Warframe thread

Who Needs Prime when Deluxe This Good Exists: Edition
Previous thread is on page 14.
Mesa can finally stop looking like shit.
Discuss your favourite time waster.

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lmgtfy.com/?q=warframe build

Nigga that looks worse than stock mesa.

Thank god tennogen exists

nigga thats a mage

Kogake Prime opinions? :^)

What does a high level character consist of in this game? Max rank frame, weapons, companion, forma'd and potatoed? Primed Mods? Syndicate Mods? Also are there raids and are they still challenging for those of you that have attained this end-game form?

Body looks good. But I'm not giving up on my cowboy hat helmet

Looks like you know the game enough

I like the base frame more. Granted base Mesa is my favorite-looking frame

Sorties still occasionally give me quite a time. Extremely high level enemies are beefy enough for me to feel like I could be downed if I'm not attentive and active. You're exactly right, high level characters and items have usually been forma'd a couple times, have a primed mod or two on them that's at - Or very near - maximum rank, will ALWAYS be potato'd, and most importantly, is going to be stylish as fuck.

The raids are not the fun of endgame content. That's, like, free daily credits. The fun is in fashionframe, builds that require actual input to master and make work, and occasionally sorties or showing off to newbies. Decking out your orbiter, getting plat just to burn on cosmetics, making bad weapons work well enough for endgame.

Graxx > Deluxe Mesa tbh.

Mesa was a mistake.

When the fuck are they release the Umbra shit? Why the FUCK did they give one to fucking chinks first?

They want to make it into cinematic quest like 2nd dream or that other one with shroom nigger.
Meaning a lot of time spent on voice acting, motion capturing, making new maps, adding aquariums and fish customization to your orbiter, deluxe skins, prime unvaults, reused events etc etc.
Meanwhile chinks just got umbra as a frame that's just there like wukong or nezha.

Goddamnit DE, that was not made clear at fucking all

Thanks. This is the info I wanted. I'm right on the cusp of this, grinding syndicate points and preparing with prime parts for ducats.
I suppose this answers the question, "what are the endgame weapons?" Is there not a list weapons in order of mastery rank? The Tigris Prime is the most demanding I've found so far. I haven't clicked through the whole wiki or codex yet.

Is Energy Conversion worth using or is it something you sell for plat?

If you run a build where you keep a toggled ability on as much as possible, then you use it.

On the wiki page for mastery it shows what is MR locked, but MR is a bad metric for determining how good a weapon is.

Simaris mods are a pain to grind so it's better to just keep a copy.

is this really a deluxe skin? or is this tennogen.
i like it. mesa actually has a nice body under all that leather and cowboy shit. now she's got cleavage and a skirt… wish the coattails didnt connect though.

Yep, it's deluxe so you can use plat.

nice, i dont play mesa often because id rather look at nova, saryn, or even embers ass, but maybe mesa will get some play now.

Why are Valkyr's hips so perfect?

Look at germesi, and her narrow hips and smaller tits. Alad clearly had his priorities straight when working on Valkyr, literally gave her the perfect body.

Gersemi has a fantastic toned ass, what are you on about?

Keyword being toned. Alad's a businessman and spends all his time around old men and robotic proxies. He wants something with that idealized roundness. He have valkyr the ass of someone that does squats, with ideal amount of fat. The man knows what sort of ass he likes, and that ass happens to be perfect.

Nigger he gave her nothing but rage issues and shackles by skinning her alive and removing half of her face.
Fuck off with the fetish bullshit.


do you pick women up at homeless shelters?

Look at gersemi's model and default model.
Gersemi has flatter ass.

Making up complete bullshit and shoving your fetish into it under the guise of video games isn't actually video games.

You can literally look at the difference in valkyr and germesi and see that post-alad valkyr has the bigger ass. You're the faggot that got triggered over the other user saying mirage could have a cameltoe, aren't you?


A sign of autism is the inability to tell the difference between jokes and sincerity. Base valkyr does have the bigger ass, though. This is observable.

You're that novafag aren't you?
Jealous of a real ass?


Do you get why you don't see many people with Atlas around now? :^)

You think that's shit? Wait until you get to farm the actual frame parts it's an archwing boss with a fucking stupid huge bullet sponge hp

The novafag posted in this thread with a different ID.

thanks guys you're the best

pls no

and archwing boss you'll end up running solo every time because no one runs that shit, better start modding that odonata now hahahahahaah

that was me actually

They tell the truth.



they're not trips of truth

I think that is a mistake, according to the drop data ( n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html ) you should have a 10% drop chance to get the blueprint, another drop at 25% per component for the materials and a 3% drop chance for a mod or endo, which apparently got listed as the blueprint chance on the mod section in addition to the blueprint being listed in 'other drops'.

show us where she touched you user

is this what a sane man views before either constructing a noose or wearing his defecation as cloths?

Nooses have a build time of 1825 days and a rush cost of 6*10^6 plat. Best of luck.

A friend of mine told me DE got a gay porn artist to design some frame skins.
Is he lying or did they actually do that?

Look at Nezha and think about it

Well lads, should I grind out Mirage Prime?

That's not why, Nezha is based on the legendary chinese ladyboy of the same name. He's one of the chinaframes, the other three being excal umbra and Wukong.

pantsu prime

feces it is then

Resoquake faggots need to fucking DIE

Play solo fgt

lesser people = diminished enemy spawns = less loot :^)

Then he needs to stop complaining

After finishing a commission for my client I may begin checking the tennogen utility so, any suggestions? also, in what direction you think some frames like Mesa should go when it comes to skins?

I got it pretty fast, but palpators refused to drop for a week.

If DE wanted to make money off this shit they would release a skinfor Rhino that looks like MD Geist's power armor.

That is litterally the only way I could ever see myself giving money to these kikenadians and their sagging khazar milkers.

They could make a lot of weeb bux by making premium skins that are similar to other manga power armors. They could make a baoh ash skin, or a kabuto mushi rhino skin,a casshern skin, or the obligatory guyver armor.

Why bother? I traded three extra copies of vigor I had for her parts.

And it really was't worth it.

Weebcucks always have autism bux and they always squander it on useless shit.

What's the best place to farm a fat fucking mountain of alloy plate? I need about 60000

You trying to get a kavat or something? And basically any nightmare survival on a planet that drops it, with a nekros.

build some extractors as well.

Noice I won 1000 plat. Memestream is real


Prime Time Plat giveaway. First in before the stream crashed.

its untradable

its untradable

Extermination gets pretty boring after a while.

So I will save it for MD Rhino skin.

That what skin?

People who play Warframe are the reason why the market is so fucked right now. Wasting your time in shallow worlds with awful level design just because it's free to play, and then wasting a whole bunch of money on it for mandatory QoL and cosmetics. The game doesn't even have gameplay, you just roll your face across the keyboard and get materials to craft shit.

You people disgust me.

It would be interesting to know of any suggestions for something way better, for example, someone said something about ditching the mods system for something else.

I just beat Metro Last Light on Ranger Hardcore.
Never spent a cent on either games. How much have you spent on Warframe, mr. Baitman?

go right ahead and recommnend me to another game.

I might get back into BLR now that the chinks dont own it and under a proper publisher but they haave to undo the shit that has been fucked for 5 years

Mesa was a mistake'sa!

Read the thread, nerd.

Wait what is the point of untradable plat?
What do you do with it?

Event plat, you are restricted to only buying things from the market place. you can gift shit too but you cant actually use it in trade.

so you know that mega plat power bank of 100k plat? yeah the only thing that gives you is bragging. people will either assume you went for goy or jew mask in which you look like a jew that jewed all that plat but you cant even use it.

Slots, potatoes, and cosmetics.

Oh right I keep forgetting about those.
Buying 500 formas sounds like a good idea.



and it's the only mode that's really played

Guess I will have to keep trying, my problem right now is the other stuff I would need to level up after polarizing, I have a good arsenal but still, BTW, Corinth is awesome.

Are you talking about moon sentients?
They spawn infinitely in Survival, just hang out there for a few hours.

I don't have hours to spend, I play in short bursts at most.

Then you're playing the wrong game.

I haven't played Rhino in forever but I heard his iron skin can get pretty huge. How do I do this?
On a related note how should I mod the Sancti Magistar?

lmgtfy.com/?q=warframe build

Yeah sure let me just hit up the wiki, which once said frost is great for infested defense. I get that it's STR+Armor but I'm checking to see if there's anything I missed.

he is.

You get ironclad charge and maxed steel fiber and 200+ power str.
You charge into large groups of enemies and pop iron skin while bonus multiplier is till active. So you want at least some duration, to have time to do this. Usually 40% is more than enough.
Needless to say that any bonuses to armor from other frames also stack onto this.
No fucking idea. Sancti tigris is good place holder until you get prime.

If you're soloing globe is very good, because you're staying inside of it anyway. If you're in party, avalanche does great job of CCing.
Frost IS THE defense frame, you just need to use him properly.


Take one and get 60 platinum by trading? is not easy but why would you sell them after all that work?

Rev up those statues shlomo.
Also beginner frames like Rhino or Valkyr are piss easy to re-aquire.
There is ony point in keeping primes and pain-in-the-ass to get ones like Atlas and Harrow.

How am I supposed to trade frames I don't have the slots to hold in the first place?

Trade some components and mods for platinum, then buy the extra slots you need and then claim your frames.

What's good to jew with then?

ayatan statues

Prime parts, blueprints and sets.
Corrupted, syndicate and riven mods.
Syndicate weapons.
Ayatan statues.
One-off tradable parts that come from invasions.

A better question is what isn't?
Shitty mods that everyone has is about the only answer and even then I've had people ask for them on occasion.
If you want to do nothing and get large amounts plat that isn't going to happen as far as I've experienced.
Here's my go to way to make reliable plat.
While doing all of this you can also wear syndicate sigils and sell off the offerings as well.
Is it boring and repetitive? You bet, but it's reliable.
Really this lesson I learned from many games that have this sort of super-currency situation which is, find something that most people don't want to do but want to get the stuff it gives.

So the quartakk got changed, does anyone use it and think it's worth getting now? I know they buffed the fire rate, cut the damage, and changed the status calculation.

It wasn't before, and now that the damage has been cut in half even less so.

why though?

Jesus christ, an actualy important question was left with the stupidiest answers unchecked.
Son, you sell blueprints, and those you can hold as many as you want.
Crafted frames and parts cannot be sold
Only craft stuff you are going to use. If you plan on trading something, it can't go through your foundry

Can someone invite user_y to the clan?

been my daily hour of play for the past month.

I manage my own clan, collect rivens and like other user said making shit weapons fun.
Also running 1h+survivals just for lulz with random frames is fun. also been close to that 25mr for some time now, need like 1 amp levelled or such…

within 10 minutes? how?



What do you mean?

Why don't more games just include content and reward you for playing their game instead of punishing you for playing. Warframe walks a thin line in this department and its success in doing so can be debated but it my case/opinion it's obliterates everything else on the market. This speaks of the sad state of gaming and the bare bones trash considered fairly priced at a steep $60. Nothing in recent memory has been worth sixty fucking dollars. And with the desiccated shit labelled add-on content there certainly isn't anything worth the $100+ for a base game and dlc/retarded season pass scams. Metal Gear Survive should have been DLC – it (the coop gameplay) actually should have been MGSV:TPP base game content. Instead they took a step back from PeaceWalker. Had they have not fucked this up MGSV could've (eventually with similar ongoing development) matched Warframe in terms of content, surpassed it in controls/player feedback and gameplay, and only fell short in setting. Though actually having bases to infiltrate and continued development may have improved this some, but it'll still fall short of the fucking galaxy, of course. Between Missions you'd be at Mother Base (Orbiter) calling up construction before taking the ACC (Landing Craft) out to a Mission (Coop in this fairy tale) where you'd earn/find rewards that fuel the gameplay loop and do it all over. The only things missing from MGSV (and featured in Warframe) is the RPG elements, melee weapons, coop gameplay/missions and special abilities. And Metal Gear Survive adds ALL OF THESE. Now. After releasing an unfinished game they put what could be said to have been missing (minus third act) into a separate box and ask you to buy it. It would take two Konami titles and $100 bucks to get the same content and replay value Warframe gives me for free. Sorry for rant.

Ghoul Purges are basically like invasions now.

Well warframe has kinda had the privilege of being something that really started as a passion project, and even though the devs can be cancer, they have been constantly adding in new weapons, frames, modes, and various content over the course of five years. And while I wish they would prioritize other fixes first rather than a shiny new toy for all the vets to pump and dump for mastery, it's made it really easy for everyone who isn't a founder or major oldfag to be able to spend a shit ton of time going through all those years of content.

And I think most would agree that konami is at this point way worse than DE in their judaism. Also this would be better discussed in its own thread, as it seems a lot of f2p games do stuff better than modern triple A.

Ah, I didn't log in and see that the event is happening again.
What a boring event

Guess they don't know what to do with ghouls right now except keep them around like that, I thought they would just be like regular enemies from now on.

I might just be a recurrent event like baro in that case.

it just doesn't make sense though, we "purged" them already, of course, no fanfare, maybe I was expecting something like Breeding Grounds for example, if anything I just want new quests.

they fucked up massively in how they implemented them, they should have added random sealed off "labs" across the various planets which contained them of which are massive dungeons with lots of platforming shit tbh

Basically what Manics are supposed to be.

well manics are "successful" grinneer experiments while the ghouls are supposed to be "failed" ones made "useful", it's like half the shit in this game is really neat ideas just shoved in because they didn't have a overarching game design and need to keep people carrot sticked

>inside are sortie-tier Ghouls that drop exclusive gear/mods/ghoulframe parts


You're right. It's out of my system now.

do I have to do that fight again for every fucking bit of atlas?

vastly superior already

Yep, and it's the same 33% chance spread for all his parts, so I hope the RNG favors you. If it's any consolation he's getting a minor rework soon, so hopefully he'll be better off by the time you get him.

You will need a better archwing weapon if you want to minimize the hassle.

Grattler is fantastic for this have fun farming the 3500 oxium

I wrongly decided it was a good idea to post my brainstorm on the forums and within minutes some DE-asskissing forum slug shat on it.
Christ, I'm not sure what I expected but this gives no wonder on why the game feels the way it does

k-kill me

I figured as much or at the very least a new weapon

it boggles the mind

yeah it's shills I'd bet


its a hugbox for all things warframe
which is why DE only listens to people on twitter and reddit, the more mature hugboxes.
both are terrible places and nothing can be done about it.
your ideas dont matter. priority in order is:
close friends to DE staff
personal help in the making of content
cuck of the lotus and all the cuck moderators
cuck of the lotus
cucktent creator shit holes
massive lelddit opinions
a partial interest of a reddit opinion
a partial interest of a formite opinion
a mass opinion on DE personal platform (surveys and polls)
everything else is disregarded as not important

Aren't the chinks in charge of everything keeping an iron grip on everything warframe up to including editing user's posts and permabanning dissenting users?

The Chinese server shut down, so unless they own DE, which is possible but I haven't heard anything about it, I don't think they care.

D-do you want to farm with me, user?

sure, what's you're location?

I'm in north america. I think that we can queue together rather than exchanging names.

I don't think we can, I'm Vilkavoris though

Yeah, there isn't an option to wait for a squad. I'll send message.

If I can figure out how the messaging system works.

I changed my settings around because I think it was preventing

I think if you enter recruiting chat that I can find your name.
A quick search told me that you can't use the communications tab to send messages because lolDE

I tbh'd in reign if you can see me

Is latron wraith any good?

It's been power creeped out a bit, but it's not bad. Though with the recent sniper changes you might be better off with a vectis or something.

If you cans stand the obnoxious zoom have 4 forma and several critical mods, yes.
The consensus says that it's equal to latron prime.

I got Latron Prime, just wondering if it would be an interesting side grade but lately it has been quite painful to use it, not sure why but the reload time feels abyssmal.

Does Galatine work with Excalibur's passive?

Heavy blades do not.

Fucking really?



You were warned this would be pure suffering

q-quality g-game?

Nor does Gram, named after a sword in Norse mythology that cut through an anvil.

/unstuck is your friend.

if they fixed it then it will break the raid

What am I looking at?

The jordas golem has two parts, once you beat the first it sucks you into space to do the archwing part. It failed to activate for him.

I can't believe something like that can happen, what's so hard as to do a check for 1 or 0?

You haven't played the game enough, happens more than you'd expect.

Does Lunaro being a PvP thing reward only PvP stuff?

actually I was sent into the archwing part as a loli/shorta but I could only die which sent me back to the first bit. I wished I had took a screen of that

Wait, so were you out of your frame when he died? Was your tenno in the archwing harness?

You know what I hate the most on interception? the fact that the enemy can take a tower just by standing next to the console instead of just keeping you away from it like we have to.

yes he was, he was walking in space and I could use my abilities however they didn't hurt anything


Neuroptics have been eluding me and I have to cope with pugs who don't like me to slow things when the mission is clearly about letting the timer run, and no, it doesn't mean less serum because every infested will explode and the rooms will clear anyway.

at least it's not as bad as bullet sponge boss

It is actually as bad considering I keep getting the chassis.


just do 105±26 runs of it E:

No one but the biggest retards uses plat for any non-prime frame

I mean, I have a spare 500, and grinding gara was so bad I almost bought her.

The problem seems to be that I need to do all those runs the same day.

12-13 runs shouldn't be too bad for a day

wasn't it a potential 105?

that's to make sure

I dunno user, when I see people who just bought Atlas or Ivara or Harrow outright and never dealt with RNG bullshit, I wonder if they are smarter ones.
That being said now with new relic system, ayatan statues and riven mods making plat is easiest it has ever been, so you're not wrong either way.

huh? people actually buy that bullshit for plat?

I play for fun, I don't even care about mastery autism or jewing, and don't often play for stretches greater than 3 hours.

People buy anything for plat honestly. But most people only buy the filled ones.

depends on the ayatan, but I sold five low end ones for around 30 plat

Yes they do, but they usually offer a measly quantity and they want them in bulk, already filled.

All the time.
For some reason.
I guess endo is hard to get by for new players that didn't stockpile thousands of cores in the old days.

Your overreaction only confirms my suspicions. Chill out if you're so chill.

???? I'm not even some autist with huge MR (barely 10) or play this all day

I don't remember how many cores I had back then, were they turned into Endo?

Then I can't explain why statues sell so well.


sometimes you can get some easy endo from then, but the amount people pays for them made me realize is easier to just keep them for myself.

statues doen't sell well, prime parts for certain weapons or warframes

I've been seeing lots of "Buying 5 filled anasa for +50p" in the tradechat lately because people are apparently thirsty for endo.

That's some advanced jewery.
I hope nobody is dumb enough to actually sell for that low.

Is my focus farming efficiency okay if I get 18-20k focus on my melee weapon (no lens on frame) from a single Extermination with no major (but a few) fuckups?
Would adding a lens to my frame help significantly? I'm currently using Rhino Stomp method of farming, and while it works fairly well I don't really like him as a frame very much so not super excited to put a lens on him since I rarely play him unless I do this or buff.

If you need to cap focus just do bere or hydron.
The fuck is wrong with you?

Maybe I need to put a lens on a proper killing frame, but even with 2 lensed weapons the leech focus gained from those is kinda lame. I'm not getting anywhere near 20k even after 4 waves of bere. The stealth multiplier really adds up focus.

If you want busywork so much get equinox and his sleep thing were you stealth the entire map.

Only another 140 hours to go :^)

I plan on trying her but I've heard people say Rhino is easier to use (in comparison) since his stomp goes through all the walls and it does feel really effective.

add a basic lens to each weapon and frame and you'll be shitting out focus on any random mission, and if you end up running 4 eidolon lenses then you can easily hit cap in a single survival run

People play Lunaro? Yes. You only get PVP rewards from the Conclave.

Is it worth putting basic lenses on stuff? I've mostly been saving them for building. Got an eidolon on my melee weapon and a greater on my secondary (they had not added better yet at that point) but farming up some basic ones and slapping them on shit wouldn't be a huge bother.
Can you replace a lens with a new one on gear, incase I at some point want to upgrade?


what's the best place to farm oxium currently?

please respond


Now that I leveled the fucker can we talk about Limbo? I have a bunch of questions:
1. Does he do anything better than Frost or Vauban? Or if I have those I don't need Limbo?
2. How do I play him without triggering epileptic seizures of rage in other players? Alternatively how do I play him to cause maximum rage?
3.I heard he can cheese lua spy missions, is this true or they patched it out?
4.He can be reacquired anytime by redoing his quest right? So it's safe to sell him to free up slot? Or it's one-off deal and I should hold onto him until prime version comes out?
5. Is there some not obvious utility to him? Does he has any game changing augments, like the one turning Nekros into a tank?

1. His bubble is better because he can instantly freeze anything inside (unlike frost) and with no limit to the amount of faggots inside (unlike booban). He also can banish dead allies and revive them from complete invulnerability
2. Just don't spam banish, if you want to see seething rage banish anything other people are attacking but don't attack them yourself
3. Ivara, Nova and Loki can cheese them far far better
4. Quests can't be redone
5. His entire job is removing things from battle, you can use the banish augment to heal allies you banish and play it like a support just healing, reviving and shooing baddies away

Oh fug. I'm pretty sure I sold one or two quest frames.

The Mirage quest is one example, there is no way to do it now, and every time I do a vault run I get orokin cyphers, in my case however I completed the quest back when it was released and I have a "hidden messages" bp stuck on my foundry, I can't craft any more and I have 2 pieces owned.

I have both normal and prime mirage in foundry.
I was planning to level normal one, sell her and replace with prime version.
But now I have fucking doubts

just like, get 20 plat and buy a slot

No steve fuck you.

For what purpose would you keep the normal mirage after levelling her?


You can just sell vanilla Mirage and put the vanilla skin on your prime.

Get it through trade, don't actually give DE money dummy :^)

Actually never mind, since I'm not the prime goy I won't have all frames ever anyway.
No point in keeping non-primes then.

So, Nezha is a shota or something?

He's a full grown man you ninny. He's just a very effeminate one cause the Chinese were soyboys from day one.

Reminder that chinks invented traps
Fucking chinks i swear

Technically yes, he is inspired by a mythological Chinese hero who is usually depicted as a young fair boy.

I was tempted to buy his noble animation set.

Shit! I sold the limbo components and turns out I can't redo the whole thing.

Don't lose your head brave user.
You can find people who haven't done the quest yet and make them taxi you to the missions.
Or you can buy him with plat.

Don't worry. Limbo is cancer anyway.

I would use him for solo missions when some stealth is needed among other things.

Limbo can't into stealth, you still get detected when in rift mode. You just can't be damaged

Well shit, Ivara it is.

He can still be used for stealth missions though, as when in the rift lasers don't detect you, as well as cams (I think), and enemies don't delete the data when they see you anyway. Ivara is still a much better frame all around though.

Cameras and floaters still see you, but you can get rid of all the cameras with your 4 and I think you can also freeze the floaters within your 4 bubble, BUT they will raise the alarm if they receive damage (which they do upon entering and exiting your bubble), so I think you'd need to first cast Stasis (2) and only then 4.

I don't get this meme. I really like her and while her invisibility has its own unique strengths, but the extreme mobility gimping makes it a pain for spy missions or anywhere that you're using the ability mainly for the purpose of hiding but not standing perfectly still.

Ivara can just walk through lasers, laser doors, sentry beams, etc, as long as you don't break Prowl if you have Infiltrate in your build.

I've been using her with it, but it's hard to justify not using loki and just going sanic through everything. Those blockages might be an issue on some specific tilesets but on the wast majority I feel like that mod doesn't get much use.

Not to mention wires for going faster, cloak for allies, sleep for finishers and built in silent weapon.

Just don't stealth until you're in the vault.

It's just a matter of getting used to it. Doing what said and not cloaking until you're in the vault and using double-jump+air roll to get around means that you can be a shitter with impunity without compromising too much speed.

Everything is a silent weapon on Loki, he's already going fast and allies are for cunts without stealth :^)

I really like Ivara, generally speaking. Guess I'll give her a few more tries if I need to run spy missions. I did want to be a lazy cunt and just walk through that shit to begin with.

Questions about Venka Prime and Corinth.

Venka; what's a good stance for this? this malicious raptor one I have (is the only one I have) is total ass. there's all these weird delays and hitboxes in the combos so it's not exactly easy to use efficiently, also seems to lack 'momentum' in combos which I feel like other weapon/stances have because I keep getting knocked down with these.

Also, how do I crank the damage up on these? I mean, they do red crit with relatively little combo built and then with a bit more they red crit consistently, but the thing is; those red crits aren't very big.

Now about the Corinth; I've heard that this thing is awesome, and as far as I can tell, it's kind of OK. I mean definitely not MR fodder, but like old favorites V.Hek and Tigris.P are still like orders of magnitude better than it, and I'd even say the newer Astilla is 'significantly' better than it.

Did I mishear? or am I building this thing fundamentally wrong? (once I get that last level, I'm slapping blaze in), I can't even think of what I would put more forma on this to try and DO to make it better

Corinth is kind of good in my experience, needs like 2-3 formas to be able to put everything in place, good critical rate, alt fire can be helpful as well.

Corinth needs to hunter munitions to be viable against high level armor, and that's pretty much it. Maybe put radiation on it for more damage on armor

As for venka, malicious raptor is a great stance, but you need to use the combos. The block combo has an innate finisher in it. True steel is also wasted on venka as you already have blood rush. And if you have them swap blood rush out for drifting contact or that one combo gladiator mod for more crit chance. Also if you have the other gladiator mod for crit damage use that too.

Shit I mean swap body count not blood rush

Swap body count for drifting contact and life strike for either a cold or electricity damage mod for either corrosive or viral.
Boom, you're now shredding everything.

also here's my corinth build
one-shots sortie enemies unless they have some bullshit on them

I went with her on the sortie, she's pretty comfy on these tilesets.

sweating intensifies

It's not bad, just a bit time consuming. A squad of 3 Harrows and 1 Rhino took care of him within 10 minutes, maybe less.


I just finished it… sculpture too, but you know what? I prefer those right now.

Looks like people don't want Primed Continuity right now, guess it is because it was sold recently.

What melee weapon(s) do you enjoy using if you're not meme striking around?
Atterax is fun but I don't want it to be my only viable melee option, sliding around gets tiresome after a while. I've been using the Galatine Prime with Cleaving Whirlwind lately but I'm not completely satisfied with it, the animations are a bit slow and feel locked in place with poor maneuverability. Not sure if it's an inherent trait of big meaty two handers but I don't have any other stances to try out.
I want range and speed but also something that can deal with high lvl content. Would a polearm like Orthos Prime be better? Not used that thing for years. I also have a Nikana Prime, not used much either since melee was so trash back then.

Get tempo royale for your blade. Polearms are good but the stances suck. The jat kusar is fun as well. For hammers the arca titron and jat kittag are pretty good. You could also try the ack and brunt or silva and aegis prime.

Hirudo! Punch everything. Sliding launch kick. Lifesteal on crit.

I've been using Guandao with Valkyr and it's great

I've been wanting to try Tempo Royale but it's another one of those with shit drop rates. Not sure I want to throw plat on that. Jat Kusara look neat, I've got a Jat Kittag but not used it. I realized I had Rivens for both Jat Kittag and Ack & Brunt, latter one looks decent maybe. I've not gotten to use a riven mod in anything since I got back to the game so would be fun.

That looks exactly like the thing I was looking for on my Inaros, getting those for sure.

I think I have used that for MR, if not I might as well give it a try since it's from the dojo. Looks like I'd be really tempted to slap meme strike on that thing though. And I'd rather avoid going for that all the time.

I forgot to post my rivens. I don't really know the potential of them so hard to tell if they're good. Ack & Brunt looks good though based on it being crit and elemental damage never being a bad thing.

I meant potential for rerolls. That Jat Kittag one looks like trash any way I look at it. I'm also not sure how rerolling works but I assume you use endo

Both are actually pretty good, I wouldn't reroll unless you really want to min max them.

you use kuva.

Gotta build the Kogake first, but as far as playstyles go, it's a pretty fun way to melee. I'm running it with Healing return and attack speed, and it works pretty amazingly.

Oh cool thanks for the heads up then. I'll lvl them up and play with them before I consider rerolling. Does lvling up a mod have any impact on rerolling?

Oh well, double the MR. Isn't Healing Return a bit overkill? Maybe 5% of a crit just sounds more in my head. I mean technically speaking if you use a mod that increases damage instead, you'd heal for more that way.

Does it count if Orvius is doing its thing on the enemy?


Hirudo only has 15% crit chance. You could build that up, but it would be a waste. It's already a fast as fuck weapon, but I give it faster attack speed anyways. More hits, more chance to proc a status, means more healing, in addition to scoring crits on occasion anyways, especially using it's various attacks to knock down enemies and score crits anyways.

There is also Kogake Prime which is listed at the best sparring weapon, but that's mostly in Axi relics.

No idea.

Looks like there's a new kid in town.

m8 what the fuck are you doing? Do you not have blood rush?

Limbo is kind of niche. He completely locks down on point defense and the only augment you need for him is Rift Torrent, which gives you 30% damage boost per target Rift Surged in your bubble. He's one of those frames you play with your friends and not in public games. He complements channeling frames like Ember, Banshee and Saryn as they can sit in the rift and not take any damage and regenerate 2 Energy per second. A lot of people don't know that Warframe powers are unaffected by rift status.

He cheeses Corpus spy really well and that's about it, I would say use Limbo to farm Corpus spy misions for Ivara parts, then get Ivara's augment and only use her for spies. You can also take him into endless intercept and simply banish the mobs as the map has a mob cap of spawning and while in the rift they can't do anything. The only time I've taken him out lately is to do Sortie Defense, Intercept, and Rescue. Like says, Limbo's gimmick is to remove things from battle and it doesn't really sit well with people when used on enemies.

Kill me.

Nidus neuroptics elude me, is been chassis, systems or mods.

the most fun I had was with the jet jittag tbh

How rare are the "rare" fish? 1/100? Or "won't spawn at all without bait, and even then, only a 1/100 chance?" I got 11 large Goops at the coast and didn't see a single Karkina, even while it was night time and raining but I didn't use bait because I was unsure if it was worth the renown investment

I don't know exactly but I have gotten decent results with bait, what I do is first make sure fish are spawning in the area, then I throw the bait and keep fishing until something changes, I got the Murkay that way.


What the fuck.
I really like Mesa but I feel like there is no color scheme that suits her. Anyone have any recommendations?

I see a lot of people go full black with yellow accents. I dunno, I like it.

Isn't that kind of boring though. mixing black with a bright accent is color-scheme: easy mode.

I like more earthy tones on her. Haven't p.played around with the colours in a while though. I wish her alt helmets weren't complete shit.

Also most of my syandanas look bad on her, so I skip it completely.

as someone who owns almost every syandana, I find that most syandanas look bad on most frames heh

That's a pretty great look. I had a similar look but couldn't get the contrast right. Maybe i should read a book on color theory or some shit.

This shit is worse than harrow.

I know your pain and I actually got relatively lucky.

How much is too much?

You are like little baby

I want off this ride tbh.

50 hours.

Holy fuck, are you me?


I feel good about seemingly being one of the people that has played the least. i feel bad however, that I am playing it right now and may reach those times myself.

You will my dude.

Generally speaking for a triadic and maybe even quadratic color scheme you want accent color and secondary colors to be less saturated so that they're not competing with the main color. For this color scheme it would be much better to use a blue related color closer to either white or black since it would pull it closer to Orange on the color wheel.

I just realized I should try making a build with this and Condition Overload on my Prisma Obex.

What the hell are you doing.
Do you understand what 5% of your damage in healing actually is.
No seriously your energy cost per swing with an unleveled life-strike is 7 energy with no mods to help relieve that cost.
Take into account that you are doing so much damage with your melee every swing and that 5% is suddenly actually your entire health bar at least 4 times over and you don't need to wait for a status to proc to get health back it's on demand.
Healing return doesnt do much in the way of helping you because you need to proc an enemy and keep them proc'ed and on a normal target they're dead before they even realize they've been hit by a status.
You don't need Crit you don't need Status just 7 energy and you full heal.

Protip btw for melee channeling with life-strike use harrow and pump out a quick 20~ energy thurble. Enjoy never running out of energy or health as you just hold down channel forever.
Make it even more stupid and build up your 4's crit.

I just pick whatever melee weapon I want and pair it with Nidus.
His 2 with max range will group all enemies in a 30m radius so you can melee them all at once.
His 3 makes you pretty much unkillable.
It's great.

Question for the experienced jews in thread:
how much do I actually sell this for and how long would I have to wait for somebody to send an offer?

tfw Kela De Thaym is my favorite fight but they HAD to fucking wall it behind the most boring gamemode in the whole game

130p for the set right now should get you a sale within minutes, 140p if you don't mind waiting for a couple hours, anything more will get you undercut to shit

please invite
ComfyManeuver to the clan

recently got back to the game (since early 2015 iirc) and I was relieved to see they didn't touch Trinity too much, she's still a beast

I heard she was severely nerfed too. Too bad I missed her golden days I guess.

According to market this is correct.
Just consult there:

Get yourself a zakti A.K.A. the Handheld Holocaustâ„¢


maybe he was in another trade and got you both mixed up

Anyone want to farm for Harrow Systems on a defection with me? I'll even play Trinity.

why harrow systems?

Only part I need, and you can only get it on rotation C of a defection mission.

yeah alright

I'm Vilkavoris


I forgot to include I was playing atlas.

It happens.

I main Limbo :^)

I'll farm with you somemore later if you want

I was mostly shitposting, but hit it up in the alliance

not in the alliance, I'm in my own with a friend tbh

Oh boy

And this it go further beyond

Anyone with the Hunhow bundle and Mirage prime: I want to see how the chest piece and leg pieces look on her. Can anyone mind putting them on so I don't waste time grinding up 500plat?

You can't buy prime bundle with plat user, only with real money.
Unless you mean mirage herself and weapons, which you can buy from other players.
This is how hunhow armor looks and colors on standard mirage model. I can't imagine it being different for prime one.
Legs are pretty fucking lame imo, I dunno why would anyone wear them.

I think he meant spending 500 on the armor, as I think the hunhow's gift pack is the only way to get it.

Naw I've got mirage prime, but I was looking into getting the bundle and wanted to see how those pieces would look on her. Thanks though. Gonna try and flip some prime mods to get a head start. and by that I mean one since I still haven't recovered the credits from the last time I went on a primed selling spree

Well it's a good compromise if you want to give your frame prime look, but don't want to spend real money or no good prime armor bundle is available.

I honestly think that current prime armor set is damn good, especially for female frames, I only didn't buy because I already have tagris which is just better in my opinion, as well as generally manlier.

What the fuck, really? I would toss 10-20 for that, //maybe//, but not the price of a brand new goddamn game

Yeah basically. Prime access is a scam.

I need a suitably medieval/"Old school" primary weapon to go with my Ballista Prime and Sancti Magistar.


It's a cosmetic that doesn't even have inherent value.
By buying it you're basically pushing "donate to steve" button and get shiny things as a good goy reward.
Boosters are there just to give a little push to whales that still are standing on the edge.

What should I mod on Galatine Prime? Crit and Status seems like a waste

Crits are the way to go. It's just a big sword with no real tricks to it.

looks like someone wanted to pour liquid shit here in this very clean general


It has both good crit and status, so you can go for either CO or crits, and even both. You can't go wrong with most of the heavy blades.

Go back.

Oh hey the cancer's gone

Bleed/Viral Crit+Status will literally rape everything.

How decent would it have been?

If I don't have Condition Overload and go for a crit build instead this is pretty decent right? Debating Weeping Wounds vs True Steel, but maybe Bloodrush is enough. I also have the Lifestrike slot open depending on how I feel about that. If I don't use Lifestrike, that's probably a good slot for True Steel right?

Weeping wounds isn't too amazing in general, so you might want to put a cold or fire dual stat in its place for a flat status up and more damage, or put a slash mod there.

I don't really see the point of not going with status, Slash procs are pretty much the strongest thing in the game right now as they bypass both armor and shields.
And all you have to do is swap life strike and organ shatter for cold/toxic dual stat mods.
This shit is so strong it doesn't even need Condition Overload.

Isn't 2x dual stat mods + Weeping Wounds a bit overkill? I already get 52% status with just dual stat mods.

I could do something like this. If I were to use lifestrike I'm not sure what to replace, maybe Organ Shatter.

100% status feels great in slow weapons.
If you use Naramon you could also swap Drifting Contact for Relentless Combination to get insane combos.

how this coming along? work in progress evidently until I get a couple more levels and a stance that doesn't blow dick

You want one? I also have Tempo Royale, but just one.

I'm too autistic to use things I didn't grind by myself

You really need Cleaving.
Then you should grind a Berserker for the atkspeed.
Nice trips.

some of this shit just isnt worth farming for. they arent expensive but they discourage new players from grinding it just to learn there is something better


that reminds me when i was trying to farm guardian derision, i ended up helping low level people in the venus survival mission, then my story touched someone on 8/2 chan and he gifted me a guardian derision mod, taunting enemies with assimilate nyx on excavation missions is fun

I'm glad you had faith user, and thank you for helping lowbies.

so after the ban you moved to Holla Forums i see

I'm in a couple places. The janitor just deleted my posts, no ban, but I got the message. Admittedly I was a little hurt at first. I've learned to be much more subtle in my positivity posting though.

haha found you

find this *toots* haha smelly haha


d-do you wonder what it smells like? haha

actually this.
one of the fags got banned for avatarfagging and now is about to do it here.

is there an official or unofficial clan? I don't have one and I don't really want to be with a bunch of strangers


So seeing as atlas is getting a rework, I though of ideas to improve him and looked at his base abilities again. And holy fuck, look at the stats on my rumblers.
So it got me thinking, since so many people incessantly ask for him to be able to wear one of his rumblers like iron skin, could you imagine how fucking amazing atlas would be if instead his rumbler just gave him the stats it has? He'd be fucking invincible and do shitloads of damage if landslide inherited the rumbler's punch damage.

What do you guys want in atlas's rework anyway? I just hope they slightly buff the rumbler's damage or tweak AI so they are super aggro, change the 3 to something else, and buff the rock wall so it has the augment as standard.

1- Don't fucking touch it. It's fine.
2- The wall synergizes with his 1 and 3, regaining health whenever you land a kill with 1 and for every enemy petrified with 3, with the amount regained linked to power strength. Also make it wider

The regaining health thing seems unnecessary and more like an augment. I think everyone agrees it just needs to be fucking bigger as it's worthless on almost every tile set and mission type except for a few grineer interception maps, which doesn't matter cause who the fuck plays interception? His 3 would be okay if you were either invuln while casting as some panic CC, or it had a much wider range and instant petrified. Another idea for the rumblers that would be good is that they take damage off you like trinity's link or shield of shadows. And for his 1, only thing I would like is to either make it castable with out a target like excal's 1 so you can use it as a movement tool, or increase base range of targeting so you can really slide around being fucking invincible.

Oh and I forgot, make petrify like frost's freeze or something so that petrification isn't a fucking detriment, cause as it stands it interrupts status effects so good fucking luck trying to kill armored enemies when they are petrified.

I've never really used snipers but I want the option and variety. How do I mod this thing, before I start slapping formas onto it?

Is Shred unnecessary because of the inherent 1.0 punch trough? With the last 2 slots, should I go for 2 elemental mods? Do I care about status chance, pure elemental might be better?
Argon Scope is probably a good choice, or Bladed Rounds. Heavy Caliber is probably kind of bad on a sniper.

Primed Chamber so half your shots get extra huge damage

what the fuck are you doing put 2 elementals and argon scope or bladed rounds if you cant aim for shit

His 2, 3 and 4 are all shit.
I hope his 4 gets changed into an exalted blade clone, summons are, and will always be, shit.
His 1 needs a buff to status chance or to deal finisher damage because the damage is terrible against armored enemies.
He should be able to wear his 2 like Volt does with his barrier, but more like an armor, giving him big boy defensive stats and status immunity.
His 3 could be a toogle and dead petrified enemies would drop hp/energy orbs, Atlas is really energy hungry so something like this would be nice and synergy well with his landslide spam.