Do anons play chess?
What are some good programs/sites to play chess at?
Shogi and go are also welcome.
anyone want to play chess? i'm really bad ;_;
Do anons play chess?
Other urls found in this thread:
If I remember correctly the best chess engine you can easily torrent for free is Houdini. However, it's the best to try and find an engine which corresponds to your ELO and unless I'm speaking to literal chess god here Houdini will be too much for you to handle. There are a lot of free chess engines you can download which have a low ELO score so they're good for beginners, you can also get free engines for higher levels of competence too, only the engines which are top tier have a price tag attached to them usually. Another thing you will need to get is a GUI so you can even run the engines. I use Arena and it's good enough, works on Linux too.
Chess is one of my favourite pastimes user. is really good.
Also, if you want to get better just go to They have a lot of learning, tips, opening books, chess puzzles, et cetera.
I also enjoy this chess youtube channel daily
The guy analyzes interesting games from all eras.
Stockfish defeated Houdini and is the best engine with a higher ELO, plus it is free and open source, and its ran on many website since there is a Javascript version. It also has a difficulty setting.
I love chess, but I'm awful at is. Mostly because I can't memorize for shit (so studying openings is useless), and I'm not good at visualization of the board and "playing" alternative lines in my mind 10 moves ahead like any average chess player can do.
sub 500²IQ detected
I had no idea about that, I don't really pay attention to chess engines and things like that, thanks for the updated info.
While you have to be a born chessplayer for very high level play, I think that anyone can be taught to play at an average level provided they train and practice enough, a lot of the things like being able to think multiple turns ahead come with experience. Even grandmasters aren't perfect and you can fool them with balls-to-the-wall insane plays which work that one time because you threw them off guard. People who play chess for a long in a small country like mine all know each other and nobody can stop giving one of our grandmasters shit because a 12 year old kid made him force a draw in a game of speedchess because the kid's grandfather taught him some really unorthodox line of play which catches a lot of people off guard, but he wasn't close in winning any other game because thats all he knew how to do.
love to play chess, even though im not so good at it. problem is i have no one to play it with. is pure shit, lichess might be good, idk. chesscademy was ok, i would kill for a chess study/play group
I used to play regularly with my father, though I haven't lately. I've been wanting to try the Star Trek Tridimensional Chess for a while.
I play bughouse or fischer-random variants. Using xboard. Usually over a MUD.
Chess 2
Is there somewhere I can play Shatranj/Pre-'Mad Queen Chess' against a computer?
Thanks user, this looks really good.
Anyone wanna play? my elo is -100
I suggest you try finding a local chess association/federation/whatever or look at places like schools or universities to see whether they have some sort of chess community. It's the best way to find live chess players to play with and to learn how to play.
in last town i lived i did and it was pretty good
but i moved back at home, and nothing is happening nowhere near me
I learned how to play Go a while back, are there any neat engines for Go like chess has? I've only ever used OGS.
Queen nerf when?
Only to the white Queen, since the black Queen needs to be a strong, powerful piece, you Drumpftard alt-right racist misoginistic shitlord.
I like to play with my dad too, unfortunately he's way better than me.
I played that in some website a few months back, and I was happy with myself that I was winning a few times. Then I tried it in Yakuza 0, and I could barely even play against the easiest AI. Some opponents have an extremely defensive play style that humiliates beginners by surrounding the king with generals, so the game gets to an impasse and seemingly there isn't fuck all you can do about it even with a substantial advantage in promoted units and whatnot (well, maybe unless if you know what the hell you're actually doing, and I realized I didn't).
What preferably free as in freedom program would I use to learn mahjong?
I like Flash Chess 3
You can play on 3 lvls of difficulty
Come on, fight me faggot.
Move thyself towards me, male member of my family with whom I share both parents
I use this to play against AI:
You can check the yaku list in more detail here:
And there's even a calculator which is extremely useful:
The reason I care about Mahjong in the first place is because I watched/read Akagi (watched the anime twice before and after understanding the game), so if you haven't already, I'd definitely recommend it as well.
Half of that because I wanted to read Akagi and other similar works but my family actually plays mahjong.
g-guys please
That's really cool.
Not me user, I suck at chess.
get rekt scrub
The guy in my match just moved his pawn then surrendered, still a win tbh.
I'll stop baiting and dropping the games now.
Post a link to a game then and prepare to get your anus prolapsed
guys please be civil
This isn't one of them Street Fathers or Tokens or Cling to Fuckers or whatever kind of game where niggers screech at each other while pushing buttons, this is CHESS, user, fucking CHESS! This is serious shit and not a game for pussies, YOU GOT THAT? Now step into the ring and find out what it's all about.
chess sucks.
the protagonist is a weak pussy who depends on others instead of doing things himself, and would you look at that, his girlfriend is a fucking do-it-all mary sue, you go girl, GRRRRRL POWER, WE WOMYXZN CAN WIN AT WAR TOO YOU SILLY BOYS, god fuck women.
Half of your units are garbage, it feels like each unit is always in the wrong spot for their predetermined job EVERY TIME, and look at that shitty generic plot taken straight out of deviantart fanfiction, the main villain is just your dark side and they use all your same powers abilities and units.
overall i rate chess 3/10 its a piece of shit
This pasta is under cooked, try again.
Finally, a worthy challenger appears!
What the fuck are you doing white, develope your pieces. You haven't moved anything on the right half.
Looks like this round goes to the KANGZ, DAS RITE!
The key to getting good at chess is playing a lot and playing people better than you over and over again (though be sure to learn from it and imitate). I really like Shogi, it's got a lot of really cool rules that push it above chess, but it's hard to get in to when there is absolutely no one to play with around. And fuck playing with randos online, you people are savages and you know it. Hell, I know it because I'm one of you.
When a pawn gets to the other side, he can transition into a Queen, the superior gender.
Yes and no. You want to be playing people better than you, but you also need some of those people who are better than you to be able to point out your mistakes, which you may often miss if you haven't played chess for a long time.
bump for low skill chess players so we can learn without being bullied
play me user
Try this.
chess has been played out and all possible permutations have already been done
at this point it's all about memorizing sequences of moves rather than strategizing
There are over 9 million possible positions after just three moves each, 288 billion one move each later. Good luck user, become the next grandmaster while you're at it.
One more.
the majority of the first 6 moves of any chess game is usually rote memorized by most players
Chess a shit
I'll play go with you user, what do you play on? I don't know much about Go clients.
I was merely pretending, I literally infant level at Go and never played Go online
Go play chess
So am I
I play Go on and off as well and when I first got into it ages ago, OGS was the only real lifeblood-filled site around that had a dedicated community and solid UI, as well as free scheduled tutoring hours by high-ranking players of the site.
To be fair, Go is very simple conceptually and horrendously, mind-blowingly complex in execution. The skill gap between the worst Go player and the best is most likely one of the most gargantuan gulfs of skill in anything that actually requires skill. That sounds like exaggeration but it isn't, it's like comparing a grain of sand to the universe. No matter how shit you think you are at the game, there are thousands far worse than you. To latch onto some stereotypes, if you're here as user on this site chances are high you have the intelligence to learn a number of useful tricks really quickly and increase your ability at the game in rapidly in a small window of time.
This is me, make an account and send me a friend request
I've heard that GoPanda is popular, but I mostly play IRL at this point. It's been a while since I've even used OGS. GoPanda's not in a browser though.
Literally ""
The best way to play chess is to get a friend who is approximately your skill level and start a rivalry. Yeah you learn by losing to better players, but losing is not fun. But losing becomes OK if you are getting stronger and ensure your rival cannot beat you.
I did this for a few years with a bro from college. 10/10, the best way to play chess. We used the app, worked fine for me but I never paid for any of it.
someone on youtube already made this joke.
Does no one want to play Go?
I don't know how.
I'm fine with teaching. if you wanna learn
But it's fun!
so does getting good at chess have any transfer to other things or does it just make you good at chess?
Thank you for this thread, I really enjoyed it
You get to fuck cute Jewish boys if that helps.
It teaches you how to memorize a line deeper and wider than some other autist.
I got the Chess app on my phone. It's pretty good at getting matches together and always nice to pull out on the fly
I'm hilariously bad at chess so please be gentle
Latest Fritz should be enough for a noob, OP.
Yes, both and are decent, free options.
stockfish is probably the best chest engine, I think alpha zero might be better soon though?
Lichess is the best chess site i think
Until AlphaZero plays a Stockfish setup designed by the Stockfish team it stays hard to say despite the frankly amazing games that have been released from the Google tests. Both players are so high level it is hard to analyze what Stockfish's better options would have been and if it would have seen through AlphaZero's ploys had it also ran on a supercomputer.
AlphaZero is as brutal as Stockfish is but in a more human-like way, thinking in patterns rather than hard results and equations.
Even if this ever happens, I doubt it will have more impact on the world of chess than Stockfish has had. Stockfish is opensource and has been fully embraced by the chess community all over the world to learn with, play against, analyze games and moves with etc.
It will probably have more impact on the world in general though.
If anyone feels like playing a couple rounds, I'm still warm from winning against my sister:
Yeah, I've gone through several of the games, and there's a lots of brilliancy there. I've noticed that since watching what Alpha Zero could do, I'm a lot less interested in watching games between human grandmasters, and I used to watch plenty of games between the top humans. I don't have the same admiration anymore for the highlights of Carlsen's career. It's just not the same anymore. It's too apparent how inferior we all are.
This link is deprecated
I've actually come to appreciate the old masters more because of it, before the computer-led meta.
I'd like someone to play with but everyone i've met plays like a GM and i'm a total scrub.
Where do you find other noobs to play against?
Humble reminder that >>>/chess/ exists.
This is crazy
Someone explain this to me
I'm guessing the basic idea was to trade queens (Qe4, dxe4, Rxd7) but either way it is a complete blunder. The best play would probably be Qf7+ with Kd8 being the only option after which follows Nxg5 with tempo on e6, which would come with mate unless Kc8.
Thank you.
what's to stop the knight on e5 from simply taking the queen there
You are completely right user, in my mind the knight was still on c3.
In that case I don't see a reason for white to continue playing.
If the d5 pawn takes the queen d1 rook takes the black queen. White loses a rook and a queen but at least the black queen is out of the play. White is severely fucked anyway
Who are you quoting?
Anyway, they often talk more in terms of pattern and structure which allows them to think much deeper ahead. They know what way the wind is blowing when they do a certain move and often just thinking 3-5 turns ahead is enough to make a decision. When GM's play each other it's a different type of game. Both would have been prepared against the other player and they both try and keep each other to their scripts so to say until they are on their own. There is also the fact that a lot of positions have already been played and you are expected to know the benefits of each variation or preemptively counter a certain position.
Phantasy star portable 1. Basicly an endless dungeon with like 10 different enemies in total. Run from room to room, kill dudes, get items and red key, open lock rinse and repeat. You have different classes, some wiggle room for a personal build and up to 3 ai comrades you can take with you if you wish. Its more akin to diablo but still kinda works and has a good combat system. You can emulate psp with ppsspp which runs on nearly everything or just buy a used psp for like 20 bucks and use it as an emulation machine.
no one, i accidentally left a chevron when i was repasting what i typed but it wouldn't let me post
anyway, my point is, it's a misconception people who don't play chess often think that you have to have this superhuman ability to see 5-20 moves ahead when this is just not the way humans play
You're right, only computers think like this (brute forcing every move and evaluating outcomes up to x amount of turns ahead).
To get better at visualization and "feel," I recommend the phone game Really Bad Chess. Pic related. The AI thinks two or three moves ahead. He'll still dick you with inferior pieces if you aren't careful, but it's been great at teaching me how to look at a board more instinctively. So much so that I beat my dad twice in a row last week, after a few months of occasional Bad Chess playing
i lik chess
Whites next move may shock you
Are you in the wrong thread?
i thought this is some actual problem but it's just a nonsensical move in a lost position
oh wow, yes, yes i am
I actually first learned to play chess there. Since then I have barely played a single game of chess.
That sounds like a real comfy time. You should pick it up again user.
My dad has always played chess and taught it to me and my sister (who plays competitively now). When we had an argument as kids, our dad would encourage us to play chess to resolve the matter.
Just kidding, I used to love chess but I haven't played it in years.
Stratego is really fun, because it actually implants fog of war.
So, who is your favorite (((GM))). Mine is (((Ben Finegold))). Look at that kike beak! He even has "gold" into his surname. I swear, the only way he could be a more perfect Jew is if he's actually a bonafide merchant or banker.
hi there Todd, you dork
Black to move
I've been playing for a while now, I hope to hit Dan this year.
knight to d7
Illegal move
Is this a puzzle or a regular game?
The alphago documentary was recently put on youtube/netflix
teach me senpai I wanna git gud too
It's from a real game in 1927 i think
How is it illegal?
I not Kd7, It'd follow with
Qb8+, Kb8
Rd8 Checkmate
Assuming you know the rules of the game, maybe start at these places.
Nick Sibicky's lectures really helped me when I started out. He likes to teach noobs using heuristics rather than memorization.
Also here. Life and death problems are a good way to git gud. However, f you're an absolute beginner, maybe focus on good shape first.
This is a pretty good book.
The first three chapters are fantastic. Even if the only thing you pick up is why you might play on a certain place on the board.
Stratego > Chess.
How will ChessFags ever recover?
They're keeping him alive so they can capture him you retard.
it's lost either way
Nxd7, Qb8+ Nxb8, Rd8#
after Qxd7 you trade in any way and win due to extra pawns and black's inactive pieces, maybe there is faster mate but who cares
My point still stands.
It doesn't though. What made you think you needed a referee? It ain't fucking Kriegspiel chess.
I've been on ogs for about 4 years actually, so a random detective username will add you, im always looking for people who know whats up to throw some stones with
The part in the rules where it tells you that you need a third person to be a ref is what made me think that. What, have you just been showing what your pieces were every time you attacked and defended?
Iirc, every time a piece fought, you had to reveal it, at least in traditional stratego rules. That was the point of Scouts, using their high speed but shit power to reveal enemy pieces or cap the flag from afar.
It's been a long time since I played Stratego, maybe I was playing an alternate ruleset or something. It's a fun game though.
I have only ever played it online because my friends are all huge normalfaggots. It hurts.
Couldn't white have just taken black's queen with his own on the turn he resigned on?
He's also annoying as worms. His videos are unbearable.
queen is pinned
Stratego > chess
chess is like modern rts
its so autistically minmaxed that to be even slightly competitive in it even just enough to enjoy playing you need to study openings and orders for weeks
i consider neither games, tbh. theyre more competitions, but even then player skill is based more on level of dedication to studying the material than it is about individual competence
stratego and chess are games by definition. also, the idea that something stops being a game when it becomes competitive is as retarded and has no logical basis; it's objectively false by the definition of the word 'game' alone. the words 'competition' and 'game' are not mutually exclusive, you mongoloid.
but thats where youre wrong mongloid. a game is a fun competition, whereas competitions arent fun
also chess is objectively not fun so nobody who isnt retarded considers it a game
hahahah wew
show me the definition of the word 'competition' that says that they can't be fun. protip: you can't, because it doesn't exist.
furthermore, a game doesn't have to be fun to still be a game, because the definition of the word 'game' doesn't rely on fun to fulfill the criteria of being a game. there are plenty of games that are not fun at all, for example monopoly, and getting sloppy seconds from your syphilitic niggerloving mother.
not what i said mongloid. both games and competitions are competitions but game refers only to fun competitions. chess is not a game. starcraft is not a game unless you are autistic which likely you are fam
also ur mom loves niggers more than my mom so ha
the definition of the word game isn't based on whether something is fun, only whether some activity mechanically functions as a system in which players compete to win.
there are many games which are fun to some and not to others; for example, starcraft is fun if you enjoy base-building and micromanaging armies, chess is fun to others, and there are even some faggots out there who enjoy league of legends.
chess and starcraft are both games, stop trying to so hard and also kill yourself.
He also analyzed a match where Bobby Fischer apparently played against some top-tier dude, it's a fun 10 min watch.
Bobby Fischer was a good Jew
Fight me
I know you're baiting because no living soul thinks any definition is based on subjective opinion.
This is why I really like Go. The studying to having-fun curve is much smoother. Also, the handicap system is really fair.
He was so typically jewish. Only a jew can be so self-hating.
the only good jew is a dead jew; in that sense, he was indeed a good jew.
Bump even if this thread is becoming /tg/ tier.
You're a retard.
Black to move
King to f8
I've got an ELO of around 1200 and have been playing for about 3 years. A couple of friends of mine all got into chess at the same time and played against one another and then on for a long time. One of my friends went autistic into the openers and I still regularly beat him using tactics alone.
Maybe you just suck lmao, I don't even have a high ELO and I have a blast with chess
B - Queen to D1, eat Tower
W - King escapes
B - Queen to D7, eat Queen hot lesbian action
Your move
Instead of king escaping white queen would hla black queen
Qxe4+, Ka1 Qc6 offer trading queens - gains another pawns + protects c7 pawn and rook at the same time, trading queens is obviously favourable for black>>14213830
Do you guys also struggle with visualizing the entire board with the pieces and colors being accurate and clear? I'm a Mensa member, so I'm not the dumbest guy around, but I can't quite handle keeping it all in my head yet, especially with complex positions, and the colors on the squares are damn difficult to keep in place. I've been working on it for a few months now: solving tactical problems in my head and the like. Have a long way to go, though. Anyone got any tips on how to improve?
Let me guess, you're american too?
It has its uses.
Nope, European.
t. brainlet
Not everyone is going to be good at visualization when it comes to chess, it really depends on your mbti type and if Si is dominant. Most people have an Si dominance but if you're not one of them then you're better off practicing in other ways than through visualization.
what are the uses of being part of mensa?
my IQ is 145. is there any benefit of joining this group?
You get Rick & Morty fans stealing your identity on online forums.
Finding a woman within 5 IQ points of your own, preferrably lower.
If someone decrypts what this mongoloid is saying I'll give them 3 internets.
>>tfw there are zero
I would like you to tell me what's the point of joining mensa.
t. Slightly interested 133 IQ lad.
I always used to have some chess game installed on my machines before, but I can't say I play it anymore. I don't really like playing against a computer. Against people is fun, but only the old fashioned way, with a physical board and preferably against someone about as shit as me, because I like to see them ponder. That's half of the entertainment.
Stockfish got owned by Google's AI AlphaZero.
AlphaZero is probably unbeatable.
But can that AI beat me at Yu Gi Oh?
Bragging rights and maybe the opportunity to meet prominent, interesting people. I never said that the organization is great, but it's worth the time and minor expense to take the test if you're up to the task, desu. Haven't regretted it.
For a few years at most.
let's play friends
I no longer want to be involved in any way with that.
inb4 thats how retarded cuckchan users speak
I'm getting really fucking paranoid now that I've seen a few "desu" posts a couple of times on Holla Forums
It used to be much worse.
This is now a Rick and Morty thread. How many seasons did you watch? Personally, I have watched 15 seasons of the show, and that gave me an immense IQ of 572. That was only possible because watching the first three seasons made me intelligent enough that I could invent a TV that allows me to watch future seasons, making me even more intelligent.
desu was a prevalent meme a long time ago
idea was
desu desu desu desu desudesu desu desu desu desudesu desu desu desu desudesu desu desu desu desudesu desu desu desu desu
who knows
also no one has accepted my lichess challenge, I have been waiting with the tab open for almost an hour lol
Maybe because you are a nigger.
i just joined and you're afk. gj m8.
sage for doublepost, but you've got about 5 minutes to start the game or i'm bailing.
I just realized RnM is current gen BBT. I'm so nerdy, like Sheridan XD.
I'm pretty sure BBT is current gen BBT.
Of course I know that. It hasn't been used in ages, and rarely was it used out of it's original context/anime boards/roleplay shit. Why is it popping up in posts without any context, and why is it in seemingly random posts?
I forgot to enable lichess on scriptsafe, my bad
cuckchan filters tbh into desu
It's obviously not as cool anymore.
That's one explanation, but it doesn't cover bots replying to one another with nonsense. Or why it's found its way here all of a sudden.
Just cuckchanners using the lingo for no reason. I've talked to people who use it even outside of imageboard its like greentexting on Youtube or any non imageboard I guess
I haven't seen it used outside of imageboards and obviously weaaboo deviantart pages much, and it doesn't seem like it's seen any use in the mainstream net in that context. This is bugging the hell out of me now.
good games user it was a pleasure
its a wordfilter you dumbass
If you suck at chess does that mean you're a retarded nigger? I can't win one novice 2 minute bullet game.
Bullet chess is shit.
Tell me about bullet chess, user.
It's fast and for people that have enough experience to have it in muscle memory.
Chess boxing > bullet chess
any fellow chess scrubs here that wanna play?
chess boxing is an amazing concept tbh
What does it filter?
Avance Wars > Chess.
Anyone wanna play?
AIs can't believe in the heart of the cards.
Is it decided that lichess is the preferred platform?
That's a pretty good filter to discourage ebonics.
Chess is garbage unbalanced crap. Go is where it's at.
We're gonna get Skynetted before the turn of the century.
Go is gay as shit dude. Stratego is where the good shit is at.
It's not gay if the balls don't touch.
I don't know what it is about Go, but it's like I understand all the basics until I start playing, then my entire mind goes blank and I turn into a drooling retard. At least I managed to get one win out of 30
He sounds like a Schizo
we're a pretty long way off from that still though.
pxq, rxq, Knxr. I can't see past that, but it's trading a rook and a queen for a queen and some position.
If it weren't for that fact that Akagi's editors will literally never let it end as it is the only thing keeping it's manga magazine alive, I would recommend it as well.
did black just cheat at 11:49? pawns can only capture diagonally as i recall
I always wanted a chance to play THUD, unfortunately it's fucking expensive to import a board from Bongland and no one I knows even likes these kinds of games. For those who dont know it's kind of like Chess, but one side is all rooks and requires at least 2 pieces to capture an opponent and the other side moves like standard kings (One in every direction). The idea is you play two rounds and after the first switch sides.
oh shit, thats gonna be a handy trick to pull out at my next chess game
You have a game to share? I can take a look at it.
Is 3-way chess any good?
Here's the only game I won in the past few weeks. It's a 13x13, no handicap, 5.5 komi. I'm on black, I won by like 0.5 points despite my best efforts. It's 20 kyu, so it's all pretty bad. I got scared that I didn't have enough points around move 100, and made the worst invasion ever on move 109. It honestly should have lost me the game, but I guess I just had just enough territory to afford my blunder, I'm actually really surprised that I won.
Bobby Fischer did nothing wrong.
You need practice with reading. Some of the stuff that came up in your game I didn't even have to read. White really let you get away with murder with your center group and your top left corner.
I highly recommend these books. If you get A&D, just read through it and try and understand the concepts.