Losing control?
Whats your favorite game series that has at least 10 games?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game series that has at least 10 games?
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uh Resident Evil?
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Still playing new deus ex. Really want to watch some cute anime but feel like theres not enough time in the day.
Hey guys.
Coming home from work and not seeing my laptop makes depressed. It's like coming home from work and having no wife/gf to greet you. also i've been trying to nut for the past hour with no success.
Is my post really gonna be the only reply?
At least you played a game, I fell asleep too early.
Use your phone to find good lewds stupid.
Come on fam, you are better than this
Are you blind or just stupid
I'm grumpy because I've been up since early. I'm not sure why I even stayed up. I'm exhausted. I spent an hour trying to get a key back on my laptop after I took it off for cleaning. It's not broken it just won't go back on right.
It took 2 mins after mine to pop up.
at least you got trips.
Which key?
Why are your semesters so close together?
Hey you stinking fucking flaming faggot, how does it feel to be how gay you are you fucking homosexual? did your mom rape you as a child? stinky nigger in the fuckbrain and a rape sandwich pebbles dykes hitman absolution
delete key
because there was a month long strike back in october so now they are scrambling to make time up
Jesus christ there's no one hereā¦
no u
I've had two keys break off my laptop in tbe past year, the 5 key on the numpad. Both of these keys i used for the down motion in fighting games.
Mornin lads, how goes things?
Playing anything fun?
I'm still juggling Dying Light and Trails in the Sky SC right now. I keep forgetting just how fucking fun DL is. I never even realized before there were 4 Quarantine Zones before you get to Old Town. I love doing those and wish there were more. As for TitS SC, I'm not TOO far into Chapter 2; I just added Tita to my party and left Olivier, doing more sidequesting and eternally fucking with my orbment setups. I'm also playing a little Okami HD, little bits at a time. For some reason I can't really bring myself to sit and play that game for hours on end like most games.
Hard to say. I want to say The Legend of Heroes; but I've only ever played 2 games in the series. So I guess I'd have to say Pokemon Pokemon Platinum was the peak best. Black 2 was decent enough. Everything after is TRASH
use your phone you mongoloid
it's pretty dead for a Friday night.
Get a new laptop, dumbass.
ohyeahh thet announced a new charcter for a game i play. a big borker who is also a flower
No, I wish I could play some Nier and finish up some side quests. Also, what's The Legend of Heroes.
Who uses the delete key anyway.
Must suck not getting a break because of commies
I had the same problem when I played it.
Deus ex turned out to be kinda fun. Its nice to explore the city at least.
Is that the brawl knockoff?
Did you play any of the old Deus Exs?
i guess
it's the dyke in charge of the government's fault for always intervening and taking the employer's side so thye never have to actually negotiate
Who? Where?
It's only 3 am in best time zone.
How much longer do you have to deal with cuckdeau anyway
The one before this one
How goes user
Still late for the thread.
That's alright. The original is the best one.
the dyke in charge of the province government
he's not even the biggest problem he's too dumb to be a danger it's the dyke i charge of the province. she keeps going in for the employers so thye never actually negotiate. her whoel straetegy is to throw amoney around and then if they lose they can blame the deficit on the other guys and if they win they can sort it out later
They are all meh as far as I'm concerned
I'm still playing through pokemon sapphire. I'm using a ralts and a combusken so far. Any pokemon that you guys could recommend?
I very rarely use my phone for anything. What steps do i need to take to make sure nobody finds the porn?
Not at all.
I plan on playing something right now, I just can't decide on what to do. It's a feeling of being burnt out but not really at the same time, it's horrible. Maybe I'll just do push ups instead.
I thought Mankind Divided was shit though
To be fair, I couldn't get into any of the Deus Ex games.
This explains it all pretty well
Right now I'm playing through the Trails in the Sky series; I'm on the second game now, TitS SC
aye, the best indeed
I'd like to get as much use as i can until it dies completely.
So get a government job and strike and hope for some free money
Just set a passcode on your phone so only you can get on it. Who gets on your phone anyway
Tales has like 16 main games (and who knows how many escort titles) since the SFC original.
but they would just forcefully end the stike and not give me waht i watn
WHAT gov?
There comes your shit taste. Also, where's your pic?
You can just look for pics with your phone.
That's a big pic.
Sure, but your new priority is to get a new one.
What games are on the menu?
Most of the fun I'm having comes from trying to find my way into buildings and shit I need to sneak into. Trying to find a hidden air vent behind stuff or jumping up to a window some weird way. Shit like that
I figured someone would pick that series.
How goes user
Oh I forgot about fucking Tales. I still need to play Abyss.
What do you want user?
Because you don't deserve one of my reaction images.
Fam just sometimes come in and look at my phone without asking. I honestly get worried if anyone is touching my stuff tbh.
the one tgat has a dyke in charge of it. she is actually a carpet chewer
to die
Yeah. I've got a bruise on my arm from the needle when I donated blood. I look like a heroine user now and it's too hot to wear long sleeves.
Generally when they get that many games they stop being good enough to follow.
I'm almost through Girls Last Tour and it's pretty cute. Would recommend even though it's a nothing show.
debatable but the girl is cute.
Don't think I've slept in a few days now.
Can't get in the mood to boot up anything. Been downloading Bokurano at least. That opening is enjoyably haunting.
ah I see, so it's not so much the game as a whole as much as it is just the sneaking around. I guess that sort of stuff in HR was fun, but I still couldn't get into it tbh.
That would drive me insane. Nobody has seen the inside of my room in years and years. I put a lock and key on it, and if I'm not doing something like taking a piss or grabbing food then its locked.
Seems like the government could help you with that easy tbh
Every show I watch is a nothing show fam
How goes
Morrowind, TF2, and Sins of a Solar Empire
Central Time did nothing wrong
No (You) for you then.
Aren't you an adult?
It's a province in Cucknada isn't it?
How's living with Chinks like?
Hey fap to this
Where the fuck do you live? Maine?
See . Tired physically and low on energy, but not tired enough mentally to sleep.
Abyss is very love it or hate it. I really enjoyed it, but it's something of a basebreaker, at least here in the west (Japan seems to have thoroughly loved it). Just so you're aware.
Why's that?
never heard of it. Is it some anime that released this season? I haven't been watching anything besides when I watched Devilman Crybaby. I've got Little Witch Academia on my list but can't bring myself to start it since I'd rather play vidya than watch anime.
for Chie
Do you just not like stealth?
I fucking love silenced pistols so I'll stealth my way through as far as I can and just go to normal FPS combat if I get caught. Not too autistic about my stealthin
What mods on morrowind?
i wish
yes. the only one with a dyke. she ha 16% approval and a newspaper called that misogyny the other day
Is there a way I can position my neck without it becoming sore when browsing my phone?
I still have fun playing vanilla morrowind so I have no mods for it.
Why are you not sleeping? Thats really unhealthy you know
How did she get elected with 16 percent approval
When I play yugioh on my phone for a long time I lay down and hold the phone up over my face. Arms get tired eventually though
I also hear it's kinda antifedora and that the main character actually grows as a character. So idk, I might like it.
She'd go full tsundere on you for that post.
lol I really need to look up who she is.
Nope, it's some 2007 series by Gonzo. Heard it's good, but also dark and depressing in a way that can give NGE a run for it's money.
Embed is the opening.
No interest in Crybaby myself, but I've been meaning to read the original manga, since I liked Shadow Hearts and Soultaker, which have similar elements in design (SH' Yuri being confirmed inspired by Devilman, even being able to acquire an Amon Soul Fusion).
Already mentioned it; can't get mentally tired enough.
i have no fucking clue
just some old dyke who keeps passing retarded initiatives and throwing money around and she's the reason it costs me $200 a month for electricity and $160 of that is fucking government fees to make up all the monehy her dumb dyke initiatives are costing us. this is why nobody likes lesbians outside of porn and anime
Yes, but nobody treats me lik one just because i'm autistic and socially awkward. It fucking sucks how pathetic i am, because i feel like there's nothing i can do to change anything in my life.
Have you tried reading?
When you going to move
I'm alright. Been at work every day the last week but mostly half days. I don't really like half days because they end right on lunch so I'm fucking starving when I get home.
The chinks aren't actually chinks. The landlord said they were Chinese but one is Malaysian and the other is Taiwanese. They're nice though. We had a coming together of cultures and I traded a beer for some fried rice. Brewed up some cider as an experiment but it was god awful I had to tip it out. Sharp. Tasted like cheap white wine. Will have to brew up some proper lager. Thankfully there's a homebrew shop not far from here so I can get information and supplies.
I guess I could. Magic was handled pretty weird in that game. I think I remember that you can't regenerate magicka in Morrowind or that's it's a really slow regen.
Well, we have a jew in congress that just shutdown the gov for an argument.
I'm kinda the same way but they at least respect my privacy.
when i win the lottery and have enough money to never need to work again
not really I guess. I prefer charging in head first, even if it's more of a challenge that way, was a pain in the ass to do that in HR though since it's pretty clear the idea is to be stealthy.
That'd be fine tbh, I'd just headpat her.
huh, pretty neat. That does look dark.
I've been pretty unaware of what Devilman was until I watched Crybaby honestly. No idea what Shadow Hearts or Soultaker are, same for SH Yuri.
here's your (You)
Did you put a lock on your door yet? Don't drink anything open around them that you can't keep an eye on, they might try to sell your liver or something.
I don't think you can regen at all. And melee combat is so boring that magic is the only thing I wanted to use when I played so had to mod that ASAP
You gonna take me to nippon as a guide when you win the lottery right fam?
Onterrible is fucked. Not that it's better here, with that fucking corrupt Saudi loving PM who worked there as MD for 5 years. Canadian politics has been shit since forever.
She'd kick you then quickly apologize in an adorable way.
i/m going to move away from society and spend my days sitting on my ass and putting my penis in my girlfriend
i almost don't even want to vote because they all suck ass
worth it
Yeah theres been a few parts in this one I wouldn't want to try to not stealth through. I was doing a bank mission and that place had these things walking around. I don't think I could kill it with my pistol.
You have a girlfriend?
If there was a vote to close down parliament and transform it into a prison for the traitors I'd take that option anyday.
When I said coming together of cultures I meant my jewish side.
Door came with a lock and the drug peddling thief got kicked out the other week. I feel relatively safe. Besides I'm almost a full head taller than them and male so I could easily kick their asses if need be even though I don't lift.
Life keeps giving me responsibilities and obligations and I just want things to stop changing for one goddamn second
Are they not male?
What kind of responsibilities?
How goes user
yes. a very forgiving one who drives me to my exams wehn i get drunk in the morning and who makes me watch romantic comedies about pakistanis with dying girlfriends or something
at this point if there was a vote to just commit mass suicide via nuclear blast i would vote for it
yeah, stuff like that. I wish it would've rewarded you for playing the way you want to tbh, since that's kinda how they touted it.
that's a genre?
It's not exactly fedora or antifedora, as the church there has multiple factions and infighting, with some being more reasonable than others. And yes, Luke does grow as a character, but it take a good while before he stops being a little shit (there's actual reason for his immaturity as well). Bigger issue is that the party is quite antagonistic towards each other early on, nitpicking and abusing each other's flaws and barely cooperating. It's the sort of game where a lot of people will play for an hour or two, drop it, and declare Luke (and everyone but Guy and Ion, really) to be a shit and the game to be a shit too, without giving it the time to actually do what it set out to do.
I honestly don't read that much anymore.
Shadow Hearts is a continuation of a franchise started on the PS1 under the name Koudelka. Yuri is the protagonist and by absorbing soul energy, can manifest demons, spirits, and other monster in his soul, subjugate them, and then fuse with them in battle. Soultaker is a 2001 anime (also the same year SH1 came out on the PS2, interestingly) by TatsunokoPro about a mutant boy who can turn into the titular Soultaker, who seeks to protect the Flickers, fragments of his sister's soul given life, and to eventually meet his sister, who he is unaware he had until the start of the series. Has a very damn good opening by the band that would go on to do One Punch Man's opening.
i don't know about genre but it's definitely a movie. it is very boring and after it finished i watched A fisftufl aOf DOllars and it was great.
Did you buy the ring yet
I have noticed that if you really hate doing hacking shit theres usually an option to figure out a way around it at least. Closest it comes to letting you choose how you want to play
Maybe thats your problem. Fill your brain user
Is tales of the abyss a good "first tales" game? Also what's the best version of the game?
They're all girls.
Everywhere is just fucking girls. At home I'm the only guy, at work I'm the only guy, supermarket clerks are all girls, even the people behind the bar are girls.
And none of them are cute.
Yakuza (count the spin offs and Japan-only games and it has more than 10)
Do like I did and get your ass in the sticks as northernmost as you can without going to injun reserves. Life is far better there than any city.
i still have to buy my books for next semster. One teacher posted tajt athe books i s mandadtory and posted a screenht of a page where yo uvxan buy it but the page doesn't show theb ook name or author or a picture of it so all we knw is there's a site somewhere where we can buty it.
I live in the sticks arleady it's a long drive just to my college
How did you get to this magical place
Would you fuck your roommates?
How goes user
I meant legit no fraternizing. I didn't mean trade.
eh I'm a patient dude.
I'm sure there was plenty of good ones but Symphonia was the first popular one iirc.
That is a fate worse than death tbh.
Thought you were smarter than this fam
Soultaker would also go on to spawn a mahou shoujo/idol spinoff/AU in the form of Nurse Witch Komugi-chan, which repurposes the cast into different roles. Haven't watched that one yet.
The games I tend to play have enough text already.
I would not consider it to be one due to how divisive it is. Could well leave the wrong impression. Consider Eternia, Symphonia, or Vesperia, and note that for some, starting with later entries in the series can make it hard to go back to the earlier ones.
Depends on what you want from the game really. PS2 version has better graphical output (though I'll admit I found Symphonia and Vesperia's visual style comparatively better), combat framerate, and multiplayer co-op, while the 3DS one but has some notable overworld camera lag and loading issues. 3DS version I've heard fixes the latter two, but has worse graphics, combat framerate, and no co-op (but that's a factor of every portable Tales).
I don't wefen fknow their anemads yet
Yeah, tsunderes are cute when they're done right. Like pic related sometimes.
Are you ok?
Things other people would be happy about. Promotion at work. New house. I'm also now at the age where I'm expected to start a family and I dunno if I want to. I don't know where I'm going and I just want to go back to when I had good friends and a shitton of free time.
sounds like its time to buy a vr headset and retreat into the world of 2D
But thats not helping you sleep so. Plus theres a difference.
What you drinking tonight?
Huh, that looks pretty cool.
So Soultaker and Shadow Hearts are actually unrelated then? And in Shadow Hearts the MC gets an Amon demon soul to fuse with?
I hated the hacking too tbh
hell yeah
Yoza isn't very tsun, but that's okay.
I am very tired.
Iced teas
Same with Mila, but I'm sure during some fighting she is.
Drunk, tired yet can't sleep for the past 2 days because of neck cramps. I really should look to get a better seat for my computer, this one sucks ass but I live so far away from civilization that it's either taking a 2 hour drive or paying out the ass for shipping.
Heh, I was forced to drop out of college because some cunt falsely accused me of rape. Didn't matter that cops cleared me of the accusations, uni kicked me out and I said fuck those Marxist cunts and never applied anywhere else. Then I left town as it started welcoming rapefugees and moved north. Seriously, fuck Canadian colleges.
Is it yours? Or are you living with your folks?
Hacking minigames always suck. Sometimes lock picking ones can be ok.
Me too. Been making my parents make a super strong jug of it every morning that I pound all day. Been hard to sleep lately cause of it
Who should i fap to before i go to bed tonight?
Maybe try buying one of those U shaped neck pillow things
A bit of both. It's legally mine but my parents are living in it. They're getting older now.
When I was at uni I just stopped buying the books unless there was a specific assignment tied to them. I got tired of blowing hundreds of bucks every semester on shit I never had to read.
Probably 2B
Geez that must suck. How long they going to leech off you?
No. Even if I was single.
Damn right.
Rise because I ship you two.
Lockpicking ones like in Dying Light don't bug me, and the hacking in the first Bioshock didn't bug me too much tbh. Bioshock 2's was meh.
or even better, that U-Shaped pillow AND a dakimakura to sleep with.
I'm glad my town doesn't have refusees yet but the college has a lot of pajeets on visas and I hate them all very much.
I was mixing it with cranberry juice for a while before I got it together aenough to just got to the doctor about the bladder infeciton. It was pretty tasty. I am peeing a lot more now but in a good way.
Symphonia got popular because NoA did would Namco had been refusing to do with the PS1 games here and actually marketed it for them, giving it the focus (and front cover) of a Nintendo Power back in the day. Combined with the Gamecube having comparatively few JRPGs, it sold phenomenally. One of the few things I'll give NoA credit for. Unfortunately, Bamco didn't learn a thing and seemed to think Legendia and Abyss could coast out here on Symphonia's popularity. They didn't really try heavier marketing themselves until Xillia.
As someone on /a/ put it, Soultaker is "visual nonsense" at points, leaving whether, and how, something is happening in question. It's pretty damn good if you ask me, just a very bizarre ride. TechTV originally aired it here in the west. Dub seemed pretty solid to me.
Unrelated aside from both possibly being Devilman inspired in some ways (SH confirmed, unsure of Soultaker), and debuting the same year
Optional fusion in Shadow Hearts 1. It makes a return in Shadow Hearts: Covenant (set a year and half later) under the control of the Godslayer.
He will try your patience hard (contrast with how Lloyd and Yuri are pretty likable from the start), but I find it works out well in the end.
That ugly huh?
Its been so long since I played bioshock games that I can't remember them at all
At least you probably won't get kidney stones
Want to let post numbers decide? Saved this back in 2007.
Only stones I have are the ones havinging between my legs. ANd gallstones but they said those are minor enough they don't need to do anything about it. I've had them for like 10 years
What is a gallstone?
I've got a pretty good relationship with them and they can provide for themselves financially so I don't really view it as leeching.
I usually don't mind lockpicking minigames but I can't remember the last time I played a hacking minigame that was interesting. I think the only one that comes close is DE:HR's but it gets repetitive really fast.
I thought Vesperia was prominent but that could be just me.
It takes a lot for me to hate you. Like a dude saying how much a good friend he is only to fuck them over. I basically hate two faced people like that. If Lloyd is like that, then I'm fucked.
Nigger, do you know any better wording for it?
a stone in your gall baldder
Then why they gotta live with you?
They're just asian which really isn't my thing.
Got you beat on the daki, already have one. I guess I could look up one of those U-shaped pillow though. If I can find one that is.
At first there were only a few beaners and niggers, barely enough to make a class to teach them the language. Now the floodgates were opened and last time I visited family back in that city there was no way I could go out in town without hearing arabic at least once. When they get somewhere, the fuckers bring their whole family with them and they don't mind living in a 2 bedroom apartment with 6+ people in them.
What is a gall bladder?
Jungle asians are rarely cute anyway
Whos the daki of?
as bad as arabs are i hate indians more now. they stink and are always late and loud and they cheat at everything and chitter away in currytalk during exams and talk over the prof. trying to give a lesson
I try not to remember Infinite exists.
Because it's so fucking shit.
i'll take your word for it. Setup sounds cool enough as-is.
ah i see.
And i've come to understand Devilman has REALLY influenced the anime/manga industry far more than I'd imagined.
For instance, End of Evangelion as a more obvious example.
boy did it fuckin ever
I remember not hating the lockpicking in Skyrim as well. Dying Light's is the best imo.
Got you fam, $100 on amazon
Vesperia found it's own prominence in being one of the few worthwhile JRPGs the 360 had alongside Lost Odyssey, and both stayed exclusive to it in the west, whereas stuff like FFXIII was multiplat to begin with and Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean IV saw PS3 versions with more content brought over. Vesperia is also a good game in its own right, but the 360 version is pretty much a high quality beta in comparison to the PS3 one.
Lloyd's from Symphonia and is a lovable idiot similar to Stahn from Destiny. Luke is the protagonist of Abyss. It's not so much that he's a jerk (pretty much the entire cast starts out as one to some degree), but rather his immaturity and spoiled nature. He and the rest of the cast do grow, but it takes a long, hard fall for them to realize what they're doing, how they interact with each other, isn't helping.
I got that free on psn a while ago and couldn't even get through the first level. That shit was terrible.
Fuck, I fucked over on the naming.
Certainly helps that Devilman's an old school series as far as being able to inspire other works. You want another old, dark antihero manga, go read the original Skullman (and then consider the 1998 extended, author approved reboot and 2007 anime interpretation).
No, i'm curious as to why you'd ship me with rise, though. Also isn't shipping more of a tumblr thing?
Sounds relatable.
ok let's just say I'm rooting for you to waifu even if it's just for fapping.
Again, Luke has actual reasons for acting how he does, and some take some actual time to come into the clear. That time can simply be too long for some. Hopefully it won't be for you. The non-main antagonist villains also get given actual characterizations, which helps a lot compared to how the Grand Cardinals in Symphonia and the Terrors in Legendia were almost one-note.
Infinite is so awful.
I'll keep it in mind; I think I'm done with dark antihero depression shit for a while though. I watched Blade Runner 2049 recently and then Devilman Crybaby. I've got my sights on LWA since it seems pretty cute and happy but still with an actual story
Post your tumblr
Whats your favorite kind of bbq?
The original Skullman is only 100 pages. It was a one-shot made by Ishinomori as what he had personally envisioned Kamen Rider to be like, but obviously that wouldn't have flown as a kids series.
I don't have one.
Trips of lies
On that note, the 2007 manga is pretty hard to find online due to being purged by Tokyopop to sell physicals, but there's still this archive. Might want to bookmark/save it.
Get mad, Rits.
Careful with those. They can eventually flare up and those I knew who had one said that when they do it's painful like a motherfucker. Waiting the time to get it removed thanks to our shitty healthcare can be daunting.
A gall bladder is something under your liver. Produces and stores bile. Koneko, that loli in Highschool DxD. Had to look it up, I couldn't remember the exact name, too fucking tired and my brain is mush.
how do you mean? Like wet/dry or pulled/chopped or what?
neat! And only 100 pages? That's a quick read.
Yeah. And since apparently the company that put out an official digital release of it in English doesn't seem to care to DMCA everywhere, Skullman 1970 is easy to find online.
What meats, what cuts, and yeah what you listed
Having a waifu only for fapping is like being in a marriage with a hooker.
Whoops, meant 1998.
Well, this is true.
I did worse. I actually used to bang 3DPD bar skanks often back in my school days
catch anything?
At least you didn't get aids fucking them, right?
i'm a fan of bbq ribs, they're my favorite. Wet ribs, mind you. Dry ribs are shit. As for "BBQ" being pork shoulder, I prefer mine pulled, seasoned with a dry rub with plenty of BBQ sauce. It better not have fuckin coleslaw on it though.
wew were you trying to get diseases?
I had a few one night stands but not often.
Ribs are one of my favorite foods. Fam usually makes it for me on my bday every year.
nice. They're only good if they wet and spicy tbh.
Been a while since I've had some.
Dodged herpes once thanks to a friend of mine who told me at the last minute the rumors about one particular girl I'd been talking to for most of the night. Worst I got was urinary tract infections a few times. Got very lucky. I did take 3 STDs tests in a single year though. Did way too many drugs during those years too so I was retarded. Never banged non whites and was aware enough to know not to mess with the most trashy looking ones, probably did help.
nigga they can be spicy AND sweet at the same time
well at least you had some sense
what was that old violent anime with the dude in the exoskeleton armor thing
Try making both a dry rub and then slather it with homemade BBQ sauce 30 minutes before the end of cook time. Best of both worlds. If done correctly they are sweet, spicy and tangy all-in-one.
Spicy shouldn't be anywhere near ribs. Its wrong!
I should really get an STD test after my soapland adventures but don't want to deal with it
rate my team haha
Night Shift Nurses
don't act dumb
I wasn't the most social person during my time at uni so i was ok. There was one time during opening week where some black girl asked me to sign the front of her shirt, but that was it.
Boku no Pico.
Guyver, maybe?
sounds pretty damn good fam
Incorrect! It's the best way to eat ribs. The best sweet stuff is accompanied by spicy!
Taimanin Asagi
yeah that's the one. i had it written don somewhere. thanks
I don't recognize these pokemon
When I eat ribs I want to eat a rack and a half. Spicy don't go good with eating tons of food.
Yakin Byoutou
thats because you need to die
My general practitioner asked me "now what did you put your penis into this time, blackout drunk again?" during the third visit of that year.
We all do.
Was actually just making guess since I saw one volume of it at a store recently, and "Bioboosted armor" stands out in the title. Though for all I know, that could be a reboot. I don't see a lot of volumes of actually old shows from beyond, say, 2000 around out here much.
Stop being so tsundere user
I haven't really seen a doctor in 10 years
It does if you can actually handle spicy shit
there's been 2 versions. 1989 and 2005-ish. i was thinking of the 1989 one
Hmm. How do they compare, out of curiosity?
If it hurts to pee even a little bit, get yourself checked. Usually it's a single doctor's visit and either peeing in a cup or two swabs down the ol' piss hole. Usually they'll give you the drugs there and then and will call you up later to tell you to stop taking them when the results come back if you're clean or to change to something else more specific when they find out what it is.
Wait until you get older kiddo. Its not the heat going in its the heart burn later.
More worried about the dangerous shit like hepatitis tbh
Those kinds of things would have shown up by now
I'm going to bed. See you guys around.
i ahvent' seen the new one and i barely started the old one before i got distracted because i have no attention span
You've got about 5-7 years on me nigga you aren't old
Cya next time fam
7 years is a lot. Early 20s is practically a kid still
The only thing that is long with that is waiting for the fucking AIDS screening result. Somehow it's the STD that takes weeks to properly diagnose and sometimes docs can have you take it a second time during your next visit just to be sure.
Got that shit beat. I have prescription meds for heartburn and can stomach pretty much anything unless I'm fucking tired like today. Every sip of rum is a fucking pain.
whatever you say you old fart
What do you have that you need script heartburn meds?
Enjoy it while it lasts. Time is hell
Got near an ulcer due to all the shit I did to myself in my teens and early 20s. Turns out drinking a liter of vodka a day for 3 years straight without diluting it, taking pills and more often than not doing so while the stomach is empty kinda messes up a stomach.
Aight lads, i'm gonna go play some vidya and head to bed. You all have a good one
seems to be flying by pretty fast fam
Later dude.
Cya next time fam
Damn that sucks. Always been afraid of those myself.
Gonna bounce and play games. Cya next time fam
ain't that the fuckin truth
cya. I should go back to games too.
Where I am they do them in batches and if the batch is positive they'll redo all of them individually to figure out which is positive of the bunch. Means it can take a while but it's pretty efficient if you're assuming you won't find many positives. Also HIV often drops to sub detectable levels so you need to recollect later when you're sicker just to be sure.
I wish I could at least slow it down.