How the fuck are the Dems going to deal with this? The only possible win I see is Nevada, the rest of the midwest is vulnerable to the GOP. If Trump goes full populist, I can see the midwest going red.
2018 Midterms
Who the fuck cares what happens to the dems at this point.
Hopefully, the dems don't deal with it and they cease to exist as a party within 10 years.
The thing about Trump is that everybody in politics is so wildly unpopular that even at 35-40% support, Trump would still be wildly more popular than the Republican party, Democrat party, and most politicians from those parties. So Trump has a lot of leeway and running away from Trump or running with Trump doesn't even matter anymore for the GOP as the Dems have become so utterly hated across vast stretches of this country (and are making the situation worse everyday).
It's pretty much the same situation we had in the past, but reversed, where the GOP was such a poisonous brand that the very existence of another party guaranteed success.
The US is a weird place.
He's further left than the democrats in most things that matter.
By losing, which is the only thing they're good at.
Bring on Republican control of enough states to call a Constitutional Convention. Tear down the entire welfare state, pass a balanced budget amendment, privatize everything, and do away with all forms of protection for minorities and gays. Do it, you fucking bitches. People wanted an ultra-reactionary government, so fucking give it to them.
Bye Democrats! Bye bye!
We want it to go Red. We want the entire country to be reactionary. Turn America into a demon, an unstoppable firestorm. Let it rage for a decade, until the whole world hates us so passionately that we collapse from their collective spite energy.
When Sam says "Israel's going BYE BYE" at the end of the TED talk at Rutgers I had a Satori experience.
Who fucking cares what the Democratic Party is going to do after we've destroyed it? Get your bourg-tier chattering "politics" back to reddit.
we aren't destroying shit lel
they are finished m8. they will only lose ground.
Maine is still pretty Leftists.
I would love to see the Democratic party collapse and the Republicans take full control of the government. The liberals would have a full-on meltdown, even mainline democrats would probably turn into smashies. There would be an epic clusterfuck while the military splinters as some of the military sides with the citizens and some sides with the government as martial law is imposed. Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure the dumpster is finally going to catch fire.
The democratic party has invested everything they have into serving the coastal elitists, university students, and minorities
This has allowed the republican party to take over vast geographical areas by targeting rural places and middle america, gerrymandering, and id laws.
So, now the republicans control pretty much every branch of government.
Despite the media reeeeing about trump 24/7, his base enjoys when he shits on the media, and they enjoy he at least attempts or actually gets done the things he promised on the campaign trail, trump is not managerial thats for sure.
If the economy starts booming after 4 years of trump being the daddy of american corporations then that will be a big plus too.
And most people are disgusted with the liberals incessant obsession with idpol.
The DNC is corrupt institution controlled by the donor class, instead of having to face facts they lost, they lost the rustbelt.
They keep reeeeeeing about russia.
Isnt it funny how things change?
The media was saying the republicans were dying, but actually its the democrats who will probably become a rump party.
The people who lost to the host of the apprentice and a wwe hall of famer still control the democratic party.
And froze out a muslim from being head of the DNC because he was slightly critical of Israel.
My predictions: 2020 democratic primaries will be a blood bath, the DNC will steal it for a neoliberal again, trump wins lol.
Instead of realizing they are neoliberal scum, they will move the party further to the right. I expect the Democrats to give up on being anti gun, maybe they might become more religious and cast out the atheists.
They're going to give the wins to the Republicans.
Dey dun goofed…
That would be so american.
If trump wins again in 2020 and the republicans control everything, the DNC are going to be owned so hard its going to be like when Reagan won and it forced the democrats to become neoliberals.
The republican party are going to turn into nationalists.
The democratic party are going to turn into the republicans circa 1980
And, i have said it before, the only way to change the democratic party is to destroy it, put pressure on it, make it completely irrelevant.
Its a lost cause, maybe after it dies a third party will emerge and the leftists can take it over
Could see this happening. We should get the listening liberals to stop wasting time on the "Blue Midterms" and focus those efforts on propaganda and agitation.
The democrats will not give up being anti gun because that would actually give them a shot at electoral success and they're not smart enough for that.
Maybe the answer is we all need to eat moar lobster rather than demonise it as 'a meal of the bourgeois plutocrats'
It's time to start up massive lobster farms all across the coasts!
They really only have themselves to fault for that too. They intentionally ignored these areas.
Considering how many lolbergs hate Johnson, it'd be funny to meme him going again and ejecting the tinfoilers and picking up all the berners and potheads. Once he's formed the new party, he can then be tossed out. His bizarre and seemingly random support for cherry-picked neolib platforms would be a burden by that time
Wait, Ellison didn't get through? lmao!
Really are dead set on losing.
oh gawd another NY elitist!
lol @ throwing a bone to the Berners by making him deputy though.
I really wish Boxer and Feinstein had left after Milk got shot. It's pretty obvious they keep pushing everyone to the anti-gun shit because they're still all PTSD about it.
seriously, they always push good cops out of investigations for 'being too close,' why not bad polichickens?
Will that even make a difference?
t. perez
War between the Sanders progressives and the neoliberal elite is inevitable at this point. I expect 2018 to be littered with the corpses of establishment democrats.
can't believe anyone still thinks this. tf is wrong with you
My greatest hope is that they get fucked up even more than before so an avenue for a third party finally opens up to overtake them.
There's no way that's going to happen. All the big banks warned we have another recession coming within the year last October and we're almost overdue for one since 2008 anyway. Since we still haven't returned to pre-2008 wages and employment it's likely to be bad–maybe bad enough to be a Depression. Trump will be the next Hoover. The question is whether we'll get more Keynesian bullshit after him or whether we'll be able to finally defeat capital and move on this time.
People were "DemExiting" in mass on Facebook again after they elected Tom Perez.
Appropriate. The Democrats just gave progressives a huge middle finger.
Depends in part on how hard jeff "if only the KKK didn't smoke weed" sessions goes against legal marijuana and if dems are willing to go "we will defend your weed, 420 lmao"
If the DNC fails to rig the election for their establishment darling this time, be prepared for a "New Deal" Democrat President in 2020.
You have to realize that the reason why the DNC isn't changing course is because the establishment corporate shills within the party (the majority of the party) know that they would be out of a job if Ellison was the head of the DNC. Just like they knew that they would be out of a job if Bernie Sanders was their candidate. That's why they rigged the election for Hillary.
You retarded?
His family businesses sure say otherwise.
yeah lol lets run america to shit so you can feel better about yourself and pretend communism will totally rise after it
Zizek has said that this kind of populist shit does make the economy better for a short while, it will fuck shit up later on but that iwll be after Trump and we are going to need another Obama to fix it only to repeat the circle
Obama didn't fix shit.
The Democrats won't be going away anytime soon, they are still the party of multinational corporations and urban professionals who benefit from globalization, free trade and existing tax/regulatory frameworks.
Republicans are more the party of domestic SMEs who want to roll back regulation and cut labor costs in a desperate attempt to remain profitable.
Neither constituency is going away anytime soon, even another economic crash would see them digging in their heels to hold on to power. Populism on either the left or right lacks the money to make inroads as a separate electoral force.
Don't ever forget that 45% of people did not vote in the 2016 election. The Republicans and the Democrats have their bases, sure. But now we have such a staggering proportion of the population that rejects both parties that if they were organized into a political force they would constitute a winning plurality. A point Jill Stein was fond of making last election is that if people suffering from college debt alone were convinced to go out and support a third party they would sway the election in their favor. Independents and Millenials are the voters that leftists should be going after because they comprise the largest blocks of people that don't even vote.
tbh this is the only way I see the American left not staying complacent.
True, they are destroying themselves. The fucking cunts.
It's not US that are running America to shit. It's the Republican (and Dem) agendas. And that the Dems are fucking shitty, corrupt, and incapable of moving left.
Probably not, no.
Hey, stop bashing my state fags.
The Democrats' only real path to victory involves recapturing the upper Midwest. Every American election is basically the New England bloc and its descendant, the West Coast, fighting with the Deep South bloc over the minds of the Midwest and Appalachia. Democrats aren't going to win Appalachia any time soon, so their only path to victory is recapturing the upper Midwest. You would think the Democrats would understand this by now, but they have shown themselves to be nothing if not fucking retarded. They aren't even competent at being a porky party.
That would take an incredible amount of work. Pushing liberalism doesn't work in the Midwest since liberal conservatism already pervades many of the states.
Wisconsin, Michigan, and the like had been Dem states for a long time, Hillary didn't even attempt to campaign there because it was assumed to be in the bag. How retarded can you be?
They also lost fucking Pennsylvania. How the fuck do you lose Pennsylvania?
by ignoring the working class, and being just the blue team of cappie scum
It cannot be exaggerated how much Midwestern Democrats hate Hillary.
I'm sure many life-long Democrats voted for Trump just to fuck her.