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The only spider I'm afraid of is that buttspider that lives in the steam friends threads.
Don't you like spiders user?
Okay, I see your point but does spider have puspus?
god fucking damnit spiders in thief scared the crap out of me, especially those huge ones, worst part is you couldn't fucking outrun them. truly nightmare fuel
How 'bout the chitter of a critter that makes ya shit(ter)
That game has a terrible combat system. Combat needs to be turn based not timer based.
post lewd spiders
What else could OP have possibly expected?
Would you?
What's the point?
Is that Grimrock?
Why does it look different and so low poly?
Purge with holy fire? Why yes, of course!
The fearboner I get when two things I'm afraid of are combined.
Cute spider dude.
Definitely would. Like pounding a bouncy ball.
there might be spiders in the corners of your room RIGHT NOW
you fags spooked yet?
I'd hit it.
With a good old firewall.
That reminds me, just a week ago or so I was sitting at my computer when a spider descended from the ceiling on its web and was hanging right in my face. I tried to grab it with a tissue and get rid of it, but it disappeared somewhere.
That's a very good point that makes me see /monster/ material under a new light.
What kind of spider was it user?
All I get here in yurop are long legged cellar spiders, christian orb weavers, confused harvestmen and the occasional jumping spider staring contest.
I dunno. It was kinda greenish-white, and about the size of a dime.
I keep many spiders around my house to begin with. I have orb weavers and tiny ones all around my windows hunting for flies and in my bathroom so that I can show them my nude humanoid body.
Looked it up. Could have been this one, but I only saw it from the bottom.
I was never scared of spiders tbh. The ones in my country are all harmless, slow and docile. I dont like the company of any flying shit tho, like these mosquito-like shits that are herbivores but like 5x larger than mosquito. Even tho i know they're as dangerous as butterflies i dont like how they look + the fact that it can just crash into the monitor at night startles me way harder than some slow small spider.
It ain't my fault you look like giga-mosquito buddy.
You wouldn't fuck a spider would you?
You wouldn't make your minotaur lay eggs, now would you ?
Ma nigga
This thread needs a webm of that guy from the movie Eight Legged Freaks screaming "Eight Legged Freaks".
Albeit being best girl, she hasn't got enough spider features for my tastes.
If a monster girl has a human face, there is no reason why her having human tits should be unacceptable.
today i will remind them
You should play the King Kong game or EDF 2 user.
I'm sure you'll love it
I love the concept but it's too bad the EDF games are repetitive as hell and not fun.
That is strangely erotic.
I ate a spider once.
It tasted like shit, so you might like it.
You spooked yet?
i want to fuck this spider qt
I'm wondering why mark doesn't hire like 10 more vols to repeatedly permaban them all until they get the message that they aren't fucking welcome here.
I once got bit by a spider. Its was a common spider so nothing happened.
Go away, elfdrago.
Nice reddit post OP.
Now check 'em
She's the best thing that came out of that shitty game.
Spiders just want your love user.
Why the fuck do their 8 legs and fangs look so fucking scary? I should find them cute, not fucking horrifying.
Is it because they're instinct driven gruesome killing machines with no actual soul unlike other animals? That they're universally associated with venom? This is why it's fucking called arachnophobia. There is no reason to have a ridiculous fear like this, let alone be so pathetically paralyzing.
* hitomi.la
Your welcome
Yall niggas dont know shit about spider beauty until you've seen a nhandu chromatus.
Weacum to straya mate
Like this fucking thing. This is literally cute yet its limbs and body scares the absolute shit out of me.
Do they employ bottles and banter on their hunt?
It was a playful kiss user, you didn't return its affections.
I wonder how some spiders in australia get so big.
Fucking adorable. I loathe having arachnophobia
The best thing about spiders always is that the ass is fat.
I'm glad the spiders where I live are never bigger than a fingernail.
It's byootiful and cute,you shut your mouf
There are ways to learn not to be scared of spiders, probably rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy or something approaching.
I managed by exposing myself to spiders more and more over a long period of time. I first picked up books at the local library in order to learn about them. I'd start pretty low by looking at small pictures of small spiders, gradually increasing the sizes of the pictures and the spiders. After a while, I started stroking the pictures and touching the spiders in the book. After another while, I tried looking at youtube videos of spiders and then touching the screen while the videos were playing. Soon enough I could upgrade to standing in a room containing a spider, then to approaching my hand, and then even holding the spiders and letting them run over my palms. Nowadays, I can even pick up house spiders without issue and hope to upgrade to bigger ones.
No. Of course not. What the fuck is wrong with you?
But it's hairy as fuck.
Nice try, spider. You're just looking for more human prey.
forgot pic
Tarantulas are honestly the best way to get over it,especially if you get a docile one like a rose hair or something
taking care of them though,ooooh boy,rose hairs are fickle bitches.
Mobile port.
henlo tbh
But they act as if they're fucking monsters without any feeling, user. Look at how they find their food and how they fucking eat it. What fucking sane magical gods or highly advanced scientific overlords thought all this shit was an okay idea? And the more deadly ones from shitholes and especially as monsters in noncartoony games look nightmarish.
At the same time, seeing how they die is too depressing. I want to try jumping into the deep end with exposure therapy by letting a friendly tarantula crawl on me and just try to blaze through it, but I'm afraid the fear and stress could literally give me a heart attack.
Naw,they way they eat is endearing,it's just a hunter catching prey
Use invisibility
there are much worse ways insects die
That's not even the worse
The worst ones are the ones that eat prey from the inside out or make their offspring do it for them.
that isn't a spider
But an arachnid.
you're not though
I like spiders and actually handle them but I would never want to be less than 5 meters from one of those fucking things, everything from how they look to how they move make me scream internally.
timestamped pictures of your thick pedipalps or GTFO
listen here, I aint no slut unlike you tbh
post spinneret
no u
I hope you get raped by a pack of mud daubers.
don't push your fetishes onto me tbh
It's so cute. Why is it this place has made me appreciate thing I never thought I would?
That's why you need to take it slow.
You can also read spider-related literature, it really helps.
Damn fucking right, user. I would probably go full XCOM rookie if I ever encountered one of those fuckhuge abominations. I genuinely don't think I could ever travel to Australia.
I don't really understand my brain. It does probably help that I knew all the big hairy ones I had walk over me were harmless.
Yeah, friend's pet, and a few times at zoos. Pic related is the type my friend owned, they're not dangerous at all aside from rubbing some slightly irritating hairs in defense if they're scared.
I just don't get it. I can not understand why anyone would want to not kill that thing, let alone keep one as a pet. I know there's probably some irrationality in there as well, because I don't have such hatred for any other kinds of bugs. I understand how Space Marines feel about aliens, mutants and heretics.
There can be no understanding or tolerance, only hate.
There can be no hope or love, only death.
There can be no coexistence or peace, only war.
Yeah, I feel that very same way. About spiders as well, but also the rest. also about furfags, weebs, and bronies
Except Orkz. Orkz are fucking awesome.
enjoy getting jewed by (((GW))) you stupid goyim