Losing control?
Whats your favorite game where you fight robots?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game where you fight robots?
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Morning lads, how you all tonight?
Playing anything fun or new? I'm just on Dying Light/Trails in the Sky SC still myself.
Binary Domain
MGR's a great one
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
I spent a solid 3 hours yesterday sorting my yryr pic collection. Was a giant mess because I'd just let pics go unsorted forever. Now its all divided up by girl pairings and such. Pretty comfy.
like no folders?
Are you dying?
Still on mankind divided. I've come to kinda like the hacking honestly. The really difficult high level ones are always by the skin of your teeth. Like milliseconds from failing so its exciting.
How goes fam
A lot of folders
Fun, yes. New, no.
I played runescape all day and had a lengthy conversion with my dad about painting models and woodworking, really great chill saturday so glad I didn't have to go to work and could just become a vegetable this entire weekend
No. My dad's in the hospital tho.
How's that unorganized?
Welp, new semester starts tomorrow, I guess. Not excited about that. Got a million preperations to make. Hopefully I can at least pirate most of my textbooks and use the money I have for something else. Been playing 80s Overdrive today. It's a decent Outrun clone. Music and art are real nice but it's 3DS exclusive.
Custom Robo on the GCN
Sup niggas. just popping in for a bit. Kind of sleepy
Do you and your dad share the same hobbies?
Whats wrong with him?
And because I had a giant folder called "group" where any picture of 2 or more girls was. Now I have folders for each pairing of girl.
Holla Forumsscape, OSRS or nuscape?
Hey guys.
Laptop is still in for repairs. Doesn't help the tech shop i took it to is closed on sundays.
idk but he was sick and need to be in the hospital.
When can you get it?
Overdrive? Outrun?
What kinda class you stuck with this semester
How goes fam
Dunno why you didn't just buy a new one with all your banked money fam
Hows life
regular nuscape but I also play 07 and I dabbled in vscape for a while but it was too empty for my liking
Work sucked today. It felt like half the people i helped today were actual retards.
Might and magic 6
Just popping in for a few. Im super tired lately. Might not be able to make the threads for a while. School is too much.
Oh gee, hmm…
Is your mom not telling you or something?
Whats up with it?
How goes user
i don't do this either. I'll make sub folders but then the images in those folders become a mess, all my folders are a mess now tbh
at least you're having fun with it, that's what counts
same old same old
gotta work tomorrow, really don't want to. Then I have to attend a meeting on Monday in the early afternoon AFTER closing late the night before well really more like the early-morning of tbh
Not looking forward to it
what're you playing?
ulch. I keep remembering I'm having to go back in the fall, it's gonna fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
From what i was told', it may take 3-4 days. I'm honestly expecting it to take longer, seeing as how the last time i brought my laptop in, they didn't start work on it until a week aftet i brought it in.
I just have to wake up so early for it and the threads are at 1 here. The schedule clashes.
Car games. If you don't know what a car or a game is I don't know what to tell you.
Same shit as last semester, just with a more annoying schedule. No more Thursdays off and I have to be up early every day except Friday. Friday lets me sleep in a little but not much.
I dread it every day. I'm 27 so this is my only experience with full-time schooling in a long time. Even when I was taking night classes to make up high school credits I hated it. That was only about 2 hours a night twice a week, and the teacher was hot.
More like my sis.
Nier, I only managed to fish tho.
Hope it gets fixed.
I do organize as I go usually. My k-on folder has always been autistically sorted. YRYR was the first SoL anime that got me into this stuff so its collection is old and before I got all autismo about that sort of thing.
Just skip the meeting fam
Ahhh that sucks. Hows life going fam?
How much older than you is she?
Crap. School on Monday. it's going to suck big time. Also I worked today, was really boring as usual.
When school starts I'll probably kill myself
so here's a little story
did i get played or was it friendliness or fucking what. I'm reelin'
Vanquish comes to mind
Not bad, actually.
currently 3
pls don't
Life is pretty good. I have volunteer work this saturday. I cant remember if i flipped the sign on my last test and its gonna bother me until monday.
Full time schooling would kill me. I can't remember shit about stuff I actually like. I don't think my brain could retain school shit now.
How much money you got saved now fam, you been working a year or so
Do anything fun today?
I don't understand why Holla Forumsscape's low playerbase is so bothersome to most. Runescape is as close to a single player game as an MMO can get without actually being a single player game. Also I seriously hope you're not financially supporting Fagex.
Tbh i think women offering guys rides is a thing they do when they're into guys, but im not 100% sure. so far ive had like 2 women do that but i turned both down
Well I bombed my test for one class hard because of that same issue.
What are you doing monica
Then it shouldn't be that hard to extract the information from her
What kind of volunteer?
If I thought volunteering at like an animal shelter or something could get me a comfy job around cats and dogs I might do it.
A human being was being a good human bean to you user don't lose your spaghet
Also i'm still playing through pokemon sapphire. Is skarmory a good pokemon in gen 3? I might use one.
Its a thing the catholic church does around here that gives people free hot meals and dry cleaning. Im gonna be serving them the food.
Whats it for? Have you talked to the teacher about it?
Skarmory has a great typing because he's immune to ground attacks and steel. So yeah
that sounds like a good setup for me tbh. I'd much prefer that over a full semester of courses. Especially with a hot teacher
oh, finally got it down?
ah I gotcha. I'd have to set aside an entire day to organize all my image folders…
can't. It's literally for me and one other guy who are heads in the kitchen at night.
sounds like she was being friendly tbh
she probably thought you were attractive to some degree. If you creeped her out there's no way she'd offer you a ride and clue you in that she lives near you.
I'm a bit of a speg tho.
I'm going to bed, good night OP.
I learned how to not be a sperg pretty fast.
Had it down but you need to know where to fish and know what bait to use.
looked like she was with girlfriends that's why, and i'm too stupid to know how to flirt
i'm so unfamiliar to random acts of kindness that you're probably right
Is it mostly niggers and spics that come in?
I'm going to sort my yuyu collection next. That shows not got a ton of art though so its fine.
Just you and that guy huh? Going to get yelled at?
Ok then this is what you do. Throw something like a lamp or anything that will break in one room. Wait until she comes in and then hit her knee from behind causing her to fall down. Then you clap your hands on her ears to deafen and disorientate her.
Cya next time user
There's no point talking about it. I did badly on the exam and it affected my grade.
This was just to get my high school equivalency because I dropped out originally. It was okay though. Work was real easy. Being at the college every day kills me inside more than work ever did.
Kizuna AI is cancer
Probably mostly homeless vets and people who dont make enough money to get food and pay rent.
Tried drawfagging for once.
no u
Lifting those weights was a mistake. My arms are killing my.
I'm liking kaguya luna more and more lately
So? Thats the best situation to hit up a girl. She feels more comfortable around friends and even if you fail with her maybe another one of the girls will give you a signal. Step up fam
Maybe he could give you tips
From this point is where it gets messy depending on if she won't cooperate. Do you have the balls to continue?
Ahhh well keep doing good in the world user
Like in a thread? How'd it go
No pain no gain, user.
ah so it's got some nuance to it instead of just being "stand here, cast a line, press button at the right time"
have fun
nah, it's the other night managers too. And I'm doubtful, anything that tends to be an issue is usually with front of house; servers being on their phones and shit usually. It may have something to do with some rumors I heard about us closing not quite so late on certain days or something now. Dunno though.
yeah i'm not really looking forward to it myself.
I'm just hoping I don't spiral back down into that horrible depression that took me three years to drag myself out of
she's pretty cute user
It's not the material, it's just that I blanked on everything as soon as I walked into the room. Think I'm going to bed now anyway. I'm very sleepy
But how much pain is too much?
Its gonna give me work experience and probably a chance to meet a qt girl or 2.
Will you like this? Or will you hate it because less hours?
Cya next time user
Good luck in school
I'd imagine too much pain is when you can feel your arm or when the muscle starts tearing. In the case of the latter, give your arm some rest.
You are evil user! Evil!
Yeah it has that.
I really don't care, I just hope everything will be fine.
Work aint free but im not directly profiting off of the work.
so i blew it?
nah, i'll take whatever I get. What few bills I DO have aren't much of anything so if that's what's actually gonna go down then I won't really complain. I've been pining for less hours anyway, i'm getting about 34 a week still, give or take 2 hours. I'd much rather have more like 28~30 hours.
i see
not quite. I mean in that situation, sure. Head back to that bar again see if you can chat her up.
I had a dream last night where i died in a wreckage
Happiest dream i've had
Hows his health usually?
Uh huh tell that to santa!
Nah. Depends on how the ride home went
Damn fam. I was working 50 hours a week when I did.
last night I had 3 consecutive wet dreams. Can only remember bits and pieces of the second one, and the third one I remember a bit better still
i rarely dream, let alone sexy dreams, so I'm not complaining.
wew that many? I'd die tbh. That touristy place you worked for must've been short staffed or something then, surely? Nobody at my work ever goes over 40 hours though, that way the boss doesn't have to pay anyone overtime.
He's fine but he should stay off the beer I think.
I couldn't sleep after my dream. It wasn't even a nightmare, it just involved a lot of complex thinking so i couldn't relax my head.
i'm not good at judging these things but we chatted casually, and i noticed she didn't drive away till I actually walked through my front door and gave a little wave
Santa is a slave driver and all his presents have tracking devices in them so he can sell your location data to the government.
I had a dream last night I was playing an FPS game, then when I got to a level in a really old nipponese school it became a weird H rape game where you could fuck students, ghosts, and do rituals to summon things like slime girls.
How goes user
When people give me genuine compliments, I have no idea how to respond because of how little it happens.
A couple nights ago i had a nightmare where that qt black girl had a dick and tried to kill me. Not fun.
It just gets really busy over here at touristy shit.
I want my next job like yours. 20 hours a week.
Hes probably fiiiiine.
Maybe she just thinks you are autistic and can't find your way home
i fuckin feel ya bro, any time folks are nice to me i'm blindsided by it
Thats a jewish thing and you know it.
when your muscles feel sore but it also feels good. when it's pure pain and you don't like it, that's bad.
Well, it was an emergency surgery so idk.
fucking hope not
I should have streched. The pits in my arms hurt like a motherfucker.
that's terrifying
bruh i get like 34 a week. I don't want any less than 25 a week though tbh.
Now, when I start school again, I'll probably keep it super low for my hours, like maybe 16~20 a week, that way i have some sort of stream of dosh flowing in still.
And what if she does? Do you just play along with it?
It was all hairy too, like on the shaft. Maybe its my subconcious fear of trannies.
Its the only place the inferior races deserve
Probably just something basic like appendix
I'm joking fam. She sounds cute though. Motherly
How long until you go back?
Not in a thread, just for someone else.
Gosh, thanks.
nonon trips
Which nonon tho?
How goes numbers user
I get wet dreams ever other week and i hate it.
Those are normally the best kind of dreams for me.
Simply because you can get lost in thought and end up asleep again.
I would, but I take forever to even start something, moreso if it's beautiful and intricately designed.
I had a weird dream last night
then I woke up.
I dont really get wet dreams. Its weird.
I demand only the finest art. Clear your schedule
Build that wall user
I haven't had a wet dream since i started jacking off near daily.
stay friendly and maybe get a free drink at her bar
she's the cutest barkeep in this town
Fucking rad
Best girl. 10/10 taste.
How do you know?
I only ever got sleep paralysis from watching suicidemouse.avi, those fucking moans/screams got to me somehow
Don't worry, no schedule for me.
they aren't worth fearing, just avoiding like the plague. Mentally ill faggots aren't worth your time.
I'm going back in August/September for the fall semester, so I got about 7 months.
got more cuties?
i would hate it too if it happened that often. Waking up with a boner is a pain since you can't take your morning piss when you're still trying to fuck the girl from your dream
they are
the second one I remember bits and pieces of was me and a female copilot operating this hover helicopter thing and she was giving me head. Why was I a hover-copter pilot? Why was she entranced with me? Did the cleaning crew find the cum stains under the dashboard?
Also the other one
i was in a big shower with some big-tittied bitch. She got down on all fours and begged for it, and just as I was giving it to her I got woken up.
Short tall? Hair color? Breast size? Hip to waist ratio? What we talkin here fam
I know all things
Wet dreams aren't as great as everyone says they are.
I used to do that, but i've long since stopped caring.
Er, yeah. I came up with his character design when I got into cutebolds back in 2014
Please dont remind me of that. Now its gonna bother me.
Yeah but you never know if a qt girl is gonna be a trap.
> cutebolds
what's that?
What kind of tools do you use?
How many art styles can you draw?
Enjoy it while it lasts
See if you can get a vacation from work for a week or two before it starts
I knew you'd post that
The last wet dream i had i was a girl and getting fucked and then i woke up.
By a guy?
Yeah. It was pretty gay not gonna lie.
Out of all the things to really scare me, why did it fucking have to be sounds
Only the sweetest, most adorable kobolds that genuinely got me interested in /tg/ stuff, shame that I never played any games.
It was the visuals for me.
it's pretty easy to tell if you pay attention. Check the jaw, throat for adam's apple, and just physicality in general. Most trannies aren't hardly that passible. Traps a little more so, but still not really unless you're in Japan or Thailand.
I get a week of paid vacation after April, but I'll probably use that to go visit family over the summer or something like if we go to knoxville again
still don't know what game(s) you're talking about, but whatever amigo
medium length hair, dark with blond streaks (oddly enough the only dye variety i like), average height for a woman, super mega cute face and above average body. Used to have short hair. I recognize her from going to the bar she works at for shows and she seemingly recognizes me but i don't even know her damn name
I use SAI (and on rare occasions paint), and I only work in one, simplistic style that i'd call Weaver+
Tabletop games.
Next time go up and talk to her. If i can ask a girl out to lunch you can have a conversation with her.
It's those type of wet dreams that i hate the most.
please tell me you didn't enjoy it
What kind of super mega cute face? The whole big eye chipmunk cheek action?
Why not go to her bar and talk to her next weekend?
Can you learn to do general weebshit?
I cant tell if i did or not.
We'll see when I practice anatomy and facial structure
Having psychic abilities is pretty kino.
What about a game where you ARE the robot?
To be fair, i was a hot chick
Get to it now! I demand infinite free drawings!
I asked that one months ago.
How goes user
It's not gay if you're a girl.
Its not gay if you are both girls.
Even if you're a girl in your dreams its still gay tbh
what else am i going to do at home
might as well spend it out doing something
i dunno how to describe it, not big cheeks but a nice slim face with solid features and dark eyes
seems too forward doesn't it?
But yuri is gay, and forbidden
Nah, you don't got a dick, so you're a girl. Girl+guy is not gay.
What if it was his waifu in his mind that wanted to watch him get topped by another man, cause it turns her on to see him dominated?
Be comfy duh
I never leave the house and look at how happy I am.
Be more forward dummy. You might have intrigued her by not hitting on her at that bar the first time. But nows the time to make moves.
Theres nothing gay about 2 girls kissing and hugging and other things.
48 hours of sleep deprivation got me higher than most of the drugs I do. Clonazepam ain't doing shit either.
Metal Marines.
Not everyone here likes sucking dick like you do.
Dude, i asked her out to lunch out of the blue and she said ok. I dont think there is a thing as too forward unless you dont know the girl at all.
I cant wait to see some real neckbeards in this
Are you seeing visions yet?
How goes otherwise fam
i'd be miserable tbh fam
I get too sedentary if I stay home more than 3 days in a row without doing anything. When I get sedentary I start getting depressed.
that sounds…dangerous and like his waifu is tryna make him gay
There are two many good robot games
probably binary domain though.
What are you dudes doin up so early?
I'm still working on tomorrow's 8ChanMania,
This thread makes me feel worse then my suicidal thoughts
I just don't know how to phrase it i guess, without coming off as skeevy or whatever
The only thing that can be creepy is out of the blue texts/dms that are creepy like the indians like to do. If its IRL just go fucking talk to her.
"hey there [girl's name], want to grab a bite to eat [on some day of the week around lunch time]?"
It ain't rocket science. Girls ain't shit user, you gotta have a little confidence.
That goes away after 3 or 5 years
I woke up at like 10pm so.
How goes user?
At least you got those dubs
Phrase what? "Hey lets grab some drinks"
Whats so hard about that?
is this thread the soyboy central?
check em
oh is THAT all? So the cure for depression is just consistently suffering with it and wishing for death amidst the self-loathing before it just stops?
Don't really need anything to see those. Otherwise I'd say I'm getting better, finally quit pot and I'm looking into joining the navy.
These threads are the epitome of negative reinforcement. No place for the weak willed here.
Worked for me monica
Do you think you'd get in with your mental illnesses?
I'll probably kill myself before that happens.
Time to cash in and go full NEET for the cure fam
there's no way that could or would happen
If I can make it, anyone can
I had a feeling Id fit right in
How much did your parents push that junker car on you for?
Mine's non diagnosable and as far as psych exams go I've always passed in other instances. Only when I act up on purpose do I start to get called for "checkups". Besides the current year US military isn't the soundest place around.
You'll be fine in the current year military, just dont teamkill.
Why the navy then?
Going to bed. Night.
Cya next time user
it was $3400, but with the trouble it's been giving us, I dropped another $500 in it, and they dropped about $100 and change into it. It's finally acting right though, no issues since the last mechanic visit.
Thats very gay!
Have you even tried it? How do you know you wouldn't like it?
Not everyone has a good waifu after all.
If i'm a fool and make it awkward i can't go to that bar anymore that's what
What year is it?
Not when its 2d
I thibk i'm gonna find something to fap to and then go to bed. See you guys around.
Cya next time user
Not unless I loose my cool contemplating the state in which the establishment is in, no.
My great grandfather was a sailor and I've always lived in coastal cities, so it's a familiar environment, plus the inherent isolation that comes from sailing for days or months suits my personality. I've also got some fond memories aboard the USS Intrepid from when I was younger.
Going to bed too, hopefully you're right.
what did he mean by this
You aren't wrong. There are fags out there that waifu Kirino after all.
You've been in space??
Cya fam, everything will be ok
The car baka
Wait why can't you go to the bar?
Wait, so then is yaoi not gay when its two 2d boys?
No that makes it extra gay
no no. If i try to make a move on this barkeep and I bomb out or get rejected or any number of circumstance, THEN i can't go back to that bar which is one i like to go to for shows. This whole thing is because i ran into this barkeep at a different bar while she wasn't working and she gave me a lift home and was super friendly which my autistic brain can't handle correctly
Nah the actual aircraft carrier, not the star trek one.
You'll be fiiiiiine. Be friendly and see where it goes. As long as you don't go full "please touch my weiner" then it doesn't matter.
oh, 1996
Didn't think we had that kind of tech already
You got too for a ride monica
it'll be a week before i'm out drinking again most likely so hopefully i stop sperging out. It was most likely an act of kindness and i'm so socially retarded i'm overthinking it
Where are you from, user?
Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell. Gonna bully you forever if you don't go to her bar in the next weekend or two though.
It's from WW2 actually, even fought at the battle of Leyte Gulf, now it's a floating museum with some pretty cool cold war era aircraft and submarine shit. I know you're jesting but I kind of have nothing better to do at the moment besides listening to Chopin so as not to bang my head against the wall.
it was in pretty good condition supposedly
and did pretty well during the test drives. Sure as fuck won't be buying a car from that dealer again though.
northeast USA, why?
i mean i go to that bar like every other week cuz shows get hosted there so it's likely i'll wind up there
What was the battle of Leyte Gulf?
Oh thought you bought it from your family
Exactly. Making you hitting on her that much easier.
can't hit on girls while they're working a bar, we all know they aint got the time for it. maybe another run in outside of her bar would be cool but it boils down to luck i guess
Gives you an opportunity to at least get the ball rolling
The last mayor confrontation in naval history in which battleships played a major roll, obviously covered by carrier born aircraft playing a support role. The Japs lost one of their last aircraft carriers there.
nah they bought it FOR me and I'm paying them back
Rest in pieces everyone, I'm going for a walk and a long bus ride to clear my mind. See you all whenever insomnia strikes back.
Don't worry, no charge for anyone.