/baphomet/ dozed him.
Figured you guys should know.
/ourguy/ got doxed
Other urls found in this thread:
Should've covered face.
Is he another guy who likes to get shat on that died 2 years ago?
How did they manage to find him? And if he lives in New Mexico, why was he at "he will not divide us" in New York? Vacay?
Eh at least we know the manlet half breeds on Holla Forums won't do anything to him physically
Yea he looks like a Chad tbh. He would probably beat up 95% of Holla Forums in a fight.
It doesn't surprise me that Holla Forums has Chads among their ranks. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Leftism is a normalfag thing. 95% of social outcasts are either apolitical or lean right. I am the social outcast of the social outcasts.
oops meant for
tbh "normie" is a fucking retarded term, useful only to literal autists who are incapable of understanding reality unless it's put into broad overgeneralized categories
Obviously I can't speak for the entire board, but it's fair to say that In some respects, we ARE "normies". For example I have a job where I sell my labor to a capitalist, I live not in my parents' basement but rather in an apartment with my gf- but in other ways, such as hobbies and political views I am anything but a "normie".
The same is true with literally every other human being on the planet, everyone is different and the real world defies your childish categorization.
I fairly new here, can someone tell me who this dude is?
haha epic /r9k/ memes , Very Funno
nobody, he's on some kind of rockband according to the dox but he's not a known personality.
Also his twitter is pretty cringy.
he did kind of do something for the board though
Normalfag used to have a specific meaning in the early period of imageboards, something like "people who can't possibly understand how anyone could function diffrently than them". But like everything on imageboards, terms lose meaning and somehow it became the opposite of being a /r9k/ caricature. Or just someone with different opinion , depend the board you're browsing.
who is this
Is that the dude that confronted the Holla Forums guy during the late night HWNDU streams or whatever.
When will Holla Forums realize that they are literal SJWs?
stop wallowing its unbecoming
He literally put up all of his info up on the internet. I don't think he cares.