So there's 1 female for every 100 or so males on Holla Forums and generally across all imageboards.
How do you explain that?
So there's 1 female for every 100 or so males on Holla Forums and generally across all imageboards.
How do you explain that?
Other urls found in this thread:
Women are smart enough to stay away from this shit.
Got a source on that OP? iirc it was something closer to 20% at least on 4chinz, although /soc/ might have skewed that a bit
many of women's social advantages stem from being identified and acknowledged as women and most women understand that, so anonymity is less attractive.
also they are vastly less likely to have autism
Men are more likely to be interested in technology due to social pressure at young ages causing women to believe deep technical knowledge is masculine, and that things such as video games are 'boys toys.'
Women still use services such as YouTube, Facebook, and more, but they don't tread much further than that due to this social pressure.
Not a feminist, or even a woman, just my personal observations.
Imageboards are for autists and outcasts who are disproportionately male
Kwa women are too busy riding cock, pushing men out of industries, collecting money from the state and spending money online shopping to talk about leftist politics/economics. To be fair most nu-male men are too
burn the kwa
There are a lot of outcast women too.
I find the last image very arousing to the point of possibly fetish. Is this a thing? Maybe reverse-bimboification or some shit? Pretty hot progression tbh fam.
Yes but they don't care about politics. and even as outcasts they tend to go somewhere where they are recognized as being women, the ones who somehow end up on chans end up on boards where you can claim an identity and get some attention like /soc/ /cgl/ Holla Forums..
Case in point : Hoochie
Yes brother, the fire rises
Last survey we did showed there were a lot more women than that. Still not close to half, but it's an image board. We actually have more women than r/socialism so I feel like that counts for something. We also have a very large number of trans users.
Because you pulled that out of your ass.
But yes, less women because chans are for lonely weirdos and there are less women around that are lonely weirdos.
good for you
The only thing the roasties use the internet for is to read makeup reviews, buy Bruno Mars tickets, and be jealous of their friends on kikebook.
can confirm
I think Holla Forums has more women than most other boards, our polls showed that but those really aren't reliable.
If I had to explain the phenomenon I'd say it's probably because robots drive away women with their faggotry.
Stuff like probly doesn't help. Women can be autists, but over-eager Holla Forumsacks are a special breed with unique powers of repulsion that ripple not only through their personal lives but the internet as well.
Begone, demons!
Easy, men are more likely to have autism than women:
how bout you lemme suck dem titties bitch
Women are normies by nature.
Also you can't attention whore on an image board the same way you can on social media cancer sites which decrease even more their interest.
I believe it's about an 80:20 ratio.
Also, not posting best version.
Stop trying to make this board into lefty r9k.
don't let pol know are secret plan, their feeble white minds aren't ready.
I know a least 6 girls that go here.
Everything you said is wrong. Holla Forums is more diverse than reddit. Although Holla Forums has us beaten.
apart from catgirl (she doesnt even post here anymore) and hoochie there is no other girls ITB
catgirl literally posted here two days ago
A transhumanist lesbian used to post here and maybe still does. There was also the Satanist chick. And me, but I have no Holla Forums identity.