Is someone who owns stocks part of the bourgeoisie?

Is someone who owns stocks part of the bourgeoisie?

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My personal interpretation is that you're not necessarily bourgeois just for owning stocks, but rather, you're just an extended pawn of Porky's grand scheme by playing into the big stock game.

I never understood this. How are dogs supposed to be cute past the puppy phase?

get out weirdo

Clearly, you've never owned a dog before.

Do you seriously find those dogs in OP's pic to be cute? Explain your opinion

They're Shiba Inus. Enough said.

Why would I? They're useful working animals but as pets they're actually pretty shit. I don't need them to herd sheep or retrieve game or sniff out drugs, so why would I get a dog?

Yeah, I've heard that they're especially temperamental and difficult dogs. And I refer you back to my previous post:

Yes, CEOs are Labour aristocracy and hence proles.
stock owners are pettit-bourgeois at least.

All Non-Shibe canines should be cleansed from the genepool.

They are either petite-bourgeois, or they really want to be.

Not unless they earn enough from the stocks that they don't have to work for a living, otherwise every prole with a pension fund would be bourgeois.

You're also one of those faggots who thinks traps are gay, right?

They're not a prole in the sense that factory workers are but they're not bougie like a small business owner is. If they own majority shares in companies which are so profitable they can cash out and live off of it then they are bougie. If not they are basically just a slightly advantaged prole who is classcucking other proles.

Come on, user, get that stick out of your ass. Doggos are comfy. Even as a cat person, I acknowledge the benefits of dogs.


Fuck off, Porky. Don't be so specieist.

Tankies like you belong on Holla Forums. You're almost as bad as the dog-slave-driver over here.

Stock market speculation is bourgie, but I would not persuade you to not own stocks if you happen to be skillful at it and it helps you make income.

Seeing as owning stocks is part of quite a few retirement plans or other investments, not really. Stockholders on average probably are better off than the average prole but still have to sell labor for wages to survive.


You're the only spooked one here, fucking tankie. Animals exist for the same reason as humans… they just



The 1963 soviet film The Share Holder answers that question.

But you too are spooked. Humans are animals. In fact, I see no reason why humans should be considered "more conscious" than lots of other animals.

How are traps not gay? It's a penis, if are a man who likes jerking off to penises you are gay. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that though, but it pays to be honest.

There's no stick. I understand that people have different tastes and opinions and you are absolutely welcome to enjoy your inferior pets. I'm just saying I'm unconvinced, that in my opinion they don't seem like great pets at all.

Not even though

Sure, but even then their fur isn't soft. It's invariably coarse and uncomfortable.

There are plenty of ways to do this, dogs don't stand out as special in this way

Again, I don't find that to be cute.

Yes, because of hijacked pack instincts. They're loyal because they see you as the pack leader and because on top of that they've been bred to be that way.

If this is true I haven't seen it personally. 99% of dogs I've had to be close to have smelled bad.

All three of those points still sound terrible, plus even if they have fewer germs than humans (which I find doubtful, considering the kind of stuff they eat at times and how comparatively diligent most humans are with dental hygiene) still have awful breath

But dogs are literally bred by humans to be the ideal slaves. They actually enjoy doing things like help us hunt because it has been ingrained into them both deliberately through artificial selection and naturally through canine pack instincts.

I mean do you honestly think that sheepdogs hate running around and barking at sheep? They don't have a choice, but unlike with humans they're happy to serve. Applying human morality to other species is a pointless exercise, also I will always put human needs above animal needs.

Dude, I agree with you but please don't respond to tankie b8.

This is true about wild animals, but domesticated animals (including dogs) have literally been genetically engineered to fulfill human desires. The exception of course is cats, because they're not fully domesticated and because their arrangement with humanity is (or at least was originally) a mutualistic one which they entered voluntarily.