become a porky by extracting surplus labor value. And there are intra-bourgeois conflicts and so on. It takes a sense for tactics and cognizance of one's own rational self-interest, lest you get bumped back down to prole.
This is basically what I believe, my gf is ethnically Jewish so I'm not against Jews as people though I'm against the religion as with all religions but the whole history of Zionism is just full of disgusting reactionary violence and ideology.
I do believe that Jews "conspire" to preserve the legitimacy of Zionism and their muh privileges in the American establishment, but what group doesn't try to get everything it can for itself under capitalism?
What do ya'll think of the Sombart thesis that Jews were instrumental in the rise of modern capitalism? Legit? Or just pure cultural determinism?
White people.
Christian/atheist whites are some of the world's greatest capitalists tho.
4687987 D chess
The ostracism of medieval era where they had monopoly on usury became a huge avantage once money started to be the primary focus of society thanks to the capital accumulated.
"how the fuck do they actually believe this shit?"
Not in any kind of unifying tribalistic way the Jews are, in fact they're totally universalist, ethnic cohesion and nation is meaningless to them.
Hmm, must be innate instead of the natural result if material conditions
Hahahahahahaha… oh fuck wow you're serious. One word for you: Imperialism.
I guess Holla Forums would be,
You have no cows.
You want to have cows.
You fight amongs eachother how to get cows.
You have no cows.
is that why jews actively discourage people from converting to judaism and have an espansionist country that welcomes literally all jews from across the world?
Yes I agree white people have been conditioned to hate themselves and place the interests of third world riff raff above the interests of their own people and to actively combat any instances of white ethnic cohesion and solidarity whenever it may form.
Holla Forums is the most ridiculous form of cointelpro I've ever seen on the internet lmao
Dude grow the fuck up. Life is not a video game where you choose White & you're Alliance or you choose Jew or Black (or whatever else Holla Forumstards hate) & you're Horde.
These are people. You're so spooked that you believe people can't defy "their blood" or some shit like that, that you believe to be "nature's calling" & shit.
No dude no. Human brains are more developed than that. You're a low-wage employee of some porky or you have no job, probably the latter. You're & will continue to get fucked economically for all the rest of your existence by obscene capitalists, since you love giving identity to your enemies because Holla Forums loves identity politics as much as tumblr if not more then…
spoiler alert: most of the porkies are actually white. Enjoy.
But bro seriously more than caring about the race of those enslaving you, you should be concerned about what they're doing not their race like a moron. You're so easily manipulated by these spooks, it's like a second religion for you. Jesus fucking Christ dude get a grip…
this is the final level of wokeness
They're socially retarded kids who don't read dude what did you expect?
I went through that phase good thing I wised up, I read Stirner & got shit together.
nigga, use a comma every once in a while.
That's just this one in reverse.
This doesn't even make sense.
fixed. Holla Forumsyps are dumb. and they need to be reminded of their inherent dumbness
I like theses
leftcoms: You have no cows
Don't look after cows
Just wait for cows to come near you
You have no cow.
You have a cow
You make milk shop
It goes bankrupt
You and the neighbor each have one cow
The neighbor's cow break the NAP by farting loudly so you retaliate with MG40.
The neighbor pays a private court to assert that you're in the wrong (the bad breed of grass from your land contaminated his land and gave his cow gases, the expert said) and seize your cow.
The private give your cow to your neighbor but take it back as a payment.
You and your neighbor have no cows.
Wtf I hate communism now.
you think Holla Forums has ever thought anything through? No, otherwise they wouldn't be Holla Forums
Yes because no white person has never stolen a country or killed a group of people. Wait, nazis actually believe this…
What if I told you anuddah shoah is good
what if I told you newfags need to lurk more and learn the word filters
They have always been this way. 1930's nazis literally believed the witch trials where a jewish conspiracy to get rid of arian women.
the first Jewish settlers were basically living in communes
it went to shit afterwards though
I'm kinda glad I read Nietzsche before ever visiting Holla Forums, so their entire boner for ethno nationalism never did anything for me.
this is some next level stuff
i kinda want to post this on Holla Forums just to make them add a layer. Then posting the result here so someone would add another layer. Then keeping it up until mods ban me for being autistic or until my browser crashes when trying to post the picture.
This is the picture that the Holla Forumsyp mod decided to ban me for out of all pictures
President Donald J Trump doesn't sound too happy.
We really need a proper, thorough counter to da joos bullshit
Its impossible to argue with people who believe this nonsense
Its a half truth with ugly undertones.
Capitalism really comes out of English nonconformism in general, that includes Jews but also Quakers, Catholics, Baptists, Puritans etc. Non Church of England religions stopped being persecuted in most of society but still meant an official cap on how high you could rise in Government. This pushed anybody with ambition in 18th century England who didn't want to join the Church of England turned to industry, centralizing an already half-capitalist system into full capitalism.
This is an excellent plan.
you would think Pol would love this sort of image going by their usual behavior online
They really never play anything that isn't Mount&Blade and Total War, do they?
guys, try some Tropico. Rogue State and Net Gain are also bretty güd.
there's a wordfilter? I always use that.
Pls someone edit this so Max Stirner is thinking all of that
it's a joke image, nobody believes this.
You should've dressed him as a bolshevik, only then would my sides have gone in orbit.
they don't understand how central banking works. they don't take the time to look at lists of billionaires and their ethnicities. they believe unsourced and out of date charts from stormfront. they think Rupert Murdoch and Jamie Dimon are jews. They don't understand that Hjalmar Schact was friends with rich jews. They are unaware of the power of British and White American bankers and industrialists. They can't fathom the idea that hierarchies behave psychopathically to preserve their interests and that they do not care at all about the common folk, therefore German bankers are no better than Jewish bankers. I could keep going, but the running theme is wanting to believe something fucking stupid. Just like communism…