Feminine pee pee thread #69

Feminine pee pee thread #69

Electric Scootaloo edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


sreep tight neru

This is a post.

-takes a bow-



Hey, the flags are working.

inb4 fish

i have no sexual desires


something something crocs :3


wow, i could be a monk and not even care

That's just rude

fish is a smelly dumpster

"Because we are your friends, you'll never be alone again."

Not for me??

I just want cuddles



are fucking great i know


kinda wanna get a dog

you wanna try on my crocs bby?


Testing flag

most rewarding thing ever

just be prepared to commit like you're having a baby

can't be one of those cunts that gets a dog when it suits them and gives it away when they get bored

ill force them on you

That's three references today. Soon it will be a million!

That isn't even what was happening for me, it was the text of the flag overlapping the flag itself. Weird.

Succubus pride.

Your mom won't give you a ride here though.

i know, and tbh i cant really afford one right now anyway
id fucking love a big fluffy belgian shepard tho

i have a license now

thank you for the unnecessary put down

We're even now.

Do you have a vehicle?

you sound responsibe with the idea at least, you'll have one eventually c:

what did i do


I don't remember, but you make me feel bad often enough.

We should arrange a meet-up ;3

i'm fucken hungry

gonna make some more mash bazingas

praise the lord for inventing food that isn't really food so you can eat when you dont want to


all in good time
theres also a good chance ill move towns next year for work too, dont wanna drag a dog along in a car for a good couple of hours

They just happen on their own.

my feelings towards you tend to be inconsistent. but youre kinda inconsistent too

the financial inclusion officer visited me yesterday to grill me for more details of medical issues so she can get me in a better benefits group, and we were talking about my eating problems, and she started telling me about one of her clients that only lives off Ensure, the nutrient drink you get prescribed when you have an eating disorder, cause her anxiety gets so bad she can't feed herself

like shit son, that's heavy

Good point.

did you see the red dead trailer

are you even interested in that sort of thing


and thats not a put down on you its just my concerns really


I did. I love R* and pretty much all of their games. heard the trailer was today and put money on taketwo stocks and came out with a profit so far.

No, no. It's a valid concern. I'm just looking to break up the monotony of everything is all. I wish I enjoyed posters more consistently too.

it looks very good. you are a stock market wizard

you seemed to get along with that loli girl

i was like "these problems are hard to explain, but basically i'm just kinda effete and pathetic" and she was like "no, you're not pathetic, you cope very well considering, bla bla bla story about the girl who is too anxious to eat people food" and i'm like...


i eat ppl food

Yeah, but I decided I don't want to get tangled up in her mess of a life at the moment. I will have to see her again at least one more time to return her clothes I borrowed.

i have my money on them, microsoft, amd, and skechers today. small af profit on amd but i'll probably sell in the morning. I 'knew' msft would go down and only bought some like 10mins ago, skechers sure is taking there sweet as time releasing q3 sales

still not sure why people don't just buy more money

that sucks there seemed to be a lot going on there

keep you in suspense

It's whatever. I always get too far ahead of myself in conjunction with overthinking things. Whatever.

yesterday i woke up sweating because i was stressed about putting all my money out on it. woke up a little bit earlier today not giving a fuck.
heads or tails


im sorry

uh heads


lol do you actually want civ6? it was heads

yes desperately

tails never fails

50% of the time it works every time

Oh shit RDR2 looks pretty.

wait, is civ 6 actually good? i haven't read reviews for it yet

i didnt pick tails because people would make a connection because im a furry


I thought he was asking everyone.

it's been heads the last 10 times actually.
pic is what heads looks like btw

okay 1min

come out in like 9hours

oh okay! i guess we'll see then huh

I am also going to say heads.

i will try to contain myself

stickle brix never align properly

You got your computer back?

I turned off flags for myself and honestly prefer this. It makes things so much simpler

Hopefully it has everything to make it a good game early on and not be like civ5 on release




they are inherently unable to be aligned in a uniform manner

Can I get a consolation prize?

The toys of the devil

sent ;)

that hurts man


I bet it does

i love you

What did he do at first?


Maybe Moogs just didn't see the game and thought it was a joke.


would you fuck a playstation?

Yeah, this bit.
Yo by the way how the fuck did you beat Genocide route because it's really fucking hard for me.

basically. my tender feelings.

but all is well. surprisingly well. i am indebted

Last boss I mean

Sans specifically?

I just didn't take a break and did it like fifteen times in a row. Muscle memory or whatever the athletes call it these days. I'm not particularly good at games, but you know there's only one way to win. And that's to stay determined

this song was good until lil uzi came in. they did this song and asap wrong putting him on here

also i'm serious.
buy. more. money.


put up money on skechers and start praying with me that their q3 results are better this time around like predicted

i predict bebop buys me a pizza if his stocks do well

Alright then, I guess I'll do that. I've been going back and trying four or five times then crying away because Sans is a bully.

You are based, by the way.

yeah, i got my computer back!

bebop lying

Don't get tilted.

who is oobles btw


my boyfriend

i predict a loose stool

guero's girlfriend

Guero's boyfriend

swedish still hasn't used moisturizer.

That's the real challenge.

New kid on the block, Guero's friend.

Draws dicks and doesn't afraid of anything.

Sounds about right.


thanks m8

half my bank account is on them and if the results are bad i'll either try to sleep until tomorrow morning so i can sell or drink all night

good luck fam

When are the results out?

that's what i like to hear bebo

gogo wolf on wallstreet

winston wolfe the fixer here to fix me a pizza

i'm oobles ;-; im a real girl



ty test

are you familiar with loose stools

i know im evil

but i try to be good

and i hope god forgives me

You can handle it
Waiting on proof tbh

"Earnings announcement* for SKX: Oct 20, 2016. Skechers U.S.A., Inc. is expected* to report earnings on 10/20/2016 after market close."
minimum 1hour


Horny tranny grinds her cock against mattress.webm?

Welcome back to shitpost central.

How do you feel?


you dont know


anyone who ever said "i'm a real girl" on the internet was later determined by geographical survey to be a hermaphroditic flatworm

W h a t

How could you tell?

I don't try very hard tbqhfamalam

go back to fucking men. fag.

you have a strong will for one who has only lived one life

Fingers crossed, I'll wait here with you.


you have to earn proof by buying me the new i5 6600 uwu

i feel okay, my throat is sore tho, i'm super tired x.x how're you test uwu

wow i just met you and you're already bullying me PLEASE BE NICE HELLo??????????!


I like girls.


NO i have a VAGIBN!!!!!! u r BULLY ME!!!! how CULD U???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i just met you
and this is crazy
but heres my number
meme me maybe?

2far dude

get memed on

Ok your paypal?

im gonna take ur bolty away from u forever

bully the trannies for god

I think it's pengjin of d00m now

shut up tranny

My last class of the day is cancelled tomorrow and I have a four day weekend because of fall break. I'm feeling fucking excellent.

Did they put a cork in your throat hole or are you perhaps considering installing a second mouth?

:O nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! not again

fuck you tranny toes get a working dick 2 use with that pretty little dog of urs

Yeah, basically.

why do they have a weed grinder in space

nevermind it's actually obvious

my dick works fine

excuse me

wait are you telling me to fuck my dog



looking good


those dsl's


i'm going to surgically plant a penis on my nose, one that can get erect so i can FUCK you for saying that

but no it seems to have worked well-- i'm in discord, and i should be on tonight if you wanna hear how terrible i sound right now

why are you big bully jeez

i am cruel

There is a reason Erin is no longer the admin.

r8 my build.

message me on discord and i'll give you it uwu

Yeah, it's cause /lewd/ is superior.


because i'm fucking dangerous

im pretty sure nobody else plays this so youre pushing your luck

They have Grimmy and the like.

We just can't compete.

Erin... I am glad I am in your gang... Too dangerous...

Why else do you think "gRIM" STOLE THAT NAME. tO EMULATE.

I can still picture that mouth piercing in my mind

she's on hrt now

It was like staring into the mouth of hell.

proud to roll wit scoot

superheroes of the internet

Was bluffing, I only just built my own PC so I don't really have the funds :c

grimmy is on hrt?


I am a shitposting machine.
The meme monster.
Riot-chan reborn.

What the fuck



do you think exposure to the internet can make people trans?

i'm pretty sure he was a dude last i met him

Who is this Grimmy person.

no he was trans before he left here he's just now getting on the stuff

huh. okay.

My alter ego.

I almost mistyped that as altar ego.

Which is all kinds of funny to think about.

That sounds horrifying.

The first man made golem composed entirely of garbage.

I don't believe you, senpai.

i havent seen the results so i couldnt say

You caught me.

My alter ego is actually a 10 year old Chinese Canadian girl named Skye Zhang.

;-; i knew it
i was gonna send pics of my real vagya too

I still don't believe you, senpai.

started watching narnia but it feels like it will be shit

Those would be some really expensive pics

Rin's actually an extraterrestrial loli-kin that's 500 years old.

I would be lying if I said they were worth it.


Shhh, don't tell them!
It's supposed to be a secret.





Hi master !

a game for the original xbox called Alter Echo

anybody know of it?

How did guero get such a deep voice tho?

I'm sorry, will you ever forgive me?


By being a man.


There! Don't you feel better now?

Pussy swimming in tiny cocks .mp4?

Only if you'll be my alter ego.

it was a bargain bin game. low budget, short, didn't exactly push the capabilities of the console to the limit

but it was VERY good fun. absolutely wonderful game.

I heard of it in passing. know nothing about it.

Lets rewind backwards like multiple months and think about the old things and how that went.

You're ruining my delusions!



But your delusions are still there.
None of this is real

When you were me and I were you, or actually how we both just were.

I'm in love with you darling, please do your best at your assignment so we can play

What about my 14 year old escort?

That's not a thing anymore?


*being smothered by

it was kinda shit as games go, but a very fun, playable piece of shit.

like imagine you found a bit of poo, but then it turned out that the piece of poo was great fun and a really cool guy

you'd keep the poo, even though it was poo, right?

that's alter echo. a poo that's really fun to play with so you keep it.

That's not real either.
I hope

I don't know where to draw lines, or if any were ever drawn.

It's the truth, he's one of those lumberjack commandos.

I can't find a good Matlab torrent so it's going shit so far

Woops, mbad.

I'm curious as to what you thought I meant.

i don't know. check his throat for me uwu

did you... did you not purchase the things you need for class ?

That you have a fourteen year old escort.
A lewd escort.

I just don't have it on my personal computer and licenses are £55

Can I get it for you master ? What computer is it on ?

I meant the Ford you pervo.

just fuck my shit up fam

You can't, I have to do it myself
And it's on every computer on the university network
But not mine, that I want to do work on

Results out?

I am a perv.
Having a fourteen year old escort might be nice though.



That's why I also have a young teen I pay to go to events, and cuddle with me.

Here's an innovative idea, hear me out
**why don't you do your work on campus before you come home ?~~

I haven't dealt with this stuff before, but 0.09% isn't a loss, right?
Was there a fee for buying it?
Or is it going to go down by 12% before you can sell again?


holy shit

Because I like being at home :c

Is it because you get to spend time with me

at least i still made some shekels from microsoft and amd but its not enough to cover the losses from skechers lmao
kill me

it went up .09% but they released results as soon as the market closed so you want to look at the "after-hours" which is down 12.42%
no fee for buying.

the results for their sales were 12mil under


12mil under what was predicted that is. if it were 4-6mil higher things would be alright and i wouldnt be negative monies

Sorry about that man, how much did you lose total?

Rest in piss.



I want a Nintendo Switch, mom!

I mean you didn't lose the entire half, right? You can sell back the shares and be off with 12% less money or what?


Desu - Yesterday at 6:01 PM
I didnt hear a no

Subtoe, we had a friendship date tonight right?

i'm not sure what i'll do. maybe i'll hold onto it for a month(or 3) hoping it doesn't dip lower and slowly recovers or i could just sell it off and try my luck tomorrow throwing money at mcdonalds and ge
still pretty hard losses on me. i should have put more into msft and amd


Yeah ^^


SD and Test are the real niggas aha

What, have you never been on a friend date?

So what's up?

no pizza

these are sad times indeed

Luck to you on whatever you decide to do, dude.
Was Skechers rising? Any chance for it to go back up or you just guessing?

I'm have some machine learning assignment due soon
It's really small and not even worth any % of my module but still I wanna make an effort

Also pastebin.com/MZ17VAsF lol :3

Wait, since when do I do drive-bys with a tec-9?

I thought this was an elaborate scheme to cuck Desu even more.

heart hurts. wallet hurts.

it had been hurting this entire year and people were really looking at Q3 results to be good and rise it up again. it was supposed to go up 10%+ but didn't hit expectations. it might slowly make its way back up but im probably a lot better off selling it now and trying to work myself back up on my own

i saw my name in the thread when i was scrolling down and just saw you two had my back lmao
scoot is a shit
subtle likes my voice apparently tho
gonna cuck desu???

too apt right now

Interesting. So how's that coming along?
You're such a good student, heh.

I had a giggle.

It was
I just like to think of Subtoe as a friend.

Sublte pets!

Where did you find this picture of Bebo's house?


Got your six, man.
Pretty much, but it's not like you aren't a lumberjack commando.
Isn't that the only thing that's going on for them ever?

Knew it.
That's what you say, but we'll never know.

i don't actually own a Luger but I did buy some nice new Ruger +P ammo the other day


*comforting noises*
I think you should sell them off and cut your losses, better than losing even more.

Aesop rock is the shit, thank you so much for showing it to me.

Reminds me of when I had to torrent my operating system, lots of trial and error unfortunately..
And I'm really not, I have the same common tendency to procrastinate that so many people have

I think we went too far

Haven't even seen Kiniro Mosaic
Can't even call myself a weeb


will dooo


Nigga what the hell are you doing go watch it right now

Eugh, that sucks. I feel for ya.
I know that tendency all too well.

We didn't even do anything tho.

No problem at all.

should i buy the witcher 3?

with the dlc yes


You're right but then again..
Should I really take advice from a goldfish?

It's alright, even if I don't end up submitting anything, it won't affect my grade, it'll just be embarrassing ^^'
Real important assignments don't start for another couple of weeks

I want a Peugeot 205 T16 Evo 2.

Oh, well, in that case I suppose it's not worth stressing over too much.
Just do what you can.


it would be vanilla

I want a warm cup of coffee.

if you have to settle for that



If the advice is "watch kin iro mosaic" then yes you should.

That's a great artist.

i mean, i have other games to play, is it worth getting vanilla?

get one


I know ;;

Pretty good yeah, makes a lot of webms that are too big filesize to post.

It's too late to be drinking coffee

Who's this artist?

i drew that

Think that's two different artists, it's just my bondage folder.


draw a slutty kamuu

Can I just go to sleep now and wake up in 39 days?

Only if you wake me up in 8 months.

What happens in 39 days?

Thanks I will
Though if I don't get it started by midnight I think I'll give up ^^

Also how many pics are in this set?
The red and black pen are really satisfying
I know it's Shirobako but I don't remember her name

Then I promise you I will
Some day

you will miss my bday

Good subtle, Goldfish is pleased.

When's your birthday?



I don't know how many are in the set, just how many were saved by who made this folder.
24 or so, if I counted right.

Her names Erika Yano, and without having watched the show she's deffo my favourite.

I don't like celebrating birthdays anyway.

Great, maybe then the world will be a better place.

11 days


Tokai can confirm this.
Back in July, during E3, during the FFXV trailer I was just gone.
Like, I wasn't even a person anymore, just hype incarnate.

Sometime after the title card, but before the closing card, I just had a complete meltdown.


And real talk.
If that's honestly the Prelude track to this game, and not just a trailer track?
I might spend a lot of time just idle on the title screen.

Because Prelude is one of my favourite tracks in the entire series, and they really did great with this one.

I have no idea!

looks like i actually made a little money with microsoft. like barely enough to cover the costs of skechers
im not betting on quarterly results for a long time

I may have just gotten so excited I started crying again.

I wanna sleep and wake up when my OP3 gets here

Back where you started? Assuming you sell the Skecher stocks tomorrow?

if i can manage to sell at 20 i'll be happy with my losses in it.

Okay, make it 5 years then.

Do you need someone to wipe the tears, or are you fine with that?

I think this is pretty good news considering what could have been.
Gonna put it on AMD next time?

I think it's just becoming a feedback loop at this point.
Because I calm down and then I listen to the track again and get even more excited, and I swear to fuck I'm having a meltdown.

It's actually a really cute series
Maybe a bit boring but if you can get through it to the final couple of episodes it's worth it

You have a PS4 for FFXV?


So was that a yes or no regarding the tears?

Is it worth it if the only real interest I have in it right now is Yano?

Yes, yes I do.
In fact, FFXV was my explicit reason to getting a PS4.
And I've waited so long.
And been so eager.
And soon, so soon.
I just can't handle, Subtoe, I'm literally freaking out right now.

I'll wait until it doesn't seem like they're going to come back.


Oh, okay, call me back once you've gotten over it.


Then no probably not, it's about 5 girls going into the anime-production industry and Yano isn't one of them, Yano's a bit of a side-character who doesn't appear in every ep
IIRC she's the HR manager for the studio, or something

Hopefully it lives up to your hype ^^ Is there gameplay footage yet or too soon for that?


See you then.




Well, it's your name, so eh.

A) Sleep
B) KanColle

w t f

Watch anime that isn't shit.
So don't watch anime.


noctis cosplayers when

Not worth to watch it or even play it, just stick to dojins and fan art.

"I know now.
I know why the tales are told."

I think that makes that video, honestly.



I hate you all.

We hate you, too.

Styling that hair along would be so hard but so worth

No you don't.

Yes, I noticed.

I kinda find Noct a little attractive.

That's a fucking great picture.

Same fam

y tho

Drown your sorrows in cobra wine and cat soup.

Yes I do!

I only have good pictures!

That might honestly be the most epic Aeons have been in player control in any of the mainline games.


GE/McDonalds/Honeywell is the plan for tomorrow
AMD is going to right now actually, probably something to do with the new Nintendo stuff using Nvidia cards and not AMD

It's an Nvidia Tegra so it won't hurt AMD as they're in different markets.



It won't? I wonder what is causing it to go down, it's normal for it to jump around but this much is kinda weird to me. Maybe I'm still just too new.
Also Nintendo relied on AMD for that stuff for a long time so imo it would hurt them a little


Use Fortune.

I've never played a final fantasy game

But I love you

yes you do, and I'm really enjoying them.

Good luck Bebop, let me know how it goes tomorrow!


You cannot ship that which is taken.

Then you're not allowed to open that one folder anymore.

You've been missing on a lot.

I kinda know this feel

Well there can be exceptions.


its p awful


Goodnight Em

Sweet dreams.

Guess I'll have at it tomorrow.

Not a fan of those arm thingys.

This then?

I'll head to bed, good night.


tfw missed all the good euro posters



Sucks 2 b u

Oh thank goodness the brexit posters are here.


I only see one..



The only one that matters though!

Aw :3
I'd have to respectfully disagree I think.. there are some others who are good

I made a thread
